Now that the Avengers series is over...

Now that the Avengers series is over, maybe the truth can be realized: This has been the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the squad of superheroes from the Marvel universe as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the bland imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects—all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

The Russo Brothers are credited as director of the final four CapMerica features, but their work has been as poor as what Jon Favreau began and even Ryan Coogler’s, whose steadicam made no difference (how can you make "black" blacker?). The Russos' are what’s known as a shooter. They get it in the camera, but they provide no style or feeling. They have competence but no talent; their inability to inflect this story with the slightest idiosyncrasy exposes the enterprise as sheer commercial hackwork—although of a high budgetary order.

The precedent was already set by J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter debacle—unintelligible fantasy epics that people went to out of consumerist habit and left unable to recount or fondly recall. J.K.’s fantasy overload laid the groundwork for mistaking marketing hype for content. It doesn’t help that audiences are so accustomed to TV banality that they no longer watch or read movies visually; they simply follow dialogue and extol the CGI.

Perhaps the die was cast when Feige vetoed the idea of Edgar Wright directing Ant-Man; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody—just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for their comic brand. (Sadly, DCEU’s producers seem to be following this model.) The Marvel Cinematic Universe might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

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Daring synthesis.

Dangerous hypothesis

So the MCU is duller than Distinguished Competition, Transdisorders, Jurassic Fart and Harry Shitter? Don't make me laugh OP

All have infinitely more personality than any Marvelshit No. 472

You're a shill if you think MCU isn't bland and unimaginative trite.

So liking something means you're a shill now. If there's better shit out there, why is it not the top dog instead?

Because Disney pays the most money for exposure (i.e. shilling)

Yeah, we get it, it’s popular so that means you can’t like it, that’s cool, but maybe post this on your blog instead of here.

>Feige vetoed the idea of Edgar Wright directing Ant-Ma

I know this is pasta, but Wright wasn’t vetoed.

Disney made Star Wars go beloved to shitted on in 2 movies, MCU is 22 in and the MCU train just gets fast and faster, because of Feige, Russos and the cast and stuff. MCU is the only Disney property that deserves the praise


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>Star Wars go beloved to shitted on in 2 movies
Like Episode 9 isn't gonna make a billion anyways no matter what.

Such a contrarian, If something’s popular, you HAVE to dislike it


No, it's popular AND it's shit.

The Counter Culture is so cool and is misunderstood tho! That’s why Brian Griffin is the best character, he knows that stuff that’s popular is actually sucky

>Brian Griffin is the best character
picrelated is.

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>this thread

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Why would a board that likes comic books allow such bastardization of the source material?

Comic books bastardize themselves

Fucking this. With all the revamps, relaunchs, retcons and reboots, how can anyone who read Marvel/DC comics complain about people not getting it right in some other medium.

The MCU is far better than the vast majority of comic books of any era

Shazam has a lot of heart and what could become a really good mythos

Shazam bombed even Grace Randolph a massive DC fan who was fired from Marvel comics said today in her latest video, and that they'll keep Shazam as a streaming service instead

>Shazam bombed
keep lying shill

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>Less than what the First Avenger made 8 years ago
That's bombing in capeshit metrics.

It hasn't even finished it's theatrical run yet.

It is just gonna break even, but breaking even is considered a bomb. They considered JL a bomb and shifted the whole studio because of that movie and JL made way more than Shazam

JL was already shifting itself during production by getting Joss Whedon to write more epic comedy scenes.

JL cost way the fuck more than shazam.

Sniderfag detected. It would have been just as bad as originally written, maybe worse.

Made it few more like the JL/U cartoon to be honest, which is a vast improvement from the tone that BvS set.

Not saying it would've been good, but it would've at least been more focused. Adding Whedon just made everything messier and inconsistent.

Can I take a second to bitch about how uptight people are about Endgame spoilers? I can understand if it's legitimate hints, but when you're knowingly joking about spoilers since it's basically a meme at this point, and still get fucking reeeee'd at... it's just a movie jfc. Normies can't take any fun I guess.

Too bad it couldn't actually be the justice league, because man of steel and BVS already made the two most important characters into sociopathic autists.