how big was the temptation?
How big was the temptation?
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not as big as her throbbing erection
who the fuck would choose anakin over daddy kenobi
who said anything about choosing one or the other?
Reminder. Ashoka fucked everyone.
>Luke, did I ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano? She was your father’s exotic teenage alien apprentice, a fine piece of jailbait from a more civilized age. She had the tightest body and the perkiest little breasts in the galaxy; barely legal in most systems. Anakin and I used to doubleteam her at the end of every successful campaign during the Clone Wars, and once in a while we’d even have the entire 501st run a train over her, part of official Jedi “training” of course. In time, she learned how to handle a meatsaber better than anyone in the Jedi Temple. She wore a miniskirt every day so we told her there were no panties in space, and since she was constantly doing acrobatics you’d get a glimpse of her orange pussy mid fight as she’d do a flip while slicing a B2 Super Battledroid in half. It was surreal. We taught her to grip her weapon backwards like a dildo and she constantly got captured by pirates and slavers almost every other day. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno Luke, you have no idea. And she was a good friend.
Go on.
Anakin had a BAD case of oneitis. I doubt that he was ever tempted by Ahsoka.
Ahsokafags are so fucking cringe
Anyone got a mega to the show?
someone post the vocaroo
Fuck me, Coruscant would be everything I hate about cities magnified a billionfold but some of the sights would be wild af
Some one pls halp
it weighed a thousand tons on him every single day
>implying Ashoka wasn’t the one tempted
Seriously, it's like she was slowly building a harem.
Come back, /swco/
about as big as her tits
so, non-existent?
Nowhere near as big as the one Obi-Wan had for Ventress
Big orange bulge
What a classic
Fucking bookmarked.
Might as well download it. Vocaroo links expire, usually after a month.
Obi-Wan’s face is like
>Smash it? I’ll definitely smash it
Change the retard kid with Riyo and we are okay.
>a fine piece of jailbait from a more civilized age
>barely legal in most systems
I always laugh on these part the hardest. Something about the wording I think.
Thanks for the heads up user.
A real man prefers Pantorans
>so the star wars brand is basically dead at this point, how can we fix it?
>leave it to me
Have you thanks Dave "lord of waifus" Filoni today?
Anakin was obviously into older chicks. How much older was Padme anyway?
In Phantom Menace Anakin is 9 and Padme is 14. So it's only a 5 year gap
This is why I don't miss it.
" Your beard tickles"
Why is he a nigger?
this is my favorite version of this pasta
he is standing in the shadows, he’s clearly asian
He gets a respectful nod. If he revives George’s true vision of semi-naked alien girls I’ll thank him.
Spoilers if necessary but full rundown please
it's a preview of an issue coming out tomorrow
>Hey Vader, wanna ram your hard cyborg dick into my tight, unmelted pussy? I'm ovulating RIGHT NOW
>No way, fag
Check back tomorrow
Padme going to freak
>loli Padawan that's supposed to lead a battalion of clones
>But they all had their daddy switches flipped when they saw how cute she was and are now all doting papas and very overprotective of their precious cinnamon roll
>Smash cut to post-Order 66 where none of them can remember what happened and worry themselves sick trying to find her and make sure she's okay
all the clones remember what they did, some just not the reason why they did it when the chip stops influencing their minds. those are the clones that get killed by their brothers.
If Obi wasn’t such a stickler for the Jedi code he’d probably have a whole army of youngling kids to fight the sith
>girl totally into Vader and maybe he into her
Oh boy, I feel like this is Sheev pulling another huge prank like giving Padme's old starship to him. We know it's not gonna work out so I'm just wondering how deep the suffering well will go
haven't you figured out the tone of the 5 issues yet from the two we already have? they focus on other characters seeing Vader and going off on their own daydream or self-created nightmare to either avoid him or get near him. all of that is going to be in the woman's head and he might not even bother noticing her in "reality."
I dunno, I remember that preview a ways back that showed them together on the bridge of a Star Destroyer or something and people thinking something was up
Maybe that's just a pre-release ruse cruise. Regardless I'm still interested
I hope it isn't just a 'oh no he was evil all along and I found out too laaaate' sort of thing.
