Is Grant Morrison right?

Grant Morrison said that comics are in a rut. Is he right, Yea Forums? Are we living in the darkest age of comics?

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Redditpost and from mobile
What a time

That’s not what he meant from what he said. Lack of evolution=/=bad

>Grant Morrison said that comics are in a rut. Is he right, Yea Forums?

He's talking about superhero comics. And yes, in superhero comics he's correct.

Who cares. We're all just here for cartoons and /tvco/. Comics are shit.

Well anytime that reveres Morrison as a good writer is pretty grim.

dunno man, the new Peter Cannos is at least trying new things...

Attached: peter cannon 2019.jpg (1040x1600, 376K)

He's partially wrong, because I think there was a change in the 2010's, where the kind of style done in Fraction and Aja's Hawkeye is popular, where big action is deemphasized.

But he's right that it is in a rut since there isn't a significant change, like how the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and 00's had very significant differences from each other.

That was more of a fad. Have you seen anything that takes influence from that style since?

Name a good comic book writer.

Agreed generally but his Bat epic approach, where "it all counts, it's all canon" or whatever feels like a potential next step in evolution after ultimates. But I guess few have followed on that approach. Ewing Hulk maybe, Deathstroke and obviously his GL.

Reminds me of this Moon Knight page.

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the business model has stagnated and the age of comic writers has gone up. they really need to freshen things.

>cape shit is dying
Nice, maybe capefaggs can fuck of now that they are only disney pets

It is hard to evolve a story telling medium when you're not allowed to tell specific stories.
When the things he and others of his time wrote would never make it to print.
You're not allowed to give comics specific adult themes while on the other side of the shelf in the bookstore there is Manga with every degenerate or profanely violent story you can think of under the sun.
How do you compete with that?
"full color"?

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He's wrong because Twitter says we're in a golden age.

Yes, he is. Fuck stillbirth.

The first three panels of Cannos' page undermine the entire gimmick because the reader's eyes are trained to move left to right from the start. The Moon Knight page is perfect because the center panel is treated as "the source" of all the action, where it bleeds off into each panel in a circular motion while Moon Knight himself is seen running around it.

That's the problem, it was a change, but it wasn't a change in the way like the 70's had Neal Adams-style or the 80's had Byrne, Miller, and Perez style or 90's had Image style and manga-influenced style.

The biggest selling book in the 2010's was Batman and for years that was drawn by Greg Capullo, a 90's guy.

>or the 80's had Byrne, Miller, and Perez style

Fuck, also forgot to put Sienkiewicz in this, too.

I mean especially in DC don’t we still have the same assholes in charge since the early 2000s dark era?

>that guy trying to make him praising Rebirth, a literal rehash of old stories, the literal thing he is not happy about

My sides

Young Animal?

If you don't phonepost you are objectively a cuck.

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He’s saying comics have been bad since the ultimates though, who knows what the fuck he is on about

>The Moon Knight page is perfect because the center panel is treated as "the source"
>where it bleeds
Stealth Hypercrisis post?
In a Morrison thread no less.

He's right.

you are right, they should have put more thought into it.

No, he's talking about how it doesn't feel like things changed in the last 20 years, like how you look at a comic from 1965 and a comic from the 1985 and it's vastly different.

Even though I can't trust his opinion completely since elsewhere in that Reddit page he said he hasn't really followed many recent comics, he still sort of has a point because I really can't seem to pinpoint what the most popular art style in the 2010's is.

>the market is not saturated with edgy trash

reddit is officialy obsessed with child sex period

>I really can't seem to pinpoint what the most popular art style in the 2010's is
Artists not hopping onto shitty style trends is a good change.

>Artists not hopping onto shitty style trends is a good change.

It sounds like it, but at the same time nothing stands out at all.

>comic book writer
Pick one and only one.



>I really can't seem to pinpoint what the most popular art style in the 2010's is

Well at DC you had a shift back to Jim Lee, ( heavy rendering, cross hatching, etc) with Ivan Reis probably being the king of that house style.

But it is probably the first era in comics where you can't point to a single artist in the mainstream as the guy or comic everyone is reacting to. With the number of publishers, the range of titles, and the internet the comic industry will probably never again have a unifying catalyst title like say Watchmen, 70's Heavy Metal, or Fantastic Four

Reis looks more like he's from the Davis/Hitch style than Jim Lee. Capullo is kind of what you're talking about, but only on a technicality because his style on X-Force and Spawn didn't seem like they were Lee influenced, and his Batman is still an extension of his Spawn style.

