Say something nice about Jim Shooter.
Say something nice about Jim Shooter
He likes sticking poopy up his butthole, even though it makes his tummy feel funny-wunny.
something nice about jim shooter
he's tall and has a full head of hair
I like his name
He would make a neat Dr Doom
Best Editor in Chief Marvel ever had
A bit of a cunt tho
He started writing comics professionally when he was 14. To help earn money to support his family. Man has a work ethic. Tail end of what you might call the "Blue collar artists"; the sort of person who views writing or art as a trade rather than a calling.
He made the call that Jean Grey had to die for killing a planetfull of people. It didn't stick and nowadays it seems you can nuke a city and people will forgive you for it after a few years so... I guess he was the last gasp of a moral center in cape comics?
Oh... Jim Shooter is a trip, Uncle Funkle!
He looks marginally less evil than that one image of him.
Ran a tight ship and made a lot of people a lot of money that they probably wouldn't have made under a softer hand
kinda have to be runing a clown show of prima donna's all thinking they should be paid to do things their way
Kept Northstar in the closet, where he belongs.
He created one of my favorite characters (Starbrand) and supervised New Universe along with Mark Gruenwald, so I can't talk smack about him, no matter what.
What if I don't want to? Wouldn't it be more fun if we were mean?
He's the best Marvel EiC and more notably the last halfway decent one.
>Claremont/Cockrum/Byrne/Smith X-Men
>Simonson Thor
>Miller/Janson DD
>Byrne FF
>Stern/Byrne Cap
>Michelinie/Layton Iron Man
>DeFalco/Frenz and Stern/JRJr. Spider-Man
>Epic Comics
>Squadron Supreme
>Marvel Graphic Novels
>Marvel Fanfare
>Grant/Zeck Punisher
>Claremont/Sienkiewicz New Mutants
what am I missing?
I tried making a thread asking what his problem was and the mod deleted it.
New Universe, my dude! Kind of a big deal at the time.
New Universe ended up being a failure compared to what I posted.
Shooter took a big gamble and when it didn't work, he was no longer EIC. I guess the people who didn't like him saw the chance to kick him out.
He actually did his shit to make sure the universe lined up more or less well.
Him breaking into the comics industry at 13 is still incredibly impressive.
Well it was a financial failure, but also because it was poorly timed, not because of the quality of the books, which was overall pretty solid considering the talent involved. People later poked fun at Shooter and even made a point of destroying that universe with The Pitt, but to me it's worth mentioning in a positive light regardless.
There is something to be said about his approach to editorial.
Creativly,Marvel in the 80's was probably one of the best times in the companies history up there with the Stan and Jack era of the 60's.
Financially, I mean, part of it was timing, part of it was the economy doing well in the mid 80's after the recession of the early 80's. De-regulation and the income generated by licensed comics (Star Wars, GI Joe, Transformers, ect) allows you to take experiments like doing a line of OGN's or creating a mature readers imprint.
He would have been more successful had he been born in Japan.
He's a straight shooter.
There were other factors, not just New Universe's failure, I think. A shame cause his Star Brand was decent.
John Byrne hates him, that's enough for me to declare that Shooter is based.
He killed Heroes for Hire to make this shitty meme book. So I'll shit talk him enough for the two of us.