What went wrong BPRD bros?
What went wrong BPRD bros?
>Releasing a superhero movie 1 week after shazam and 2 weeks before Endgame
Some dumbass thought Hellboy was a quip spouting action star and crammed 5 comic plots into one
It must be some kind of Uwe Bill-esque tax loophole release. That's the only thing I can think of that explains why they wouldn't find GDT's Hellboy3 but Lionsgate would get behind this.
>"Whatever, you're not my real dad"
>"Equal rights for monsters now"
>The were-cheetah
Just make a BPRD movie and call it a day.
No need to bring up Hellboy, just make him a cameo or something.
>just mignola
Feels bad.
I watched it with my retarded brother (he is actually retarded) and he loved it he was dancing on the cinema everytime bellboy was fighting the bad guys and he called it the best movie I’ve seen
They knew it was gonna flop and released it in the summer period anyway to try recoup as much as they could. Releasing it later could lead to it interfering with the box office performances of other releases from the studio in the same period.
>Hellboy, No.1 with retards
Not sure that’s the greatest marketing tag line, but at this point it’s probably the best they’re going to get.
>when you fuck over del taco because youre pissed he made hellboy elf fanfiction and then you get deadpool lite by uwe boll
nice one mike
They wanted the Chinese money, only to realize they hated ghosts.
>Some dumbass thought Hellboy was a quip spouting action star
I mean, if you read the comics, you'd see that he is. Do you actually read them or just like to pretend you do so you have 'indie' cred over the Marvel babies?
>he loved it he was dancing on the cinema everytime bellboy was fighting the bad guys and he called it the best movie I’ve seen
which section of the bell curve do you exist in exactly?
Guillermo Del Taco's spicy smelling farts are worth more than the entire combined creative output of every person who worked on that travesty and they should have kept him in charge instead of doing this garbage reboot.
>there are people on Yea Forums right now who will literally pretend that Hellboy doesn't quip for who knows why
Is this bait, or are you that fucking stupid you don't understand Hellboy's character?
Why didn't they bring back Del toro or at least Use some of his Ideas? Much of what made his helboy movies intresting and goid was his personal touch and original ideas
It's not bait and are you so fucking illiterate that you don't understand words when you see them in a comic book? Do you not understand when you see pictures of Hellboy punching monsters?
Do you not get that when you combine quips and action you have a quipping action story? Or do you just like to pretend that only what you think are the "good" parts of Hellboy count?
When I say quip, I mean the dime a dozen wink at the camera bullshit. Hellboy is more dry wit, tired, and I wouldn't call him an action star. Yeah, he fights monsters, but it's a mundane job to him.
Del Toro unsuccessfully lobbied for years to fund his Hellboy 3 script, but no studio would get behind it as 2 didn't do so hot at the box office (partially due to releasing quite close to The Dark Knight). Eventually attempts to do a new Mignola-cowritten script for Hellboy 3 was made with Del Toro relegated to an executive producer credit, but this was scrapped and the film was rebooted entirely because Ron Perlman, Doug Jones and Selma Blair refused to be involved if Del Toro wasn't helming it.
The core of Del Toro's script has leaked online; Hellboy and Liz are married and the twins have grown up. Rasputin comes back and tries to trigger the apocalypse again with the help of a fallen angel that was lobotomised by the Nazis.
Sounds kino
Del toro movies were good but lets face it, they barelly made money, is actually possible that Hellboy 2 floppled.
Shazam for example got a "mediocre" box office but still made way more money than the other hellboy movies with the same budget.
This. Yes Hellboy converses primarily with one liners, but they're more along the lines of "Well shit" than "Welcome to S-mart, Come get some she-bitch." And if anything he avoids fighting as much as possible.
Hellboy quips, but they aren't the cool action movie quips. I see them as really shitty quips, which I find charming.
He DOES do that though.
no he doesn't.
How much Hellboy have you actually read?
Which includes?
You're a retard.
A retard with almost every Mignolaverse comic sitting on his shelf, read cover to cover.
