The Manlet is Back

Netflix orders "Inside Job", a new adult animated series from "Gravity Falls" duo Alex Hirsch & Shion Takeuchi.

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>Shion Takeuchi.
This is the first I'm hearing of hear. What has she done?

>Netflix has ordered adult animated series Inside Job from showrunner and exec producer Shion Takeuchi (Gravity Falls), her first project under her multiyear overall deal with Netflix.

>The 20-episode series is described as a “workplace comedy set in the shadow government, where every conspiracy theory — from the Illuminati to Reptoids — is true, and one woman struggles to keep the chaos under wraps.” Gravity Falls creator Alex Hirsch, who also has a lucrative deal with the streaming giant, is co-exec producer.

>After graduating from Cal Arts, Takeuchi was recruited by Pixar to work in the story department, where her credits included 2013's Monsters University and 2015's Inside Out. She then focused on writing, working on animated series including Gravity Falls — for which she shared an Annie Award writing nomination — as well as The Regular Show, Lost in Oz and Netflix's own Disenchantment.

Headline made me think Hirsch had a bigger role than executive producer - don’t think this is the main project he’s been working on

>Every conspiracy is true
Someone get the enlightened conspiracy chart out here

One it's all one conspiracy

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Considering how many of the more prominent modern ones would be considered pretty offensive by a lot of people I’m not sure “every” is going to be accurate

I really wish they released some kind of pic, hope it’s not as ugly as most adult cartoons

>adult animated series

can't wait for them to say curse words and make sex jokes ! so mature !

ahaha you're right user,come on let's lewd some chidlren cartoon characters on the drawthread

It's Hirsh the castrated faggot we are talking about. There're wont be sex, there will be politics and transrights, and possibly a feminist power fantasy that makes sinfest look misogynistic.

one of my problems with gravity falls was that it was so disneyfied. I might like this more because it'd be less censored, but it could also be a big yawnfest if it's anything like his tweets in cartoon form

>its another thread of ez pz whining about how big hirsch’s cock is compared to his own

hyped desu
but Hirsch politics is so insufferable

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Those are not good credits. the one good show is miswritten.

>The Regular Show

He's got nothing to do with the production, he's just EPing

That shouldn't bother me as much as it does.

Is that the one where there's an iceberg and as you go down it gets more and more...weird?

one of my problems with gravity falls was that it was so disneyfied

I fail to see the issue

>SCP Show but with an actual budget
Might be cool.


I can't tell if this is coming in the absolute best or worst time considering there is a slow rise of skepticism over everyday life from flat earth, anti-vax to school shooting being staged.

Like, it says ALL conspiracies are true but will the show have the guts to go that line and make jokes about how the Jews really do rule the world or vaccinations are meant to control the population?

It's the sort of synopsis that can only work if you're willing to go REALLY dark with it and I'm not sure if Hirsch is willing to go to that extent.

well they got away with plenty of stuff because it was on disney xd

I still feel like it could have been a better show if it wasn't always trying to be family friendly

Knowing what he posts on twitter, I think he is.

>SCP Show but with an actual budget
>Netflix animated show with a budget
Ha ha ha ha ha good one

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So this is to Gravity Falls what Close Enough is to Regular Show.

hirsch has a terrible sense of humour

Why ?

Agreed, I can't help but feel with Hirsch in charge, the show will end up being really toothless.
If the show really dug deep into conspiracy theories, it would inevitably lead to some dark humour, and I don't see Hirsch having the stomach for it.
We'll see stuff to the extent of "Trump is secretly a lizard" and that's it.

I just remember hearing a few times they got fucked by standards and practices and had to change lines or gags, I could never tell exactly what had to change, but overall the show felt like it had a little too much executive meddling.

>Hirsh, preparing to infect everyone at Netflix with STDs (circa 2019)

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>Shion Takeuchi

Sounds like a fusion of two characters from my favorite manga. Too bad it got cancelled. Fuck you Houbunsha.

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So it's animated X Files? I'm fine with that.

Just play Deus Ex. If the show falls short of that and is basically an office ripoff with DUDE AYY LMAO, then its a failure.

The days of X-Files innocent spooks are long gone, if you aren't willing to go all the way then you're just wasting peoples' time.


Looks like boring ass CGDCT shit. Glad it got axed.

>he 20-episode series is described as a “workplace comedy set in the shadow government, where every conspiracy theory — from the Illuminati to Reptoids — is true, and one woman struggles to keep the chaos under wraps.”
Yeah, that sounds like Hirsch's wheelhouse. Hopefully he doesn't force DRUMMMPFFF into it.

The conspiracies won't dare touch upon anything with a remote plausibility, ie comet pizza or the jewish control of mass media. It will literally just all be "DRUMPF COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA" tier shit.

