Can we have a Twelve Forever thread? Reggie is the best girl.
Can we have a Twelve Forever thread? Reggie is the best girl
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I miss Shane
The Danger & Eggs studio has moved to work on this series.
Any recent news on the premiere date?
Lanky best friend!
No idea what that is
I miss giant mom Shane
>best friend that lets her turn him into anything she wants
This dynamic gives me fun feelings
Why isn't there more hype for this? It's looks like something strait out of the 2000s
>No mention of Butt-Witch yet
I'm shocked.
Just going to leave this here
Oh hey, it's the reason people liked Twelve Forever.
Guilty as charged.
There's pretty significant hype for something that's only a pilot and that we've gotten zero other material for since, except for two contradictory character group shots
Gives me funny feelings too
Love that the scrawny dude is submissive enough to give her free reign to do whatever she wants with him
Not a fan. I'm all about that Reggie
I'm going to head for the egg sit
Don't you mean Trans Forever?
or confident enough to let her play
At the end of the day just another quirky and hyper main character that will inevitably do something unlikeable at some point and then become hated by most of Yea Forums
With classic posts such as
>Reggie is for suffering
>Reggie is a terrible person
>Reggie was cute before but now she only deserves to suffer
You can't let that shit affect you
Reggie is for ... hugs
>pedos in denial of bad show being bad
Now that's comedy gold.
Does the baby have a present for the patriarchy?
Reggie a shit. Butt Witch only good thing to come out of pilot.
I mean it hasn’t come out yet so you can’t say it’s shit
I thought this show was gonna appear on Netflix this year?
Amazing. No evidence for it, whatsoever, huh?
Never too early for useless shitposting I see
>Inb4 your evidence for the show quality is some false shit where you think her shoes means she’s trans and that’s why it automatically sucks
You bet.
Not at all. The art looks like it's from a cartoon made in 2004 but that's about it
Imagine how much hugging she desperately needs
didnt the creator just say that was a thing she did with her own shoes
but that is the good part
Reggie's a pretty generic goofy protag.
If it weren't for Yea Forums waifuing the Butt Witch, this pilot would've been completely forgotten as Adventure Time Knockoff #238.
The fact that it A. has fanservice and B. uses a non-calarts style with plenty of sharp angles makes is nothing to scoff at
what's wrong with generic goofy progagonist? I'll take any flawed female characters right now
bumping for drawfag
I told you I'm always with you, didn't I?
(But I've got commissions right now)
So what is your request?
I want a summery Reggie reading under a tree in her bare feet
that's cute as fuck. I'm actually writing that down. as if you had to ask for that detail
This is Danger & Eggs.
Because one of the writers blurted out on twitter that Reggie is queer. They damage controlled it so hard they even got google to delete 2 days worth of usercontent to make sure the tweet was erased. I don't save ragebait like that, but I'm sure some other user will be happy to post it.
>it's the only reason
Fixed, no need to thank me.
I somehow doubt any of that happened.
You know you're not helping anything by spreading that shit around, right? jesus fucking christ just nuke the planet already.
Oh I was here when the tweet was posted
I still think he's a retard for thinking it somehow killed hype for the show. It was a fairly small pilot without much in the way of big names and it went a long ass time with nothing new until it was announced without much fanfare. That's all
>best girl
More like best transboy
Saying you were there doesn't mean you were actually there
The tweet happened, and I don't give a flying fig how she identifies.
Again, saying something over and over again doesn't make it true
There. Happy now?
What's really sad is it was probably deleted more for the 'kid' aspect
anyway, please stop posting things like this and fucking up 12 forever threads.
That chick doesn't use queer to refer to trans, and she's referred to as a girl, so I can only assume she's a lesbian, which is fine
I don't know why you're so set on this hill but
I'm not, I just don't believe things until I see them
He shall appear as Reggies ideal imaginary boyfriend
He's dead, Jim
things like this, you shouldn't believe, period
heh, reference.