Oh. I just think it's funny that you seem to not remember anything that happened in any of them.
> they're more along the lines of "Well shit" than "Welcome to S-mart, Come get some she-bitch."
I'm beginning to think you don't get Hellboy
>What went wrong
Literally everything
>"S-See? It's an action movie quip"
Get fucked
>A retard
So you admit it then?
Looks pretty quippy to me.
>got proven wrong
>has nothing to say but Get Fucked
Morons tried to make a shitty cash grab riding on the superhero hype wave instead of making a good Hellboy movie.
>got proven wrong
>They wanted the Chinese money
>Sold it to the Chinese for a flat price.
I hope it fucking explodes in China and makes 500mil+ there
does this shit really work? doesn't that kill the property when it bombs so fucking hard?
I have read a post in a Jem and the Holograms movie thread here on Yea Forums about how they sometimes kill a franchise on purpose to redirect interest or shut down a thing by association. It was a really weird read but strangely plausible.
Even demons have demons.
how is that shitty, it's really witty
How is describing the literal situation he was in while completely wasted "witty"?
I don't wanna get into this discussion with you again because clearly you just want to get a bunch of (you)s, but now that the movie is out and everyone knows it's shit, why are you still defending it?
If it was Hellgirl we wouldn't be having this thread
>Box Office
>World Wide
You honestly don't understand the difference?
He literally quips and shit talks Nazis while punching them. Hellboy is pretty much a quip spouting action star, which was the original point.
You're trying to act like he isn't, and why? Do you want to feel like Hellboy isn't normie? Are you not allowed to like him if it turns out he's just like all the other comics?
I think you're making up the difference yourself to suit your needs, little guy. You clearly have no interest in being objective.
What the fuck!?
Jesus, I thought this was domestic.
> which was the original point.
source on that please because nothing I've ever seen Mignola say about the character even comes close to that.
The ONE thing I can think of is how he infused HB with some of his own humor, talking specifically about how both of them hate grandstanding and pretentious prophecizing.
did they really use the words "Legendary AF"?
I've seen this argument already but I swear this is my first time senpai
>How is describing the literal situation he was in while completely wasted "witty"?
Witty isn't the exact word, I meant to say that it's got genuine irony in it because it's so absurd. Quips are... quips, they are not like that. They're a specific brand of bite sized humor that Joss Whedon would write.
dry humour is very different from le so random/forth-wall-breaking humour.
Nah man. Domestic it's at 19mil. It's a complete shit show
I meant it was the original argument
>Some dumbass thought Hellboy was a quip spouting action star
It's a silly thing to say when he clearly is a quip spouting action star as you can see
>did they really use the words "Legendary AF"?
Yes, also this
What 'movie quips' are fourth wall breaking besides the Deadpool movies?
Those aren't quips.
oh no
oh nooooo
Again, give me the source for that that isn't just you shitposting, because for the thick of the books, Hellboy is mostly very grim and somber.
Stop trying, this motherfucker has been reposting the same panels over and over and ignoring every argumment he can.
> I meant to say that it's got genuine irony in it because it's so absurd.
it really isn't. It is for you, the reader, but for Hellboy, it's just another day in his terrible job.
>T-the-they did it wrong!!!
You faggots said the same shit about the del toro movies, when will you simply face the fact that Hellboy is simply shit instead of blaming the people adapting it?
I mean they're technically quips in the general sense, but they're not the kind of quip that you see in the movies today
superhero movie quips have a certain flavor to them, I honestly can't remember any so it's pretty vague but I remember them being very much their own thing
>when will you simply face the fact that this comic with 25 years of very good stories, highly awarded and well liked by public, critic and other cartoonists alike is shit instead of blaming the people making terrible adaptations that completely disregard what drew everyone into the books in the first place?
Fucking broodal
a witty remark.
synonyms: joke, witty remark, witticism, jest, pun, sally, pleasantry, epigram, aphorism; More
repartee, banter;
bon mot;
informalone-liner, gag, crack, wisecrack, funny
"the quip failed to provoke a smile"
make a witty remark.