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They likely won't touch on any of the interesting ones either, like The Family, HAARP, Dyatlov Pass or The Mothman.
It will be the same safe Bigfoot, ayylamo, ghosts that we always get.

What is a good looking adult cartoon made since Family Guy?

they wouldn't touch the real ones either like NXIVM or the Eight Goddesses
they don't have the balls

Suck Alex Hirsch's circumcised dick.

This one?

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Here. I think this is not even the biggest one.

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>the Eight Goddesses
Of all the things the trump election distracted from, that's the one I still can't believe they got away with

>president of south korea turns out to unironically be part of a fucking witch cult that factually fucking killed a bunch of people on a boat, some shit right out of a fucking cyberpunk anime plot
>shit got so heated that people actually brought fucking guillotines to the town square
>the fucking CEO of samsung went to jail
>there was effectively martial law in the country for a while with the cult going out publicly and basically going full gestapo doublethink and ruining lives

>they got away with everything because nobody cared

I thought the president and lots of other officials were forced to resign?

I never heard any followup news

People just thought that was the plot for the new Hideo Kojima game

Yeah, I found at least two more of these.

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Venture brothers

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I’m one of the few on Yea Forums who didn’t sperg out about gravity falls but I am worried about Alex doing an adult show where he can say pretty much everything. He at least had to be subtle when making a show for kids.

Hope he doesn't end up like John K and Adult Party

Thanks a lot; I'm back in /x/ archives trying to figure out what some of them are. Fucking Finland, man.

Having to work around censorship boundaries for kids can actually make the writing more creative. With adult humor he can do almost anything so unless he exercises the same amount of precision it’s going to be garbage.

they were just puppets that was the problem, the heads got away with it

Wait, is Hirsch a castrated church boy in our meme lore? Last time I was here he was a sex addict who fucked every girl in the industry. Make up ur mind user!

I'm looking forward to this, though I'm hoping Alex and Nefcy hook up on this or another project at some point. They'd probably put out an interesting product, that's for sure.

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I’m guessing there might be “lizard man can’t stop eating babies” jokes, which seems in line with a show with a 9/11 joke in the title.

>show by new creator Shion Takeuchi
>everyone talking about Hirsch who is just a co-producer and probably barely involved

Why are we talking about Hirsch? Let’s get some dirt on who Shion is. Any lewds?

I guess it might be good?
Gravity Falls was genuinely good, so Hirsh must have some talent in himself, right?

Why do people fucking love Alex Hirsch so much? At best, his style of humor is SOMETIMES funny. Otherwise, he's bland, forgettable, and typically goes with the flow. He doesn't have a charming unique sense of humor like Chapman Brothers, he doesn't tell stories that are interesting like Gennady Tartavosky. Even Rebecca Sugar, for as much shit as Yea Forums gives her, you could point out something she has made because she has a distinct finger print.

Hirsch is just a regular wave-rider but gets praised as some revolutionary cartoon creator. Is this literally just a case of, "Right place, right time" for Gravity Falls to have aired during a cartoon drought for his reputation to get boosted?

He's pretty much the textbook socially adept normie. He's not exceptional, but he stands out in a crowd of maladjusted weirdos with a chip on their shoulder, knows how to grease the right elbows without coming off like a bootlicker, and generally writes material that's just good enough to not be functionally and noticeably bad.

Between this thread and the other recent conspiracy themed one, I'm enjoying Yea Forumsx/. Certainly more than I ever enjoyed /x/.

I'm not looking forward to this

I actually kind of feel bad this lady is getting the spotlight stolen from her own product because Hirsch's name is attached. Maybe she doesn't give a shit, but if I had a show greenlit and was labelled as showrunner but someone else got the credit, I'd be annoyed.


>you now realize this show has been in development long enough to have RUSSIAN DRUMPF stories despite it being proven wrong

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they're still trying to impeach him
they'll never admit they were wrong

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Deus Ex: Animated?

You're setting yourself up for disappointment. You know damn well they won't get into real shit.

watch this and weep that Yea Forums will never have anything like this

>Bovine Hormone Therapy
>Urine Fasting
>Human Zoo Conditioning
>Several HRT chemicals used for transgender sex reassignment come from cultivated and synthetic hormones discovered in in cattle. >Witches of old used female cow urine (especially when the cows were pregnant) for HRT-like effects and to drug people into being complacent over time.
>Several shows especially trended towards kids such as Steven Universe have had episodes about humanity being turned into zoo animals/livestock mentality but glorify it rather than show the horror of it.
>Combine a drugged out follow the leader mentality made by HRT along with programming to be herded in a Zoo by "benevolent" extraterrestial overlords is an actual zeitgeist taught to the children today

You can even chalk up indigo children into SU since they're supposed to be autistic jesus children like Steven who will either usher a world of peace via connecting everyone's minds (Steven's empathy/mind control) or just brainwash us into sheeple.