Wow, i lived to see Grant Morrison become Alan Moore.

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haha ok kid

I don't know if it's just capeshit. I see way too many comic creators that can't do shit with their creation because they don't have the numbers to go on Patreon, or their thing doesn't have huge mass appeal. I'm talking about professional artists who make great looking comics with original stories, not some amateur with a webcomic.
If you are a creator with a really nice thing but you can't somehow market yourself directly to your public, you're fucked. We're at a point in time where being able to get a huge public is far more important than how good your actual work is.

When it comes to the big 2? Absolutely. The only thing I'm reading from either is Hawkman

He's right. There hasn't been any big stylistic innovation since the rise of cinematic storytelling. I think this rut may be caused by an overabundance of writing for the trade, which greatly reinforces the cinematic style that's been standard.

Is this page from Pax Americana good?
Idk if the perspective is wonky or not.

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It's hard to evolve when anything remotely new is rejected by the readers

>But I guess few have followed on that approach.
Because saying everything is true makes for the most schizophrenic character who's everything and its opposite.

These pages are trash and any editor with half a brain would tell the artist to redraw them.

Printed comics are definitely in a rut, but some online webcomics have done some cool stuff, medium wise. The most immediate example would be the TF2 comics' morphing panels. It's a small thing, but I'm surprised more web comics and digital media in general doesn't take advantage of it, it can add so much to simple scenes.

>Manga with every degenerate or profanely violent story you can think of under the sun.
That's a little reductive, don't you think?

>lel let me pretend all the pages are bad XD

Not fooling anyone

Any reasons why?
I like it when comics break the format sometimes.
Makes them stand out more.

I feel like for Capes, and this is coming from someone WRITING a cape comic, 100%. We've stagnated in this sense where things are just looping and whenever something tries to advance, it's pushed back by editors that want consistency with THEIR vision of their respective universes. For Indie and other types of stories, we're in a pretty good place. Heck, WEBTOON is successful and is gaining traction, indie print titles like Dark Horse or Image or even smaller ones like Black Mask have some goodies in there. I doubt Grant goes out of his way to read manga of all things, but that's advancing in some ways too, people are more open to storytelling from foreign markets now like they were with French-Belgian comics in the past.

TLDR: Capes need to step up their game, otherwise we're pretty alright.

What on Webtoon stands out? I'm looking through it.

Image is full of pseudo capeshit.

I'm not going to waste time on a detailed analysis and explain what would work better especially since capeshit fans always defend this "cute" garbage tooth and nail, but capeshit always does this thing they're they like "I'll do THIS thing with the panels, that's going to be cool!" which is simply amateur way of thinking. You don't decide to do a thing with the panels just because, that's retarded. This is why these pages never work, because these people do the cute thing with the panels and they wink at the reader and say "cool uh?? see what I did there??" it's fucking amateur garbage.
These pages would work a million times better by following a clear, panel-by-panel direction like a humble person with a brain would go about it. There is no reason to keep the camera still in those sequences, there is no reason to keep a grid format, there is no reason to be retarded. Just use panels appropriately like a normal person.
This is why manga reads 1000000x better, and I don't even read manga that much.

>What on Webtoon stands out?
Ultra-gay shit and horror.
That's all the good ones, their sci-fi stuff is pretty bad imo. Then again I haven't been there in a while.

The Pax Americana page is important to the plot, actually. Retard.

>I don't know anything about comics or manga but I'll pretend to be angry

>it's shit on purpose for plot reasons
see? I didn't waste time

But its the mystery user, we have three perspectives.
The Question was trying to deduce it if you look hard enough.
Just saying.

>It's shit because I falsely claim it is
See? Better rewording

The two pages are doing different things entirely. Moon Knight is a single physical space with the panel divisions showing a passage of time as he moves around the room, while Peter Cannon starts with the panels being more traditional sequential storytelling before metacontextualizing them as a physical force that blocks the woman's attack and shifting to the technique used in Moon Knight. It's meant to be read left to right so you get her experience of him breaking down time by traveling through the panels.

At this point it's your own damn fault for still giving him (You)s for such low effort bait...

calm down sperg

There's a bit too much spacing between panels, but it's alright otherwise.

A person asked me why I would trash the pages, I answered. I'm not even wasting time replying, I couldn't care less about (you)s.
Keep talking about your amazing 200IQ capeshit pages, I'm out

Look at the kind of "new" things SJW writers have been shitting out.

wtf is this?should I read this right to left, bottom to top?...

