This show is so underrated. It might be the most consistent DCAU show...

This show is so underrated. It might be the most consistent DCAU show. It somehow also managed to give Superman a good characterization that wasn’t cheesy cornball nor depressed man of steel, something WB/DC haven’t been able to get right anymore. What are Yea Forums‘s favorite episodes?

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Favorite episode was the Lobo one, and how during their fight, their themes would play depending who was winning

>favorite ep
The Late Mr. Kent comes to mind.

Good intrigue plot, really nice handling of how Clark means so much to Superman, and I love seeing a story use Clark & Lois' competitive attitude towards each other.

I wish they would've been able to do the entire 65 episode order instead of the network giving the rest to TNBA.

The first three episodes are to me the best Superman origin story: Krypton and Brainiac, Smallville and the Kents, Metropolis and Luthor, plus all the secondary characters AND a fight with proto-metallo. 60 minutes and it never feels rushed or weirdly paced.

Plus it makes the kryptonians less retarded and Jor-El's plan is actually sound (project everyone into the Phantom Zone and send a pilot with the projector out of the planet to a safe place where everyone can be returned from limbo)

Couldn't have happened to a better guy but did they just skip ahead several years to his execution or does Metropolis not fuck around?

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The Metallo episodes were all fantastic. They made him into a Freeze tier suffering villain. Remember when he actually made some friends until his memories of Superman made him a piece of shit again? And he just sort of lets himself be covered in lava?

STAS has the best character designs of all the DCAU

they just nailed every one

>It somehow also managed to give Superman a good characterization that wasn’t cheesy cornball nor depressed man of steel
DC has been able to get it right numerous times, its the movies that have failed to replicate their success every single time

I still like Donners Superman

Definitely this. Those three episodes are my favourite in all of the DCAU. Fucking love the Batman TAS to death but Superman's show just had a more comfy feel to it and well, what can I say, Supes is my favourite superhero

I can't unhear Lobo as Robert Barone now.

>the villain realizes Clark is Superman just as he's executed

Was good stuff.

Superman was fucking boring in this series.

>Now, the more you move, the worse it'll hurt, so feel free to go crazy.

I can’t unhear any of the DCAU cast as their characters, honestly.

oh shit, that was that episode? kek, saw the scene the other day. dark as FUCK for a children's show. it's funny anyway how the creators were able to get away with so much
>tfw that Lobo two-parter
>tfw the creators were joking about how they tried to push their luck with tons of stuff
>that one egg-looking alien who turns into a goddamn monstrosity
I love that show. Can't wait to show it to my kid someday.

Kids WB censors were so chill back in the day. Real guns, blood, death, innuendo. It's crazy to think this shit was allowed on Saturday morning cartoons with just a Y7-FV rating. Not even CN was that lenient during this era.

My favorite episode is the one with Mr Mxyzptlk. His wife was hot

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He's good, but he's the cornball epitomized

>Kids WB censors were so chill back in the day. Real guns, blood, death, innuendo. It's crazy to think this shit was allowed on Saturday morning cartoons with just a Y7-FV rating.

"Nice S." (Lois)

"I see you brought protection!" (Livewire)

"I'll be your friend." (Roxy Rocket)

A lot of female characters hit on Superman in this series, but he was always a gentleman. Like a Chad who happened to be pure.

It probably was the most consistent. I'm rewatching it and it's definitely more goofy than Justice League. The tone only really changed when muh Darksied or the few drama episodes came into focus.

Favorite episode? Hard to say. I liked watching him repeatedly punk Myxsptlk. Or some of the Supergirl episodes. Watching the Rise and Shine short from Overwatch made me think it was a 1:1 rip of DCAU Supergirl's origin.

the Task force X episode was pure kino, shame the Suicide Squad movie didn’t come even close to it

They came a long way form the days of Batman:TAS and having to sneak around the FOX censors.

>they killed the only person who could picture Clark without glasses

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This made me want a Green Lantern show

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It will always be strange to me that this was Kyle but the Flash in STAS was Barry, and then in Justice League Kyle never gets mentioned once and John is the GL and Wally is the Flash and never mentions Barry at all and then Hal shows up once in a JLU time travel episode. The DCAU continuity was really tight and good for the most part but this all really stood out to me.