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>and one woman struggles to keep the chaos under wraps
sounds like shit

Want to think about something fun? Here:

Do you really think people spending money on mass marketed media seriously just pick artists at random, or through a meritocracy? Do you think they don't put some of their money into institutions, organizations, and events meant to weed out people who aren't with the program? Do you think the artists are even aware of how socially conditioned they are, to the point where they really don't question why they're getting ahead, even when their parents are friends with really weirdly affluent people?

Artists are some of the least free people on the planet. It happens time and time again, look at how many people involved in early videogame development had family members involved with the military. Its legitimately something like 9 times out of 10. Commercial artist are usually just families of people consolidated into key locations who get pushed into it as a matter of course, they get ideas that were never truly theirs to begin with, and are basically pushed into being useful idiots to push a part of a greater agenda without them ever being the wiser.

In truth, the only truly successful art has always been propaganda of one kind or another. Its not always nefarious, but there's no such thing as an artist just expressing themselves, there's way more to it than that.

T. professional gaslighter.

fuck off star fag

Dyatlov Pass is perfect material for a movie, I wonder why nobody's jumped on it?

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>Shion Takeuchi

Looks like a tranny.

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There's a game about it. Kholat.

>T. professional gaslighter.

Can't just drop something like that without saying howdy. Give me more stories

That's only because you've never seen a woman and are obsessed with tranny porn.

putin was probably in charge of testing whatever killed those hikers.
Think he's going to let people poke around his shallow graves?

Nope. I'll throw you a bone though: There's plenty of work like this in both the public and private sectors, and organized crime never really went away so much as adapted to the times. Look into city planning especially. What other profession gives you complete carte blanche on organizing whoever you want to go to wherever you want without anyone noticing?

>pro-war Buddhism
>Elisa Lam
>Lost Watergate Tapes
>Ancient History happened in the middle ages
Well these ones are at least sort of real

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>golf rumors episode

Ballmasterz 9009 looks fucking amazing

hard pass, i'm guessing it'll be full of politics shit

Based and Rosspilled Deus Ex player

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If they suceed in impeaching Trump but he wins 2020 then his approval will go up like President Clinton's

What are the odds that the manlet and his new fuckbuddy's show comes out before the gremlin's?

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>Why are we talking about Hirsch
For the same reason we credit tim burton for shit he didn't make. Like it or not hirsch is a big name.

>proven wrong
Looks like someone can’t read a report

>They got away with everything because nobody cared
Who got away with it specifically? Tons have been sent to prison over this, some for sentences of decades

Since most adult animation suck, what about we talk about some good conspiracy fiction stuff?
>The invisibles
>Illuminatus Trilogy
>SciADV If you are willing to read beyond just S;G
>Deus Ex

>the most thorough and ballbusting investigation in this country's history with people who specialize in finding ANYTHING that could condemn someone
>they found NOTHING
>b-but there's still a chance...

Metal Gear

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How come everything conspiracy related has to be contemporary? Where's muh historical conspiracy or ancient conspiracy stories?

Kojima is a hack but when he nails it he fucking nails it.

I'm a big fan of Cold War era conspiracies myself. And of course there's also stuff like Phantom Time and Templars if you want ye olde political fuckery.

He sounds like Elizabeth Warren

This is clearly a psyops to make people accepting of an all powerful government that keeps secrets from the people.

Well, more accepting.




How do people take this schlock seriously?

Lol u haven’t read anything have you. Mueller concluded there was massive obstruction of justice, and deferred choosing the punishment to congress. They also concluded that Russia did hack voting machines and the DNC, and that Trump encouraged them to do so publicly and privately and lied about it after. He also publicly and privately told his team to lie to federal investigators. You know like an innocent person would. The contstant alignment with Russia & support of Russia’s interests was ruled by Mueller to not be against the law, even though it was super disloyal to America and we would have nuked the White House if Obama had done it. So he wasn’t “exonerated” of his treasonous behavior, it was proven, it just wasn’t technically illegal. Re: obstruction, that’s absolutely proven, even without Mueller, he intimidates witnesses and lies on Twitter daily. Luckily the dems in Congress are too weak to move with this info.

Some of these are just too unusual to not look into.

I think Hirsch’s name is there intentionally as a selling point so it’s probably what she expected, she’s not particularly well known so it’s there to sell the idea like M. Night Shyamalan‘s name on that Devil elevator movie. Dan Harmon also got most of the credit in the media for Rick & Morty at first before people realized Roiland did the main voices and got famous on his own

>dat pivot towards obstruction

So you are jettisoning the claim he colluded with Russia?