"“Flattery will get you nowhere,” she quipped"
>Again, give me the source for that that isn't just you shitposting
What are you even asking about?
Reverse 666 confirms, heavens have spoken.
Hellboy is shit.
what did he mean by this?
>Mignola is a hack! How could he end Hellboy by offscreening the dragon without Helboy punching him or quiping
>the new movie sucks, how could they make Hellboy make quips and punch things, it's suppsoed to be a gritty horror story
You people are psychotic.
Why don't people want to see the movie?
Every opportunity the movie got it seemed to somehow fuck up. It almost felt like it was bad by design. It really felt like something the syfy channel would have done.
>that monologue at the end coming from the vomit tapeworm with ian mcshanes head badly slapped on
>redirect interest
you might have a point here.
>Stop trying, this motherfucker has been reposting the same panels over and over and ignoring every argumment he can.
It's no one's fault but your own that you don't actually know what quip actually means and apparently think it means being Deadpool yelling CHIMICHANGAS or something.
>it really isn't. It is for you, the reader, but for Hellboy, it's just another day in his terrible job.
well yeah of course I'm the reader, that's why I find it funny, I'm not Hellboy.
People complained about Del Toro's movies in the sense that they could've been made better, more faithful to the original, etc. etc. because they wanted the source material and Del Toro came close but not quite. Nobody had any idea that it could be done this terribly.
>you might have a point here.
I'll dive in the archive to find it
Because it's a semi-obscure character remembered primarily for a 10+ year old prior film series (which even then didn't perform spectacularly) that's been sandwiched inbetween by-far two of the biggest blockbuster films of 2019, if not the decade, with basically non-existent marketing?
Tell me where Hellboy was said to originally be a "quipping action star", because other than the dislike for grandstanding I mentioned above, the one thing I've seen Mignola say about HB's personality is that he's based on his dad, who worked on some sort of factory and would constantly see horrible accidents and other awful shit and would remain unfazed sipping his beer and this isn't very "quipping-action-star-esque".
Also, you need to stop being so obtuse and accept what people have been telling you about the word "quip" for at least a month. At least now you're not trying to claim the movie isn't shit anymore.
>>Mignola is a hack! How could he end Hellboy by offscreening the dragon without Helboy punching him or quiping
no one made this complaint, you absolute ignoramus.
But Hellboy is cool though.
Why can't they market how cool he was?
You really think I'm going to trust that?
I mean it's likely more like what said. Going by how hectic production of the movie was, it's likely the studio execs recognized they had a disaster on their hands and just wanted to rush it out as quickly as possible with the minimal amount necessary put in to marketing to try and make some money back. They didn't release it expecting to make a profit; they released it to minimize loss.
Why are people actually saying Shazam instead of saying Captain Marvel
Do you just let executive decisions change your talk words?
>But Hellboy is cool though.
I hate to be the one to tell you this but most people don't know or care who Hellboy is, and not every film has something like the MCU to salvage an otherwise obscure character and make them an A-lister.
I really dislike Corben's artstyle.
Why do people think China has money
they have literally stopped accepting new games being allowed into the country, and have said they'll be accepting only a tiny number per year that have zero violence
why bother
You clearly weren't here last Wednesday.
no one cares.
Because Captain Marvel was released a few months ago and people have enough braincells to work out it's better to name the film called Shazam by its actual name to avoid confusion rather than get butthurt over company wars shit?
user, you need to show your retard brother as many dumb, horrible, but entertaining movies as possible. Bond with your re-re brother over awful movies. It would be a much better use of your time than posting in this awful thread.
I was talking about the comment IN THIS THREAD that started the argument. This retard made a statement from ignorance, and how he's got people like who don't actually read the comments ready to attack for him.
Why are you still pretending like you don't know what a quip is? You keep making up shit and changing your personal definition of it, even though we all have access to the dictionary.
I was. some people complained about it being killed off-panel, not at the lack of cool fight moves or quipping.
But he's not a quip-spouting action star.