Also Aquaman looking different

Was it Barry in STAS? That doesn’t sound right

superman is pure because this clark kent FUCKS

clark's a pretty small part of the show but he just oozes a subtle swagger wherever he goes

Kyle actually does show up again in JLU

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DCAU Brainiac is one of my favorite reworkings of a character ever. What a brilliant way to utilize him, and to tie him directly into Superman's origin story in a way that makes him just as personal and important a villain as Luthor.

Plus, that Corey Burton voice. Terrifying.

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Well it definitely wasn't Wally, unless they decided to completely change his voice actor and his entire character, which is possible.

What episode was this? Did he talk at all or was he just in a big scene with a bunch of other Lanterns?

I took it that STAS took place roughly at the same time as BTAS, with JL and JLU happening later - hence Barry being the Flash Supes happens to race, and maybe Hal's been off by STAS's exact timeframe and Kyle got a ring by that point. Eventually Barry disappears for whatever reason and Wally takes over being the Flash. They did have a Kid Flash costume in the Flash Museum in the "Flash and Substance" episode of JLU.

That is supposed to be Clark's thing, its just that most people forget that Clark is supposed to be a subtle badass and instead just make him either a boring piece of cardboard or an exaggerated loser.

It even goes back to those first Fleischer Superman shorts, where Clark gives no shits and subtly insults all the other characters and talks directly to the audience.

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>its just that most people forget that Clark is supposed to be a subtle badass and instead just make him either a boring piece of cardboard or an exaggerated loser.
That's what happens when you get people who see '78 as the be all end all. Sarcastic Clark best Clark.

Was Gilbert Gottfried Superman's most powerful nemesis?

"Eeeeverybody loves Superman."

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They see that shit the Joker does, fuck that noise.

I am now thinking of Jesse Eisenberg's MMM BOYS line.

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I still think making Gottfried the voice of Mxyzsptlk was a stroke of genius. The whole point of Mxy is that he's annoying as fuck and you can't get rid of him. So why not cast the most annoying man in the world as his VA? Brilliant.

While Luthor in the DCAU is amazing, I think YJ Luthor might actually be even better.
It's a shame YJ Superman is such trash/so nonexistent though.

Best moment

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I'm surprised DC doesn't try to rerelease this in japan I think they'd really like it

Lois is a bit of a loose woman in this continuity, isn't she? There's her dalliances with Luthor, and when she gets involved with Bruce in World's Finest. Plus, that miniskirt she always wears. You just know she secretly lives for flashing men in the office a glimpse of her panties. She loves being a slut and a tease.

Huh, it suddenly dawns on me that Clark and Lois is the story of a wholesome man taming a party girl.

It is both that and also a fun city girl bringing some excitement out of a dull boring farm boy.

Lois and Clark really bring the best out of each other and their personalities compliment each other really well. When they are written right they are really the best couple forever.

I always took it as her not being afraid of using her sexuality to get men to let there guard down and get to the story quicker

While I think DCAU Luthor is pretty memey at times, he's much more cartoonishly evil, at least in STAS. They tone it down in JL but he still gets really angry. Both are traits that YJ Luthor mostly lacks and he behaves in a more realistic manner, which fits YJ's tone.

Agreed. Does DC just not know how to characterize Superman anymore?

>Agreed. Does DC just not know how to characterize Superman anymore?

Do you really have to ask? They have for a long time, now. :(

Kind of meant it in the way of whether or not they knew or if they were intentionally shooting themselves in the feet.

Shows about Flash or Wonder Woman would have been nice too.

Man, I can only imagine what kind of asshole Clark would have been if he hadn't had such great parents.

Who knows. Without Jonathan and Martha, Clark might have even grown up to be a commie.

I think alot of the time, especially with stuff like the Snyder movies, there were people around that knew better but they got overruled by people higher up in the chain who dont know better. Thats just the nature of big collaborative productions

Golden Age Superman when he grew up in an orphanage was basically a radical socialist so yeah.

This was also a good thing and the best versions of Superman carry some of that on. Superman should always care about the collective good of everyone. Its Luthor who is the objectivist capitalist.

