Endgame changes the entire meaning of this quote

Endgame changes the entire meaning of this quote.

Based Russos.

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>it's all a fucking time loop now
i-is this kino? i cant tell

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Oh, so it's going to be like in the comics where Thanos knew how the entirety of the conflict would play out from beginning to end because when you become God that's kind of the implication?

According to leaks, No dice. Pretty disappointing.

I don’t give a shit about the MCU so what is the ending about?

tl;dr of the movie:
>Remaining Avengers + Carol go to Titan II and kill Thanos ezpz but the Gauntlet is destroyed and they can't do shit to bring everyone back
>5 year timeskip
>Avengers use time travel to steal the stones throughout time, thanks to Scott Lang showing up after being stuck in the Quantum realm
>while stealing the Power Stone from Morag (the beginning of GotG 1 basically) Nebula gets captured by that time period's Nebula, who is still evil
>She's forced to tell GotG 1-era Thanos everything, and he goes to fight the Avengers on Earth
>Avengers get the Gauntlet though and kill Thanos with it but Tony dies in the process
>Cap goes back in time to put all the Stones back so the timeline isn't too fucked up from their interference, but when he's done he stays in the past with Peggy
and thats how the past 10 years of build up ends

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That is a shame.

I'm going to guess Thanos has encountered Stark before due to time shenanigans?

This is so bad
I hate time travel in general, but also my boy Thanos dying TWICE? Fuck me, it sucks

Now I’m going to have to tell my normie friends about the ending

Hey, at least he shows up unlike Strange

Anyways I suspect the "leaks" aren't entirely accurate

Yeah there's been three vaguely similar leaks since yesterday so I think things are gonna end up a bit different. For the most part though, the big details have been accurate across the board.

Yeah and he goes out like a bitch twice. Beheaded by Thor and then snapped away by Tony.

Being beheaded by Thor is a pretty manly way to die tbf

Kind of what you expect from the guy who loves to use his enemy's plans against him

Stane didn't believe the Arc Reactor technology was useful so he decided to use the Arc Reactor to kill him.

Venko believed that his arc reactor, a technology their fathers worked on together will kill him. Instead Stark made a better reactor that can power his new suit

Killian used Tony's Extremis research in an imperfect manner and gets people killed and injects Pepper with Extremis and gets killed by her.

Ultron, a program created by Tony's research on the Mind Stone ends up creating Vision to defeat him.

It only make sense in context that Thano dies to a better Infinity Gauntlet

Infinity War had similar leaks and while most of it was correct, the ending was not.

Notably it had Thanos taking the entire fight, Ironman Strange Guardians and all to Wakanda at which point it went on similar to the actual film just with Thanos beating up everyone and killing Steve before a final clash with Vision where he almost manages to brainfuck with the mind stone but he fails and gets destroyed like in the film and Thanos does the snap.

Unlike the film though none of the Avengers or Guardians died, just minor characters like Pepper Ned Wong Happy etc.

>For the most part though, the big details have been accurate across the board
Accurate? No, just similar. Which makes it more suspicious imo

wouldn't be surprised if the mouse sent out a bunch of fake leaks to try to damage control the actual cam rips

If Tony dies in the past then how does Peter have his Spider suit in Far From Home? Tony upgraded it for him. Also why is Tony's assistant with Peter? If Tony died before the events of Civil War then Peter would have no relation to anyone in from Tony's life. Hell, if Tony died and Cap was never sent the future, the events of Civil War wouldn't have ever happened in the first place, or Winter Soldier. And without Civil War T'Challa's father wouldn't have died thus the events of Black Panther wouldn't have happened either.

Why are they fucking with the canon for no reason?

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No dipshit it's because he already fought him thanks to time travel

Putting up no fight though just makes it boring.

You're fucking retarded


The final battle happens in current day. They get all the stones, return to the present and make a bootleg gauntlet. 2014 GotG 1 Thanos uses the captured-Nebula's remaining Pym Particles from her mission to get to the present.
Sorry for that confusion, but with how convoluted it is you can't blame me haha.

They wrote themselves into a corner.

>Five year time-skip
This is the one thing that makes me dubious of the leak being legit. The MCU has always, always, always lined up consistently with the current year, and with the exception of movies that take place in the past (First Avenger, GotG Vol 2 i still in 2014, Captain Marvel) the movies have never made a leap that far into the future.

I could see ONE year time-skip, but five years? Assuming at least half of Peter's class were spared, they could no longer be portrayed by their current actors in Far From Home due to being 5 years older than their IRL actors are.

>he already fought him thanks to time travel

This is impossible, past Thanos was killed.

It's all confirmed already fag, there's no doubting leaks anymore, a lot of people saw the movie.

the time skip isn't permanent dipshit

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Not even going to waste my time trying to explain how much of a fucking retard you are. You'll find out in a few days.

So what the fuck happens to all the people born in the five years after IW then? Does Hulk/Tony/whoever performs the 'un-snap' kill Tony's daughter and all the other new life-forms bred in the aftermath of the snap? Or do they somehow bring them back in time to five years ago, ironically compounding the over-population problem Thanos was worried about?

Why have the timeskip at all? Why would it take 5 years to strike back at Thanos?

>So what the fuck happens to all the people born in the five years after IW then
Cursed to unexistence. Thanks heroes!

Just shut up and consume the media like a good boy! Our writing isn't bad yours is! Buy our tickets we wasted our own money buying Carol's!

The 5 year time-skip is AFTER they strike back at Thanos, they kill him in the first 30 minutes of the movie. He destroys the stones though and the heroes are left with fuck-all to do until they go back to earth and wait 5 years for Scott to pull himself out of the Quantum Realm and tell them about the possibilities of timetravel.

Can you stop shilling your piece of trash capeshit movie?

>Heroes do a convoluted plan to save the world but in the end all they do is is return everything to status quo while killing off 5 years worth of people.
So killing of 10% of mankind to save 50%.
SOUNDS like a modern marvel comic book plot.

but if the 5-year time skip is permanent, why would Peter still be at school with his same classmates? Wouldn´t the surviving classmates from the snap leave school by that point? But in the trailer of Far From Home we see Peter is going on a trip with everyone from the first movie.

Well technically it'd be 10% of the entirety of the universe. I'm sure more than humans were doing the hanky panky. In fact the birthrates would be hella high to compensate just like after WWII

>just like Samurai Jack
Why couldn't the future characters got happy endings god damn it Gennedy why'd you have to Gurren Lagan us.

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Did Genndy stole ending from Gurren Lagan? I've heard it's good but I'm not weeb so I dunno.

It is *possible* that the core cast of Homecoming were all snapped as well, but that seems statistically really unlikely if the odds are 50% each for ALL of them to die

Hang on isn't this just how the third series of the Doctor Who ended? The villain wins, there's a time-skip, the heroes find a way to undo the villain's actions, pretty much everything that happened in the first act is moot?

The wedding scene is pretty much identical, the pen-ultimate scene of GL is the MC about to marry his love-interest, however right before the alter she starts to disappear because her existence was tied to the BBEG and without it she can't survive for long. However, where it DIFFERS from Samurai Jack is that while GL the couple share a final tender moment expressing how they have no regrets, re-affirming their love for each other, etc, Ashi's last words to Jack are basically 'you killed me'.

After the the actual last scene of GL is a 20-30 year time-skip into the future where shit is doing pretty well but the MC is now a hobo.

There's no time travel but just about, defeat the big bad threatening all existence and the MC's wife is the creation/daughter of the big bag and dies/disappears from existence with him after marriage. Ashi even flips sides in a similar manner she does.

If past Thanos dies then wouldn't the entire Avengers series just not happen at all? I fucking hate time travel plots.

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Multiverse theory is how Quantum Realm '''time-travel''' works. They don't kill the Thanos of the past, they kill the Thanos of an alternate reality that resembles 2014.

>Genndy ruined potentially one of the greatest seasons of animation ever created because of he wanted to create fanfic on some weeb series
Fucking hell. That's why we can't have nice things.
Is GL worth a watch if you're not a teen weeb though?

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ISN'T permanent you stupid illiterate fuck

Why didn't they use time travel already in Infinity War?