Are you the same guy that said fourth wall quipping is a thing? Because unless you're talking about Deadpool, which is it's own special thing, it's not.
>no fish or ectoplasmic husbandos
Into the trash it goes.
what level of 'tism are you on, bro?
Comic books where he fights mad scientist Nazis and demons and monsters while quipping seem to poke some holes in that statement.
I know what a quip is but you refuse to accept that A) a word's definition lies in it's common usage and B) people are referring to a specific tipe of snarky one liner popularized by Joss Whedon which was never really the point of Hellboy.
No, I'm not and I don't particularly agree with "4th wall quipping", because Deadpool is literally AWARE of the 4th wall, while the guy is talking about very anti-climatic "nods" to the audience, and I don't think this is quite the case in this movie.
>while quipping
uh bro you've read the comics, right?
When did you first become aware of your deviant nature?
same. it's really ugly. takes me out of the stories.
I will also add that if you really had read these books out of interest and not skimmed them for these "quips", you'd know how fucking inapropriate Hellboy joking while genociding the giants was.
He's pretty much a broken man once he realizes what he's done, it's one of his lowest points in his life and one of the most poignant in the entire mignolaverse, but still, all you want is some attention from strangers in the internet where you're acting like a stuck up contrarian unable to understand what people have been repeating at you for a while now.
I hate to break it to you, but your Yea Forums bubble is not 'common usage'. When most people say the word quip, they're not thinking of Joss Whedon. And even if that's your gold standard of quip, you literally have to be fucking illiterate to read any of the examples you've been provided with in this thread and think they're so vastly different from things Joss Whedon has written. You have to be one brain damaged boy to be this wrong. Seriously you're telling me that's not something you could see Malcolm Reynolds saying?"
I seriously doubt you've actually read Hellboy comics, and even you did, it must have been a very long time ago.
>he still doesn't get it
It was a shit adaption
>if I just keep pretending that I've """"""won"""""" without actually saying anything people won't think I'm dumb!
How much did you enjoy the new movie?
>YOU still don't get it
Aw, thanks.
I agree with you user. Hellboy is absolutely full of quips and its got a pretty goofy tone (luchadors and the lobster, really?)
People who say its completely dark and barren haven't read much of it. Even in the wild hunt when he refuses king arthurs undead servants its pretty funny. This is also the same writer who did "the amazing screw on head", too.
Everybody on Yea Forums wants to feel like they're in a secret club where girls aren't allowed because they're so dark and normal people wouldn't "get it", meanwhile 40 year old faggots post on /pol/ every day, there are alcoholic threads on /ck/, drug threads, anime threads, everything. Yea Forums is fucking huge now and so is the pop culture it worships
Who are you quoting?
I didn't see it.
I think you'd love it.
I'll tell you why. Because kids don't like him.
They are only willing to spend big resources on shit that kids like. Kids is where the money is at. Hellboy is a thing for older people who like comics, it's successful in its niche but it's still niche. I'm not talking about PG-13, this has little to do with PG-13. It's about the kind of aesthetic and mood of it, it's not good for children. It's not toyetic. Same reasoning for the Chinese market.
I look at all the superhero shit my nephews buy, that's so much money. They would never buy Hellboy.
>not gettting it
>When most people say the word quip, they're not thinking of Joss Whedon
In a movie context YES, they are definitely thinking about le Joss Whedon quip instead of "witty remark".
>not GETTING it
Could you guys elaborate? His stuff is the high point of the HB book for me and Makoma is one of my favourite comics ever, Hellboy related or not
I never claimed that the shit posted itt are whedonisms, I'm talking about the shit in the movies. Admit it, you're just a lonely faggot unwilling to accept why you're wrong, you're defending this shit movie that not even Mike Mignola himself seems to be willing to deal with (I mean, if he's ignoring the negative reviews, he's ignoring all of them), this absolute flop of a movie, this proof that executive meddling is the destruction of art, this thing that has failed by the fans and critics standards, because you're either a fucking retard unwilling to understand a very simple message multiple people have explained to you multiple times, a literal shill or Mike Mignola himself, because I can't see anyone else defending this shit for any reason other than those three.