Everyone always talks about how Hamill was one of the best Jokers, but why doesn't Clancy Brown get the same amount of love? He was one of the best Lex Luthors but no one really talks about it.

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Superman was nice but JLU was peak DCAU in terms of consistent, overall quality.

He doesnt appeal to immature edgelords in the same way the Joker does. Also he hasnt come back as much, meanwhile every Batman thing that can get Hamill does

Should go without saying. DC kinda sucks nowadays.
also this.

Clancy Brown is a bit more of a traditional actor compared to Hamill so he never really returned to the role all that much outside of the DCAU stuff. That, and Yea Forums rarely talks about the DCAU nowadays. It's just one of those things in the past where there is a universal consensus that it was good.

The Yea Forumsnsensus rule should be stickied, it would eliminate almost every 'why dont we talk about this' thread. Things get brought up, everyone agrees they were great, there is some small bit of discussion about some finer points, and thats it, end of thread.

Is there such a thing as a bad Clancy Brown portrayal?

I thought it was Wally because he was the Flash in the comics at the time, that would also explain why we got Kyle in STAS but John in JL(U)

It was Wally. The Flash and Circumstance episode had a thing mentioning he won his race against Superman.

Maybe if Batmans parents had guns they wouldn't be dead

Luthor was the best villian in the DCAU.

>It somehow also managed to give Superman a good characterization that wasn’t cheesy cornball nor depressed man of steel, something WB/DC haven’t been able to get right anymore
Agreed the tone of his characterization and the tone of his show was spot on.

>The Metallo episodes were all fantastic. They made him into a Freeze tier suffering villain. Remember when he actually made some friends until his memories of Superman made him a piece of shit again? And he just sort of lets himself be covered in lava?
Alistair Smythe got the Freeze/Metallo treatment in Spider-Man TAS.

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I thought everyone did love him though.

He was well loved on Yea Forums when JLU was running and the immediate years after.

Remember when Yea Forums was love? I do.

Whatever happened to Kosh?

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>Whatever happened to Kosh?
He got raped by the Shadows.

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What do you guys think about the DCAU brainiac?
I really liked this interpretation of the character. "everything must be documented perfectly THEREFORE I must stop new events from happening" is a really great take on the crazy AI idea.

Clancy Brown I perfect in every role

>Solid Superman/Clark
>God tier Lex
>crossovers with Batman
>"For the Man Who Has Everything" episode
>saved Steel after Shaq almost killed his appeal
>Mr. Mxyzptlk voiced by Gilbert Gotfried
>dat Livewire
>dat Mercy
Yeah, it was a damn good show.

>"For the Man Who Has Everything" episode

That was in Justice League Unlimited.

i rewatched the steel episode the other day and metallo spends the whole episode lowkey roasting black people and the hood

it was pretty tame stuff but i think it'd cause an internet uproar these days

Lex Luthor in DCAU was a pretty normal guy. He lacks the obsession with beating Superman that his comic counterpart had, and focused more on getting power.

If anything, DCAU Lex was more angry at Superman trying to weaken his power over Metropolis than besting the man in blue.

>Clark means to Superman
You mean how much Clark values his human life.

Holy fuck I miss the original DCAU, that clip has practically everything I loved about it rolled into one.

That'll teach their son

It made me love Steel

>But I am Clark. I need to be Clark. I'd go crazy if I had to be Superman all the time!
Great line.

Hence why I don't like Adams as Lois. Not only too old but also too tame, bland, and nice and doesn't compliment Clark, plus when they tried to make her sassy in MoS it came across as cringe cause Adams can't do it convincingly. She doesn't have a voice that exudes that dry wit and cynicism.

YJ Luthor is a character that it would be immensely satisfying to see him finally lose it and rage when his world comes crashing down cause of how powerful, collected, and smug he otherwise is. DCAU was really good but him REEEEing was standard fare.

Because Batman movies entered the mainstream hard Nolan's centerpiece Joker movie. Then after people became interested in the character they saw Hamill's Joker and showered him in praise.
I'm telling you, as soon as Superman gets a well liked movie it'll mark a change for the character and DC as a whole. If Luthor happens to be done extremely well in the movie then Clancy Brown's take will become much more popular too as a point of comparison. I know Yea Forums is sometimes up in arms about movie adaptations but they're really important in today's market.

