ITT: Yea Forums in 1989

ITT: Yea Forums in 1989

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Check out my new zine, just got a sweet release deal from a cardboard box in that alleyway behind the Radio Shack!

I want to fuck Jessica Rabbit

This Donald trump guy is a fraud

Good night sweet prince.

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Just got back from seeing the Little Mermaid. it was fucking top tier kino. With all the success of Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and the Quality of this, do you think Disney could have something like a Renaissance?

I heard Nickelodeon is trying to make new series to compete with Disney Channel. Lmao


I don't remember shit, I was 2
I only remember the smell of tomatoes from my land

They had a pilot on yesterday called Rugrats. Nickelodeon is going to bomb that shit was mad gay

they have to retire the series who could possibly replace him

But, I didn't exist until the 21st Century.

Imagine being into cartoons right when the beginning of (arguably) the best era of American animation was about to start. Would be insane.

any of you folks watch the Tracy Ullman Show? They have these short animated commercial break cartoons called The Simpsons. It's getting a full prime time series on Fox at the end of this year. It's gonna be for adults too!

>What if superheroes used swear words?

Why did DC hire all these edgy British hacks?

Man, that Batman movie was great. I wonder if they will get Reeve to show up in the sequel or hell even a Worlds Finest movie.

OH NO NO NO Will Marvel ever get it right?

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Honestly have a soft spot for the Dolph Lundgren Punisher. Yeah it barely actually has anything to do with The Punisher, but it's a flat out better action movie than '04 and War Zone.

Enjoy your babyshit, Nintodlers. I'll have my arcade-accurate ports on my Megadrive.

Roger Rabbit was a fucking masterpiece. We'll never see a crossover on this scale ever again. Can't wait for the sequel.

Year I was born!

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Man, who are all these gun and shoulder pad characters? I liked the Frank Miller DD stuff but these layouts and designs are just dull. Man, I hope Kirby can get a big break with his creator owned stuff. I liked this stuff better 20 years ago.

Can it ever be topped?

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Who else voted for Lyndon Larouche?