>throw a shade at stale and rehashed storytelling
>"yes, but what about Rebirth?!

redd*tors are dumb, at least as dumb as Yea Forums and that's saying a lot.

Is it the centre? I think its because it's a 2-page spread.

The word bubbles helped out a lot.
The Question was monologuing this entire spread, you should probably read it like a conventional comic.

each character entered the room in a different time of the day.
i'm not a fan of how they put it honestly.

The center I understand, but all of them are spaced out more than they should be for such tiny panels. It would be more aesthetically pleasing seeing more of the artwork pushed together.

I'll just leave this here

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The broader, and more important point is more about genre than specific content. Like it or not, Capeshit dominates the market share and the dollar share of the western comic book industry. Imagine if they only made one genre of movie, or one genre of TV show. Such monolithic production would be balked at for stifling the entire medium. Yes, there are indie publishers, but because of the distribution system's structure they're fairly hamstrung. Meanwhile manga has everything from ultra-simple cutesy SoLs to horribly violent and ultrasexual adult fair. It's debatable whether or not manga is strictly better than comics, but that's not really the point. Manga as an industry is undeniably more robust, as evidenced by non-monopolistic distribution and vastly more genre disparity within the medium.

At first i thought this was awesome qnd really clever until i realized was reading it in the wrong order

Despite how much of a shill Morrison is for modern DC, he's pretty much spot on with how comic book storytelling has regressed to an astonishing degree coming from the 80s and early 90s.

>modern DC
He just prefers DC in general, said they've always been better.

Then why is it the shonen shit that sells better in America rather than the edgy wank?

He’s absolutely right. We’re still stuck in the Nu Grim and Gritty widescreen era and HIC/DCeased proves it. We have yet to have a flowering of creativity like what was seen in the silver age.

shonen shit is still edgier than babyshit capeshit

Marginally. Capeshit is always having some stupid and edgy twist nowadays. Characters like the Joker exist purely to be edge vehicles nowadays.

I'm working on it user, the 2020s will be better

>saying this when Wally is now a serial killer


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>Morrison, like his autistic fags, don't even really read comics

Gillen and Morrison are such hacks

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I know it's bait. But you are a goddamn moron.

You're a contrarian idiot

I blame the economy, the root of all our current problem have been the economy since 2008

Posting stuff on the internet is free, isn't their work attracting anyone?

Mate Frank Quitely took like 10 years to draw that book the way it is, anymore and we'd be dead before it was out

hes right. He is the only person writing super heor comics that are worth reading

>while on the other side of the shelf in the bookstore there is Manga with every degenerate or profanely violent story you can think of under the sun.
The shit you're describing are just as niche as indie comics and barely sell at all. The big hitters in manga like MHA are actually much tamer than the majority of superhero comics these days.

Yes. Why do you think he moved to Heavy Metal to push more experimentation in the medium? Cause he is getting bored, and anyone reading for a couple decades would.

It's been in the garbage bin but they're slowly crawling out.

Not really. Specific art styles will stand out to different people and that's a good thing. Having a monolithic style for any time is a bad idea cause it dates it and also can just get lost in the sameness of it all

While I agree with you, most of Marvel for the last decade has been subpar "cartoony" stuff (think poor Aja or poor Allred) or storebrand bryan hitch.

Speaking of which, has patreon changed their view of porn? Porn artists can make mad money that way but for a while Patreon was making really shitty policies to discourage that art.

I bet you think Chris Ware does bad paneling

Not that user, but i was confused cause i never read Thunderbolt. So he is a reality warper in a way?

What you say would work for indie comics. But for Big 2 it's natural that they'd push for artists who are similar to their popular artists.

And even then clones are not an inherently bad thing. Bill Sienkiewicz started out as a Neal Adams clone then got his own distinctive style that influenced other people like Dave McKean or Ashley Wood. Travis Charest started out imitating Jim Lee, then developed his own style (which I think influenced Steve McNiven). Barry Windsor-Smith started out imitating Jack Kirby and Jim Steranko before developing his own style on Conan. Bryan Hitch was imitating Alan Davis before doing the photorealistic widescreen thing.

Ferrerya popped into Marvel for a hot second and i loved that. He does incredible 2 page action scenes. Far better than any decade before cause there is always so much movement

Not really my type of stuff but still, very good if that's what you're into, specially those colors (I'm assuming he colors himself because all his work has them, both at marvel and dc). I'm more partial to the cartoony (or "comic-y? Allred, Samnee, Marcos Martin, etc.) myself.