I try to forget shit like this exisits.
Don't worry the cuck who created it got screwed because the whale he partnered with had a meltdown on twitter. Killed their second season.
Well that and being voiced by Matt Berry
I refuse to engage in schadenfreude, I simply think it's only fair that the ridiculous world those people created should bite THEM in the ass from time to time too.
That's a girl?
>had a meltdown on twitter
About what? Soggy knees or something else? I am morbidly curious.
It fucking obviously is you tard. Her hair is to her fucking feet
>soggy knees
Uh user, that's the one masculine thing on her. though not the top part.
She literally looks like a boy with long hair.
She's 12. It's like saying Gwen Tennyson looks like a boy.
long hair is for men
she's got pastel shoes, short shorts, three-quarter-length sleeves, and zero shoulder width. those are her girlish charms
nobody posts the one where she's snoozing in a blanket
I'm going to marry Reggie!
It's so weird we both got commissioned to draw her in that same pose
Is it a trap or not?
this isn't on r34, what ats?
The accusation being levied at reggie is not that she has a penis, but that she wishes she had one and would theoretically have one installed. Not to dignify any of that, but that's what the premise in question is, pushed by those sorts.
weird, you're right. but it is on paheal. Search reggie. first result.
This looks like garbage.
There's no reaction image reactiony or imagey enough to address the level of Y'THINK??
dumping i guess
my favorite scene from the whole show
Why? You don't seem to be all that sure of yourself.
damn this guy sucks at dumping
Yeah she's fantastic. I like how nobody is a complete idiot on that show, nobody's the strawman, nobody's meant for you to think they're totally pitiful and see yourself in that character so you can learn your place. even Ludo's sympathetic and adorable, and showed capability.
>I like how nobody is a complete idiot on that show
It was genius to make Butt-Witch female but with a male's voice.
complete. even the henchmooks had one or two moments. even the racist peasants have a good reason to not want monsters and shit around them. good stuff. by modern standards, anyway
and yeah ponyhead sucks but you're supposed to hate her.
Simon is a treasure.
When he's not drawing something that is truly disgusting, that is.
...huh. Well, time to go fap, I guess.
havent seen that, I guess i'm glad people cherrypick
I'm in love with Reggie's voice actress
Goddammit IT Crowd was great
Based. We need more representation for trans kids.
>writer isn't the same as an sr
>was told too delete it afterwards by other members of the staff
i was online that day too anons except i'm not desperately trying to advocate a hivemind.
We will attack anything we deem as a threat until it is confirmed the threat is gone, otherwise it will come back to bite us
I remember people used to post hot as fuck pics of julia vicksvaporub
and now Summer Camp Island came out and there's a NEW hot Julia and her name is Julia MrsPottsfromBeautyandtheBeast and she has a cute accent and everything
was that what he was talking about? I brought it up knowing the tweet was probably a Sabrina Cotugno running their mouth
I thought the point of contention was whether the tweet happened at all
what kind of music do you guys think she listens to
Probably like embarrassingly goofy folk songs and then shuts it off when anyone comes near
classic rock for sure, but probably gets way too into southern rock and then accidentally a country song gets in there and it's stuck in her head and she's rocking some dolly parton shit and then she gets embarrassed and confused
definitely unironically and unashamedly listens to cartoon theme songs. especially the super high quality ones from the 80s that got actual play on the radio
Vidya OSTs too
politically obsessed writer makes tweet, sr and members of the crew tell the poster too delete it, obviously not wanting blow back for any miss interpretation or too deal with controversy / possible violation of writers NDA.
as for the last part, don't know back then when i tried too look it up it was there but then deleted shortly after, the user doesn't currently have it listed as a project there under, so it's also possible that while at one time they where on the writing team, it currently doesn't seem like they are.
I even wen't back too double check too see if it still exists and no posts in 2017 even exist despite the account existing since 2009.
