"Hey Professor Utonium, is Blossom home?"

"Hey Professor Utonium, is Blossom home?"

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is he the dan schneider of Cartoon Network?

No. Dan actually touched real kids.

>implying Jake "if your age is on the clock so you are ready for my cock" Goldman hasn't

This guy literally embodies what's going so wrong with current cartoons.

Manchildren goofing around, working whenever they feel like it, putting whatever they feel like it and making it all about their fantasies and politics

Not saying people didn't before but it seems like all mainstream cartoons are like that now

Didn’t Disney had this trouble until they started to crackdown?

>arby's get in trouble for the "arby's waifu" child
>internet goes crazy thinking of the children
>(((((goldman))))) self inserts itself into the cartoon and into blossom as her love interest
>it's just a cartoon bro, it's not real te-heh!

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Oh God! I remember that thread.

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It's because nobody watches this show.

did he kermit suicide?

After being in that thread I want to kermit suicide!

Oh, I know this fella. What was his name, again?

Jake “if she is young she can hold a dong” Goldman

People get more triggered about cartoon children than real ones, really makes you think

he touched their hearts.

You didn't read his post

Wasn't really a reply to Jake Goldman topic

>so much actual organized pedophilia going on across the entire world
>people only fixate on stuff that's either not true or imaginary
There are children literally being bred to be sold into sexual slavery but oh no Arby's drew a little girl character to post on Twitter!

Actually makes me sick

>"Yo, Blossom! Who's the twink? I kinda wanna pummel him to smithereens and make out with his unconscious body."

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Because those who cry on Twitter would be gangraped to death by the kinds of people who run global child rings.

twitters is vomit fest of slacktivist getting offend at shit. Some these people will never do an actual days worth of charity work in their waste of life. These people get off thinking they are making a difference.

Neither you nor I nor any one person reading this has the means to stop this and improve any one of these children's lives in a significant way.

Stop with the pretence; you're just mad Twitter won't let you post sexy infants anymore

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He actually makes me angry. Just looking at his stupid face makes me build up with rage. Fucking hipster glasses, jew nose, and what's that I spy? A fucking SELF INSERT IN A FUCKING LITTLE GIRLS CARTOON. Lock the man up I say

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Apparently his insertion into the show wasn't his decision and was actually an in-joke between the writers.
It's a stupid thing to put an in-joke into a cartoon millions of people will see but whatever.

Even if it was his decision, it's pretty damn based to work on a cartoon just to make your autistic self-ship canon

>I-I was pranked by m-my coworkers, it w-wasn't me I swear, ha ha

A YouTuber interviewed a pariah animator who revealed shocking things that where happening behind the scenes, but that make sense and that we all suspected anyway


The worst thing about this guy is that he didn't get fired. He seems like an actual idiot and plays dumb really well, also getting plenty of other staff members to support him. But hey, what can you do about Jake "Chemical X is a recipe for such sex" Goldman when the bigger problem is that his bosses seem to be ok with all this shit

>A YouTuber interviewed a pariah animator
No proof whatsoever about this, plus in the video, the dude just parrots common conspiracy theories that can be found by clicking random stuff on google for 4 minutes tops. Sorry but that's the truth.

YouTubers are the King of Click-bate

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Jokes on them, I use multiple adblocks!

As if WoW hasn’t been ruined enough.

Ace stop posting on this board.

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I wish people would stop posting this trash video all the time.

>no proof
How do you not know about the Bikini Cowboy guy being a massive butthurt cuck who was humiliated by the Chad Hirsch?

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>No proof whatsoever about this

everything he says makes sense and matches with the reality we have been witnessing for half a decade
SJW snowflakes who went to calarts kept hiring their friends and working their way up under the blind eyes of the execs
That's why every show in this goddam decade is so similar both in style and in themes, from steve gayniverse and we bear bears to star vs evil and the owl house

It was alledgedly an in-joke among the art staff, not the writers.
And I'm surprised people actually accepted this explanation at face value.

noo one did

Pretty much everyone outside of Yea Forums did.
The whole thing was dropped and forgotten.

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100% agree. The previous two replies want child abuse for their masters.

