Literally WHAT is preventing Dreamworks from making a sequel or even a brand new feature biblical film ?

Literally WHAT is preventing Dreamworks from making a sequel or even a brand new feature biblical film ?

It's not like the holy scriptures have no other stories

And it would still be much, much better than all the sub-par crap they have been releasing for decades

I want to see the accounts of Jonas, Salomon, Abraham, Esther, Paul and Noah in the same style as the Prince of Egypt

What I DON'T want to see Is a film about trolls or purple aliens or babies in black suits

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Don't play well in China

Why not

The movie industry is heavily anti-religion. Only satires of it are allowed.

Authoritarians cracking down on anything that could be more important than the state or galvanize social action - same reason they throw Mislims in camps or trt to control Buddhism in Tibet.

They did make a sequel
It was straight to VHS
It kinda sucked
Also Dreamworks veered away from 2D animation pretty hard once Shrek was successful.

The government is anti religion, but the locals aren't

Joseph is an ancestor to Moses, thus a prequel

They don't have any God worshipping Jews over there, just the money worshipping ones.

Why should they? To be honest, the West has only made two great animated movie in the recent years (Coco and Kubo, Spiderverse maybe too) and most people only liked the latter even if most normies didn't even bother watching it. Why even try to make a solid movie if most great movies don't get acknowledged by high revenues? Why try to make an animated movie with a compelling story if people only care about Disney? I loved it back when Disney had to actually work for its money and people weren't such blind company loyalists


So were the Egyptian Gods in that movie real or not?

The movie itself is also pretty anti-religion. Yaweh is a dick.

Wow Yea Forums is on point probably because it's on Hulu but I wanted to come and make a prince of egypt thread

>Prince of Egypt
How would that work? Just have an entire movie of Moses walking a desert?

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I thought it was okay.

They did. It sucked.

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no idiot but there are many more stories that would be very nice to see in this style I'm with OP on this

Biblical stuff and Christianity in general is on a all time low, you're automatically linked to white supremacists if you even touch the subject in the big media.

Not trying to be pol, but you just asked why and that's it, it's a bad timing for biblical stuff

>Easter worshipers

Like what?
Do you even know how fucked the Old Testament is? I mean I guess you could do another sanitized version of Noah's Ark.

There literally a new batch of Christian movies every year, hell one just came out about a kid who fell through ice because he was a dumb little shit and saved via God or something.

Also there would be more if Christian media weren't half-assed sermons disguised as entertainment

>Do you even know how fucked the Old Testament
yes, have you seen this movie? they show damn near everything. Besides the resurrection of Jesus would be a good one. Never said it had to solely be based on the old testament.

>literally a new batch of Christian movies every year,
Usually made by the same people. Which studio/production company/whatever group made the one you’re talking about being recent?

magic and spiritism come from demons

Pharoah did nothing wrong.

I'd like to see somebody tackle an Animated Book of Job.

Stop being a child and explain how the new movies are actually good
>generic 3D models mostly devoid of a unique style (Coco, Kubo, and Spiderverse are outliers in that regard)
>political agendas all over the place
>music is forgettable
>stories are generic and always require twists to make people think that the movies are actually good (Frozen, Zootopia)

>stories are generic and always require twists to make people think that the movies are actually good
This right here is why i can never enjoy twists anymore, I see them coming a mile away and even if I don't it never offers the pay off you wanted.

You have to actually care, this is the one case where you can avoid all the trouble with things like 'people getting upset it's bibley' or 'people getting upset it's not bibley enough' or 'you changed some stuff to make it a good movie'
but you have to actually care, you can't just pretend to care, or hire people who claim to care on their resume
good luck finding anyone with any real respect for the good book who works in any kind of media, and is willing to put the work in nowadays.

Would the sequel have Joshua getting a sword from god and killing the shit out of some desert tribes to found Isreal?

The CCP censorship board is extremely opposed to even innocuous displays of the Abrahamic religions in foreign cinema, let alone movies based heavily on them.

That was more of a Prequal as Joseph was Moses predecessor and ancestor as well.

>Joseph Multicolored Dream Coat.
the animation quality was worse. the songs were worse (except You Belong to Egypt was ok). the story was harder for modern people to empathize. PoE message was, "slavery is bad". JTDC message was, "slavery is kind of OK if your master is nice".

I have no skill with anything other than winning 2nd place in a writing contest. I still like to think I have enough talent and love for this book and father above that I could write it an in interesting way to work. Pretty sure Moses was no "brothers" with the Pharaoh. Even if it has been ten years since I actually read the it front to back

the CCP only allows a select number of foreign films to be seen in theaters. everything else can only be pirated.

I agree. 70s, 80s, 90s, and even early 00s movies rarely relied on twists but rather had great stories and characters who made up for not having any "surprises". Now, people actually rely on not being spoilered to enjoy a movie which usually means that the movie itself doesn't have any other interesting things about it

And thats why its called an authoritarian state.

Why was this scene so kino, Yea Forums? How big is this Whale Shark?

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Looks a bit like a porno.

Best animated film ever

That BGM!


The water movement on that scene it's freaking awesome

Veggietales already mogged them out of all the stories