GL is hard to sell to people who aren't into anime. It's basically all the same tropes taken up to 11 with characters screaming about the indomitable human spirit and never giving up giving them power only here 'will' is an actual source of energy so it sort of makes sense within the setting.

It is really hot-blooded and generally about the story of a beta who has to grit his teeth and man up to become the manliest fuck in the universe with a lot of robots, bouncing shark-bait titties, guns and yelling in-between. You have to go into it prepared for shit to not make sense and just seeing shit go off the walls crazy.

>Is GL worth a watch if you're not a teen weeb though?
I'd say yes. GL at the time was, basically, satire of Mecha genre, and has a lots of easter eggs and such, but also stands well on its own in terms of story and art, also has a killer soundtrack.
If you don't have time to watch the whole series, watch two movies, they condense the plot of the show well, and almost don't differ from it (final battle is a bit different, that's all).

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Because they didn't know about it until Ant Man and The Wasp and Doctor Strange is a lazy jerk

But wait, the unsnapped people return to the point where they were snapped, or to the point after the 5-year timeskip?

Because that would be like half the universe waking up of a 5-year coma and having to deal with that.
And that would affect a lot every other marvel movie in the future.

All this reminds me of the 90s,when Cable ended up being born first of one woman and then of another.

But then again, it makes sense because it's an Avengers story starring Carol!

Some Master of the Mystic Arts...

So they really are just going to murder anyone that was born in the last five years? Harsh

The hardest choices require the strongest wills

If time travel is involved there is no excuse for no one knowing before hand.

You can never be late for anything or not have the ability to do something when someone can come back in time and provide you with the information.

Also: the first half is about killing an army of furries with massive overly-sized phallic-shaped objects, so there's that

Thanks for giving me a hearty laugh, I forgot that shit about them bullying molemen and beast brigade.

The 5-year timeskip will probably be treated like an alternate future just like in DoFP. It needs to be erased in order to fix the world.
And most people born during this period will be born again eventually anyway.

Except they only have enough Pym Particles to a single travel, and they wouldn't waste it by making a stop after the snap just to warn the avengers about Ant-man

>the time skip isn't permanent
It is, according to the leaks.

That’s not how timelines work.

changing the past doesn't do shit because it's now an alternate timeline, a split. stop thinking so linearly. this shit is not that complicated, a lot of books and shows and movies have done the same thing in way more complicated ways. changing the past doesn't do shit to timeline 1 because upon changing things, new timelines are created, and assuming this is even what happens, they likely return to their original timeline along with the unsnapped.

Tell that to Gennedy.

>Except they only have enough Pym Particles to a single travel,
That doesn't change the fact they could go back in time, give the information to a younger pym and manufacture/cultivate more in the past.

we literally see johansson's hair grow. it's not up for debate

you do not understand how alternate timelines work. changing the past creates branches.

you came into a thread about avengers to complain about avengers. get fucked

>changing the past doesn't do shit because it's now an alternate timeline,
Then what's the point in time traveling anyways when there's always going to be a shitty timeline?

alternate fucking timeline. god people are so stupid. this shit is NOT even complicated or deep. changing the past creates a fucking branch.

it's not confusing just because you are confused. you are simply an idiot. a branched timeline does not effect other timelines. changing the past is not going to effect the original timeline. use your motherfucking brain

Then it's not actually changing the past, it's evacuating to a universe where things happened differently. Main timeline is still fucked.

did you even watch it? because they weren't able to nor knew it was an option yet.

I know it's not actually changing the past. that is exactly what I am saying. going back creates branches, and people need to stop acting like everything is explicitly linear when its clearly not.

because the good timelines don't exist at all until you make them

Why didn't the future avengers who had time traveling capabilities arrive in infinity war so that they could take everybody else back to the past to play the shitty games that suck ass?

So the World's Fucking Mightiest Heroes just abandon a universe that has lost half its population to egotistically find themselves a better one.


What about the time line where Star Lord kept his fucking Walkman on?

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Whoa, sounds like the nerd force is once again making themselves miserable by overthinking.

Wait, if past Gamora escaped from the fight, how did the GOTG form?

So wait, they aren't trying to change the past, just get more infinity stones from it to reverse the snap? I thought that the stones couldn't create or change anything permanently, but only destroy, which is why the whole "just snap more resources into the universe" idea wouldn't work. What's going to happen to the timeline they leave from? Or do they find a way to return right back there?

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Actually sounds like something current comic avengers might do, that's great synergy.

Past-Gamora = an AU Gamora, the Guardians in her universe just never form and she's stuck in ours following her Thanos' failed invasion to take the Stark Gauntlet back

This universe's Gamora, our Gamora, is dead and gone forever. Soul Stone tributes cannot be revived at all, Natasha's death is permanent as well.

1. The Stones CAN do anything, including creating more resources: Thanos just doesn't do that because it isn't what he set out to do, he has to prove his original way would have worked.
2. They return the stones to their original places across the time-lines they got them from at the end of the movie when Steve goes back in time and stays there

Will Star Lord just go back Morag even thought it isn't here?

Honestly I'm a bit upset that Thanos wasn't allowed to be redeemed so he could just chill on a farm.

REMINDER Thor plays Fortnite in the movie after the timeskip

It's an alternate timeline Gamora apparently. Also finding her is the plot of GotG 3 I guess, with Thor joining the team.

I heard about Boomer Thor. I did NOT hear about him playing Fortnite.

Please for the love of fuck tell me you're memeing on me.

hey bros, sorry for stabbing you and killing your mates.

Explain to me why this won't eventually involve him.

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I can't because it will. He'll be the next big bad after Thanos without a doubt.

Thor takes the snap pretty hard.

And becomes a lazy drunk with Korg

No I'm not, haven't you seen the new Fornite x Avengers Endgame skins as part of the crosspromotion? The funniest thing is the implication that Fortnite will still be relevant in 5 years lol.

Mr Freeze is from dc, not marvel

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Fuck me.

Feels like a step down honestly. Thanos is like THE Final Boss of Marvel.

Does Carol ever at any point get her shit kicked in by Thanos or any of the Black Order? From what I hear
>Does nothing in the first Thanos fight because Thanos pretty much doesn't fight, he's won there's no point and he lets Thor kill him
>Blows up Sanctuary II all by herself in the final battle
I was hoping to actually see Carol struggle in Endgame against Thanos but it sounds like she just does what she did in her own movie: roflstomp over everything with no tension.

But time travel bad!

That's literally what Strange was talking about when he saw the possible futures. Every single timeline was going to be shitty, even , except for the one they create in Endgame

What if it's Annihilus?
>Mind Stone and Soul Stone fall into the Negative Zone somehow
>A single bug gets a hold of them
>And from there, a conqueror is born

This NOT slay.

Of the leaks posted so far, no, not really. She swoops in, wrecks shit, supposedly gets knocked by Thanos, but doesn't get fazed or injured by it at all, and then Tony ends it.

No she's pretty pointless to the story, she just shows up to kill nameless baddies and act superior to everyone else.

>I thought that the stones couldn't create or change anything permanently
The stones can do anything you want, there's literally no limitation to their power. That's the whole point of the Infinity Stones

>What's going to happen to the timeline they leave from? Or do they find a way to return right back there?
At the end Steve goes back to put the stones in the same place they took them, in order to avoid changing too much of the timeline. Then instead of coming back after that, he keeps in the past with Peggy

She does nothing. Dunno what the fuss was all bout.

Why would Steve even bother returning the stones then?

So that was Fury's "secret weapon"? She probaby could've been more usefull in the battle of NY or Sokovia

It was all a ruse to get nerds to watch her movie.

He wouldn't

I would bet money the original leak said Captain Marvel and a bunch of morons on here got confused

They differ majorly because of Forehead's lack of character development

This is the plot of Kamen Rider Build but they still act as if they won

My only gripes are Present Thanos' death and Cap's ending. Otherwise it's solid and pretty much what I expected.

Not a huge fan of dadbod dudebro Thor, but whatever.

This is the main problem I have with the plot of Steins;Gate. The whole second part of the show is MC running across the bunch of imperfect universes trying to find one where his assistant doesn't die.

Shut the fuck up you dumb fucking faggot

It's saturday morning "no consequences" shit. I'm sure lots of asianbeanboys will say otherwise, but they are still 8 in their head so it doesn't matter.