It'd be a lot funnier if she kept being into him.
issue one is all about the boy watching Vader kill some kaiju on his planet and narrating the whole thing as a story to tell his people. almost no interaction with Vader
issue two is about an ISD captain realizing he's fucked because Vader is coming to take the prisoner he failed to catch. To keep himself from dying he goes on a bender to catch the guy and fails. Vader shows up only at the end to kill him with no dialogue.
issue three being about this woman fantasizing about Vader after he brushes past her in that one preview and fully ignoring her wouldn't be out of the ordinary for this series.
After shirtless Tarkin dream sequence I've realized anything can happen
Destroyer captain absolutely deserved a win
Fuck that rebel nobody
That's what Anakin said.
Oh my God it totally is her droning to someone about her elaborate fantasy with Vader
Even months after Order 66 the clones who had their chips activated were still under the chip's direct influence. Some aspect of their personalities remain, but it's like they are under a very powerful hypnotic suggestion that the jedi are traitors and all memories of the good times they had with them are blocked out.
It's possible to talk a clone out of this half-trance, but it largely depends on the type of person they were before the chip was activated.
We've really only seen this in the Kanan comics, but I hope we see more of it when the new episodes of TCW drop.
Excepting the solo Ahsoka eps (and I'm not even sure when those happen) I don't recall any of the new ones on the way being set after 66
none of the final 12 TCW episodes will be post-order 66. the finale will be concurrent to ROTS, or at least the first half of the movie. It may or may not end hearing Order 66 go out, since we know that happens in the middle of the Siege of Mandalore, just before Ahsoka/The Republic was about to get their win the easy way.
there's no chance we'll get a viewpoint outside of Mandalore during the finale arc to see Order 66 elsewhere. There's no chance we're getting more episodes either.
Ashoka's walkabout is set very soon after her leaving the jedi order.
The Siege of Mandalore has been repeatedly said to coincide with Order 66 happening near the end of it, so we're going to see a lot of clones trying to kill her.
>Come back, /swco/
>Big orange bulge
heh nothing of value was lost
It's very possible that after Order 66 happens we will see Ahsoka and Rex try to talk some clones out of what they are doing if they get a moment when they aren't being shot at.
I think that would clue in Rex that he made the best choice of his life getting his chip removed.
Ahsoka is neither a Jedi nor a padawan at this point. I wonder how that plays with Order 66.
she's counted in the "alive Jedi list" that showed up in the new Vader comic despite that as well. As long as they were a Jedi at some point they are forever on the kill list.
they happen a few months after she leaves the order. she bumps into lesbian twins (who have replaced Nyx who was suppose to be her BF for the arc )
>they are forever on the kill list.
The Emperor's and Vader's lists, of course. What about the clones? Will they start attacking or will they start scratching their heads because all their Jedi are on Coruscant?
Palpy and Vader's list IS the clones' list. It's also the Inquisitors' list. Their list is the official record of Jedi who were not confirmed killed in Order 66. Ahsoka and Quinlan Vos are on it, among other new character names.
Didn't they ruin Quinlon Vos and Asajj Ventress in some shitty new novel?
it was like three years ago already; not exactly new. It used canon scripts taken from TCW that they never had thought the opportunity to turn them into episodes would come for, so this would have happened over an 8 episode arc if it wasn't a novel.
Quinlan and Ventress are forced to team up to try and kill Dooku at the behest of the Council. They fall in love, Quinlan starts falling to the dark side, he almost becomes a dark side mini-apprentice of Dooku's to double trick him later on. It all ends up in Ventress getting the electric chair while standing up.
She was "forced" to be killed because she's not mentioned post-TCW as alive, meanwhile Quinlan has a name drop in ROTS that shows he's alive.
The clones had a list? How often did they push updates out to the chips?
At least they left it semi-open ended for a Revival thanks to the pool glowing green
Of all the characters that need to be revived, she makes the top of the list
Its bullshit how 1 character gets killed off, in a novel, while another gets to be in another TV show and survive it with the maximum amount of asspull, and exist post OT
Just think, a comic or something of Ventress fighting off inquisitors, doing bounty work with Bossk and Co. And eventually running into Ahsoka
you're just shitposting to shitpost at this point.
if someone was in the order at any point, they were labeled an enemy of the Republic and to be killed on sight by the Clones by using Order 66. That "list" became a more concrete one after ROTS once the confirmed kills were crossed off the official list of Jedi the Order surely kept in some holocron somewhere. This concrete list became the hit list used by Vader, the Inquisitors, and any clones that happened to be patrolling some sector or another and came across a Jedi.