Nah mate I got into Hellboy when I was 13-4 and as a teacher who occasionaly dons a Hellboy t-shirt to school, most of my studants that age and above have seen the movie on netflix or re-runs or whatever and think he's badass.
>this thread
Good lord, you are getting desperate.
Holy shit you fucking dolt how can multiple people be desperate at the same time meanwhile you and your fucking DICTIONARY.COM definitions are the sole bearers of truth.
No, you're just a retard.
are you 's brother?
I'm not defending the movie. I haven't even seen it. You said that Hellboy is "not a quipping action star" and you've been shown a lot of evidence to the contrary. You're the one in denial, kiddo. I get that you're letting your autism over the new movie blind you reason, but there should be a limit. No one should ever think pretending to be this dumb will help them win an argument.
Go to bed. You're clearly too tired for this right now.
>still not getting it
Who is "they"? I swear to god, if you say "everyone"
>I live here
Please bring your brother to Endgame.
people that are discussing movies.
I'm not the one who said he isn't (he still isn't tho). I don't know why you refuse to accept what everyone is telling you. Maybe you should take a intro course on linguistics or discourse analysis or philosophy of language or whatever (the bonus here is that you would also learn DICTIONARY.COM is less a source than wiki-fucking pedia).
Also, try not to reply the same post by me twice with exactly a minute apart because not of us are paid marketeers trying to save a trainwreck.
When I fucked you're mom.
>Nah mate I got into Hellboy when I was 13-4
By kids I mean age 2-5, when parents buy them a shitton of toys and merch and they still don't know how to pirate shit.
Hellboy is just Bleach for incels.
No they aren't .
yes they are.
Hellboy's quips are less "Joss Whedon" and more Satuday morning cartoon. And it's embarassing how hard you're denying it. Will admitting that Hellboy makes silly jokes somehow invalidate him to you? Do you feel like a big man liking Hellboy and not the "mainstream" comics that make quips?
>exactly a minute apart between two replies to the same post
>implying I'M the one not getting it
mate just accept that language is fluid, specially in micro-communities, and you will not change the fact that, at least as far as Yea Forums goes (and I'm even willing to concede on that if you promise you'll try to subdue your autism and understand what lots of people have already explained to you), quip is interchangeable into whedonism.
Even if we do accept you are the sole controller of signifiers in society, this micro-society right here very clearly has a very specific definition of what quipping in comic movies mean an you refuse to accept that because you're a literal shill
oh that makes sense. My board game arrived a while ago and a 6? 7? year old of a friend of mine who came around to play it could barely understand what most of the minis (save for obvious shit like soldiers and werewolves) were, and showed no interest in the explanations either
no they aren't.
Oh. Okay. So the definition of quips is specifically what you say because you make the rules. Got it.
yes they are.
I never said I didn't like Hellboy the comic, just that the movie was shit and very tonally inapropriate. Which is what everyone else is saying. Everyone else who's, you know, a fan of the comics and didn't want this movie to be shit.
If I didn't like Hellboy I wouldn't even be itt, mad that not only this movie was made, some faggot is defending it for no reason whatsoever trying to pass dictionary.com as a credible source.
>(he still isn't tho)
Then explain this or this
Witty comments.
I wouldn't know. I didn't see the movie. But I see people saying all these things about the movie and how it's not what Hellboy is, and when you see these things on paper, they kind of describe exactly what Hellboy is in the comics. You say he isn't a quipping action hero, even thought that's exactly what he is, and it's dumb to say otherwise. That's all I'm saying. But you're out here trying to make up new definitions for a word that predates the director you think invented it by hundreds of years.
I don't get how there haven't been more Embarrassing/shitty AF shops for the poster. I mean even the Spirit got MY MOVIE SUCKS shops pretty quickly.
But that's another term for quip
No one has even been talking about the movie this whole time. Just the comics that you don't read. Not a single person is defending the movie, you delusional shitstain.