So Steve can fuck HYDRA's plans in the past?

It will he's from the timeline where the snap happened and people recovered and went on with their lives. This is taken away when the avengers fix it and he loses everything.
I've actually written up a basic premise to this since I saw endgame with the following lines. The Philosophical issue is that he's not wrong trying to get his family and friends back (since they were erased) and the avengers aren't wrong for wanting to stop an atrocity. He's fighting to bring back those he loves and they're fighting to protect those they love

Bold of you to assume they will mention anything about it again

>one of guys that leaked parts of the plot months ago said they are planning to do Thunderbolts
I want to die

I wonder if this is really the last we'll see of Steve in the MCU, or if they'll keep him around as "old man Steve" to mentor Sam. (just like in the comics where he was the Guy in the Chair on Sam's missions as Captain America)

Is there any Marvel event or comic with a similar story/ending?

Avengers Forever.

The movie sounds kind of boring and unsatisfying. It seems like it sort of lost all the momentum from Infinity War, and then the bulk of the film is just fanservice BttF2 filler shenanigans with no forward drive. Time travel was a fucking terrible idea, because in the end we don't even have the villain that we were attached to in the first movie.

I know. It's even dumber because according Marvel Mythos, one set of gems belonging to an specific reality won't work in other realities, which is why they can only alter time and reality of their own universes. If you use the time gem, it works like a Doom machine, it allows you to travel across your own timeline only, not alternate timelines, therefore no matter what you do, you won't be able to alter that timeline, as the events of the future are already known and set in stone. It's the same reason why Warlock says he has had the same conversation with Thanos an infinite number of times in Infinity Gauntlet. No matter how many times he lives the timeline, he won't be able to alter the events of it. So that means the MCU once again screws up the rules of Marvel Universe multiverse.

Guys when Tony does the snap he just send thanos and his armies back to the past, that's why thanos says that he '' knows'' stark. future thanos died for real by the hands of thor at the beggining of the movie.

Plenty. It's also the bread and butter of preschool cartoons. Pretending capsehit movies are anything but pretentious tropeland is lying to oneself.

>So that means the MCU once again screws up the rules of Marvel Universe multiverse.
There'a a debate wheter the MCU is it's own universe?

Is this specified in the movie or just a theory?

The MCU is part of the Marvel multiverse. Has it's own code and everything. There's no debate.


This. It feels as if they already put out their best effort in Infinity War and just phoned it in Endgame. The plot sounds like it uses cheap fanservice to mask the flaws and character inconsistencies.

Might as well be a safe explanation to both save the timeline conversation and absolve Tony from murdering via snap. Believable enough.

I remembered that Thanos opened up a chicken farm in The Super Hero Squad Show. I guess he at least got to live his dream in another Universe.

How does my boi die?

now that's a word I haven't seen in a long, long time

So, the permanently dead people are
Tony, Natasha, Loki, Vision and iw gamora?
Are these the ones that are dead at the end?

>Cap married Peggy
>and also made out with his future niece
I don't know how to feel about this.

no, you muppet, their parallel universe doesnt get retconned by them going to a parallel past to ge tthe stones, it gets changed when they use the stones in that(their own) fucking universe
and the parallel timeline they steal the stones from is better than before, since thanos cant snap without stones

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Yeah, that's it. No one else dies permanently.

Wow. Her introduction has been like a Pandora's box except with all the negatives there's no hope.

Does Tony at least die in a dignified way?

>Cap gets what he always wanted
>Tony fucking dies

Why do the Russos hate him?

That graphic isn't even right, the timelines would branch and you wouldn't be able to travel back to the previous timeline you dult

Imagine how much better this would be if people still cared

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Hopefully she did a flip

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some spoilers say he deletes the big bad and his whole army of bads with a snap of his fingers

Option A) The Thanos they fight is from the past, but he gets killed so he doesn't get to experience the events of Infinity War and say that line

Option B) Thanos is from the past but from an alternate timeline, so IW Thanos didn't really fight them in the past and thus that line doesn't mean anything

except things change in the past idiot, if this is the real first timeline, then the whole final scene is out of place

Honestly that’s pretty based

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It's still a pretty fucking big sacrifice.

Tony supposedly dies from Undoing the Snap and then Snapping GoTG'14 Thanos and his entire fleet.

He's literally the hero of the story.

I don’t speak moon runes

Tony saves everyone and is the big hero

He gets the Infinity Gauntlet and manages to endure its raw power. Thanos says it's impossible and asks who Stark is. Stark says "I'm Iron Man" and snaps his fingers, causing Thanos entire army to begin crumbling into dust. Thanos realizes he has lost and sits to watch the sky as he fades away, evoking the Infinity War ending, except this time he failed, is somber, surrounded by death and the sun isn't setting.

Spoilers do that user.
Kills the enjoyment a bit.

Then how the fuck did Cap went to the past to be with Peggy but then reappear as an old man in the present? Shit makes no sense. He should have stayed in an alternate timeline.

why the fuck would their timeline get modified by shit they do in another timeline
i drew them parallel because they are parallel fucking universes, jesus christ you dont even understand after i drew you a picture?

also another spoiler said cap gets sent back in time by the time stone, i dont remember how but here it is

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>my boi dies undoing all the damage and killing Thanos and his entire army

Holy fuck that’s awesome

>Blaming spoilers
user this film has looked average since CM was released.

He uses the gauntlet he built to wipe out Thanos and his armies, which basically kills him because it's too much for a human. Some earlier leaks mentioned he gives Thanos the finger when he does it, but the more recent ones haven't said anything on it. As mentioned by another user, it's pretty poetic and fitting for him given how Tony defeats most of his other enemies.

Hulk undoes the snap.

The idea was that there was a time paradox in place and Steve was always meant to go back.

cap didnt use quantum bullshit, he timetraveled with the eye, the eye doesnt do parallel timeline bullshit, it does same timeline bullshit


Based Hulk and Tony

I've read somewhere else that Cap does the unsnap. Which leak should I believe?

A good story doesn't get bad once you know it. Baing a consumerist slave, however, definitely altered your concept of "good" and "bad", to be more obedient and docile to papa corpo holy brainwash.

Not quite, he just kills Thanos and his army. Hulk undid the damage before, that's why the entire army of heroes come into the final battle.

Still cool that he kills Thanos and his army

If you mean breaking his shield on the soul stone and that causes his shield to break, that's from a leak before the premiere and press screenings and have already been contradicted by some leaked footage, namely that leak saying Hawkeye kills Widow, when Widow actually suicides, which the most current leaks correctly stated before the footage was posted.

The one that has a fucking photo and video?

Ah thanks for the info user, that honestly sounds much better.

Does anyone actually care about this character enough to see a prequel about her?

What’s different about the new suit. The last one seemed to be the peak of his power with nanomachines son

I don't look for photos and videos. Why are you mad?

>Does anyone actually care about this character
No one, that's why she's dead. I stopped caring once she got older.

maybe it's a sequel, starring her clones

So basically there's actually two Steves all the way through the present day stories?

>dog puts paws over eyes and whimpers

That's not how time travel works you fucking retard. You travel back in time to a previous part of your universe and your presence in the past is what creates a new universe you stupid fucking piece of shit.

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A story set during the 5 years timeskip with her could be okay. Particularly if they allow for a stark or hulk cameo.


>hulk movie never
>black widow and eternals instead
Why can’t Marvel make the movies people want to see?

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>AvengerS. the Earth's Mightest HeroES
>Iron Man saves the universe

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Because Universal is sitting on the rights. Besides, do you really want a Hulk movie with post-Ragnarok Ruffalo?

Huh,not that bad, any photo or clip as a proof?

avengers endgame is going to be the second captain marvel movie, all the reshoots were about having it be a "murdering cunt does murder with a smug face" movie

Present Gamora is dead, but past Gamora ends up in the present and will probably be in GotG3

>"You have me this time"
>Does nothing in endgame.

