Did Bendis save DC?
Did Bendis save DC?
I can't believe that when I decided to get back into comics Bendis switched over to DC. What the fuck.
well, he made me save money on comics.
How is dog fuckers Dial H, any good?
no, that's Gaiman and Way
Dial H and Wonder Twins are fun.
only 1 issue but it's a decent set up, a good balance of tragedy and fun
No, but Rebirth was going nowhere fast even before DiDio put the kabosh on it, so not like him jumping on really made things better or worse.
I would argue that Action Comics got better and Superman got worse.
Yeah his Action comics was pretty good.
That's the problem with Bendis, he's just like Slott, if you give him freedom he turn insane.
Between Bendis and King I have learned to not bother getting invested in DC comics.
No, but Naomi is surprisingly decent. The dialogue is still pure Bendis in the sense that it takes fucking forever for any scene to move forward but it isn't annoying the shit out of you the way Young Justice and it's dialogue is because everybody sounds the same and out of character.
>entire line gets canned due to terrible time management
>trying again but with nepotism
As someone who loved Young Animal, I want to be optimistic, but I'm not sure I want to get my hopes up.
Pretty stoked for Fraction/Lieber Jimmy Olsen desu
fourth post best post
He saved Young Justice not DC.
>Did Bendis save DC?
He is the dead of DC:
Dial H is fun and I'm loving the art on Young Justice even if I'm not liking the writing.
Wonder Twins and Young Justice are shit.
Bendis made people hate Supes and DC.
Get fucked, Bendis
We just hate Bendis.
Bendis Puts The Final Nail In DC 's Comic Book Coffin.Bendis is a shit writer notorious for “Bendis Speak” which is just lazy, drawn out, tennis court dialog, creating lazy OC creations (often black not because of genuine equality because it’s literally his fetish) other writers have to salvage, and most of all he ignores canon/other writers. In Superman he’s no different
Bendis is just a PC wanker who leaves a trail of destruction.
>Wonder Twins is shit
we know Bendis secretly reads this board, or at least his tumblr followers do and tell him about it.
Bendis stop posting and go back writing
Black girls.
>Did Bendis save DC?
Stop reading DC. That should teach them.
DC bent over for Bendis and now they're screwed.The man of steel has been defeated by a sjw writer. That's is just depressing to see
I fucking hate bendis
why couldn’t bendis go ruin batman or harley quinn instead? why’d he have to pick superman...
>ruin batman or harley quinn instead
He will.
>Did Bendis save DC?
From a few more decades of life? maybe.
You shouldn't let your hatred of Bendis stop you from reading decent comics.
Bendis is a cancer that fouls the fields of paradise beyond repair.
You could just
not read Superman, Naomi and Young Justice
Bendis is Cancer.
DC is still Bendis Cancer.