>i agree with this and it match my opinion on the world around me therefore it's true
I bet you believe in Pizzagate, faggy channy

Stop spamming this you retard

What you're experiencing is called confirmation bias. Something falling in line with your suspensions does not make it true.

pizzagate is real too, there's a lot of extremely heavy evidence that points to it being a cp ring
how do you explain the photos ? the names ? the mails ? no one, NO ONE, speaks of pizza that way

but it does ???

Pro tip; if it's a leaked text document, assume it's fake. That shit is the easiest thing on earth to fake

No, it just increases the likelihood it's true. You don't know for sure if it actually is until you have empirical evidence

Living the dream

this makes sense BUT this isn't the first time they've done this shit. They did a whole episode with an explicitly anti-trans message and fucking denied that it had anything to do with that. Why should I believe them when I can just use my eyes.

Jokes on you. using multiple adblocks only decreases the performance, increases redundancy and can generate conflicts between each other.

I just watched an episode where Bubbles and Buttercup fell into a chasm after their bobsled disappeared and were seriously injured.

Girls who normally don't even walk. They fell. He wrote this.

I usually don't care about the silly character assassination stuff here, but he deserves all the shit he gets.

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>More people people complained about a chibi, not even underage, cartoon mascot than Dan Schneider diddling kids
Wtf is happening

Twitter is the projection capitol of the internet. Actual problems are beyond their scope of reasoning because it doesn't give them attention and likes.
Remember the Kony2012 shit? That's what it would look like if they tried to tackle real problems: The manchildren realizing that Twitter isn't real life.

Nobody is talking about the Dan Schneider thing because nick went to great lengths to cover it up. They probably still have pedophiles working there in executive positions who have yet to be implicated in the same scandal.

>Dan Schneider thing
I'm aware of these foot memes but what the fuck happened?

they are also nearly invincible.

>Dan Schneider diddling kids
Did he do it at a pizza parlor too??

That video is literally the cartoon equivalent of "my uncle works at Nintendo"

i thought they designed the character after him as a goof? also he does just look like a generic nerd

Not that user but that complaining about a cartoon doesn't make up for that

Fired by Nick for being abusive.

Peak pearl-clutching

Honest question for the pedos.
Why do you shit on this guy so much, if he's practically you, but he actually works on cartoons?

What a good joke
It's funny to see a writer write a story about falling in love with a literal child and then have the character that falls in love with the child based off of the writer

what a goof, what a laugh, only in showbiz

didn't he also wrote the twerk episode

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Twitter is the normie capital of the internet. These are the people networks are pandering to, because they make up the majority of the population who can afford streaming services/cable

is he still gone from social media? I remember him tweeting anti-trump shit every single minute before shit hit the fan

>I remember him tweeting anti-trump shit every single minute
what's that got to do with anything?

that he was addicted to social media and then just vanished

he didn't tried hard enough to hide his degeneracy

It still fucking enrages me that that that word is part of Yea Forums's vocabulary

>that that that

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Because the PPG reboot is fucking awful. If it had been a good show, no-one here would have cared about this except the /pol/ and tumblr contingents, but as it stands it's an opportunity to get back at a shit cartoon.


reminder that the people most vocally opposed to fictional shit prefer the real thing.

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Damn, Reddit-tan is ugly as fuck.

"I'll let you know that the restriction order is still on effect, Jake...now leave my house AND MY DAUGHTER alone before I call your supervising parole officer"

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Heinous as that was it was the only episode of nuppg I watched that beared any semblanceto the old show

Anyone got the image with him being cucked by Aku?

>Tumblr will go to great lengths to protect fake children
>Unless one of /theirgirls/ is drawing said fake children
>Tumblr will go to great lengths to protect real children
>Unless one of /theirgirls/ is caught trying to molest children
>Unless the kid hasn't been born
>Unless the kid doesn't agree with them


If i had the opportunity of making a current gag on my cartoon, it will be Jake Goldman self insert being killed, punched, turned into a horrible monster, freezed, fired and all that.

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>Reddit-tan is cute as fuck

You have to be a weirdo to think bobbles on hats aren't cute.

Her design is stupid. Hat, scarf, jacket and boots combined with a short skirt. Who the fuck dresses like that? It's impractical no matter the weather. There's nothing to protect her legs from the cold, and if it's hot enough to wear a skirt, thick clothes won't do her any good.