Yes, that's what I meant

time travel isn't real you concave headed parapledgic, it works however the writers want it to work

these writers decided that quantum bullshit time travel is basically parallel universe traveling

So Steve wento to an alternate timeline and erased some kids and grankids from whoever Peggy got married with in the regular timeline? Also got to see Sharon as a baby and thought "Yeah I totally made out with her in another tineline"

"I ded"


It doesn't work within the rules set in this case; otherwise there wouldn't be an old man steve running parallel to Cap America in the same timeline

Obviously there is but he kept himself hidden until Cap went back in time

Spelling DC doesnt take 6 letters, son.

Do you think Yea Forums will explain that as Feige pulling damage control reshoots after her solo instead of just using the common sense and realizing that she never was supposed to do shit, just like Black Panther was pointless in Infinity War?

steve didnt go back with quantum bullshit, he went back with the time stone

quantum = parallel universes
time stone = own timeline

>time travel isn't real you concave headed parapledgic
And how do you know that?

Oh shut the fuck up and stop writing fan fiction

Why didn't they just take the gauntlet to their ruined universe and undo the snap?

>Cap abusing the time stone, creating paradoxes to get bong pussy
Mordo's gonna be pissed.

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Because they would rather have people want to see the movies they make like they have for the past FUCKING DECADE YOU RETARDED FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT

It can't be DC because that user said "the movies" not "anything"

after i wasted minutes of my life explaining very questionable leaks to you the least you could do is fucking thanking me you ungrateful plebeian

Lol, Yea Forums is taking all of this way better than Plebbit.

From the leaks, apparently it's because Tony doesn't want to undo his marriage/life with Pepper over the past 5 years, and his child. This is why they're hellbent on sticking to this universe as opposed to going back to say, right after they kill Thanos and then undoing it and just living in that universe. Which isn't to mention that that'd mean there'd be doubles of whoever went to that universe. But, now the problem is that everyone who got dusted 5 years ago is now suddenly back, which causes its own issues as the entire universe needs to readjust again, not to mention the general movie issue with the fact that Spidey is still supposed to be going on a school trip with his high school friends in the next movie.

how bad is reddit freaking out?

I can tell you, as soon as you fuck off frogposter

Maybe because we actually read comics? Because anyone who has read any event book in the last twenty years is well prepared for this kind of stuff.

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Didn't this happen in Heroes Reborn?

So Tony is dead
Cap is almost certainly retired due to old age
Thor is fucking off into space
Natasha is dead
Hawkeye sure as fuck is retiring now that he has his family back
Hulk only has one arm now

Who the fuck are going to be the Avengers?

Carol, Strange, T'Challa, Peter and some lesser folk.

Hey, spoiler tags fucko

They're reeing over Cap staying with Peggy, Tony not getting his peaceful life, Thor doing barely anything, Thanos being weak, etc.

Farmer Thanos has been a thing since *at least* the original Infinity Gauntlet series in 1991.

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Maybe they're not going to have Avengers anymore until they build another team through future movies.

>Cap staying with Peggy
Let me guess, Buckyfujos?

>half the world was dead for five years
>the economy collapsed
>unprecedented religious and societal turmoil
>suddenly the dead miraculously come back to life and reintegrate
>wacky European school trip time!

This my biggest fucking concern. No high school will be functioning normally and sending kids out on field trip after half the population magically reappears unaged while everyone around theme aged up 5 years. That's complete chaos

Apart from them, the people that think he should move on like she did back in TWS.

Cap returning back in time and letting all the big tragedies to happen is more of a character assassination than Captain Hydra, he should be the one that turns into a martyr

after 200 replies on a spoiler thread you coe complain about this? fuck off

>Cap is almost certainly retired due to old age
It would be cool if they kept old Steve for some more movies as a mentor figure to Sam

how the fuck does 2014 Thanos get to 2019? and why does he suddenly care enough to get involved then if it took him 5 fucking years after that to finally leave his chair and go collect all the stones originally?

how did Feige/Russos fuck everything up this badly? I didn't even think it was possible for them to come up with something this stupid if they tried. Guess I was wrong.

I know that but the SHSS was the funnier version.
I was just joking.

Why am I the dick? Have some common courtesy for the hundreds of users that weren't at the premiere?

Not only that, they're still the same fucking age. I want to believe FFH is in another timeline.

>how the fuck does 2014 Thanos get to 2019?
Nebula activates the quantum portal. It was funny seeing a miniature Sanctuary flying.


We should print out the spoilers for on posters and plaster them everywhere.
Both innocuous looking stuff, and shit like

>Tony Stark Dies
>Black widow sacrifices herself

Attached: 1554962205501.jpg (1200x675, 69K)

>I have no life: The post

About to become the most plotholed film in existence

>he said in a Yea Forums board...


Tony's funeral

Attached: 7707c110ly1g2d74julzhj22c0340kht.jpg (3024x4032, 1.83M)

It will be The Big Sleep but without any talent.

>he wasn't around for SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE
You guys don't know how to have fun.

Civil War still exists so that's doubtful.

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ah, the good old times
We need to make spoilers great again

>bugger off, ye wanka

>yfw Marty McFly could've saved the world more effectively than the Avengers.

Attached: Marty-McFly-What.gif (426x214, 2.81M)

muh dick

Out of all the Avengers Tony got the best ending, Steve and Thor were both very OOC

>best friend abandons you in the future to be with a woman he kissed once 9 (or I guess 80) years ago
>doesn't prevent you from being tortured & brainwashed by HYDRA for decades and forced to become a ruthless killing machine
>doesn't even let you fuck his hot niece, he has to have her as well the greedy cunt
>to top it all off, when you're reunited with him as an old man he gives his shield and uniform to Falcon
>he already has cool wings, all you have is a metal arm and could use the public rehabilitation of being the new Captain America


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That is literally a drawing.

Would be nice if they mix up the order at least.

>yeah I let 9/11 happen, but the pussy was good

One thing you gotta give Endgame, almost every shot can made into a poster.


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I did it. There's a cafe-bar I go to, and there's a wall in the restroom where you can pin a small paper from a pile that's available and write silly things. I spoiled the major endgame stuff.

very healthy ending

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What were the plotholes in Civil War?


Tony...had a hard life.

that someone's else job

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>yeah I let 9/11 happen, but the pussy was good

you know when you put it that way I guess I can see where he's coming from

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>Tony has a better and more heroic death than Luke Skywalker


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I bet it won't beat Superman's funeral

>Captain PCmerica
Definitely, endgame for the MCU.

>Captain America let the Holocaust happen

Looks like PS2 graphics.

I'm okay with that. The idea was always good, it was Spencer's shit writing that ruined it.

The war was already over.

Yea, so thanos still succeeds according to the multipass theory. The thanos that won never had his timeline fucked with.

>Captain America let the 9/11 happen

As sad as it is,I kek'ed


>It was all me, Bucky. ME.

nope, he got away with everything

>Captain Hydra is MCU canon now

Apparently he tells Bucky what he's planning and Bucky chooses not to go with him. It wouldn't change all the shit he went through with HYDRA, and at least he has a new home now in Wakanda.

Attached: It hurts just a little.jpg (1400x700, 75K)

Zemo, Ghost and Bullseye pose as the Avengers, and recruit others like Eric O'Grady

No matter how many movies they crap out, they'll never get such a based ending because they're too pussies to not play it safe.

Already did and that's just a camrip picture

Man, imagine Steve waking up on 9/11, knowing what'll happen and that Peggy doesn't know.

Yeah, it doesn't me piss off that much either and I call myself a Buckyfag. I think it's because MCU Bucky never got that much of a build-up for the role, while Falcon's arc was pretty much all about him becoming a hero due to Cap's inspiration.

that shitty hut he was living in? why would he pick that over finally returning to his original time period with his best friend and getting to see his family again?

This. Is Peter truly 5 years older than Ganke now? How would he even be allowed in HS.

Spencer's Sam Wilson book was actually very good. It was only the Secret Empire stuff that really sucked

Allegedly, there's literally a scene where he baits Crossbones and Pierce by saying Hail Hydra.
The reaction images make themselves.

Fuck, I meant is Ganke 5 years older?

>it's ok steve, the world needs the reminder

You do realize Steve wasn't there on 9/11, right? He probably cares more for how WW2 ended than anything recent.