That goes without saying
What really gets me if archive crawling back to find it and realizing we've heard fucking NOTHING else about the show in closing on two years
Why do you leave us hanging, Vickerman
She used to post Instagram updates on the show's development during early 2018 but that stopped (I assume) after season 1 was completed. I was checking Twitter a few weeks ago and apparently the trailer is finished and ready to be aired, but I have no idea when/if it's coming out.
we don't even hear much about things that are supposedly finished and just waiting to be aired anymore
we're a far cry from 2010 when a bunch of us-guys started running things, and decided sure we can be open and show people our model sheets and whatnot
and then unpoliced official tie-in social media bullshit started resulting in p-problems and everything got locked the fuck down
Death Grips
I know it's bait but that doesn't stop it from stinking.
I made this image just now just for you, user
I think I'm going to get a lot of use out of it too
Wrong Reggie.
I dunno this cutie but she is cute
don't play coy with me
It hurts me that I will never sing a duet of Total Eclipse of the Heart with Butt-Witch. Or keep her from selling a zoo she owns with mind-altering cheese harvested from a mutant dwarf.
Riley with budding breasts in a bikini when?
No, it fucking doesn't.
Because no Shane no deal
>Reggie is the best """"girl""""
I need this
I dunno Reggie, I think I might need to see some proof of that claim...
And then she whips out one of her mom's toys
>Reggie is the best girl.
Glad to see Yea Forums still has some good taste.
she wouldn't want to bother with the top
I'm perfectly fine with that.
We see lots of that on our beaches.
Can anyone translate moonspeak?
I think this is the Korean dialect.
>can you fuck the boy out of me?
>Reggie is the best girl (male).
used to be a lot more common consarnit
Can someone do the Money Store art, with Reggie as the domme and Shane as the gimp?
>Everybody assuming just because Reggie is trans, she's MtF
Maybe she likes dressing like a boy and only has the long hair to keep her parents happy.
What do people see in this show? for real, I can not understand why ? is for porn ?
Besides, Butt Witch having a sultry man voice with her voluptuous body is CLEARLY a reflection of her being FtM
Impact? Really ? nobody knows this show and the few who know only know it as "that cartoon with pronouns"
When's the premiere?
She's cute and fun. we wish we had friends like that. It's also a big reminder of how things were before, well, all this shit
also yes, porn
Lol nobody knows
Cute Reggie, hot butt witch, hopes for something creative done with the dream world and seeming like an overall fairly simple show
Is that a gay thing?
>cute and funny
no it's a can we please forget gay is even a thing thing
>It's a Buttwitch gives Reggie a new fetish episode
Buttwitch and her voice pretty much stole the pilot episode.
Hopefully that's every episode!
A real shame.
user, you're so direct and forcefull.
I don't even know you.
A show with a trans kid as the MC ? Im hyped as fuck !!!
reminder that you can just click the minus button and hide any posts that should not be
I was translating the Korean text.
t. Korean
reggie's a cute tomboy. or tomgirl, or whatever the fuck it is.
>Vs is pro-trap Reggie
why the fuck do you punctuate like this !
Why would anyone care?
why would you reply to that post
Jontron style meltdown, when? It's not like his girlfriend isn't steering him in that direction.
idk, my bad fellas
Eh, I'll take that over not giving a fuck about capitalization any day.
true, it annoys me when people type sentences like this
Is she not putting out? I would've imagined he's too busy getting his dick sucked dry with a girl like that.
S o m e t h i n g W r o n g ?
Is the main character actually trans? I mean, I guess I could see it. If they're a boy trying to be a girl, then he'd probably want to stay young forever , looking feminine, so he doesn't start growing up into a man.
