Is their any recent comic series actually worth a shit in recent time...

Is their any recent comic series actually worth a shit in recent time? I find myself only reading shit from the 80's and 90's since a lot of the new comics to day just seem to be forced political bullshit that doesn't benefit the comic to create new characters or the stories are so shallow that there's almost on point in reading it. Can I get any recommendations of comics made today I can really sink my teeth into and aren't just watered down political views forced by the writer?

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No. Please leave.

But why isn't there good comics anymore? What does Marvel and DC see in these new writers and artist? They can't write and their drawing skills are abysmal. I feel like I'm an ass saying all new comics are bad when I really stopped giving a shit about the big two around 2016 and is just shrugging off anything made today expecting the same schlock, I would really want to find one made in recent times that I can actually enjoy.


There are, it just seems like you've already decided that everything is "political bullshit" and would probably prefer to believe in a narrative where things new thing bad old thing good.

To give you some actually serious recs, in case you are actually going to have an open mind and not force your own narrative:
>Immortal Hulk
>Amazing Spider-Man
>Conan the Barbarian
are the best at Marvel

>Martian Manhunter
>The Green Lantern
>Detective Comics
>Wonder Twins
>Adventures of the Supersons
are the best at DC.

There are other things like Captain America, Justice League, and Hawkman that are YMMV but generally considered solid, and if you actually have an open mind and don't consider any female or minority character automatically "political" there are plenty of things that have come out in the last few years such as Sideways and New Super-Man.

I can't take people who think Venom is a good character seriously. He's a prime example of Michelinie's bad writing and inability to write a mature book to save his life (no, Demon In A Bottle is not mature).

Thanks, not trying to force a narrative. Just seems like a lot of what I've seen from Marvel is shit like The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, or shit like this pic. Stuff that is just lazy writing and bad art.

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This comic is 5 years old.

user at least post something fucking relevant. Marvel has actually calmed down a bit

That's one panel from a book from like five years ago, and Squirrel Girl isn't political at all, just aimed at a different audience.

The fact that people always repost the same like three cringey political panels over and over again for years on end should tell you that that stuff is not even close to common.

Agreed. Modern comics aren't worth reading because they're nothing but sjw propaganda.

The 80s and 90s and to a lesser extent the 2000s were the best times for comics. There was some great stuff in the 60s and 70s as well.

Comics don't make money anymore and both DC and Marvel are subsidized by their corporate owners, so they don't have to worry about profit and can just do what they want. And since 100% of the current employees of those companies are sjws, the only thing they want to do is make sjw propaganda. They don't even consider writing or drawing skills when hiring someone. Only political agendas.

You've never actually read a modern comic and get all your opinions from screencaps

I never understood the hatred for squirrel girl, the comic is fine its just trying to a humorous book aimed towards women. Its not perfect but it is inoffensive at worst, now that Hell cat book that shit was offensively bad

Agree with you there. Squirrel Girl isn't my cup of tea, but it's just cringey meme humor that everyone will forget in a few years.

Hellcat....jeez. Apparently defying The Patriarchy means making Liefeld seem preferable.

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Squirrel Girl is a joke character that didn't warrant an ongoing series.

Dr Strange is good too if you like classic Strange

OP here, I more so don't like it for the art style, it's terrible and very low effort. The writing is just forgettable.
>Hell cat book that shit was offensively bad
this is my first time hearing about this and from panel I can already see it's a fucking mess.

This comic is several years old too t b h.
Also this is the only page from it that ever gets posted. I'm pretty sure the majority of people who post it haven't even seen the entire comic themselves. I know I sure haven't.

I;ve seen enough to know it doesn't get better. Marvel has been backing away from making any political books for the last few years now, I think they burned to much ill will and realized that all of those YAAAS QWEEN moments were only for articles and never translated to actual sales

I know that but you gotta admit squirrel Galactus was a pretty fun idea

I liked Old Man Log

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Inmortal hulk and AMS are decent. ASM 18.HU was really good.
Justice league dark is decent too.


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This user, listen to this user OP, he knows what he’s talking about

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>justice league dark is decent too
Don’t listen to this man

Check our Martian manhunter instead


Justice league dark is yet another “Fate goes full evil and magic users die” story with a team that’s pretty much incompetent