>whenever one of "those days" would happen, Steve always had a smirk on his face. I was too afraid to say something, too afraid to leave. Besides, those investments in Apple stock back in the 90s made us filthy rich.

unga pussy was good

More like they make fun of that dumb event.

>Steve wasn't there on 9/11,
Neither was I, but I would still have at least tried to give a little warning.

>Steve and Peggy on the couch together watching the attacks live on the news
>he keeps subtly glancing over at her to see her reaction like when you show your friend an episode of Game of Thrones that you've already seen and there's a huge character death

holy fuck

Attached: 1518913796804.jpg (216x225, 13K)

>Captain Marvel
>Captain America (Sam Wilson)
>Scarlet Witch
>Iron Man (the kid from IM3)

oh nonnoono

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Holy fuck thats terrible. I wish I could unread that but at the same time would I want to be blindsided by this shit in the theaters? And Carol is suppose to carry the MCU after this?

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Here hoping that Tony made a backup AI of himself for the next Iron Man

not only that but she loses the stark gauntlet to past thanos, after asking peter to give it to her, for a few moments where he almost do another snap and tony has to take it back for a quick suicide snap

>based Hawkeye is the only character to come out of this movie not getting ruined
>it's all because he's always given nothing to do so there's nothing for the Russos to ruin

the long con

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kEK, the entire movie is terrible,plotholed as fuck and the Russos deserve all the hate they will get

>Kate Bishop soon

How are the stones destroyed exactly?

He snaps them out of existence.

How is Tony “fuck Thanos and fuck his army” ruined?

oh god yes, i love Kate

Ty user

God that pissed me off. The whole series was weird but really good till that exact moment. "Hey fuck all the losers in that other planet. At least WE'RE HAPPY!" Holy fucking shit. Do people who write these things not understand what's going on?

>the Russos deserve all the hate they will get

Everyone is loving the movie, though.

Normies actually wanted Cap to go back and be with Peggy and Thor palling around with the Guardians. They will be pleased.

Fraction pls

>Hulk only has one arm now
Seriously nigger? Lmfao please, someone please post a pic o dis, I bet it's funny as all fuck

imagine, a retired Clint, buys an apartment in NY because his family didn't come back from the dust, then this girl came because of bow training

it's only broken, he still has it in tony's funeral, thanos ripped the stark gantled from his arm and it ended damaged

With Tony gone I need a new favorite avenger

So tell me guys, Strange or Peter


Strange is always my favorite everything, but I like him more as a sorcerer instead of an avenger. So Peter.

Strange, this version of Peter blows.

obviously Peter

>all the hate they will get
you mean none?

Strange, Peter is kind of bad right now
Peter would be pretty good if he got a Stark tier character arc like his comics do though, with him growing up

This user is right. After this movie the Russos are more finished than the Wachowskis.

I'm okay with all of this.

yeah sure they're definitely never making another movie after making the greatest superhero movie of all time

Awww, an armless Hulk wouldve bee priceless

Gauntlet and stones were damaged through physical force?

the arm dipshit

Yeah we know about the arm faggot, question was about the gauntlet n stones

>the greatest superhero movie of all time
Mystery Men was made long ago, user.

I wouldn't say that, but they will probably never make a movie that can top that. They will try, and they will fail, just like Whedon couldn't top his first Avengers and Nolan couldn't top his TDK. Except this time the bar is way, way higher

>this time the bar is way, way higher

They're aware. They're going back to medium-budget action films which is where they thrive.

>They're going back to obscurity

>vision doesn't just shoot the Quin Jet
>They can't catch the Quin Jet even though they're all much faster than it
>They don't shoot the Quin Jet while it's in the air even though they could have easily stopped it without killing the crew as shown in avengers AND winter soldier
>falcon is somehow a threat
>it takes two people to chase the Quin Jet for some reason, neither Tony or War Machine can engage Falcon even though Rhodes has a self aiming gun
>Rhodes being a fucking retard for no reason other than 'lol he has the least fans' asks vision to shoot at Falcon, which would have gone through Falcons pack and killed him
>he didn't just ask vision to chase him
>vision can't catch Rhodes even though he saved Wanda in similar circumstances
>Sam can't catch Rhodes even though he obviously easily could going by how fast he was flying in Winter Soldier
>Iron Man one bangs Falcon
>He didn't think to do it earlier when he literally had falcon in his arms. He literally just let go got no reason to continue the shit and slow as fuck chase they were having compared to any other Marvel film where flying was involved


here's your final battle bro

You are, yes.

>vision doesn't just shoot the Quin Jet
Black Widow was in the hangar.

>They can't catch the Quin Jet even though they're all much faster than it
They probably could, but then Rhodes got shot down.

>They don't shoot the Quin Jet while it's in the air even though they could have easily stopped it without killing the crew as shown in avengers AND winter soldier
See above.

>falcon is somehow a threat
Speed is a hell of an advantage in aerial combat.

>it takes two people to chase the Quin Jet for some reason, neither Tony or War Machine can engage Falcon even though Rhodes has a self aiming gun
Bucky was the priority.

>Rhodes being a fucking retard for no reason other than 'lol he has the least fans' asks vision to shoot at Falcon, which would have gone through Falcons pack and killed him
He specifically told Vision to hit the propulsor, leaving Falcon no option but gliding to the ground.

>he didn't just ask vision to chase him
That's just nipticking.

>vision can't catch Rhodes even though he saved Wanda in similar circumstances
He was distracted.

>Sam can't catch Rhodes even though he obviously easily could going by how fast he was flying in Winter Soldier
He was mid-maneuver and Rhodes fell fast.

>Iron Man one bangs Falcon
Stark acting irrational based on emotion? How odd.

>He didn't think to do it earlier when he literally had falcon in his arms. He literally just let go got no reason to continue the shit and slow as fuck chase they were having compared to any other Marvel film where flying was involved
They were softballing at first.


I didn't say shoot black Widow did I you fucking retard...

What do you think happens when you hit a jet with a laser blast in a tiny hangar?

The thruster was in line with Falcons head.
The beam is slow. You think shooting at a big jet will endanger black widow but aiming at a small target is a good idea. What a fucking troll if I ever saw one.

hey I'm actually looking forward to Black Widow cold war spy thriller/ CM Punk Shang-Chi with monkey, and Hercules and Cho's bogus adventure...

That is what were getting right, not something stupid like black widow superhero/ Asian black panther/ and the actual eternals...

The jet wouldn't have blown up if that's what you're asking. You seem to know shooting the thruster wouldn't cause a big explosion.

He could have also easily flown to the Jet before either of them and used his phasing to disable it.

wow, I'm honestly shocked how little I cared watching it

god I sound like a fucking contrarian moron from Yea Forums

surprised me too, and I only got a little emotion wth the back to bac of irnman/rescue only because I knew tony was going to off himself later
at least I'm finally done with this

Ok I actually really dig this

I wouldn't have believed you if you told me ten years ago that I didn't care about an Avengers movie where they fight Thanos with fucking Rocket Raccoon, but somehow I'm not excited anymore. Make more movies visually like Spiderverse and I'll be hyped again.

I wonder how guilt and grief stricken will Star Lord be in the beginning of GOTG3. 1 being relasped to old habits and 10 being return earth and give up being a space cowboy drinking himself to death

Also rip vision as post endgame casualties. May you serve Tony in heaven

That was pretty trash, desu ne


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I really wish Thanos didn't have to cheat with the Power Stone to body Carol. At least when Wanda overpowers Thanos you feel like she's earned it, having had to watch Vision die right in front of her. Carol has never had to struggle or sacrifice anything in her two movie career and yet by that one scene she's already been established as stronger than Hulk (but a fraction of the personality).

>Tony chilling in the afterlife with Natasha
I can think of worse fates.

he probably doesn't really know about it actually, and he is also trying not to change the future too much ahead of him

Now we know why he couldn't lift Mjolnir in AoU

Hey spoilerbros does my boy Rocket do anything cool in Endgame or does he job

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And lets not forget Jarvis/Vision. If he is going to heaven he may as well have his own ai vouch for him.

he's about to get eated and tony snap saves him

DAE find it weird that literally no one in the movies has ever mentioned Vision used to be Jarvis?

so the 100% dead ones after phase 3
>black widow
>iron man
I'm forgetting someone? maybe steve if you consider he eventually dies from age

>Bucky just shooting
I miss when he was mindcontrolled.