Unless the show actually comes out and says it, no
It's all people running and memeing about a tweet by someone not the show's creator that was quickly deleted
Be more concerned with whether the show itself will ever actually AIR because goddamn it's taking some sweet ass time
It's been slated for this summer still according to Julia's instagram for months now, it will come out, Netflix doesn't generally pull a Nickelodeon and delay the release of things endlessly for no discernible reason. If there's a delay, it will be due to a production issue
Some random writer posted on Twitter about one of the characters being "queer", which could mean anything. Common sense suggests that the post is referring to Reggie being a tomboy (which is now the same thing as "genderqueer" to some people) but nobody really knows. Either way, the show isn't about being trans. A few years ago on the creator's Tumblr blog, she replied to a piece of fan mail saying that the whole concept is about a fear of maturity and growing up, similar to what she herself went through at the same age.
Julia has also done a hilarious cartoon about how women be crazy, she has her head on straight
>Riley with budding breasts in a bikini when?
You think she's on titty skittles already? Doctors are usually reluctant to prescribe till around age 16, but i could see her self-medicating.
like what?
People seriously refer to tomboys as genderqueer now? I swear I get more and more thankful I grew up when I did and didn't have to deal with that as a kid.
she is officially a queer kid, according to staff. what that means is up for debate, but she has the trans flag colors on her shoes, and her creator has a history of putting lgbt flag colors on the shoes of characters she draws, like the pansexual flag. also the creator is very pro-trans to the point where she refers to baby boys as 'penis-possessing' children rather than boys in case they end up being trans. she's also posted the trans flag so she is aware of what the colors mean. there's also the fact that reggie wants to stay 'twelve forever'. aging through puberty is a major fear of trans girls because a massive influx of male hormones causes permanent voice changes, wide shoulders and jaws, etc. viewed through this lens, buttwitch makes sense as she has both a deep male voice and a voluptuous female body. representing both male and female. there's also a scene where the heroes are about to enter a girl's washroom, as a gateway to a magical realm. shane wonders if they 'belong' there, reggie asks 'do you care?' shane shrugs no and they go in.
taken together it's pretty compelling.
more here:
Hopefully they play any LGBT stuff off as perfectly normal and won't make a big deal about it like Steven Universe did.
Of course, the mere existence of a trans girl means it's being 'forced fed' to /pol/s and the extremist elements of tumblr are the words of all lgbt.
>Shrodinger's futa autistic tomboy /ll/
>It's also thematically appropriate with the concept of the show
Yeah, all that said, I'm guessing it's gonna be a trans thing. I can handle gay characters, but I really don't think a transgender character in kids show is necessary.... Not that the premise couldn't be interesting, but I still think exposing children to transgender themes could be dangerous....
The thing is, gender shit has been fucked for a long time. calling them tomboys is already pretty warped, when they're just normal girls.
women who get dolled up are the ones acting in a man's role. but you can't blame people for getting fucking confused.
for a while the internet tried to get people to think outside their norms, but all most people did was just switch to different, worse norms
>tfw no show about a loli who when she goes to her magical land forcibly grows a gross fat throbbing cock and inconveniently-huge nuts, and all she has to do to win is to NOT cum inside the evil sex witch, which she fails at, every single time
I ask God for so little
I knew if I made this thread it'd be full of the wrong kinds of people.
Please go away and leave us to our thread
at least someone here has it right.
that's settled. so, a straight female trans, or a lesbo?
I never thought of the term tomboys as warped, really. I was always considered a tomboy and it never remotely bothered me. I think when people try and say tomboys are girls who want to be boys, that's an issue.
Even if, against all odds, Reggie does end up trans, it doesn't make sense for her VA to be an actual biological woman. Julia seems like the type to go all the way and hire an actual tranny if that was the case. Unless this changes, I still think Reggie is an actual female - with "queer" meaning her being a tomboy or a lesbian.
That's the kind of logic the writer used when calling Reggie queer. Girls aren't allowed to show the slightest inclination towards masculinity without being labeled as trans or genderqueer.
