What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Got too big

What do you mean? RvB is dead but isn't RWBY bigger than that ever was? I thought RWBY was basically carrying them?

Nothing. They've proven a few hundred underpaid nerds with drawing tablets are on par with the korean animation slave labor shops.

Taking themselves too seriously and thinking they were too good to make a comedy based halo machinema.

Same thing that's gone wrong with media in general, audiences with no taste consuming and encouraging people to make more terrible products.

Hiring them. Listening to them. Anything to do with them.

Speaking of which, how are the last 2 seasons of RvB, I quit it after that atrocious 15th season and wonder whether its worth to get back to it

how is Gen:Lock doing with people?

Pretty good.

>15th season
Fuck me, as someone who bailed somewhere around season 9, this blows my mind. I can't imagine the quality ever went up after the massive post-Reconstruction dip.

RvB isn't dead, and that's part of the problem.

Nah, I'd argue it died once Microsoft started promoting RvB. It got all up in its ass once that happened.

I liked Chorus trilogy, at least first season and bits of the last one, also I'm a person of little standards...still, Carolina was a mistake

i stoped caring about them when they stoped making comics,i loved those comics

As they expanded it stopped feeling like you were watching a group of friends and instead it's a company of " content creators"

Like how Game Grumps went from two guys on a couch in one of their homes with an editor to an office space with a staff

It isn't? I figured they'd probably churn out a PSA or two if they thought up something funny, but the over arching plots and the 10-15 minute episodes were complete?

Does their office still have a couch?

>I don't like it when the people who make my free content can pay bills :(

is Gus divorced yet?

He might be the happiest person there.

Considering it's Gus, that's saying a lot.


Irish bunny butts
So pretty well

they thought they were better than shitty halo machinema.

I used to watch the let's plays when I was 12
They still do that shit?

Gus " my retirement plan is a shotgun" Sorola

A couple couches and a few Arcade Cabinets I believe

retards mad there fag boy adam got killed

Barb was given a platform to talk more

Sports ball hosted by anyone other than Geoff or Joel.

They're shit!!!!!!

Anyone who says RT is bad because they're SJW's is an idiot. They suck now, have done for atleast 5 years. Their SJW leanings just make it worse.

Geoff Ramsey podcast era was best.
Post Geoff is awful.
Post Post Geoff is utter fuckig garbage.

we're even entering the age of post-geoff achievement hunter as well. he's losing his interest in playing games in a recording setting and has no interest playing single player games outside of work. he does all he can to go to meetings in-house or in another state than to do AH videos now.
all from the newest Off Topic podcast with Ray as a guest

didn't his wife take their daughter and leave him or something?
dude had a hard life.

Subscriptions bumped up in the last couple of days after Maisie flashed nipple on the latest Game of Thrones episode and she started trending more than usual during a GoT season.

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griffon took the house and half the custody of Millie. Geoff was forced into some shitty apartment in the heart of Austin for a year or so and is only now looking for a new house while dating. He gets Millie more than you would expect for someone like Griffon to allow, even if she's at the age of hating him for no good reason.

They let the writers start taking RvB too seriously and ended up with nigh Loss tier tonal dissonance. Monty Oum enabling them to do ~cool~ action sequences just drove the death spiral into overdrive.

Was Geoff and Griffons breakup angry and messy?
I tuned out of AH stuff ages ago but you tell something was up. Geoff was talking about doing weird sad stuff for awhile and mean while Griffon was doing tons of strange shit like shes hitting a midlife crisis.
She made Geoff shove a dildo up his ass to spice up their love life even though she was choosing to travel a bunch and probably fuck other blokes.
Gavin X Geoff OTP

I remember that one story from one of Geoff's final podcasts, where they're in new orleans and Geoff booked them a ghost tour, and he talks about how Griffon got to drunk to go so he left her in the hotel room.

I wonder if she used to oppurtunity to fuck around on the guy.