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How did Hirsch become such a big name? He only made one cartoon and only 2 seasons. Why is he so famous, both in the industry and here on Yea Forums where people are obsessed with him?

nuff said, tranny

Yeah, but I do bot claim myself to be mature for doing those things

Jealous, Luke?

lol you’re so much of a faggot for cock that you won’t watch something with a female in it

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Read what I wrote dummy. He absolutely colluded with Russia and the report proves it. He directed Russia, accepted their help, served their interests, used their hacks, and lied for them with Putin on love TV. “Collusion” however isn’t a crime, and it never was. “Conspiracy” is a crime and largely Mueller concluded that Trumps team was too incompetent to effectively pull one of those off. However, we all know Trump sucking Putin’s dick is horrifying. Imagine if Obama directed Russia, accepted their help, served their interests, used their hacks, and lied for them with Putin on live TV, to beat a political opponent. Just because it isn’t a crime doesn’t mean it isn’t a total horror show and national security risk. Obstruction however is a crime, as is the campaign finance violation he committed when he payed a porn star hush money through his lawyer using campaign funds.

TFW you don’t understand an issue well enough to write a single thing about it

I’m OP and I’m well aware of what a cancer Luke is on Yea Forums but I’m a fan of GF and I find “manlet” to just be a funny meme inherent to this board more than anything, I wish him well on his endeavors

Oh goody, Mr ''Antifas are the good guys'' Hirsch is back, gee, i wonder if its gonna be another shitshow like Gravity Falls S2, i wonder if we are gonna have another male bashing episode.

that fucker was dead when he virtue signlaed HARD to the SJWs when Antifas were harrassing innocents.

Please show me a screencap of Hirsch explicitly supporting antifa or trannies. I’ll wait

>created a boundary-pushing cartoon that can be enjoyed by both children and adults alike
>said cartoon paved the future of Disney’s TV animation division (SvtFoE, DuckTales, Amphibia, The Owl House)
>is one of the few show creators to have stayed on their own show from beginning to end, making their influence on said show unmistakable
>went above and beyond to voice as many characters in his own show as he possibly could—and fucking nailing each role—to the point where he has a side hustle doing voice over (Rick and Morty, SvtFoE, We Bare Bears)
>has connections all throughout the industry, from his CalArts pals (Pen Ward, JG Quintel, Daron Nefcy, Pat McHale) to the many talented artists who worked on his show (Ian Worrel, Joe Pitt, Rob Renzetti, Matt Braly, Sean Jimenez, Michael Rianda, Simpsons veteran Josh Weinstein, etc., ETC.) to the friends he’s made along the way (Justin Roiland, Phil Lord & Chris Miller) to fellow show creators impressed by his work (Rebecca Sugar, Ian JQ) to industry vets (James Fucking Baxter, Glen Goddamn Keane, Craig Holy-Shit McCracken, Jorge Madre-de-Dios Gutierrez, etc.)
Whether you like him or not, he’s becoming Walter Disney-levels of powerful in the animation industry.

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Honestly, most of what's on Adult Swim, not counting the stuff that looks terrible on purpose.

dup btfo

I've seen more edge, risks and consequences in shows like Darkwing Duck then GF

Kojima might be a hack but he sure as hell doesn't write schlock. MGS 2 predicted the current state of online discourse.
>Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum. They stay inside their little ponds leaking whatever "truth" suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large. The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.
And that "create context" shit sure does sound like Facebook deciding what's true in the name of preventing the spread of "misinformation," doesn't it?

You know there's a bunch of conspiracy shit that isn't entirely political right?

Why is Tier 3 Eyeless Jack?

This sounds like trash and I know the exact kind of normie it's probably designed to appeal to. All of my shitlib friends are obsessed with Alex Jones, 9/11 truthers etc. "ironically." Basically half of their jokes boil down to "I can't believe people arrive at different conclusions than the ones our media elites tell them they're supposed to." This is apparently the pinnacle of shitlib normie comedy. They will amuse themselves for hours on end with just this. "Orange man bad" would be one thing, but it's just "unorthodoxy bad" spammed over and over again.
>workplace comedy set in the shadow government, where every conspiracy theory — from the Illuminati to Reptoids — is true
I Can't Believe Everyone Doesn't Think the Same as Me and My Hollywood Friends: the Show
Believing in conspiracy theories is fine but being a "fan" of them, ironically or otherwise, is for the kind of retards who put that shit in their tinder bios. With all of that said though I want to fuck Mabel

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>Yea Forums alien photo
oh man that was a fun day