Fair enough, and yes he colours himself. But i wasn't talking about realistic vrs cartoony. I was refering to panel setup. And maybe it isn't a good idea to lean so much into 2 page action scenes that can't be read very well digitally but i fucking love that.

I think the Koreans seem to be experimenting with comics the most. They are writing ones ment to scroll down with your phone. There is even one that you move through by swiping at different angles to get to the next panel, which is ment to direct your attention in that direction. I found the story boring as hell but the interface was fun. On my phone now so don't have the link

>I see way too many comic creators that can't do shit with their creation because they don't have the numbers to go on Patreon, or their thing doesn't have huge mass appeal. I'm talking about professional artists who make great looking comics with original stories, not some amateur with a webcomic.


>Marcos Martin
You know, I remember liking his and Paolo Rivera's work on Daredevil. But then they didn't produce as much work after (although I think Martin was working on that comic with Brian K Vaughn), and I think they fell out of the readership view. That's probably another thing, sometimes some artists don't stay on a book long enough to make an impact.

I don't know if it's a situation where both my country's editorial market has gotten better in the past few years and the fact that I'm well paid for the first time in my life, but I kinda dropped digital comics that aren't made exclusively for digital mediums because format is important as fuck.
Still not willing to bet on the death of analog books, just floppies, but I guess eventually everyone will do something similar to how things are in Brazil (where I live), where floppies are released split by editorial (Superman gives you anything starring Supes, X-Men and X-Men Extra for the X-Men and so on, similar to a smaller weekly manga) while indies will keep floppies as a "luxury" resource.
He really doesn't seem to work that much on comics, most of what I remember by him are fill ins for similarly styled guys like Allred or Rivera. The one thing I think he stayed for longer (in the big two at least) is a Spider Man mini.

I know Morrison believes that society and culture go through alternating periods of edginess and optimism. At what point do you think we are at the cycle?

by the measure he provides, sometime between 2020-2022

Just want to point out that you don't have to go crazy with panel layout to be inventive. DWJ on Extremity and Murder Falcon have been some of the best new stuff the past few years, fantastic action paired with heart; great use of sound effects and perspective.

I don't know. I've only read the first issue of this run, and it didn't have anything like this. I just recognized it as being similar to stuff like Gwenpool and Animal Man where characters interact with the panels.

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Quality. Shows that Morrison hasn't worked with JHW III, cause he has been the stand out of this decade

>Shows that Morrison hasn't worked with JHW III,

He did though.

I thought that page was Moore's.

No, that user's point is that he thinks Morrison didn't work with JHW III because Morrison said what he said in OP's screencap.

But JHW III worked with Morrison, on Batman and Seven Soldiers, and those and Moore's Promethea were 00's. I can't remember what he did in the 10's, Sandman Overture and Batwoman? And even on Batwoman I don't think he drew every issue.

Good point, i forgot Seben Soldiers and he was some of the best part of it, but he was never able to make his work mesh with JHW III like Moore and Gaiman did. It was some of the best parts of Seven Soldiers but it didn't really do anything to use his talents like other writers did

Has he done anything since Sandman Overture? I assume the blow-up over Batwoman not being allowed to marry soured Didio on having Williams back and letting him continue working on Sandman Overture was only allowed because they didn't want Gaiman pissed off.

What's that about him being a molester?


in OP's image



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Sure they are, weeb. Now go masturbate over a two page spread of badly scaled architecture.

I'm not sure but I just expected better out of this spread.

Are we due for an edgelord or an optimistic phase? I lost track.

the AMA was with Morrison and Pat Oswalt. That question was directed at Oswalt.

Hard to say because it's going through both.

I think even Image and Dark Horse have stagnated. They haven't evolved at all from the Vertigo days. Image is chock-full of generic fantasy and action-adventure comics.

The second issue of Seven Soldiers feature William's going through, like, 6 different styles. They never worked on a long term storyline together but his talents were put to good use, not that you even tell Williams how to draw things Gaiman even said that for Sandman he just told him something vague like"draw a flower that is Dream" and he blew him away with that spread.

He's been working on two projects. An OGN for Amazon that's an adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula, iirc it's a visual comic or whatever they're called, the comics with small animations on the page. And Echolands for Image, it has a video trailer. He said just last month that they haven't solicited it yet because he wants to get 4 issues done before that because uts a longish work and doesnt't want to destroy it with delays.