>Was Geoff and Griffons breakup angry and messy?
probably. that Relationship Goals podcast they did was clearly an attempt to hear what other couples were doing right to try and get some last minute ideas to keep it together. Clearly it didn't work out.
>Gavin X Geoff OTP

No I don't. When artists struggle and suffer we get thier best work.

I'm glad everything worked out so well for Ray after he left

ah fuck, good on Ray. I haven't seen or heard anything about RT/AH since he left. He must be living the dream.

Owns a house and engaged, shit he sells enough merchandise he had to buy a place to store it all because it wouldn't just fit in his garage

And all because he couldn't take another day of playing Minecraft and when he tired to stream on the side while still working there the company took over his channel

They were never creative. Their breakout show was Halo fan fiction and their current leading show is “who would win” fanction. Their “original” shows are generic battle high school the show and generic real robot anime the show.

They just aren’t very creative or smart. It was only a matter of time before karma caught up to them. It happens to all uncreative shitters that coast by on fanfics and gimmicks from super best friends and channel awesome.

We're finally starting to hit the years were youtube people just burn out, I've always wondered how many of them have plans if the bottom falls out or just how long they can keep an audience as they get older

I think AVGN amusingly enough is the only one to have aged gracefully.

They killed Pyrrha >:^ [

There should be a name for these kind of internet fan fiction writers that repurpose material be it games or movies for profit.

Bottom feeders?

Monty died, Kdin is a tranny and so on...

>got his movie and several video games
>always only did what he wanted to do
>got to meet loyd Kaufman
>made bored James, Monsterthon
>now chills making cozy videos where he does round table discussions on B movies
>never lost his passion for filmmaking and retro stuff

James won.

I was never a fan of the AVGN character stuff, but I like the rest of his content like his movie stuff

The mentioning of super best friends made me look them up to see how they are doing, Turns out they disbanded 4 months ago. Where the fuck has time gone? I used to watch them in high school during class like a fuck.

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They fired Vic over an allegation.

>before karma caught up to them.
This is kinda why I hate when people introduce money into things. I enjoy this kind of fanfiction use of stuff. Taking shit and messing with it.

Nothing. Having the bestbois take control of Machinima's remains and the know was for the best.

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And now they're all trying to go solo and I think only Pat is doing it decently

This. When they get big they change, and not in a good way.

money, religion, and politics ruin a lot of creative works

Also, they are trying to make animations again.

What was that scripted project they tried a couple years back that just tanked? I remember they were defensive about it and then it was just never brought up

They milk their shows
RvB should've died with Freelancer
RWBY is a bad anime and won't die
I hear good things about Camp Camp, never seen it myself
But that was thanks to Funhaus which is the only good part of RT

sex swing. I recently tried to watch it again. I got about 3 minutes in...
It's a shame because Funhaus is really funny, they just can't seem to do scripted stuff. I also don't understand why people love their new sketch show

Sex Swing was trash, these animations are great because it sounds they decided to hit record conversation. They are best at improve

>RvB should've died with Freelancer
This. I actually go back to Red Vs Blue once in a while and Project Freelander is actually pretty great. But then they go into the whole backstory of what the AI was, its boring as shit.

There are times I legit can't believe Rooster Teeth employs James, bless him


James is easily the funniest person in FH and probably in RT

it's pretty amazing

Once in a secret hitler gameplay, adam called him a psychopath. Now i'm believing that he was telling the truth.

Too add, Elyse is also a gem

is this thread now a best of Funhaus? Because I'd be fine with that

I could watch CaptainPJ's best of FH videos all day

Your mother gave birth to you. Guess we know why you're a failure.

Wish we could also link the old IG gameplays they had. All of them are on the RT page, but they don't play here.

Don't @ me you know I'm right

I agree with this list

almost right
It's Nugg>Benson>Elyse>James>Lawrence>Adam>Bruce

Where does Japanese James fall?

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I might put Lawrence below Adam
His jokes are mostly built off others setup and most of the jokes from his character of being the weirdo of the office. Adam doesn't say much, but his jokes flies under the radar and only hits me

on a higher plane of existence

I fucking loved their ubersoldier series.