I didn’t love GF but you’re flat wrong. The degree of continuity for a half hour comedy animation series for kids was revolutionary when GF came out, preceeding AT SU and the entire binge model. Plus the show has tons of stuff that pushed the censors further than the channel had ever gone before. There was nothing like GF in the kids space before and now there’s copycats everywhere (V&V being the latest example)

Jesus if you’re that triggered by just a one sentence episode description I can’t wait to watch you shit your diapers when the show comes out

TLDR, girls won’t fuck you because you think the earth is flat

I don't even have netflix

>The degree of continuity for a half hour comedy animation series for kids was revolutionary when GF came out
I never watched GF but I did watch most of ATLA as a kid and that was pretty heavy on continuity.

don't listen to I think you're cool and smart user.

ATLA wasn't a half-hour comedy.

But it was a half-hour cartoon for kids and it's not like it was all serious all the time.

Comedy series, eh? Should've expected nothing ambitious.


Ironically, the main plots were the weakest parts of Gravity Falls. Besides the Into the Bunker & Not What He Seems episodes. Gideon & Bill were seriously lacking as antagonists.
1 trillion years, ugh. Sounded like a bad Super Sentai series.

>Netflix advertises it as an anime even though the production team is all Westerners

This is true. One of my friends uses an app that changes all mentions of Trump to Drumpf. It's more sad than contemptible, really.

Girls won't fuck me because I spend all day jacking off and watching cartoons.
My friends on the other hand don't get laid because they're neurotic and they think politics and the internet are real life. Most normies think this now, it's by design.
I don't give a fuck if the earth is flat or round. I'll never see the whole thing with my eyes so it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure measuring shadows and shit proves it's round but i'm not an expert.

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>ATLA wasn't a half-hour comedy.
Neither was Gravity Falls. It may have had a shit ton of jokes but it was primarily an adventure series.

What the fuck is it about Trump?
I have people I've known for years, reasonable people, loose their fucking minds over this guy. I get it, he's a bad president, but so was Bush the Sequel and people weren't disowning family over him. It's like the mere mention of him somehow acts as a jamming device for common sense and rationality, no matter where you sit.

Maybe that's the conspiracy. Donald Trump is a living Basilisk Image.

Because they're fucked.

National Treasure

I can't wait for Yea Forums to enjoy the series part of the way through before changing their minds at the end to switch from a rabid fandom to a rabid hatedom.

It's a perfect storm of factors.
The most obvious is that the man himself is a crass, rude jackass with no filter. He says whatever pops into his head without really thinking about it, and he seems to have some kind of speech impediment that makes him seem dumber than he really is (the truth is he's a smart guy, he just talks like a retard).
Then there's the fact that he was propped up by the media as a "pied piper" candidate, expected to be easily steamrolled by Hillary, so the media was always focusing on the most negative interpretations of everything he says and does.
Then there's what he represents. He won because the American people are fed up with the entire establishment, both right and left, and he promised to tear it down. Of course, he turned out to be just an unusually rude neocon with no interest in smashing the establishment, but the democrats still want to take advantage of the fact that he represents anti-establishment sentiment to encourage conformity, while the republicans can't seem to figure out what they're supposed to do about it.

>I don't give a fuck if the earth is flat or round. I'll never see the whole thing with my eyes so it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure measuring shadows and shit proves it's round but i'm not an expert.

What a fool.

MFW I had this idea for an SCP parody about a disgruntled female agent leading a Suicide Squad-esque supernatural task force. The joke was that we don't need them because humanity is actually the most technologically advanced species ever but we keep it under wraps because if knowledge gets out than Lovecraftian entities would kill us off like how they killed off the dinosaurs. That's why everything is too secret, or else we'll get killed off. Every threat that attacks us gets BTFO'd immediately.
>Everyone in Nevada was an agent
>Hitler was a black woman but was whitewashed by history
>Russians didn't hack the election because the election actually never happened and Trump is a literal living "meme"
>Demonic possessions worked like Stands from Jojo's
>An alien robot was actually an angel with amnesia
>Dinosaurs became demons and agents fight off Demon-Raptors
>"Men in Black" are actually an enemy alien race who work on 20s cartoon logic
>Our universe is inside a hollowed earth that we nuked and dimensions were just "vaults"
>The blond female mc agent is actually the mother of the God Emperor and we get a time travelling episode to a 40k parody where a Doctor Who like character kills off some OP warriors and xenos by running through some hallways and speaking technological gibberish

Can I still make it work, /co?

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I guess with the 2020 Census, stacking the 9th Circuit Court and others, dumping illegals in sanctuary cities, and capping SALT deductions, he's a real threat to California, who more or less controls the entire country's popular media. I know some people who whine about having to pay taxes on their second and third house.
That, or we're dealing with the type of people who take late night comedy as gospel.

