ITT: "Villains" that did nothing wrong

ITT: "Villains" that did nothing wrong.

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I mean, yeah. He only suffers because the kids in the audience would find him annoying, which Mr Potato points out. Toy Story 2 is perhaps the most childish movie out of the three.

He seems relatable...

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>literally a thief who takes a toy from a family to profit
I'd like to find who taught you to be an "adult" and beat them

Syd was a creative boy, how was he supposed to know the toys were sentient? he didn't deserved to be mentally scarred for life.

Stinky Pete was the villain tho

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This, he was more of a villain than Sid.

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Star fags get OUT

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He got over it, didn't he? And Sid's now pulling a very hefty salary in the sanitation department. What's Andy going to be doing beyond throwing himself into college debt?

This. If you cut out the part where he steals shit, then yeah you could basically do the same story, only a version where he does nothing wrong. The one thing he does wrong is largely unimportant, is pretty easy to forget, and would be fairly easy to cut without making a big impact on the story. If Andy’s mom had simply sold Woody, Al would still be the antagonist of the story but he’d also principally have done nothing wrong. But he DOES steal something, and that gives us a justifiable reason to dislike him, even though most of the story’s reason for wanting us to dislike him has less to do with his actual crime.

I think he’s a lot like Cruella de Vil. She legally bought most of the dogs she was going to have skinned and really had a right to do whatever she wanted to them. She wasn’t even that sadistic towards the dogs: she didn’t care either way whether Jasper or Horace inhumanely killed the dogs- she just wanted it done. Her real crime was unlawfully stealing Pongo and Perdy’s fifteen puppies, but we’re not supposed to recognize or care that the other 80-something dogs were legally hers.

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I was gonna say this. Looking back, Al acts as more of an agent of urgency.


In light of the sequel I guess you're right.

Regardless of legality you're allowed to think killing ~100 dogs to make a cot is morally wrong.

The German Man with a Funny Nose Hair

Stupid too. Dalmatian fur would make for an awful coat.

Dog hide is pretty thin and not that useful for coats, and using puppies is stupider due to the skin being thinner and the fact that if she just waited a year or so they'd be close to full size so more material.
Even then you wouldn't need 100 dogs to make a coat for a woman that sized, you could probably make due with under 10 with spare hide in case of errors.

He also lied about the ‘pristine’ physical condition of the woody doll he found over the phone unless I’m remembering things wrong.

>Let’s see how much controversy can be milk pet out with this one.

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noher real crime was not caring if the dogs were killed inhumanely

So is running a puppy mill.

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Agreed, that Groucho-stache is really unfortunate though

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you guys still don't understand the sequel at all, huh?

"It's okay when girl does it - the movie"

He stoled a child's toy