This is just a FH is the best thread
They need to know that we appericate them

Dosen't religion work both ways for art?

Man that left side gives me so many flashbacks to high school. Hell, the RT forums were one of the first online communities I was a part of back in like 2008-2009

>decide to catch up on last few seasons of RvB
>seasons 16 and 17
What the absolute fuck happened. 15 was at least somewhat entertaining.
The only recent good animated things RT has produced has been Camp Camp and Nomad of Nowhere

I know this meme has been overused to death, but it really does kind of feel like this is true. Back then the whole operation felt like a bunch of people doing shit together because they wanted to. Yeah they obviously wanted to make money, but there was a level of authenticity to it. The amateurishness was part of the charm. Now everything just feels like a corporately mandated product. I haven't watched AH in a very long time, but even back then I remember them complaining about not wanting to even play anymore. It's just a job.

Their writers fucking suck.

Funhaus is good if you ignore the political shit

hey. Hey. camp camp is good. everything else i agree with however.

>if you ignore the political shit
Nah you need to just stop being a little bitch

what political shit?

This what politcal shit

Maybe I don’t like hearing every fucking second of every day
On their Twitters

He's probably whining about the stuff they post about on IG/Twitter where they go to pride and such. Conservatives get very triggered by that kind of thing.

Got too big, and sold out. Tale as old as time.

>On their Twitters
So nothing then.
That's their problem for using twitter.

>On twitter
Who cares

Their rant about Kingdom Come: Deliverance seemed pretty silly to me.

Is it bad when I think of RWBY, I think of the porn off the bat?

I can't enjoy Funhaus anymore. I've been watching them since the early inside gaming days, and the short period of time before they left Machinima probably had the best content they've ever put out. Their Chaser let's play series will forever be some of the funniest shit I've ever seen. Now, they're entire channel looks like clickbait normalfag trash, aimed at the younger audience carried over from AH. The new members are nowhere near as funny as the classic Bruce, Adam, and James trio. You know it's bad when even die-hard funhaus fags admit that Alanah is painfully unfunny. I couldn't give any shits about any of Funhaus' politics I mean seriously, they are potheads who live in LA, how could someone not expect them to be fully leftists? but Lawrence has become such a jaded asshole who embodies the kind of corporate teet-sucking normalfag manchild who only gets their news from reddit. Just watch any podcast he's on and take a shot every time he goes off on a rant that consists of
>"Okay, so there are people who are outraged at this anti-consumer practice made by this large company that may or may not have business ties with Rooster Teeth, here's why those people shouldn't be outraged"

Also, I don't know if it's just me, but Adam has become a bit of a cuck. He's not as funny as he used to be, and every time he makes a semi-edgy joke, he has to mutter an apology under his breath or virtue signal about how progressive he is. It just gets annoying.

The new funhaus videos are embarrassingly unfunny, with too much editing and skits that go on for way too long and lose the joke(kinda reminds me of the nu-Nostalgia Critic). Maybe it's just my autistic tastes, but their older videos with less over-the-top slick editing seem to have much more heart and soul.

I know everyone idealizes the 'good ol' days' and I know how nostalgia often takes over, but damn I can't help but long for the old IG days.

Nope, the amount of porn that exists for their indie web cartoon shows their success, Monty would be proud.

When I think of classic RvB, I think the first thing that comes to mind is this album


>The new members are nowhere near as funny as the classic Bruce, Adam, and James trio.
This is still the majority of their videos though.

Were never good in the first place.


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Now say it again without all the buzzwords and i might believe you.

>You know it's bad when even die-hard funhaus fags admit that Alanah is painfully unfunny
Alanah is everything that I was afraid that Elise would be. Elise is garbage at some games, but at least she's funny more often than not.

>Than not
There's never a moment where she's not funny

When she gets on to them about racism. I'm pretty sure there was a point where they stopped because of her, then started against because the videos just weren't as good.

it's such a shame, I liked Alanah long before she became part of funhaus, but it's so obvious she just can't keep up with the others comedywise.

