What is the lamest rogues gallery?

And if you believe that gallery has one or two exceptions. Feel free to mention them.

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Flash's because most of his rouge's are now exclusive to Legends of Tomorrow and it's literally just reverse flashes

Daredevil. All his exceptions are transplanted rogues from other characters.

Bullseye isn't even a Daredevil villain anymore he's a Hawkeye villain now


Bullseye was also originally a SHIELD villain so I have to agree with that other user there

Aquaman with the exception of Manta and King Shark.

Iron Man's is pretty average. Too many other brilliant scientists with their own mech suits; you can only use "evil parallel version of the hero" so many times for one character before it gets a bit played out.

Crmson Dynamo and The Mandarin are cool

Eh, Stark's Gallery is mostly untapped than straight up bad. He's got business adversaries, armored adversaries, tech adversaries, knight adversaries. it's a varied pallete.

Purple Man and Mr.Fear are cool



Wonder Woman. She's got Ares, Cheetah, and that's pretty much it. No real long-term, unique villains afaik.

Circe and Giganta, the latter of which has gotten a pretty massive amount of play in the past few years.

Kyle Raynor.

Not Green Lantern in general, Kyle Raynor during his run specifically.

Rayner had the issue of the GL franchise being more or less torched in the preceding couple of years, leading to a lot of characters being stand-ins for unusable ones. Nero was probably the best of the lot with untapped potential.

A lot of them need a good update at this point though.

> A lot of them need a good update at this point though.

Armored adventures dis a good job on making iron man's acutally threatening

B-but i like Orm

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Orm was better as a Stepdad than a villain imo.

Green Arrow with the exception of Clock King, Vertigo and Omantsomething

I would say overrated

>Talking shit about Condiment King

What about Merlyn?