>People who say its completely dark and barren haven't read much of it.
It's more that they project Mignola's moody atmospheric art to mean the same as being dark and serious, despite Hellboy doing a lot of dead pan quips and gags. I mean for the love of God, you've got one page where the hilarious gag is that Hellboy's commenting matter of factly that there's a monkey with a gun and it's shooting people.
I can nitpick, pick this page and say "no, Hellboy is actually a sad alcoholic who doesn't even like to fight that much", and then I'd find a bunch more pages of that and he'd still be neither of thos two things.
The movie is out, the world at large agrees "This isn't what Hellboy is" (at least the world who cares about Hellboy), the world at large agrees "This isn't good" and yet you still keep on defending this shit for no reason whatsoever.
I don't know why you keep on insisting you read those books, but you should at least realize that by this point in his story, even if Hellboy was literally John McLane in his early days, he's a shell of a man who doesn't know what he's supposed to be or what he's fighting for anymore.
I get that you're doing this out of fun or maybe for money but please understand, people love those books. For many fans, this was the first non-big two book they've picked, for me in particular, I've been in this ride for half my life at this point and I just wanted to get a great movie that showed people how fantastic the source material is, but what me and everyone else got was "Deadpool: Devil edition", and you refuse to accept that even though it was obvious from day one (I mean, you don't even try to deny you are the same guy who was going "NAH WHAT IF IT'S GOOD YOU PEOPLE ARE JUST BEING NEGATIVE" and you've been proven wrong by reality itself, just accept your autistic literalism has failed in this situation and try to understand why literally everyone but you is complaining about the same thing.
You fucking spastic this thread is clearly about the movie, stop being fascetious.
If you're a retard maybe.
If you love these books, you should reading them. I know I did. You're still not actually trying to understand what other people are saying to you, instead choosing to take victory laps because you're too dumb to actually read other posts.
>For many fans, this was the first non-big two book they've picked
Oh lord, he's admitting that he only thinks Hellboy doesn't quip because of indie street cred. Fucking get over yourself. I didn't see the movie. I don't plan to. It doesn't sound good. But it's utterly embarassing that you care this much. It's just a movie. Get over it. You'll find something else stupid to get mad at tomorrow, faggot because that just seems like the kind of person you are.
>Not a single person is defending the movie, you delusional shitstain.
When you go to class tomorrow, ask your English teacher to define quip. If her answer doesn't include the words Joss Whedon, report her to the school board.
Who here said they liked the movie? Ctrl+f shows me nothing.
Didn't Hellboy quit the BRPD years ago?
He rejoined recently.
Hellboy is almost a furry character and he's cool in a way like your grandfather is cool, he simply doesn't have the same appeal to normies as some blonde Hollywood dude with superpowers. Also you can make a thing "adult" but you can't make it actually adult, like have your MC be an alcoholic shell of a man or dealing with serious shit. Adult people don't even understand this shit anymore, their concept of "adult" is sex gore and swearing.
The Del Toro movie didn't even work that well, it profited 33m. I remember there was a big marketing push towards the practical effects, like they wanted to market it towards the Jim Henson crowd pining for something in that style. The second one made more because Del Toro had made Pan's Labyrinth the year before. Honestly nobody really gave a shit about Hellboy except the comic book fans.
This is about as far as you'll ever go as a creator if you make something slightly original.
When did he quit and how long was the gap?
The consensus on Yea Forums seems to be disappointment with TDYK's conclusion. It's only here I've heard bad things though; most other places I've looked seem to rate it highly. What's up with that?
>Oh lord, he's admitting that he only thinks Hellboy doesn't quip because of indie street cred.
mate what the actual fuck are you talking about, it being the first non-big two book doesn't have anything to do with how awful the movie is.
Why do you refuse to accept such a simple concept that maybe some people ascribe value to words differently than you, and that within a community, new meanings for new sentences will arise. Just consider how "cheese pizza" means one thing here and another anywhere else, or how "cope" or "based" are used here.