You lie

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She's usually never first to the punch on racist jokes or making fun of any group of people. But she hopes on the train on the tail end to tell a good joke. I think a good example of this is the blind people shtick.

Burnout. They're on like the 3rd or 4th time travel plot of RvB

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I like that she's baffled by all the random bullshit the others do and say.

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Name a more obnoxious community/fanbase than Rooster Teeth's

Game Grumps

Its only money and politics

>RvB season 17
>its a Donut season

Thank you for showing me this, it made my day

RWBY 6 was good, Nomad of Nowhere was legit, gen:LOCK lived up to the hype and there's a new Camp Camp season on the way. Nothing has gone wrong for the studio recently.

I meant proselytizing, not only using religious themes, like the difference between obnoxious christian rock and renaissance art. I guess you could argue the former falls under politics.

David Tennant and that guy from Black Panther are in this show, the fuck?

Do they still do that "vs." thing? That was always a fun casual watch.

check out their chaser series, its amazing.
The sin city emergence is also good, but i can't find it complete on youtube.

Trips of truth. Listening to the GG fans suck Arin’s Dick every time he fucks up and makes a “wahhh i’m So sorry but my life is hardddd :((((“ video is annoying as hell.

Also is Matt Peake dead?

He's still alive and happily married. You can sometimes see him on the open hauses.

Arby N the Chief still has 100x more SOUL than any thing Rooster teeth puts out.


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Seems self awareness is non-existent with you people.

Being wives, giving birth, and being mothers is all that women should do. To do anything else is to go against what makes them women. Too many women today have forgotten their purpose.

Poor Geoff, I liked him the best

>Says the user that is shitposting on a sri lankian bombing forum.

>RWBY 6 was good
It started decent and went downhill from there

>Nomad of Nowhere was legit,
The writer had a dispute with RT so this show is dead as shit.

>gen:LOCK lived up to the hype
Because they got extra budget for it so it was hard not to screw up

>Camp Camp season on the way.
Only good thing.

He's doing a lot better ever since he went sober


>Maybe it's just my autistic tastes
yeah probably



Man PANICS was great.

>free content
Time is money, bitch. Youtubers aren't owed either unless they're actually entertaining. Adblock helps

It went from a bunch of college friends dicking around to a massive "content creator." It's also almost totally staffed by a bunch of unprofessional losers whose only prior business experience is as a bottom rung Gamestop cashier and it shows.

I disagree, season 16 was at least on some parts better than 15, which was a complete and utter garbage

Lol if you think it was ever good. Web entertaiment studios are all garbage.

I can't stand those new videos where he sits around with a bunch of gross fat sycophantic stereotypes who laugh at everything he says like he's king in a royal court.

Alannah is there because she has a vagina. You can tell she's a slut because Bruce will take jabs at her sex life. Once he bought up the fact she has a guy come over and watch her fuck someone. He was dead serious.

>Anyone who says RT is bad because they're SJW's is an idiot.
Most of the old crews where redpilled before it was even called that. I stopped watching a lot of RT stuff because everyone felt too safe and corporate, with gaming press and other outlets being defended with weak ass "lets be reasonable" arguments.

>On their Twitters
Oh... You should have mentioned you're a faggot earlier, now it makes more sense.

I stopped watching Funhaus a little while after the "Mothers be Aware" arc, I used to watch them for gaming news but there are other youtubers that cover it better.

I liked the animated puppets, they had potential.

genLOCK is being co-produced by Michael B Jordan's own company that is why he is in it and how they got more starpower.

The Quartering
Every vid has a comment section full of "muh culture war" autism, the retard also likes to send his twitter followers to bombard people so he can talk about it in his vids.
He is exactly the same as the game journos he bitches about.

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Who cares about what niggas say on twitter?

Forced diversity everywhere

Ripoff gundam. Not even good ripoffs. The "low tech" Battletech-esque walkers look better.

Did I mention the MC is a coalburner?