Where the fuck is Multiversity Too

There are actually 4 variables, edgelord / optimistic and hedonistic / revolutionaire, but I don't remember how to count them.

Brief fads like Fraction's Hawkbro don't count. It was done in couple of years with no lasting effect. It's not the same as things like Watchmen revolutionalizing comic storytelling, or what Millar and Hitch did with Ultimates that made movie style wide screen storytelling go mainstream in comics that you can see still influence things today.

this is nothing new, it's a remake of what some people have been doing since the 60's

>soon to be on TV/streaming sci-fi comics

I remember that /ic/ thread. You should not post this anywhere, it officially sucks

Mate I don't know what to tell you if you think Image hasn't evolved since the 90s. Just because it's fantasy / sci fi / action / capes, doesn't mean they aren't leagues ahead of YOUNGBLOOD and BLOODf.i.s.t. and PunchBLOOD and BLOOD and etc.
Dark Hose on the other had has completely gone to shit.

>americans fail on every level to learn how to make appealing characters or stories
>"comics are in a rut you guys"


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What do I care if he's right?
Not like I can do anything but live my own life on my own terms.

Of course my opinion is that you're a faggot, OP.

American comics are all just feminist and she propaganda about who much white men suck
They do t offer enjoyment anymore just left wing crap
So he is right

From what I understood, they just encourage you to not post it directly on Patreon but rather link it to some other image host

>American movies based on American comic book characters and stories proceed to crush manga/anime's balls worldwide like always
Really makes you think.
>autocorrected phone poster

Dorohedoro was popular enough to have a 24-volume, monthly chapter run that even survived a magazine change.
I can tell you for a fact that they are not as niche as you might assume

Also that was besides his point. See

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>Dorohedoro was popular enough
No it fucking isn't as evidenced by the fact that you're not even showing its sale and just fall back to
>muh voloom
like the retarded weeb monkey that you are. Jesus Christ, that's like saying Tales From the Crypt is popular.

>muh voloom
volumes are given away for free?

No, he isn't.

Lol nah. That's babbys first nine panel.

>senseless MUH DIVERSITY push
>20 years of universe-wide events
>fun banned
Yeah, this is essentially the late 70s/early 80s all over again

No he's put some significant effort in.

Why is Yea Forums full of retarded capeshitter that know nothing of manga outside of what Shonen Jump publishes? And why do they think they're in authority to speak? Not that Shonen Jump doesn't feature blood and limb loss and cursing while capeshit has #!@& and fights akin to action dolls being smashed together.

Oscar zahn is alright, kind of like a hellboy fanfic.

We're not comparing just Image. We're compare the whole industry. Let's compare something like Monstress to something like Transmetropolitian or Preacher.

What were the two of them doing together? Something for Happy?

I think it's a fair criticism. We've seen a big "realism" push and obvious screenplays turned into stories. (Or ideas purely done for residual rights if a movie picks it up)

Nevermind the immense decompression and writing for the trade that has gone on since the ultimate line was introduced. To the point that some issues can literally have nothing happen im them.

>He really doesn't seem to work that much on comics, most of what I remember by him are fill ins for similarly styled guys like Allred or Rivera. The one thing I think he stayed for longer (in the big two at least) is a Spider Man mini.

Seriously guys Google exists. You can easily check all the work he's done after Marvel which is a decent amount. For both Rivera and Martin.

I don't understand why so many post like you're talking in real life. You don't have to think or wonder, you can just open another tab and find out.

yeah yeah im being silly/autism.

Objectively yes

Not only did this devalue floppies as a whole; since most trades are only 5-6 issues, this means only really 2 arcs a year at most.

>Nevermind the immense decompression and writing for the trade that has gone on since the ultimate line was introduced. To the point that some issues can literally have nothing happen in them.

As some who is rereading the Bendis Ultimate Spider-man run right now, holy shit this is true.

Issues 60-94 are all a blur where barely anything happened for issue to issue.

>there has been no innovation in comic storytelling

patently false. There's a very popular webcomic that was quite innovative and made good use of the internet medium.
I'm not naming naes though, because it may get people to respond shitposting

They really haven't done much interior work in the last couple of years though.

Your very post is shitposting.

Evolved? They haven't even stagnated, most of the Vertigo stuff couldn't even be published today.

see, that is what I mean.
morrison in the OP complained that there hasn't been change or progress in omic book storytelling in the lat 20 years.
I pointed out to a very significant change and progress in comic storytelling that happened in a popular comic. How is my post shitposting?

