No abilities. No prep. Just a good old fashioned brawl with gadgets.

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Why doesn't he just rape her

Boy George vs Kyle Massey?

>Why doesn't she just rape him


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Nigga. He's got to fight her off of him.

Batgirl easily beats Killer moth.

In just hand to hand combat Barbara isn't the greatest in the Batfamily. But she is definitely one of the smarter members and while I dont think Killer Moth is an idiot he is no where near batgirl when it comes to devising strategy or working technology etc.

Batgirl would probably outplan Killer Moth in any fight they had.

At least someone with a bat logo would be willing to rape

They were in comics?

I can hardly imagine a scenario where Bat-Girl gets so enraged she furiously rapes him.

I can't help but see Moth as the aggressor in the "forced foreplay" sense.

Because that's exactly what she wants.

Unless some writer turne dhim into a badass.

raping batgirl would be the most retarded thing he could do. Cause then hed have Batman tracking him down who would probably cripple him so bad he would never be able to piss again.

Not to mention all the other hero friends batgirl has. I reckon some batman villiians like Penguin could rape of kill some of batman's sidekicks if they really wanted but that they are too scared of what batman would do to them if they did.

>Bat-Girl gets so enraged she furiously rapes him.
How does one do that?

He's got height and weight on her.

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Because that's what she's going to do to him.
Like father, like daughter.

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its a big victory until red hood or huntress shoot him in the balls with a bullet and an arrow.

As if that really matters in comics.

Not barbara, I know, but Cassie's shorter and weighs a little less.

Ends in sex

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> Forgot to upload this.

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Why even fight? They’re super into one another

Is castellucci /ourgirl/?

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Well to be fair Cass is a living weapon.

Because everyone knows that Batpeople are crazy, and you don’t stick it in crazy

But what if they're hot?

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Does Killer Moth still have a daughter? I always liked that dynamic.

Teen Titans stuff with Kitten and Silkie, and the fact he was a moth demon in the 90's is all I know off the top of my head about Killer Moth.

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>Does Killer Moth still have a daughter?
Sadly no, Kitten is not canon in the comics even though she should be. The old Batmoth threads all agreed that single working dad Killer moth was kino.

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What if he had two?

One who is kitten and one who is not kitten.

> Moth's relationship with Kitten

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>Moth's relationship with other daughter.

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> Single dad


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>Batgirl befriends Kitten just to get close to Moth

>no book where Barbara has to introduce her new boyfriend killer moth, in his full costume, to her dad over dinner

>I can hardly imagine a scenario where Bat-Girl gets so enraged she furiously rapes him.
you must remember that Yea Forums-Killer Moth is completely unaware of the effect he has on her, and Yea Forums-Babs has to change underwear AND pants every time she meets him because just his voice is enough to open her flood gates

dunno, but I dig how she draws the costume
Still not sold on the back-head bat-ears of the mask, though.

this as a sort of reversal on the Batman\Catwoman dynamic would be great, too.

no, no, the Yea Forumsnsensus is Moth hiring Babs to give Kitten private lessons to improve her grades on a couple subject
The first time they meet out-of-mask they recognise each others immediately, both forming plans to use the lessons as excuse to keep the others from their night-jobs for a night.

By the end of the school year even Kitten wonders why the hell they aren't fucking yet


>the Yea Forumsnsensus is Moth hiring Babs to give Kitten private lessons to improve her grades on a couple subject
I know a writefag did something with that but I can't find it.

Found this though

>The first time they meet out-of-mask they recognise each others immediately,

I usually prefer it when it takes longer before they deduce the other's identity. I suppose I like to see both identites on multiple characters develop. Also there's more than one story you could tell with them being unknown to each other until you build up to the climatic reveal.