The soul, iconic moments, etc. combined with the animation style of s1 YJ and its worldbuilding would make for something special.

Does Weisman just dislike Superman or something? He nails nearly every other character so well.

He was nailed in certain areas like early on in season 2 when he's the only one staying behind the try and rescue the kroloteans and literally starts begging them to get into their ship so he can ferry them away from the bomb and they later comment when he's unconscious how he won't be okay with not being able to safe them. They got that part down. Pretty otherwise he's not much of an entity in the show compared to Batman. I do like YJ a lot but it's me loving something IN SPITE of wishing it was a JL show. I'll also add that I did not like how they turned Ma'alefa'ak into some teenage edgelord instead of J'onn's evil twin brother.

The show would have gotten canceled had it happened now and the writers/voice actors perma banned in hollywood

Wasn't Injustice 2's Brainiac inspired partly by it?

>I know Yea Forums is sometimes up in arms about movie adaptations but they're really important in today's market

no shit they're the only thing that makes money

>This show is so underrated.
Not really, it had some very good episodes but Bruce Timm really had no understanding of who Superman is.

>n-not muh superman

You don't have to be a fucking mogoloid about it. His whole Terry being Bruce's son was just as fucking stupid.

Superman TAS featured a Flash who had a different costume and voice actor than the one in JLU. The identity of that Flash wasn't mentioned. People have argued whether that Flash is the same guy or a different guy than the JLU Flash, but it's a bit unclear.

JLU's Flash combines together elements of Wally and Barry. The references to his origins are rare and vague, but most of the time it kinda looks like he's the lone Flash of DCAU. The STAS Flash could be interpreted as early prototype weirdness from before they decided how to handle his character. However, the JLU episode with the Flash museum makes things confusing by showing some shots of the Kid Flash costume as well as Jay's helmet.
So how many Flashes were there in DCAU, and was the guy in Superman TAS Barry or Wally? It's uncertain, and probably up to your personal interpretation.

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Big fan of the Metallo and Parasite ones.

fun fact that I'm sure that everyone knows already: The music when Krypton blows up in the first episode is re-used later in Justice League: Unlimited in the episode "For the man who has everything" when Krypton explodes in Clark's dream.

The musical continuity in the DCAU is really underrated. Still wish the JLU soundtrack would release for the World of Carboard rendition of Superman's theme.

This, but unironically. Fuck Timm and his army of sycophants.


>Still wish the JLU soundtrack would release
Oh, I agree. There's so many good themes and background musical notes that just NEEDS to be released!
I've been hankering for the music where Grundy jumps up on the big, floating rock to fight against the ancient "snakeface" thanagarian evil-god

Timm understand Superman, he just hates that Clark has no drama. Everyone in DCAU Superman Animated Series is too well adjusted and cordial.

>Timm understand Superman
>he just hates that Clark has no drama.
Yeah no. He doesn't understand that Clark IS Superman. It's not a Bruce/Batman situation where one is pretending to be the other. There's no delineation between Clark and Superman's drama.

I think this explains why DCAU Superman is great. It's just Clark stressed as fuck from overwork and doing double shifts. Working as Superman feels like customer service job to Clark

I always took the STAS Flash to be Wally. Wally had been the Flash for a decade by this point. ANd since the first GL was Kyle it seems like that's the era they were going for.

>He doesn't understand that Clark IS Superman.

But that's literally the point of "The Late Mr. Kent."

>There's no delineation between Clark and Superman's drama.
>one is an unflinching hero
>one is a mousey coward

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>one is a mousey coward

Batman thinks of himself as Batman. Bruce Wayne is who he pretends to be.

Clark thinks of himself as Clark/Superman. Clark is far from a mousey coward UNLESS the situation calls for him to outright pretend to be one.

>that episode where Clark tells Lois he's Superman and she doesn't believe him because he's using a sarcastic tone of voice

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Isn't the show considered like the best dc animated show? How is that underrated?