Is it just me or was pic related really fucking forced and cringey?

Attached: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS.webm (854x480, 2.65M)

it was, but the whole final battle kind of boring so I couldn't care
like just the wakanda army fight from infnity war but at night

Spidey always get all the bitches
Guarantee that will be what people take notice

yes, the robot is 100% dead.

the future is female incel

if you don't like it you can get off any time

and by "get off" I mean "off yourself"

the snapped people were never technically destroyed/created at all tho

>ok the first one was well recieved but most didn't like the army crash what should we do for te next one
>the same but with more characters in

no the exact opposite, they stay in the one where people were snapped, theyre just unsnapped now

isn't good gamora dead? why is she there?

>The future is female incels
Pretty much, once all the good men are gone feminism will die out in a horrific self-immolating pyre of single mothers.

Time travel. Clint sacrificed Natasha to get the Soul Stone instead.

That's Gamora from the past

time travel shenanigans

Wait, so, good gamora gets brought back? But then dies? I read that the guardians chase evil gamora and the good one is dead

it's old Gamora from the first Guardians, right before she betrayed Thanos. She's not evil, but she isn't good either.

why does past gamora fight against thanos?

then why pose with the yas queen group?

she's not evil she's just from before the Guardians formed

because grrl power

Peter. He's the canonically best superhero of all time.

Does she stay or go back to the past? Im guessing she goes to meet Starlord.


Women do not deserve men if they insist they do not need them.

I wanted one but like pic related.

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she's stuck in the present day and has no memory of the Guardians so she fucks off, GotG3 is going to have a subplot about bringing her back to the team

So the movie is a disappointment.

I am sad the villains aside from thanos didnt try to stop them. Being promised their slice of the universe if they stop the Avengers for good

>Killing fullpower Thanos with all stones gauntlet
Fuck MCU.

>GoTG3 is just fast and furious 6

>even Wong showed up

Err what? Thanos killed tons of people much like Darth Vander and look what happened to time?

She was still ready to betray him at the beginning of GotG 1, so it’s not out of character

He wasn't full power. He was already dying and the stones were gone.

>and look what happened to time?
made fools of us all

Kind of confused now. They go to an alternate timeline to get the stones yet Steve needs to put them back to their place in the end and Non guardian Gamora fucks off from her timeline. So, i guess the timeline needed a reason for them to go back to the past in the first place, and rearranged shit for the GOTG to still exist despite the Power stone not being on Morag and Past Gamora not meeting them at Xandar.

Better still, turning on Thanos, because they had families and friends that were lost in the snappening.

nah I'm sure people will love it and find it appropriately epic

I just wish I could of been a people ;_;

Changing the past causes the main timeline to branch off into an alternate reality, while the main timeline continues on. Gamora escaping in the present means there is a version of the MCU somewhere in the Quantumverse where the Guardians of the Galaxy did not come together as expected, but it doesn't change the order of events and the outcomes of the main timeline.

>Marvel shows up and just one shots the ship
It's shit

>Hydra, Zemo, Kree, Ayesha giving a shit amd preferring to rule over ashes than a world where their foes still lives.

A small sacrifice for certain conquest. The big question is how you are to split the pie once purple man bites it.

>Winter Soldier is still the best MCU movie

>alternate reality
Wouldn't that depowers the Stones?

I wish Ebony Maw could have lived until the end of Infinity War. He'd witness the snap and talk mad shit about how great Thanos was for saving the universe until he starts to dissolve into ashes as well, and starts pleading Thanos to save his life

Doesn't that also mean that Thanos fucked off to some other timeline, therefore Infinity War never happens at all in that timeline and it's anyone's guess what happens after Civil War and Ragnarok?

spelled "Iron Man" wrong but it is still the best of the Disney MCU movies

that said this is still going to be the highest grossing movie of all time

Not in the MCU.

final battle thanos is that thanos

infinity war thanos doesn't make it very far in this movie

Build actually fused two timelines though. The final one had people from both worlds, and with no disaster that killed tons of people form Build's world. It's not like he just hopped to the timeline where the wall never happened, he actually fused his own world with that other one.


Marvel should do a What If? series about all the alternative timelines the Avengers created in this.

well lucky you for the low low price of only $6.99 a month...

Isn't the MCU part of the multiverse tho?

Captain Marvel playing a major role to defeat him instead of is just Adam is just blasfemy.
They could've made Thanos sabotage himself like the comics, or put a cosmic entity like The Living Tribunal or The One Above All. Or maybe even if they'd approach with a normal fight, Adam is still the best suited for the job. One kree isn't powerful enough to change the game, even accompanied with Thor and Hulk; it would only make sense if it were Adam, Thor, Hulk AND Captain Marvel to match his powers.
But no, fuck that. Disney's gotta be sjw to replace Thanos' biggest rival by Captain Bitch. Even Sentry would be a better choice, but no, it had to be that "feminist icon".

God, I hate the MCU

>Captain Marvel playing a major role to defeat him

She didn't. In fact, she's totally useless the whole film.

I would also love some Golden Jesus in the movie, but introducing an OC from nowhere just to beat Thanos would be a giant asspull even for Marvel

>strange doesn't heals tony like thanos healed vision
fuck you russo you know thats bullshit

He'll lose his identity, then. A Golden Jesus without the Mad Titan is a complete waste

yeah it is but fuck logic am i right

they're obviously setting him up to be the villain of GotG 3

isn't there a chance that all leaked were purposely leaked and are fake? i really don't want the movie to be that shitty

Default Warlock or Magnus?

I'm sure it will be great in the theater

remember this is only a small chunk and the full movie is 3 hours long and a lot of things seem bad out of context or when reading them

just like Drax "The Killing Machine Born With The Sole Purpose Of Defeating Thanos".

the whole "multiple endng flmed lmao" thing was full of shit, the chinks are watching the exact same thing the saudis did

how should I know I'm not James Gunn I know about as much as everyone else probably even a lot less

Attached: AdamWarlock-GotG2.jpg (553x800, 157K)

And it will make billions

Captain Marvel does a big woman charge at Thanos with all the other heroines, she struggles to take the gauntlet off him and then he punches her so hard she goes flying off screen like Team Rocket No joke.

Could Thanos have turned this around without the Power Stone like he did with Hulk?

I really dislike the idea of any 'one' hero being stronger than Thanos, like everything in every previous movie could have been avoided if Captain Carol was just around

Attached: yaas queen slay.webm (854x480, 2.89M)

I'm sure it'll be perfectly entertaining to watch but that doesn't mean a lot of this stuff isn't crap.

>the orignal female member missed the yas queen moment becaue lol dead
the hell is this? at least rescue pepper was cool, but fuck carol is annoying to look at

Post me a fucking PS2 game that has those graphics.

looks like it's the exact opposite of what you posted

Isn't Thor stronger than Thanos too?

So Carol being groomed by Disney to beat Thanos was not just a meme, but actual reality. How the fuck can WOKE media be so fucking predictable and fucking awful?

he removes the power stone from the gauntlet and sends her flying with the other hand

Feminazis will are the future sweety! Get use to it! YASS!!

So where can the MCU even go from here?

No, earlier in this same sequence Thor teams up with Cap and Thanos knocks them both out. Stormbreaker at the end of IW was catching Thanos off-guard and pouring all his rage into a weapon built specifically to counter the gauntlet, which Thanos had become overly reliant upon

wherever it wants to

it's literally too big to fail

down probably

Honestly, don't care after this wet fart of a climax. Now that End Game is finally here. Once I see it, capeshit can just die already.

I must be getting old because these big army climatic boss battles are so atypical to me and I'd much rather watch the characters sitting around a table talking about shit.

So Captain Marvel's existence is going to make the entire MCU completely trivial then?

LMAO, Thanos jobbed to Scarlett Witch.

the axe thing in IW came by surprise, thanos also does a power struggle with thor using both hammers and thor loses in this one

Attached: th.png (1199x811, 854K)

>gemless thanos losing to one of the historicaly stronger mutants
no shit, outside of the gems he's just a big muscle titan here

But that's accurate.