And again, I'm conceding you that ON Yea Forums IN PARTICULAR, quip is interchangeable to whedonism, when the truth is, most people I talk about comic movies, will understand what I mean when I say "Hellboy doesn't quip".
He quit the BPRD years before any of the events portrayed in the movie, he never met Ben Daimio, his father was dead by then (btw he was never an immotal alien or whatever) and so on and so forth
But still, these things don't bother me as much as the tone of the movie, which turns Hellboy into a snarky teenager cracking one liners as he genocides the giants, Daimio into some pretty-boy SSJ, Alice into 70s Jean Grey but even vaguer and Bruttenholm into a mix of Thadeus Ross and an earthworm, not to mention Lobster Johnson into one of the Mystery Men.
While I do agree with the first part of your post, those movies did very well in domestic markets besides the small-but-warm reception.
It's anti-climatic and a bit rushed, there was enough for let's say, 10 editions, but Mignola clearly wants to go paint his skulls and even if TDYK was complete and unredeemable shit, I'm content with both Hell on Earth and Hellboy in Hell as closure for most things.
Also I don't mean to sound conspiratorial but Mignola seems like a somewhat "untouchable" guy (which I also guess influenced Arcudi not writing his article), in the sense that he's a bit of an unanimity, I've seen praise for him by everyone from the Comics Journal to Rob Liefeld, so you can interpret it as "excess of good will" or "fear of upsetting the community" or whatever, but people will give him a lot of credit whatever he does.
He literally gets resurrected by surprise a handful of issues before the final issue of the entire Hellboy universe.
So would I be right in saying he was in the BRPD for like 6 years maybe, and out for around twice as long? Who was he employed by as a "blue collar man" in that time?
This was honestly a guess of mine too, but same, I thought I was being a little tinfoily.
>you'll never hug young Hellboy
Hellboy was in the BPRD for 50 years give or take. The timeline of the comic isn't very clear (neither is how time runs for these characters, specially Hellboy who spends quite some time on some very trippy settings) but he was adopted by the BPRD and active since the early 50s up to the late 90s / early 2000s if I had to guess.
>you'll never feed him pamcakes
I'm talking real world years. As in, if I read the comic from issue 1 to the end, in how many issues (or years equivalent) was Hellboy BRPD? The comic doesn't chart the other shit except side stories or flashbacks
about ten years. first issues were '93/'94; as far as I remember it was around the '04/'05 issues he left.
>The comic doesn't chart the other shit except side stories or flashbacks
Their publication isn't chronological, while Hellboy in hell was coming out, there were also books about his past adventures coming out, and I wouldn't know how exactly how long he was PUBLISHED in the BPRD because floppies aren't even translated to my country and when the tpbs first came out, they came from 1 to 5 at once and BPRD was already in full swing.
>Hellboy threads went from being one of Yea Forums's best threads to a black hole of disappointment and anger, with its own Blunderfag to boot
I guess the Hell on Earth was us all along.
Midnight Circus is a contender for best HB story imo.
It truly was..a shitty reboot.
Maybe the FUCKING SHITTY PIECE OF GARBAGE were the friends we made along the way.
Cheers. I'm open to being wrong in what I assume. So he would have been non-BRPD for 13, 14 years but BRPD for maybe 10. Fair enough.
It's really amazing how underwhelming the conclusion to Hellboy ended up being. I can see why people would be mad, but to me it was just "oh, I guess that's that then" and then I just shrugged and forgot about it.
be the change you want to see.
Mate, again, I realize your argument failed because you realized Hellboy didn't spend that much more time in the BPRD than solo so you could say "nuh huh supernatural agent from a govt organization isn't blue collar!" but it's not about him being literally a blue collar guy, it's about his literal demeanor.
I feel like you could use some honing on those reading skills.
young hellboy a cute, A CUTE.
Yawn. He spent 5 more years out of the BRPD than in it. What was his job, brother?
Imagine not being able to make your budget back...on a $50 million budget. Ouch.
If you had read the comics you would know he just hung around.
