Post horse comics

post horse comics

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Cant because channers are faggots. I can post every Stonetoss comic ever if you want. Somehow they are less controversial around here
> the absolute state of Yea Forums

I cannot.

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Did I miss some juicy drama?

You're more than welcome to go back wherever you came from, fag

I'm not a horse person, can someone explain?

I'm assuming that this is a stealth mlp thread and user is complaining about that

yes, back to Yea Forums. We are proud channelers around here

you gotta do a better job of seeding your thread, OP, especially with such a niche topic

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deer are horses, right?

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>being proud of being incels and mosque shooters
Channers rhyme with loosers for a reason

Lose rhymes with Jews.
Loose rhymes with juice.
Get it right, you stupid illiterate.

w-why are these horses so sexy

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There’s a horse show comic that’s actually ok but I can’t post that


what about it

What if the horses became humans

*wink* *wink*

Ay it's a comic

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The only information I gathered from the archive is that you can't fuck it raw
This made me even more confused

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>mother loses a child
>get in a fight with her and publically blame her for her dead babby
That horse is a cunt.

This only makes me concerned for the poor animal

This looks like something sheltered 12 year old girls would read the fuck out of.

What if the horses fuck?

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This is so nicely drawn but the artist chose those horrible balloons and completely destroyed the page. Why would you not learn to do some basic lettering?

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Do all female jockeys fuck their stallions?

>rich horse girl who rides around making fun of poor people for not having horses
I'm surprised this isn't a Murrlogic thing.

Yeah it's channelers now

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If a horse breaks its leg its time to put it down. This makes owners super paranoid about leg injuries

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so horses are babies? btw you can rent a horse, its all the fun of having one without any of the work


Apparently a lot of people that know real horse owners agree that they are really like that, so the comic works whether it’s a metaphor for children or not.

>horse shit stinking that much
It just smells like moldy grass.

Americans will probably laugh at this but I rode a horse once when I was a teen. It was this large black horse, I don't know what the breed is called but it was a heavy breed, stocky and muscular with those large hooves covered in fur. When I was up there this farmer told me to use the reins very gently, I gave a little tug and this massive thing started moving. You could tug on the reins sideways and he'd obey. It was exhilarating. You could see all these huge muscles at work under the shiny black fur. I felt like some sort of king.

Oh it's just that, I thought it was something else that went over my head.

>I hate myself, I hate my forebears, and I want to die alone in an apartment that reeks of cat piss
ah so

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I want the smug horse lady to mock and sexually bully me from atop her horse

also trying to look at a picture of a similar horse I found the horse equivalent of GigaChad

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it didn't look this awesome of course

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Then it's mutant heretic filth.

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horsegirl detected

Is this the Shabani of horses?

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I rode a horse once with girlscouts and it sucked. Fag kept stopping to eat grass.
But still, dog shit and cat shit smell 1000x worse than horse shit.
The shit isn't the bad part of a horse- a horse costs as much as a new car, needs a palatial estate to gallop on, and might murder you if it gets startled.


You just know.

>tfw a horse is more handsome than you will ever be

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>cat shit smell 1000x worse than horse shit.
I clean my cat's litter once a day and it's almost odorless. People buy the cheap shitty non-agglomerating litter, I've tried that and it smells absolutely foul. Agglomerating is so much better.
Manure doesn't smell bad at all unless the environment is super shitty, as you said it smells like plant matter
I've been in very run down farms with awfully kept animals that made my eyes water. Also fuck farmers and their shitty treatment of animals

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It's just not fair lads

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