Thank you for making this thread. The Timm style comic, Adventures of Superman, is good reading too. I just wish Livewire, Mercy, and Volcana did more these days.

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It's this stupid fucking mentality that has aided in the decline of Batman comics, because all writers ever do now is write Bruce as maskless Batman. Bruce Wayne isn't all a farce

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>tfw you found out that Mark Millar wrote for the STAS comics back in the day

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Is Batman Beyond to blame for this or is it an earlier phenomena?

end of Season 3

STAS was a solid show and a lot more consistent in quality than BTAS. But from what I've seen, it's usually ranked as an average show, and not many view it as their favourite DCAU series. Most people seem to have a preference for either BTAS (for being a pioneer and featuring Batman's iconic villains), or JLU (for Cadmus arc), or Batman Beyond (for doing something different and interesting with a show premise that sounded like it should've been a disaster).

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Eh, Superior was pretty good.

normies will always say batman is the best

Batman Beyond is an older Bruce who's old and bitter, so I can't really blame that on the show. It's a different kind of Brice Wayne.

I'd say it started with The New Batman/Superman Adventures. In that series Bruce stopped using his "billionaire philanthropist " voice and spoke with the "Batman" voice at all times

That entire score during the Martians' last stand. The fight between Jon and Hro. I could go on, but those two are the ones I absolutely adore.

No, BB Bruce Wayne is an altogether different character

Him basically being a Looney Tunes character was perfect.
Elder God tier theme song

Fuck off normalfag.

Martha Kent was such a babe in this show.

>t. normie

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she wanted the super d

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I always thought how hurtfull that scene was. He wouldn't take her, even if she was the last cryptonian woman left

never stick your dick in crazy

Fuck off normalfag.

>Clark: Well, Lois, the truth is, I'm actually Superman in disguise and I only pretend to be a journalist in order to hear about disasters as they happen, and then squeeze you out of the byline.
>Lois: You are a sick man, Kent.
>Clark: You asked.

I liked that episode with Brainiac where Superman was punching lasers like in the old Fleischer superman shorts.

I think if Superman was a non DC property and didn't have his characterization fucked around like a dollar hooker then he would be an actually good character. As is most of his media is shallow. All Star is the closest you can get to good literature with Superman.

>gets shot by Jonathan
>he has a shotgun
>tries to attack him
>gets shot by Martha
>she also has a shotgun

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The Christmas one. Absolutely my favorite representation of Superman just being himself.

I like how he deliberately lowers his glasses while telling her this.

You mean the Justice League christmas episode? I don't recall any STAS Christmas episodes.

>"We used to wrap Clark's presents in lead sheets."
>"You mean SANTA wrapped them."

Oh crap, yes I meant the JL episode. I didn't realize this thread was only about the Superman cartoon.
In that case my favorite episode is the two parter with Lobo. The whole working-together-with-the-villain is so entertaining.
Really, any episode that has a powerless Superman resorting to being clever and overcoming the obstacles is a must watch.

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I always compare exactly that scene with the modern Superman. Something so simple is exactly what's been missing, Supes is just a kind boyscout.

Checked Hitler.

>Something so simple is exactly what's been missing
I think the bigger issue is they're looking for actors who can play SUPERMAN! rather than an actor who can play Clark running down a story that just so happens to require him to show as Superman to handle the crooks. Tim Daly was dynamite as Supes for that reason, and why I think George Newbern wasn't as good a choice. You could hear the steel in Daly's tone when he was acting like Superman. The same with Kevin Conroy switching from Bruce to Batman, really

>rewatch Lobo 2 parter
>Lobo literally rips the skin off a space snake monster and almost says words like bimbo or fuck
how did this ever air

I like the slick clean design he, his ship and tech had. Using that style in the Dceu would be a good way to make him look and feel different from Krypton's Brainiac and the gritty tech of Dceu's Krypton and Steppenwolf.
Tom Cruise's Oblivion had the same style.

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>Does DC just not know how to characterize Superman anymore?
>Do you really have to ask? They have for a long time, now. :(
Superman in rebirth pre Bendis was characterized greatly.

i remember the skin tearing very vividly. also those sexbots with the hoses coming out of their mouths.