That's crazy. I want to believe they wouldn't refer to a female character as queer for just having tomboy traits. I'm more inclined to believe they'd be referring to trans or lesbian.
For the voice thing, if Reggie is a boy and that's meant to be a surprise, I could see how they would probably go with a female voice actress.
I want Reggie to be a trap.
Women are women. Whether they have a penis or not. It's not very progressive to segregate them based on their genitalia. Besides I think they want to work their way up to a reveal about Reggie's identity. If they hired an openly trans actress it would let the cat out of the bag too soon. Also as a 12 year old she hasn't gone through a voice change yet, so his voice would naturally sound more 'feminine' than someone who has gone through that voice change would (just like a woman voices Bart Simpson, etc).
*her voice
Forgive my microagression
Do you have a name to call you "persecution", yet? It has to be something that rolls off the tongue like when furries did it, and called theirs "Fursecution".
This was posted in a thread a couple months back. Unless the insider has something to gain by spreading falsehoods on an unreleased series that almost nobody gives a shit about, I think he's telling the truth.
Someone post the lewd greentexts
>Julia seems like the type to go all the way and hire an actual tranny if that was the case.
whether or not she actually is, trans are so rare, this isn't feasable. most well known trans, like the lady from orange is the new black, are obviously adult voiced.
fair enough
>That's crazy.
You don't fucking say
All that proves is that he works at Nickelodeon. He might have nothing to do with the show
Reggie is a cuck haha
Rework it a bit, came back to me in 5.
which one?
The good ones. Oh wait, never mind.
the one about buttwitch coercing reggie with carnal pleasures magically manifested
Shit. That's actually good.
lol Wonder if they'll use it?
>laughing my ass on
Why the spoiler posting? Is it because mods nuked those on sight? Is that why you're cowards and are using spoilers?
True, but if he knows what was going on behind the scenes of the show's development, I feel like he would also know a decent amount about the show's main character. I believe him.
There's no reason to believe any of what he said (about Julia Vickerman being a drunken sexual assaulter or whatever) is true. Yea Forums just chooses to believe it because they wish a hot woman like her would sexually assault them.
I don't know. Her open acknowledgment of her drinking problem on Instagram along with references to blacking out and "hurting people" makes me think there might be some truth in what he's saying.
If women would do it to us, as god intended, we could stop doing it to them
I'm here for the cute girl, yes.
That's not that bad, actually. But coming up with a special codeword for people getting pissy and offended is still sort of faggy. Dilemma.
Are all pedos this dumb and without self-awareness?
>But coming up with a special codeword for people getting pissy and offended is still sort of faggy.
which is why we don't have that shit and don't want it. neither do nudists, or anyone else who is just normal and really doesn't need terminology.
though we can still have terms to snidely slight those on the opposition
Nope, just me. I'm a simple soul, who loves loli and hates the self righteous and easily offended.
tell me more.
>self righteous
This reads like how you're acting and doing right now. ;)
For you.
Are you projecting? I just said I like loli and codewords are lame. Why are you offended?
I'll admit I'm selfrighteous. because I'm right.
and I understand other people being selfrighteous because they think they're right. They just aren't right. But if they were, their behavior would be justified, and mine wouldn't be.
It's just like islam. if Allah actually told people to go kill the infidels, what they're doing would be right.
>this is what pedophiles actually believe
Okay. Well I'm just going to keep liking what I like. If you're having a good time being mad and feeling righteous I'll just have to deal with your presence begrudgingly, as you do mine, Mr. Uptight.
oh I just now realized how it looked by my replying to your post after you were replying to some asshole
naw I'm on your side dude. Loli's good. period.
strangely this guy picked up on that.
>This Amazon original series will change the world!
Amazon original series barely have double digit exposure.
The Tick is fantastic though
She either made a kid's show about a trap, or she's a horny female rapist. Either way, she's /ourgirl/.