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Hell yes.
Vid Related

Lol sad incel


Thanks user, that's a cool song

Have a wholesome 40k comic

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Ayy I remember that.

>conspiracy based monsters, supernatural entities, etc.
My porn drawing hands are ready.

It was amazing, wasn't it?
I wish I'd saved some of the fakes.

He's like average. Taller than most of Yea Forums

>Female Showrunner
>Gets picked for her writing
>Her idea finally gets greenlit
>Gets upstaged by a man

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do tau even have boobs?

Probably not but that doesn't stop horndog heretics

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Next season....WHEN!

Apt analysis. Except, I think the establishment has been destroyed. The establishment on the right was destroyed by a combo of Bush II, Obama's election & the Economic Recession of 08. The left's establishment was destroyed by neo-lib economic policies failing, the further balkanization of the Dem base and its own support of the Iraq War. We're in limbo right now, with the 'establishment' of the country being up for grabs. As far as what will take its place, I'm not 100% sure. 20 years of studying history and political science has left me still just as clueless as anyone else. I'd guess Keynesian economic policies will return, along with a greater emphasis on national identity & populism, but a vanguard movement or events could upend that entirely.

The old adage that history doesn't repeat, but it ryhmes seems to be holding true. I'd compare this to the 1890s or 1930s, times of change and upheaval that shapes the following decades.

Thanks based user
I've never played the Deus Ex series - is it worth picking up the entire series?

Not him but Yes. Even the "weak" entries are masterpieces

Most people are just freaking out because he doesnt worship women and have made a few remarks against them.

>don’t think this is the main project he’s been working on
Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

Projectng so hard isn't mature.

Honestly, a jews rule the world episode could totally work. Imagine them going to a secret meeting and them all whining about how tiresome it all is and how the main jew is getting burned out from over working himself.

>We are hiding All the gold in a hidden vault.
>Maybe we could buy something nice with it for once.
>You talk like a goy

Makes sense. Another thing is he actually makes good tv ratings. So every tweet is important now.
It's a rage economy.

What is your best piece of evidence?

This. Who is this chick? I didn't think Hirsch was part of a duo. Are they just puffing her up to make her seem more important?

I'm a huge Regular Show fan and I think this is the first time I've heard of her. Maybe she had a part in the production of the anime episode?

>one dude is a convert gaming the system
>one is an ethnically Jewish atheist who is constantly getting the details of Judaism wrong but it's only noticeable to viewers well-versed in Judaism
>the hardcore ultra-Orthodox are all women in fake beards and wigs

There is only one canonical depiction of a female Tau not wearing a bunch of armor or clothing, and it's off-model to how they're described in the rest of the canon.

yeah go point your middle finger at a piece of concrete you pathetic midget

She wrote a few Season 1 episodes of Regular Show; "Just Set Up the Chairs", "Grilled Cheese Deluxe", and "Mordecai and the Rigbys".

>Monsters University
>Inside Out
That doesn't sound good.

A good post buried in a sea of political autism.

>MGS 2 predicted the current state of online discourse.
Sociologists where saying this decades before Kojima.

Attached: fuck retarded political youtubers.gif (480x272, 450K)

those are one of the best episodes

Reminds me of that user's idea of making a conspiracy cartoon but the protagonists were the Illuminati and some nerd who tries to unmask them. Wonde if he'll get far with that idea.

>What has she done?
Some Netflix executive, probably.

>QLARP that low
That should be on the first tier. This iceberg is shit.

Holy shit, the whole, "Alex blocks everyone" joke Yea Forums kept making wasn't a meme.

Attached: 4534543636.png (608x849, 121K)

Twitter users need their safe space where there’s no opposing opinions

It's not even an opposing opinion, the person is saying "I'm a fan of only you, Alex".

some pros use blockbots that cast too wide of a net.
even if you never tweet at them you can get blocked by a bot by following the wrong the person.

>Using bots to block people who never interacted with you solely because they follow people who are wrongthinking
The horror

this isn't related to the show but for fucks sake why is he so mean? I even agree with him on this but what's with all the insults?

Attached: mean alex.jpg (596x415, 49K)

He's popular enough that he can live in an echo chamber and get praised for it. He can block 100 people a day and still have millions of people who hang on his every word and call him great while he continues to get amazing job offers and opportunities.

He's an asshole because he can afford to be one.

Hes a comedy writer and he writes jokes & roasts. Are you that easily triggered?

>Hes a comedy writer
He is?

>he writes jokes
He does?

>& roasts
Throwing insults haphazardly isn't a "roast", but I can see how a piece of shit would justify it like that.