Probably. Thanos was literally trying to hold her entire body back with ONE hand, if he had taken a moment to get serious like he did with Hulk on the Statesman he would have crushed her, he just opted for the Stone because unlike at the start of IW he is surrounded by hostiles and there is no room to fuck around.

Also keep in mind Thanos here had just fought his way through literally EVERY other big hero in the MCU, the guy is constantly fighting exhausted. Probably the same reason Stormbreaker Thor was able to take him at the end of IW, the guy was reaching his limit.

just finised watchign the fight, he had no gems so no fucking way scarlett lost, specially pissed scarlett, if anything he should have been crushed instantly
the only bullshit is him with all gem losing vs carol, and only getting a breath from a sucker punch

We can justify it all we want but in reality it's just for women to have their moment.

the point is that no matter how tired the purple man is, the stones alone should be enough to carry him, thats the whole fucking point

It was. And there's no logical reason why all the women heroes would decide to group up in one fucking spot and not just any random hero within the vicinity.

Or why they think Carol needed fucking help.

This. Also Thanos pulls his punches in every single fight he had in IW, he probably did the same with the headbutt and was surprised she could tank it.
Just wearing the Stones with the Gauntlet doesn't make you more powerful. The MCU Gauntlet only works by clenching your fist, if you can't do that the Stones embedded in it are worthless. That's why he had to take out the Power Stone with his free-hand, the moment he did that he one-shot Carol.

didn't mean to quote , meant to quote

Disney is really starting to push the female empowerment narrative in the MCU, and will likely start pushing it harder now. It's all just a political angle now that the story is done.

on their defence cap marvel is a walking infnity stone, so useless thanos close the hand his strenght alone can't do shit
that why one stone alone sends her flying, the gauntlet is doing nothing there

It's very blurry, can someone explain what the hell Tony did to the gauntlet?

nanomachines climb it and move the stones to his hand

he removed the stones

alternate reality and alternate timeline are teeeechnically two different concepts, an alternate timeline is still in the same universe, and the stones only have to be in the same universe.

Considering Black Panther's success I'm sure they will make him the headliner and not Carol.

because she still opposed her father?

just watched it, why is everyone saying tony dusted them? to me it looked like tony send back to the past
otherwise they would make a big deal of cap returning the stones if thanos didn't exist on the past, and that's why thanos said he "knew" tony stark and that he hopes they remember him snce he was going to die from the snap but maybe I'm just thinking too much something that not even marvel bothered to think about

she knows no one in that group, no reason to get close when all she did was clean trash enemies in the way

>a marvel villain survives a movie so they have to kill him twice in the next one

this is the power of long-form storytelling

because they literally turned to dust in the same way the Avengers did in Infinity War. Ebony Maw legit turned to dust and fell to the ground like Bucky did

Wait, Thor isn't coming back for future movies? I thought this was just Cap and Iron Man's actors retiring of the main four.

it's happened with every surviving villain except for like 2

In the end the extra scenes and one shows the claws of the wolverine.

That's not what happens you fucking niggers, Thanos doesn't die, he goes to intergalactic maximum security prison and there are two gauntlets left, one made by thanos and the other by Tony, The two are separated and protected, 1 on the Earth and the other in space. there'll be a post-credits scene with Wolverine's claws as well.


yes I saw that, but I still think they got send back to the past, not that they died

he joined the Guardians

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Without anyone spoiling anything, did Captain Marvel ruin end game? Did she because the Dues Ex Machina that everyone claimed she would be, or did th avengers work out everything themselves for the most part?

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I give you a (you) for the effort

she didn't do shit in the movie. For the most part she's just there

objectively her only accomplishment was to shoot a ship down

she kinder ruined it like 50/50, her being in it was unnecessary

>This is actually in the movie

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not really a deus ex machina but definitely gets glorified scenes to make her stand out

It's possible but who knows. They might bump off T'chala and replace him with Shuri as Black Panther.

>Loki stays dead
>Strange hardly appears in this one
>Bucky doesn't become the new cap
>Thors character arc is ruined

Well fuck, at least Thor is still alive and can show up in more movies down the line but most of my favs got screwed

Your first spoiler is wrong, he is back but as his Avengers self

It's another Tony movie, just like every others Avengers to date.

Thor got a whole new arc and his ending shows what movie he's appearing in next

Makes sense since Fortnite had a big Avengers promo last year and another one starts Thursday. Also Fortnite is pretty fun

Loki ended up like Gamora. So I guess he is back but his character arc is ruined.

>Time travel shit
The biggest blight in media.

Gamora wasn't in as many movies as Loki so her getting resetted isn't as bad. Loki being reset is kinda lame. 4 movies of development gone

Wait how does that work, what era did he come from and how?

As long as he gets to meet Loki again and bro it up with him I'm fine with that

question for based spoilerfags

Was this the future that Dr. Strange saw? Is there any allusion to that "I saw the future" arc from Infinity War?

Guardians 3? I'd like to see Gunn direct him.

Gosh It's so forced or it's bad acting?

yeah, it ends with fat thor bickering with quill over who's the leader


we know what you want Disney


you just hate women that much

Yeah, Tony and Strange talk about it for a bit

>and loses his entire fucking arm in the process and goes back to savage hulk

During the final fight, Tony asks Strange if "this is the timeline you saw where we win", and he answers that if he told him, it would never happen

>Completely tanks a full head-butt with Thanos without even flinching, something that would have stunned Hulk or Thor
>Overpowers Thanos outright and forces him to a knee
>He has to cheat with the Power Stone in order to win, something he did not have to do against Hulk
That is the exact opposite of jobbing

From what I understand Avengers Loki steals the Tesseract and fucks off

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>can't go through losing his mom/dad and fighting his sister with Thor in order to develop since they're all already gone
Fucking hell

my question now is was the leak about the new Loki series accurate but instead of a lighthearted series about Loki influencing human history, now it's just god-emperor Tesseract!Loki fucking up the timeline

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*clears throat*

FUCK Carol

Wait, if Captain America returned to his time and lived his life alongside Peggy, doesn't mean the whole timeline has changed? I mean, if Cap stayed back in his original era:
- He could direct SHIELD from the beginning.
- He could stop Hydra from infiltrating SHIELD.
- He could save Bucky from becoming the Winter Soldier.

Jeez, time travel is a pain in the butt!

Yes. Old Steve is played by Stan Lee.

Also Cap cucks Peggy's husband and prevents her kids from being born lol

Cap was Peggy's husband the whole time though.

So nobody else died in the final battle except him?

Yet no one knew, there were no pictures? Sharon didn't recognize young Steve? Peggy went through an elaborate lie on the interview about Steve saving her husband on his final mission. Alzeheimer Peggy also lied I guess? It's so convoluted but lol I don't give a shit anymore.

Wat. They're really going that route?

Yeah and even then the way the Infinity Gauntlet is so fucking OP I wouldn't put it past this just being a way for him to come back later on once RDJ wants to go back and Feige needs a new gimmick to make people interested again.

So what is different about Tony's new suit? Can we get a new hero power ranking?

Also, how are there going to be any threatening villains with Carol being base Thanos tier?


It's Marvel, we're probably going down the heroes vs heroes route. Again.

Have you watched dr strange?

Everything goes cosmic.

Sadly a shop.

Friendly Reminder that Cap:

Could've helped Bucky in the past but didn't do shit

Could've stopped 9/11 but didn't do shit

Could've stopped Pearl Harbor but didn't do shit

He could've helped prevent so many problems but no. He sat by and never gave mind to shit except Peggy. All he ever gave a shit about was fucking Peggy.

He left Sam and Bucky, his two best friends, in the present to go fuck a dead woman he was obsessed with for 70 years. Right after Tony and Nat fucking died no less!

Reminder that Steve Rogers is nothing but a Selfish Coward. You cannot defend his actions

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So what was that post credit clank clank noise at the end ?

The Russos are hacks, more news at 11

Homage to Iron Man.

There was a girl power scene where all the female characters fight Thanos

t. hayley atwell

Joe Biden? ;_; why the Russos job my man Steve like this.