>It's all people running and memeing about a tweet by someone not the show's creator that was quickly deleted
It was deleted because it was a spoiler.
that would be something they'd be pushing if t'were true. they don't spring that shit on people, they milk it for bucks
I'll believe it when it happens
No, they'd only milk it like that if it was established Reggie was trans from the get go. It'll probably be the season finale spoiler and all the clickbait sites will explode when it happens to give the show good ratings.
There's 13 episodes, 11 minutes each, and with it being a Netflix show they're probably all gonna come out at once. There's no point in hiding it. If Reggie was trans, they would've been hyping that up since the series was announced.
can you people please stop using a meaningless prefix as an adjective? the adjective is transsexual
we don't say a fag "is homo"
exactly, you can say A homo
just like you can say porn, or porno, or a porno, but you can't say 'a porn'
Hm. Sounds kinda homo to me.
Sure is HONK HONK in here.
I see what you did there.
Old, or do we got Simon in the thread??
either way, cute!
Outside of a wedding, not even SU made a big deal about it.
Most of the focus was on straight ships.
Please say sike
Butt-Witch represents how confusing adulthood can get. Women's voices tend to get deeper as they age. Butt-Witch's voice is that principle exaggerated.
I admit I'm curious how those episodes will play out, considering again how Butt-Witch represents adulthood.
>Make the show on time
You have ONE job Netflix. Get it right. I want Butt-Witch on the air.
Does Reggie wear those socks that only cover your sole and toes or would she find them too much hassle?
>Women are women. Whether they have a penis or not. It's not very progressive to segregate them based on their genitalia.
I mean if you ignore biology completely I can see where you’re coming from.
Unlikable characters like Mabel get hate because they're shits who get propped up at every opportunity by the writers of the show they're in (there's an entire episode of Gravity Falls about how great Mabel is and how terrible it is to say anything else).
An unlikable character who's treated as unlikable or where their unlikability is part of a character arc doesn't get meme'd.
I think the title and pilot imply a story where a young girl wants to stay a child forever but unlike something like Kids Next Door I'm expecting there to maybe be a low-key story about how her desire is impossible and ultimately counter-productive. The presence of her fairly mature-seeming friend Shane (Rip in Peace) seems like a tip-off that it's not doing a cartoon kidz vs. adulthood thing.
>I want to believe they wouldn't refer to a female character as queer for just having tomboy traits.
No, people do this now. The goal is to herd as many people into the "LGBT" monolith as possible for maximum manipulation.
>That episode where Dipper had to apologize because he was making new friends and wasn't interested in Candy.
>Ywn flip a coin to decide whether ButtWitch has dick or pussy for sex.
If Butt Witch is Reggie's imaginary arch enemy from the depths of her subconscious then her biggest fear involves her ass getting huge and her voice dropping a dozen octaves.
Yeah, I ended up looking more into it, and these people say that being a tomboy makes a girl, at the very least, a little bit trans. Totally stupid.
>he was treated like shit for giving the girs he met false hopes and asking them for their numbers/emails/whatever
>girls do that all the fucking time, and some go as far as to flat-out state that they do it so they can keep boys around just in case
>then grunkle stan and the spider woman
The entire episode is just the writers shitting on men for no reason at all, it will never not make me A N G E R Y.
Well maybe Dipper shouldn’t have been acting like an incel.
More like chad.
>Reggie is traumatized by watching a miracle of birth video in health class.
I know there's potential for a WHIRRRRR meme somehow, maybe her mother bending over while using one of those handheld vacuums and reggie running out of the room interror. (if we ever see her that is)
Chads respect women.
Chads don't give a solitary fuck.
Assuming dipper hadn't been caught he could've probably fucked about half or more of those girls including candy, that makes his behaviour the complete opposite of an incel's.
Nah. Chads don’t fuck women. Just respect them.
Incels are constantly thinking and begging for sex.