>you're just shitposting to shitpost at this point.
You claimed that the clone's had a list. That would have had to be up to date during order 66.
I asked if the clones would immediately attack Ahsoka or not.
Personally I find it humorous to think that Ahsoka didn't survive order 66 because she and Rex are a damn near impossible combination to beat, but instead because all the clones with her looked around, saw no Jedi, and got back to the fight at hand.
My biggest problem was that I just hated the turnaround in her character. I didn't want Ventress redeemed. I didn't want to see her fall in love and sacrifice herself. That cheap pathos shit flies in the face of everything we knew about her up to that point. She was fucking great as a chaotic neutral free agent and that's the way she should have stayed - They could still have killed her off if they had to (preferably flipping a grin in the direction of Obi-Wan or Ahsoka before heading to her certain doom and going down fighting) but Dark Disciple was fucking trash.
>I asked if the clones would immediately attack Ahsoka or not.
>Personally I find it humorous to think that Ahsoka didn't survive order 66 because she and Rex are a damn near impossible combination to beat, but instead because all the clones with her looked around, saw no Jedi, and got back to the fight at hand.
Both from the Ahsoka novel and the one panel at the Celebration before this year's we know that the clones do try to attack Ahsoka once the Order is live. She's close to defeating Maul in their drawn out battle, suddenly Order 66 happens and the clones start shooting at her and she's forced to run. Rex goes with her because he has no chip and he's trying to keep Ahsoka alive while fending off his brothers. They have to fake each other's deaths to escape Mandalore.
Then "we all" know where Maul, Ahsoka, and Rex end up after that.
>She's close to defeating Maul in their drawn out battle, suddenly Order 66 happens and the clones start shooting at her and she's forced to run. Rex goes with her because he has no chip and he's trying to keep Ahsoka alive while fending off his brothers.
Predictable and boring.
>They have to fake each other's deaths to escape Mandalore.
That I knew.
>niggas look like the kkk
Come on guys, at least try and be subtle.
>mfw this my third visit to Yea Forums
I'd fuck Ventress desu.
I thought long and hard about it, but she's my kind of evil seductive.
This fucking show is why I will always prefer the Clone Wars, and Disney's (almost) total abandonment is part of the reason I'm so fucking sour about these movies.
>long and hard
I mean he's been single for a while now, might as well get back into the dating game.
Obi-Wan is definetly the kinda guy that had a lot of "adventures" with female padawans when he was young. There's just no way he's that charming and only has smashed Satine.
Anakin is for Padme and Ahsoka and Angels and Catladies only.
It's a shame Catqueen wasn't popular. I really liked her. 10/10 woulda joined the Seppies for.
Is Anakin a slut?
It's the midi-chlorians' fault, really
Anakin had good taste, he wouldn’t have gotten tempted!
Lucas' mistake was focusing too much on the Jedi for the prequel tbqh.
He really doesn't do that, the main focus is in the protagonists, and setting up the events that trigger the creation of the empire (meeting Anakin, the creation of the clone army, the clone wars and Anakin joining the dark side).I will admit it was an oversight on his part to not try to cash in that Clone Wars money with movies.
True dat. My favorite parts was watching Palpatine manipulating fucking everything to a T, and the clones kicking ass.
Where's Barriss? I need Best Girl.
We just don't know
Look not every single male mentor wants to fuck their tight hot bodied young ward okay?
In Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, the inquisitors have clones from the final batch. Clones who never fought in the Clone Wars and never had their chips activated. When they found another jedi survivor he correctly identified many of the inquisitors as fallen jedi and then used a mind trick to activate Order 66 in the chips in the young clones' brains causing them to immediately, and without any hesitation, turn on and attempt to execute the inquisitors.
It doesn't matter if you left the order, if you were ever in the order then Order 66 still makes the clones compelled to kill you.
I only just noticed the giant fucking waves in the background
This girl is on some fucking shit imagining this
That was a cool scene
Is the white thing on her head a hat or part of her body?
Who's that fat jedi with the saberstaff?
away with you
Name unknown, but the statues and reliefs are of the Four Masters who founded the Temple on Coruscant, two Sages and two Warriors. Wiki says the two statues with the Lightsabers drawn are the Warrior Masters, and the other two the Master Sages
>Fucking dubbs
Blessed shitpost.
Qui-gon lost his virginity on Felucia. What's your excuse?