Dedicate an entire spinoff to newly introduced characters

>dedicate an entire spinoff to newly introduced characters
What was IDW thinking?

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When's their book coming out, anyway?

Preview comes out tonight

The only reason I can think is waifus. Give me a Knuckles and Rouge book.

God, they look like they fuck Eggman

i wanna fuck the lemur

Can't develop the main cast too far beyond their recognizable state, so make two new characters to build.
Not a hard thing to grasp.

Around this time the Freedom Fighters were well defined enough to get spinoff books.
Except they were in like 20 stories where Whisper and Tangle have been in like, two.

>What was IDW thinking?
Ken Penders

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Rouge has her own book soon

Lemur is hot as fuck

Knuckles will never get another spin-off comic again because of

They could have developed the characters first or still wrote a fun story with an existing character.

No she doesn't.
You mean Rogue.

so they can have lesbians without touching the official cast


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Sega won't let them. They're very touchy about what writers can do with their characters ever since Penders.

Even if they just write a story where the characters don't develop?

These characters suck. You people only pretend they're good because, Furry Waifus.

Am I wrong? I'm not saying the old characters were good, just that they were well established enough by that point that it didn't seem weird for Sally to get a miniseries. Meanwhile nobody really knows who Tangle or Whisper are or what their deal is.

You've been looking at too much OFF MODEL art. She looks no different from Pearl from Steven Universe. No tits and no ass.

>IDW looking for buyers due to failing business
[You are here]
>no one buys
>IDW liquidates itself
>Sonic comics are homeless once again and will have to reboot again when they find another publisher


You're forgetting that the Freedom Fighters were also part of a two season cartoon that was airing or just finished airing (can't quite remember) at the time.
But even then, no, they weren't very well established at all. Antoine was the butt of french jokes, Rotor was a tech guy with zero personality, Nicole wasn't even a character yet and Sally's personality flipping on a whim was a problem that haunted her until the very end.
Bunnie was the only one that was even remotely established, a flirty, fun loving southern belle with a somewhat tragic backstory and actual powers by way of robot limbs.

Welcome to newfriend

>a flirty, fun loving southern belle with a somewhat tragic backstory and actual powers by way of robot limbs.
That's exactly as vague as every other character, and you're conflating an absence of established character with several instances of poor but extant characterization. The Freedom Fighters were shitty characters, but they were given far more stories to interact with others in and express their character along with establishing their (bland, basic, simple ass) personalities. Tangle and Whisper are at about the same place the Freedom Fighters were in issue 2, except without a tv show for further context. They're just as basic, but there's less content to get a feel for them. That's why people are going "huh? what? them, really?" It's not a matter of quality but a matter of a lack of content.