What the hell? is this rat propaganda?

what the hell? is this rat propaganda?

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Rats are not as bad as they were back in the middle ages. You are more likely hit by rabies through wild dogs than any rat.

>Small rodents like squirrels, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, chipmunks, rats, and mice) and lagomorphs including rabbits and hares are almost never found to be infected with rabies and have not been known to transmit rabies to humans.


Yes, it is.
But rats are cool so it's accurate propaganda.

rats are ok

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>Rats are not as bad as they were back in the middle ages
yeah because we killed most of them and keep their population down to a minimum because we know how harmful they can be, just like cockroaches and other invasive species.

It's not like all deaths are caused by rabies.

Rats are qts so I'm fine with this propaganda.

Mice are for lewd.

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freya is for marriage and headpats exclusively

most were caused by Christians on other Christians

It should be said that all non-native human-adapted rats like Black Rats and Brown Rats are the scum everyone hates. A plain old packrat living in the woodpile or some cotton rats in the field don't really bother anyone the same way. Well, gotta keep the cotton rats out of the grain elevators and the barns, but they don't bother you in the house anyway.

And plenty that are just cute and bother nobody like kangaroo rats.


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>gotta keep the cotton rats out of the grain elevators and the barns
don't you hate when you find a rat in your bread?

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Poor thing.

What are yogies?

REMOVE STEW remove stew
you are worst rodent. you are the rodent idiot you are the rodent smell. return to norway. to our norwegian cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo and/or laboratory with licenseā€¦.ahahahaha ,montreal we will never forgeve you.

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Alberta is the warmest, most populated area in the world that is rat free.

Rats are the best so i'm more than ok with this.

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Realistically, it's not the rabies people fear from rats, it's the disease. Crawling through the sewers and dragging that shit into your house and all over your kitchen is a pretty decent way to get someone "mysteriously" sick.

Yogurt drops. Rats fucking love yogurt.

Rats are adorable but they live such short lives. I couldn't possibly grieve the death of a pet every 3-4 years.

My cat loves yogurt too. Every time I open up a cup she bugs me until I finish the thing and give her the last spoon.

Mine was the same way with sour cream, which was a problem cause that's not something where you sit down to eat the whole carton.

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t. rat

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>t. Rat

You are just being speciest against one of the cutests and nice animals there exist.

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>Draw a mouse
>Call it a rat

How can you tell it's a mouse girl and not a rat girl? Is there a difference?

Skull shape and ears.
My distaste for the image because of bad anatomy is separate from my disliking of it being a straight thing, yes, i don't like females.