>James "won"

How? The last of his soul died with the Earthbound episode and he's been autopilot ever since.

>It started decent and went downhill from there

>Because they got extra budget for it so it was hard not to screw up
It's not exactly a negative to say it had money and then did good

>I love Funhaus!

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I ain't gonna lie she's got a nice ass though

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The tragedy is SBF is pretty much the only one among them all I truly bear no malice for. Just sadness. They're just...not as interesting apart as they were playing off each other and just, generally fucking around instead of having to carry a whole half hour by themselves.

That's what I liked about them. It really was just a bunch of guys fucking around.

I was cheered up when RT shorts were being made again, but got a sinking feeling of dread when I watched them and realised they simply weren't as funny. It's nothing I can put my finger on but-back in the day Geoff would show up in drag or they could play off a homicidal puppet with the other office workers, and now it's just like LOL IT WAS A GAS LEAK GEDDIT. Fuck, I never got into any of the series except Camp Camp but the shorts had wit and audacity. And it's gone now.

The thing about Camp Camp for me is it seems like it's going to be about the snarky kid getting revenge on grown ups, the "twist" is it plays the feelgood Hallmark good end straight, and they give the optimistic character enough personal wins he doesn't feel like a total cosmic joke.

That's actually so rare in web animation these days I can appreciate the uniqueness. Even if objectively I realise it's inoffensive milquetoast tripe, it feels like inoffensive milquetoast tripe someone at least cared enough to make plot for.

RIP Cow Chop

Wasn't that whole story him taking care of her? I'm pretty sure I remember him talking about actually going on the ghost tour with Griffon and having to take care of her drunk self and taking her back to the hotel room, helping her change etc.

They should just cancel all other projects and funnel everything into RWBY. It's all anyone gives a shit about anyways.

Elyse a cute

This. The only reason they are still relevant was because the glorified puppet shows they were putting out were dirt cheap and easy to make, so they survived the youtube animation purge. that shit is literally one step above people using 4 or 5 reaction pics of their OC avatar blogging, and calling it animation. They don't have the chops to produce anything substantial that isn't a fucking joke

Not anymore now he is a white robot permanently

Honestly it feels like every youtubers I liked in the past are now just feel artificial. Only youtuber that seems natural is james radolf

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What was the dispute with Nomad?

Okay, homo.

what about reviewbrah?

I never liked his content. Still I wanted him to get more popular. Also i think jerma is still pretty good

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>not much going on
>still just kinda relying on RvB

>several animated series in production and airing
>obvious high production value in all corners

This meme is shit

>Alanah made a positive tweet about pewdiepie
>had to delete it after checkmarks spammed her with YIKES

>high production value

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I miss Internet Box

I know that, as a company, they had to keep RvB going. But still, why continue after Season 13? I loved the Chorus trilogy, and the anthology showed us that they still had good ideas for characters and worldbuilding.

What happened to the Freelancers vs the Charon soldiers? What was the deal with Aiden Price? What happened that guy who helped Locus and Felix when they were bounty hunters? They're experts at taking something dumb they did and retconning it into being good. From S6 with the alpha to S16 with Sister.

As for the others, their other shows are dull, Nomad of Nowhere was good but it's apparently discontinued, the good RWBY died with Monty Oum and all our hope lies with Camp Camp now

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Did Joel quit yet?

he popped back in recently for a few videos, so no

>Remembering Old RvB
>All those amazing RvB special episodes like extreme winter Olympics
>RT shorts before season 3
>Those first 100 eps of Drunk Tank

I wanna go back, old RT defined my high school days and I miss it so fucking much.

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Alanah is pretty based when it comes to games journalism, I remember her being one of the few who didn't cry about entitled gamers after the Diablo mobile announcement

They were funny by the standards of a youtube series that borrows 90% of its content from halo.

Many youtubers think because they can entertain bored people online it means they have actually talent in their field of interest. They usually dont.

Started to become a real company instead of just a bunch of guys hanging out and creating stuff.