Also decompression. That is also a change in storytelling

>Is Grant Morrison right?

You didn't actually point to anything, actually. You just said nu-uhh.

>trying to bring Rebirth
How pathetic Johnsfags can get?

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I was talking about home stuck

Yes. 90% of what gets exposure is capeshit and the same characters no less. The same characters in the same setting also exploring the same themes usually.

We are in a rut for sure.

I have no idea what that is, I thought it was a cartoon. Regardless, it seems more like an exception to the rule than a trendsetter.

>there are people new enough to not have had to live through homestuck
Each day this place feels less familiar.

I've heard about it but it was always contained in generals and I stated away from them.

by what he wrote on supergods, 2020 is peak edgelord
it's always been justified by looking just at one side and ignoring the other

I bet that mean ol' Donald Drumpf did this

170 replies and not a single mention of us politics until your post, fuck off retard

if you magically became the editor of frank quietly and grant morrison on a project, your tiny, tiny skull would collapse under the sheer weight of their power

Also while only a infrequent comic artist, I can definitely see Jack Kirby’s influence on Bruce Timm

Fuck multiversity, where's Seaguy

Writers injecting their retarded political views into their work has adversely affected the quality of comics, though.

Never going to happen. Cameron Stewart refuses to draw it.

Except the best comics did it all the fucking time. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with shitty writers.

The "realism" fad died in the 2000s. Though Morrison wasn't the first to do it, All Star Superman started the silver age nostalgia which devolved into lolsrandomness and bland campy shit we see in Snyder, Cates and Aaron.

only in america....

eruope gets all sorts of shit that isn't capes or cape adjacent

I don’t know if I’d call it a rut. The big two are, sure, but there’s some interesting stuff out there if you look and whether or not you consider manga comics. Personally I really liked Invincible and The Walking Dead, the first as a matter of “hey, people stay dead”, and the second as a serialized story that makes sense. Manga-wise, Full Metal Alchemist was good, Attack on Titan is good, and I’m sure there’s more if I had more time to look for it.

The only real problem I see is that in the West, you either work for the big two, or try to make it as an independent where everyone wants to use the medium as a launching board for a new IP they can sell for a million dollars and then fuck off. That and my exposure to shit is more or less was gets storytimed here, since finding good recommendations is difficult.

We have always lived in such a time.

Batman, casual.

>by what he wrote on supergods, 2020 is peak edgelord
I didn't feel like we went through an optimistic phase though. However, edginess really does seem to be on the rise, even in Japan.

>Personally I really liked Invincible and The Walking Dead
Stopped reading right there.

i finished reading supergods last month, it's still fresh on my mind so let me paraphrase a bit.
His theory is about fads cycling every 11 years. On one side you have 60s hippie phase: optimistic, imaginative, colorful and peaceful. Not big on conflict (hippie ideal of we just do our best and prevail, no need to fight), open to develop new ideas/new directions, etc.
On the other side 70's punk, pessimistic, militaristic, cropped hair and tight clothes, need to FIGHT to solve conflict. less open to new ideas, more about technical refinement around a small core.
For him, 1988 marks a hippie turning point (his example is acid house/electronic music), and 1999 a punk militaristic one. In comics, he mentions The Authority and Wanted as clear standouts of this fad, and his Marvel Boy as a way to capitalize on that.
The trend is bullshit and only works if you cherrypick examples to justify it. The book is written 2010/2011, so he mentions a new hippie phase starting and as a prediction he considers the Green Lantern movie as a great example that could capitalize on it for it's success.

(although you could say Adventure Time fits that slot perfectly)

Right? But OP doesn't like someone's opinion he's gonna say "GO BACK" while they post shit from literally from there AND on their phone.

At least it's on topic.

>Has anything changed since the Ultimates?
Yeah a ton has changed since 2004 or whatever.
You won't touch any of it because almost all of the change has been for the negative due to fake b.s. 'diversity' and sjwisms.
Morrison won't speak on that stuff.
Willfully ignorant.
"Nothing has changed since The Ultimates."
Yeah. Right. We're still living in a world where it's business as usual.

The thing is, at any given point in history, there is a comic for you to reeeeeee about SJWs.
Action comics #1 has superman busting corrupt politicians and rich landlords and I bet you'd be screaming about GUBUNISM if you were alive in 1938

Japan always had edginess tho.

>stopped reading

this, morrison is kojima of capeshit, blowing the minds of brainlets

lol Morrison is so jealous of Millar it's pathetic