You come to Yea Forums to complain about people being mean on the internet?

He’s also saying there’s no reason to watch a show created by Shion Takuche in a thread specifically about giving her credit. That’s weapons grade autism even for a kid

You can be “elite” too by taking an actual degree that’s not complete bs for the debt you’d get and be smart where you get employment at
If you don’t want college then go to trade school

>he is?
>he does?
>throwing insults is a roast?
It’s the definition of a roast

I’m not a huge Hirsch fanboy but it’s a reach to get mad at this stuff

"I'm only tuning in because your name is attached" =/= "I have no reason to watch a show specifically made by this other person".

Using familiar names and namebrand shit to hook people in is Business 101.

>but I can see how a piece of shit would justify it like that.
Definitely triggered.

>"I'm not a Hirsch fanboy--"
>Proceeds to completely be retarded and defend Alex while misdefining a roast

Samefag rofl.

Always seems like a weird standard to me. If you’re anonymous with 10 followers you can be a constant asshole and it’s trolling. If you’re famous with a 1 million followers then everything you say has to be PC and perfect for everyone or else your history’s greatest monster

>Definitely triggered.
nah, that would be the person who got upset someone said something mean about their idol, alex hirsch ;)

You’re adding the word “I” which the kid never said. He just said “the only reason to watch” which means the only reason for anyone to watch

You can't really say the latter anymore in a world where Trump was successful and popular enough to win the election despite news outlets actually trying to make him out as history's greatest monster.

he's not joking..
being mean anonymously is different from being mean with millions of followers who respect you for making a television show

Not quite, if you’re associating your name publicly with these comments you should be pc if you’re a billionaire or a local cashier
There’s no name attached here so you can do what you want

So Trump insulting people daily= good
Hirsch insulting people once a year = bad

Maybe this has nothing to do with insults at all and everything to do with politics?

>if you’re associating your name publicly with these comments you should be pc
Wow, now people come to Yea Forums to demand PC behavior.

> Why is this manlet being so verbally aggressive?
A lifetime of shame makes them bitter.

>Putting words in my mouth from random posts you accumulated from various past topics to move your goalpost in a desperate attempt to make a point

You can just fuck right off.

Ding ding ding

>So Trump insulting people daily= good
Who the fuck said that? Trump is constantly getting shat on by everyone and every TV show for doing that.

Where the hell are you getting "good" and "bad" from? Both of these piss people off, but both people are successful enough to get away with it.

hit a nerve huh? Looks like we hit oil, boys

Misinterpreting the comment
I’m not asking for you to be pc while not anonymous, but you’re an idiot if you’re not. If you want to call people nigger while using your real name that’s up to you. Don’t expect no backlash or that to lead to employment

I'm totally sure Yea Forums would also be demanding politeness and PC niceties if Hirsch had insulted a leftist.

>who the fuck said that?
Uh, literally everyone on Yea Forums, all day, every day (??) or did I just wake up in opposite land


It only works that way if you're retarded or 12. I'm guessing you're both.

Ding ding ding ding ding

/pol/ is not all of Yea Forums. And Yea Forums is not indicative of popular opinion.

Cringe. This feels like it was posted by a woman.

It's actually even less than a woman

Attached: yup.jpg (1024x683, 82K)

>unironically saying this in a conspiracy thread
He's "innocent" because that's what the powers that be want. He's President because that's what they want. If they didn't, he'd be dead or in prison. In fact, he's been very useful in getting conspiracy theorists to stop believing in conspiracies and actually invest in corrupt sham democracy. Ever notice that?

Now this is a conspiracy

Before Trump, most conspiracy theorists were of the opinion that no-one got to be President without the express wishes of the elite. They killed or destroyed Presidents they didn't like, like Kennedy and Nixon.

Now, all of a sudden, they've decided this isn't true and democracy and the justice system are real and impartial because Trump became President. It's pretty funny.

user “seems your upset because of politics”

literally hit the nail on the head

You know more than one person posts in this thread, right?

I'm not involved in this Trump-Alex discussion, I'm saying going "Ding ding ding" is fucking cringe. This isn't Tumblr, don't type garbage like that.

Maybe, and honestly maybe, things aren’t as much of a conspiracy as everyone suggest?

>cringe doesn’t belong on Yea Forums

You must be new here

Not "I type like a 16-year old girl" cringe. There are two other sites with blue logos if you want to type shit like

Maybe. And maybe Jared Kushner isn't essentially President in all but name and running the US govt. for the benefit of Israel. Maybe that wasn't the plan all along, and maybe Netanyahu and his friend Putin had nothing whatsoever to do with that.