>there'll be a post-credits scene

There aren't any. Poor effort, 0/10

and lose the gauntle anyways
it was just a forced charge where all of them were conviniently close by, and like half couldn't do more than clean trash that carol should be able to fly over anyways
then thor and cap fail
then carol fails
and the only thing left is for tony to suicide himself

This is so fucked up. Staying in the past has already been tackled in the comics and would've been something Cap wouldn't have done. Retiring after staying in the present would've made more sense.

This is the same cap that is worthy to wield the fucking hammer?

there is no retiring for supers otherwhise the readers/viewers would just shitpost day and night
>why didn't he join in for the world ending threat
if he didn't get send back to the past then he needs to die like tony


>permanently dead

Yeah, sure. I guess that series he was getting was canceled then?

That's stupid though. If they can make Steve do this then they can definitely make Steve stay in the present and retire. Maybe he can be somebody they consult instead of making him an active superhero.

Feels like it would have made a hell of a lot more sense to have Steve sacrifice himself, and Tony retire. Tony could still help as a mentor but not take part in fights anymore for the sake of Pepper and their child.

So who was the gay character guys?

the viewer

Holy fucking shit

This is laughably terrible. Holy shit. Just hope GOTGv3 isn't too fucked by this.

I'd like to believe this.

So when Thanos dies in the first 30 minutes, do they actually fight him, or is he just there watching the sunset telling them it's all over and he's destroyed the stones and Thor just chops his head off mid-sentence out of anger

>for the sake of Pepper and their child.
every time you get a earth invasion you would see
>why didn't pepper and tony put on their suits, if the planet is destroyed their child dies
>why isn't steve defending the world helping the new captain america
superheroes don' have retirement, you're in till you die, or the writer kills your character to not gve a fuck anymore
useless you make tony piss poor and incapable of producing more suits and take all the serum modifications from cap

Totally virtuous, and won't set an example that is totally not an excuse for abuse of power, or to ever seek such power for one's own gain. Totally not a bad message at all, and totally like Steve Rogers.

they surprise butttsex him in his house, like they rus in and carol chokes him while tony holds one arm and thor cuts the other
is like a bunch of supers getting into an old man house and kicking him

the timeline they were in was always the one where they already traveled in time, peggy was pretending to be retarded and steve was always her husband

Any clips?

Everything I´ve seen seems like an embarrassing failure of a script that its only value is mindless fanservice.
So why is every review sucking this movie´s dick?
I know marvel fanboys eat everything that´s thrown at them but the levels of retcons and time travel from this movie are so huge I can´t see how any nerd would find it acceptable.

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So GOTGv3 is going to be some dumb bullshit dealing with these retarded Avengers movies. Fucking great.

watched in on youtue but its gone by now, was posted on another thread, sorry
if it helps you imagine, thanos was just wearing a shirt, basically they did the farmer thing

GoTG3 is fast and furious 6

I kept saying the Russos were maximum edgelords and no one heard over the noise of wanking them off.

>>Feels like it would have made a hell of a lot more sense to have Steve sacrifice himself, and Tony retire

Fucking this. Tony had a kid to look forward to. Steve was a man with nothing, a man out of time, and taking someone's else's place in Peggy's life undoes all the lives that were lived in that time with her. This is fucking stupid, and morally WRONG.

>whole point of GOTG is that they're underdogs constantly out of their league

And if the writers and directors gave a single shit about Steve's character, they wouldn't have done this. I can't believe they out-jobbed Nick Spwncer.

[s]They talk to him and Thor cuts his head off. No fight.[/s]

I'm pretty upset but oh well, it's just a movie.

>Iron Man, Cap and BW all gone
So, who the fuck is gonna carry the obligatory Avengers 5?


No silly. Carol!

far from home

Black Panther, Spiderman, Professor Hulk, and Doctor Strange are all pretty strong contenders. Thor is gonna be busy with the Guardians.

They gave him the old Hollis Mason treatment

the new cap obviously, thats the whole point of giving falcon the shield, carol, phanter, and strange work better as independent forces(space guardian,rulin king,in charge of another realm)
the only lineup that would make sense is
cap falcon
war macine

funny how that 2s frame of ironman and rescue back to back firing is a more powerfull equality message than that forced all female charge, both man and woman fighting togheter to defend their world, instead you have carol getting "help" from characters out of their league next to her, like, that group up would make sense if it was only wasp, rescue and carol

Quite using spoiler, its annoying to read.

I mean, Tony could easily help out without even being physically present. And if they were trying to avoid complaints, having Cap abandon his best friends, not do anything to prevent tragedies after going back to the past, and making it so he made out with his niece doesn't seem the best way of accomplishing that.

>avengers 5
>there will be more superhero movies after this
fuck me

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Kinda hilarious that past Thanos just waits for people to fetch him things. Also at the funeral, there are an unknown couple with a guy at the end. Who are they?

this is 4channel
should be a safeplace and not excluding wagie people from exposed at abusive spoilers.

>cap falcon
>war macine
This is THE most B-Team lineup possible.

Baron is still kicking around.

good thing now everyone can go back to work immediately, serving their bosses and the goverment.

It would be more accurate to say that post-Avengers Loki is dead.

All that fucking character development, gone. I was looking forward to his post Avengers shenanigans, now he's just going to be a villain. I wanted rogueish anti-hero Loki, not villain Loki.

>thor with the GoTG
>og cap and ironman gone
>useless wakanda gets an uprising, again, black phanter has that responsibility
>strange should remain as that guy they ask for advice from time to time
>carol going about "muh other planets"
alright genious, who else is availatablethe whole xmen/fantastic4 cast is a no no

But Avengers Loki was best Loki.

Post Avengers Loki still had that smug swagger of Avenger's Loki though. I love that Loki.

he's forgetting about doc hulk but still there isn't much left, working as filler for the avengers was the xmen purpose

I'm so excited for the X-men to be in Disney Marvel hands. I'm sure they're gonna find a way to massively fuck up but I'm okay waiting for the X-men if we get fantastic four in first. They've been through hell and back with Fox they need the love they deserve.

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Storm and Logan will get cameos in the upcoming movies. Logan in Black Widow and Storm in BP2.

Do we have any clue if End Game even bothered to set up Mutants and Galactus/F4?

They weren't legally allowed to even discuss plans regarding the Fox properties. Feige obviously had top secret closed-door discussions about it, but they definitely couldn't film any sort of set up.

That said, Cap going back in time could easily be used since he could meet young Magneto and Logan.


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Horribly missed opportunity, with the reality stone you could have seamlessly allowed Mutants into the setting, and with Thanos messing with the stone it should have gained the attention of Galactus.

the post credit is dedicated to the actors with one of this for each and tony's last, there is no sneakpeek to anything in the future, I guess that's why far from home closes phase 3

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Probably not, given the fact that Fox was JUST bought by Disney but Marvel was TEASING the absolute shit of the Fantastic Four in the past few months hinting that yeah, the deal was almost done when they pretended they didn't exist for a while.
I'd KILL for that honestly but I'm totally ok with them doing so or not because It's gonna be a while for casual audiences to forget foXMEN. I'm thinking maybe Eternals could be done too. Hell give me Beast too.

I'd honestly kill for them to do an actual Secret Wars (I don't care if its the 84 or 15 version) movie with Monica and not Carol unless she becomes which she won't a starjammer.

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My question is why did they change FFH from being the beginning of Phase 4 to the end of 3 I feel like it defeats the purpose of endgame.

Not exactly incest timeloop like Fry, just some in-law with time travel.

I guess, with the resurrection of HALF THE FUCKING UNIVERSE happening, I suppose those lives COULD be influenced by the infinity stones, creating the "mutants".

Still Galactus and other celestial entities should have been introduced in this movie, they need to establish the cosmology of the Marvel universe, and they missed that chance.

>black phanter and spiderman are mutant now
they are going to need to invent some bullshit rules so that the existing cast doesn't end as a mutant too
welll maybe they can do the 6 arms beast mutant spiderman thing now in a movie or something

It only affects some people, not everyone?

wanda is alone now and could go nuclear any time, so maybe you get a reverse no more mutants while she attempts to use her powers to bring vision/quicksilver back to life or something

yeah but I mean they either need to create some rule as to why it doesn't affect some or just go with
>we just got lucky lmao

>just some in-law
Were they trying to appeal hentai viewers or what?

why do you think the all female shot still has spiderman in it?