Again, it's not about Hellboy literally checking in the local steelmill every day at 9 and leaving everyday at 5, it's about how he faces dealing with demons, flying heads and other horrors as just another tiring day at work. It's his routine and he's not even fazed, he just wants to go home and drown a whole bottle and maybe get some sleep, until he no longer feels like he has a home, then he's just wandering about and drowning some bottles and then he dies.
I think it's the first movie this year not to match it's budget
Wow, for all the joy the comics brought people, Hellboy really lived a shitty life when you think about it.
but people like the del toro movies
I Like them anyway. They coulda been better, but they were servicable. Ron Perlman was a fantastic casting choice, the makeup and effects were torp nortch
Yeah, they're not great movies but they've got a magical inherent charm to them that makes you want to see them again and again.
these threads have really went down hill.
It's like the difference between John McClane in Die Hard 1 vs Die Hard 5 or whatever the overblown last couple were.
Not the original user but Hellboy still gives back and forths like a lot of things. A lot of people here think the word quip means "random" or "fourth wall break" or indicates frequency in itself when a quip can be a single line. There's a reason a quip is a singular thing. To use an actual example from the 60s
>Namor captures the FF undersea
>He gloats and calls himself Namor the First (his title)
>Ben says [sic] "Namor the First? I'll make sure you're Namor the Last"
>This is a quip
>there are no jokes on the rest of the page iirc
>This thread
Has Hellboy (comics) ever referenced any of Del Toro's movies?
when I see hellboy fighting monsters in cemetary and deep siberia, I feel nothing quippy about it. I think about war, the fact that you need someone like hellboy to fight Russian monsters, and that a normal human is powerless against them. That even hellboy dies and fails. That life is tragic. He drinks and has dark humour, the same way somoene sitting in jail in kamchatka does.
Not that user but your answer is "yes". You are an illiterate retard who thinks the meaning of words changed because you don't want to see something as a quip.
I always thought Hellboy had kind of a really dry grim sense of humor not like an actual wisecracker like spider-man or some shit.
Hellboy occassionally cracks wise. There are examples of it above. Regardless, quips can be dark humour so this is a dumb post
Yeah really splitting hairs here.
Not to mention the primary audience for shit action films is China, and they're super duper weird about the word hell. I think it released there, but unlike, say, Transformers, which would be marketed to hell and back (no pun intended), this probably didn't get much since they'd be super pissy about saying "Hellboy" over and over again.
It should have been a tv series, and it should have not gone with the immature personality for Hellboy as hard.
Beyond that I kinda enjoyed the movie. It wasn't as good as the other ones, but I liked a lot of the wild plot ideas and monster designs.
I'm so sick of you faggots baiting hellboy fags with this shit. They take the bait every time. I'm sure you're the faggot that called him a superhero above. Fuck off
>user samefagged for some emotional support
You've never read a single issue and are sitting here demanding these faggots prove to you they have.
And since mignolafags are retarded they play along.
Post the picture faggot. Show me that shelf.
>this shit will completely ensure that we will never see a proper hellboy movie
we live in the worst timeline
>Samefag defends himself
It's a jaguar dumb user.
You are so fucking stupid
You don't think it's a little dumb that you seriously think in Yea Forums terms when you try to have a discussion as if it's valid or something? Not exactly academic. I hope you don't use Yea Forums terms irl. That'd be pretty sad.
>Naked Hellboy, never again after that one time he walked with Kate after fighting Rasputin.
Why live?
If I had to defend at least one thing in the movie, I will say I LOVED the Baba Yaga stuff.
The professor changed a bit but otherwise no and there was no reason to
Keep being a good brother.
So what exactly does the reboot do better than the original two movies?
There had to be some improvement in order to justify making it.
I didn't watch it in theaters because it looked like a pile of shit and it indeed was a pile of shit. Shit writers and director really, how do you take the setting and turn it into such a pile of crap. Anything that looked good was lifted straight from the comics and even that they managed to waste.
>There had to be some improvement in order to justify making it.
do you understand how movie pitches work?