I saw the pic. it was the very last /x/ thread and had no replies and then the site went offline. I just thought it was typical /x/ bullshit

>and one woman struggles to keep the chaos under wraps.”
Damn, sounded cool but they'll fuck it up.

I would have blocked anyone that can't differentiate between "your" and "you're."

If I had a million followers I would block people all the time for any reason. It would be hilarious, like squashing ants. Who gives a shit

She was a writer on GF and Regular Show. Including the GF episode "Not What he Seems."

You already do that, Alex.

It's only a matter of time until Hirsch gets #MeToo'ed. I mean, he's clearly banging her, right? He always happens to be around surprisingly young and attractive female animators. It's gotta be an open secret in the industry at this point.

That's largely in jest. Maybe grow a thicker skin.

We Didn't Start the Fire parody when?

>"You realize that if you lowered tuition, poorer people could join the so-called elite, right?"

Uh... Duh? The cost is why it's considered elite? I don't even think people who go to college are considered elite, most colleges now-a-days have had their reputations tarnished, but Alex is making a terrible point.

Also, lowering tuition does not mean more people will be able to join the "I graduated from college" category. Colleges STILL have a limit of how many people they accept each year, and that's what you would need to increase if you want to increase the number of graduates. Lowering tuition (Even though it's fucking insanely high and art school should never be that high) does not mean more people get a chance, it means the competition grows. It's actually a bit of the opposite.

So is this the new girl that Hirsch dumped Dana for?

She wrote two episodes of the show. Apparently that's all you need to do to be a part of the "duo"

Attached: 9F00BFAF-FA09-422A-85EB-30AD17B0BFF8.jpg (600x732, 47K)

Gravity falls was a massive hit. It's quite possibly the most influential cartoon of the decade

What has it influenced other than Disney to approve any show that looks sort of like Gravity Falls in hopes of replicating their own success?

It was the first true calarts beanmouth beanhead show

>inside job
>Adult animated series

I just hope it's not just "dude porn LMAO" most of the adult animations are just this shit,no story,no likeable character just porn

Is this the Pinecest thread?

We might get one of those "eyes wide shut" parties since this is about conspiracy theories. I imagine the fanservice will be less explicit since the showrunner's a girl.

Shhh. Don't burst his dream bubble. This is a guy who unironically thinks he had a hard life growing up on the million dollar mean streets of Piedmont, CA, because his daddy came home drunk a few times, and got a free ride through college at his sister's expense.

You jew. You manlet.

>le intrenet hate machine meme

why? because it is a woman? would you like the premise if it were a man? i don't understand

>After graduating from Cal Arts

Attached: calarts beanmouth.png (1400x888, 2.47M)

What his daddy to him when he’s drunk

You nailed most of it, but the dude is legit not that smart. I would say he has charisma more than anything, and that goes a long way with people.

So this fanfic you’ve written about Hirsch is based on...nothing huh?

The only accurate part of this based on following Hirsch for a while is that he is, in fact, a jew

How the fuck has this perma-limp prick not been MeToo'd yet?

Because the sheer amount of people he's fucked is too high.
If they all came forward, people might start to realize that every major woman working in the entertainment industry got their by sucking their way to the top.

>implying he fucked only woman

Attached: alex hirsch.jpg (1919x1080, 310K)

>Alex "Every Hole's a Goal" Hirsch

ez pz please
>and b4 inspect element

>inspect element
Oh, shit, I was using MS Paint this whole time.

>where every conspiracy theory — from the Illuminati to Reptoids — is true,
Maybe we'll finally learn what God's Last Wish was.

so there will be a Bogpill episode?

Attached: bogdanoff brothers.jpg (474x460, 87K)

holy cringe, what are you even fighting for?

I missed the general peak of GF threads. I was sticking to SU threads at the time.

Attached: tumblr_opuzjwYBA01szit9xo1_1280.png (1000x1000, 338K)

>Stephen King killed John Lennon

He used a Death Note to guide Mark Chapman.

Unlike Savino, Hirsch actually delivered on his promises and got Dana and Emma promotions. Thus when the Manlet cheated on Dana with some Asian slut recently she couldn't say a thing because then people would start questioning her why she went from nobody storyboard revisionist to showrunner in less than a year.

The fuck is "OoO"?

Because he actually came through on giving his hos promotions which was where Savino went wrong. Also unlike Savino, though while Hirsch has a STI and repressed feelings for his sister, he's genuinely not that that bad of a guy. Hollywood is driving him crazy but the worst he's done is make a shitty carton and screw a few thots. Savino drew a gif of his self insert 'training' with his favorite sister.

you need to read

Only thing I could think of is out of office, probably a reference to the conspiracy theory rather than it being its name. I think majority of the list is gibberish though