What chances does the dcu have after this? honestly...

What chances does the dcu have after this? honestly, i dont see WB making a huge event like this amd having all this hype and excitement from normies,they will even think that darkseid is as a thanos ripoff, how did they drop the ball so hard?

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Endgame will not live up to the hype and will be the last breath before capeshit finally wimpers and dies

Good riddance

I suspect that after Endgame, interest in comic book movies in general is going to level out pretty hard. A lot (not most, but a lot) of moviegoers are getting fatigued by all the superhero movies and I suspect many will sort of see Endgame as a good point to bow out of the whole thing.

Which isn't good news for DC or anyone doing comic adaptations and still struggling to find their footing.

The hype and excitement for this isn’t as big as Batman 89. Sure the box office will be much bigger but DC has had that hype before, it’s just in the past now. Marvel will probably cool off for awhile after this unless the pull off making X-Men really big again.

This what I've been saying since it was first known of a two part Avengers movie. I said Part 1 would be a massive success, and Part 2 will continue that, but after that, it'll sorta level out and die down. I mean I think the only reason Captain Marvel was successful as it was because it was the movie right before Endgame, and people thought it would be absolutely necessary to know. But think about how the entirety of last year the internet has been exploding with "Endgame leaks?" "Endgame theories" "Posisble Endgame spoilers", etc. No way after Endgame can sustain that. It'll move onto the next thing. Probably the next Star Wars considering they threw out major bait with Palpatine returning.

they only chance is that after endgame marvel will go to gutter with most of their new hero movies so people will turn to dc for more popcorn cape action
also like user said dc had its prime time in the past, who knows what will be after endgame

I've been seeing "After ____ superhero fatigue will kick in and the fad will die" for many years now lmao

>a lot are getting fatigued

But before it was all stuff contributing to things. Of course Black Panther, Ant Man, Spiderman, of course everyone did fine. But since Avengers 2012, this is the singularity point that everything has been building up to. This is meant to be the accumulation of everything. The question is what happens next?

None, should just cut their losses, sell Wonder Woman to Disney and give Thor a cocksleeve

I'm on the fence on it. On one hand it's been called plenty of times before and wrong, on the other a broken clock will be right eventually. Endgame is just that, the big end to all this stuff. Anything following it is gonna feel like a bunch of unasked for extra. It just won't be AS big though, if anything. Fandom and such is gonna keep the movies afloat, but general audiences will probably at least somewhat drop out, due to marvel clumping movies together and people not wanting eight movies to see a ninth etc. This is all assuming (hoping) Endgame itself won't tease a next hero/big bad that's hype enough.

Thought for a moment you meant they should sell Thor fleshlights.

Why don't you just wait to see how the rest of cape movies do instead of speculating shit?

Lost interest during Infinity War, deaths pissed me off, Pete's especially, it was supposed to have impact and just didn't because I knew about Far From Home, same with most every other character that died. When the trailer for Far From Home came out I was officially done.

The world was fine, no one mentioned anything about the snap, everyone was happy, Infinity War and everything before it clearly didn't mean shit, so what's the point? Stories with no weight aren't any fun to watch. I mean, I know John Wick is going to live, as a for instance, I know he'll make it through the third film, but it's possible he won't, Caesar died in the last Apes movie, as another for instance, his story is finished, and since John Wick 4 isn't already in production, or at least they haven't said so months ago, whatever tension the film has will have more weight.

With Marvel keeping us all in the production loop nothing they make has any weight whatsoever, it's like an episode of a sitcom, all's back to the status quo so you can watch the next one without knowing shit about what came before, makes what came before irrelevant, so why am I watching it?

Screw Endgame.

What the fuck is wrong with speculating?

People like guessing stuff dude. A nice game of trying to think what the future holds. "Wait and see" isn't a dumb approach but it's a boring one. So long as it's just wondering and not stating your assumptions as fact it's harmless.

Yes of course the fandom will keep things going but it's the general audience I'm more so thinking about. I like to think of my mom as an example. For the past year she keeps talking to me about Endgame and asking me stuff like what films were necessary to see, and going this weekend to see it. But after that, she's not going to care about anything. I don't even think she intends to see Far From Home.This has to be the people you gotta think about.

Keep crying DKeks

You lost like always now get over or kill yourselves

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Oh yeah no, I get the general idea, it's just some people are literally in the deep end of "cape films are gonna be dead and unloved" and that's not happening anytime soon, unless there's greed involved and a matter of not pulling in "enough" money (aka not as much of a shitload as desired). That or some astonishingly bad movies which hopefully isn't gonna happen. Kinda late in the game to be fucking up.

Oh no, I also don't think "Cape films are gonna die and never be seen again" I just think this explosive environment will dial back a bit. Far From Home will probably do just fine and dandy. But once this is finished I'm sure we'll see the next thing. My guess is to keep an eye on children's novels, every so often seems like one of those explodes in the movie scene, I think we're about due for another one of those.

I honestly don't care about a "DCU". I just want cool DC superhero movies.

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Same here. It's why I'm rather optimistic for Joker based on the trailer.

This, if Aquaman and Shazam have shown us something is that superhero movies can be good without have some sort of overarching plot in between, just make good movies and people will watch them

What chance did they have before it?

With Shazam bombing, the streaming service failing, the shows getting canceled, the comics being dead, and there being absolutely nothing on the video game side, there probably isn't going to be a DC

literally just talk to any average person dude. The main reason so many people liked Shazam is because it was something different in such a stale genre

The Dark Knight was shit so it's not that hard to be better

There was a time when just a Batman movie coming out was all the Hype of summer.

To be honest, as big of hype as Endgame is having, it's wrong to say that Joker isn't making a ripple.

WB dug themselves a very deep hole right off the bat with a slew of terrible/underperforming movies.

they pretty much have to reboot everything and start fresh and hope they can get it right the second time.

seems like at this point, they should just make standalone movies. or just stick with animated movies. they seem pretty decent at that for the most part.

>get it right the second time.

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did we saw the same aquaman?

>muh d.c.

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Anecdotal, but it's an anecdote I think a lot of people have experienced.

I know I'm certainly burnt out on capeshit and shared universe stuff... I passed on Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Justice League, Aquaman, I don't even have any interest in the Godzilla/Kong/Kaijuverse stuff coming out. I'm just getting a bit tired of seeing movies that only serve to set up stories for other movies.