>Chads don't fuck women
I mean i knew this was bait from the beginning, I'm just bored as shit since I don't work till later, but fucking lol man.
super old and super great. Simon's the best.
just fyi it's 'psych'
a delayed show will eventually be good, a bad show is bad forever
remember the 90s when people were pushing the idea that you are what you are, but you get to define how that thing acts, dresses, etc? all those sitcoms with crossdressers where they made it clear they're totally straight, they just feel good looking that way? all those lessons about it being okay for girls to be tough and athletic and it doesnt make them less female?
let's throw all that out the fuckin window yeah. turns out established norms were right, it was your biology that was wrong. but you can fix that.
I remember. I know if I had been a kid now when all this is going on, I would have been seriously confused and scared. I read awhile ago about a kindergarten girl who freaked out when her male classmate came out as a "girl", and she was scared she would somehow become a boy. I used to be pretty anxious and probably would've feared the same thing. Stuff like that make me nervous about having trans kids in cartoons, and how kids would react, so I hope that they don't do that with this show.
the important thing is we also lived through the era of parents forbidding their kids from seeing this or that, so we know that's fucking retardos, and part of what caused this insanity
so we won't do THAT. but we will teach them how dumb this crap is, and not let the schools indoctrinate them
if we ever manage to find a mate
The 90s were just so barbaric. Treating everything like a big joke, not caring about our microaggressions. I look back at things like Ace Ventura and Duckman and literally weep. How did anyone survive?
I completely agree. However I am disturbed still by how many of us who grew up in the same era are for all this insanity. Drives me nuts
based digits
these quints do not lie
it's fucking baaafffling to me. I hear people today, my age, who are against weed, against depictions of certain things in media, they think disney movies and anime are weird and perverted, they bash fast food and believe in nutrition propaganda, believe in captain planet eco bullshit without question, they object to product placement and merchandising, thinking advertising somehow hurts kids.. who are these people? did we live through a different 90s?
Can’t believe I left tumblr for this shit
social media shit baffles me too, but at least that's not something we grew up hating. we had no fucking idea. I am annoyed that the early 00s internet I got accustomed to has been abandoned in favor of shit that goes against it, and every good thing it accomplished, but I'm not really surprised. Every era of the internet has been eclipsed by new more accessible shit. Main difference is, this one didn't really add anything new, it took a lot away.
Never thought about this.
Imagine being a little boy and somehow you friend is a girl now...
>and she was scared she would somehow become a boy
I can totally relate with this... as a child you know nothing, I remember I was like 6 or 7 I watched that stupid movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger getting pregnant, it had such a negative impact on me that at some point I though I was somehow pregnant, I remember being super anxious about it until I said it to my parents and they told me it was pure nonsense.
And it was a fucking stupid movie, I can't imagine how stressful it is today for kids with all the media repeating that if you like to wear pants instead of dresses you may be a boy or if you like dolls instead of cars you are a girl and you body is wrong and it must be changed.
And it may be worst with the gay stuff... when you are a child you begin to create this relationships with friends and I remember being quite close to them, hugs, holding hands and stuff since its the only way you know how to express love at that age... I bet today this kind of close affection its quickly interpreted as "You are gay, Billy and looks like Tommy is you boyfriend, right?"
But the whole point of that movie is they had to use crazy medical science to make it work. I liked that movie.
but yeah this is a pretty fucked world. we'll be gone soon.
>holding hands and stuff
Complete degenerates!!
Yes, you understand! This is why I'm concerned about these kinds of things being shown in children's shows!
Your fear (which I totally understand at that age) from that movie was nonsense, and your parents were clearly right to tell you that. But with transgenderism and gay stuff, many kids DON'T have people saying its nonsense. Many advocate it. So imagine the confusion and fear that could result.
my parents used to think I was a fucking idiot, unable to tell fantasy from reality and that anything fictional would be dangerous
then in a single generation their fears were proven pretty valid
I want to go on a date with Reggie.