Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow
New episode is airing right now.

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Why are these threads so late this week?

Watching now. Snacks include a slow cooker chicken cacciatore with a side of matzah.

So this is the live thread?

Do you see another thread?

I didn't make it home in time. New job, new hours


>No streams

No, you better make another.

Yeah, oddly quiet so far.

As always enjoying the best bromance in Blue. I feel like since they can’t do Blue and Gold they’re writing it as Blue and RedWhitenBlue

>that many people eating Taco Bell at once
The streets are gonna run with something.

Missed last week's episode, don't even give enough of a fuck to go back and watch it. Didn't think it would happen, but this show is kind of losing me bros ;_;

That sounds like another one of Zatara's spawn

Getting rid of Stein was a mistake.

>Ray and Nate shenanigans
This is what I waited for all season

>writers changed project hades from a magical creature army to a theme park because they liked Biff so much
I know we say it every week, but this show is based

How long until Nate snaps from the stress?

At least they're acknowledging what a fucking stupid idea of a theme park.

Adding Charlie and Mona was an even bigger mistake.

mona needs to fuck off

Gary is pretty based how long until they give him powers?

Charlie's growing on me, even if she's useless. Mona can die in a fire though.

>it's a lesbian homeshopping episode

It's all the changes really. Having half the characters hanging out in the time bureau most of the time and splitting up the cast, especially Nate and Ray. The demon/dark magic focus AGAIN. The awkward Asian girl. The story just isn't that interesting and it doesn't feel the same. I like Constantine, but he kind of doesn't belong on the team even if he is the best addition of all the other new characters this season.

anyone else not weirded out with the whole zari x nate thing?

did people forget about hedgehog day?

I just went to Ikea for the first time this weekend.

The writers are just taking ideas from their lives and making them into an episode.

Still more interesting than a stone temple though, Arrow.

Even so, they're pushing it to the point of annoyance.

Congratulations, the interesting part of your life is forever over.

>They brought Neron on the ship

Is Constantine gonna cuck Nate?

Thoughts on the rumors that Black Siren and Brainiac-5 might be joining the cast next season, Mick might die and the team will have to fix the anomalies from multiple universes merging during the Crisis?

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why dont they just shoot neron in the nuts?

I know she's his wife irl, but frankly Ray has more chemistry on the show with Zari than Norah.

I like Brainiac 5, but I don't want him to leave Supergirl, he's practically holding the show up by himself.

...600 with a warranty seems like a good matress

So...will Siren be the team whore?

Isn't the show ending?

Ava with the GILF titties

I’m fine with it. Brainy’d be fun on the cast...and they could take the merger to MAKE HIM DAMN BLONDE AND FIX HIS HAIR

Why do I get the feeling they used actual relatives for this scene?

>Black Siren
Would be cool.
>Brainiac 5
>First spoiler
Do not want.

Her sister already has that covered.

Granny Sara was even hotter!

If Mick really dies, I can see Siren being the replacement snarky asshole of the team.

Plus it'll give Sara someone to butt heads with.

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I feel like at this point they need to condense the team and just end Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl turn it into a JSA show.

Mona as a secondary character set up as Gary's girlfriend was okay.

Mona the annoying werewolf is not.

Charlie is meh, probably would have preferred her played by her original Desi actress.

Only ones I know that are pissed are the lesbian shippers.

>Plus it'll give Sara someone to butt heads with.
Double ended dildo heads that is.

Katie Cassidy has been drinking more Red Flash, i guess.

Fuck Black SIren, they wasted over a season making her a non character.

Wait, does that mean the theme park was actually a plan to stop Neron and save the world?

Wonder if Sara will survive Caitlin's killer vagoo

I think Hank didn't even realize Neron was a threat

I'd take Mick's advice

Mick is such a treasure.

Yeah, a League Show would be good. Make a couple of fun lineups and maybe do rotating teams. Have people show up for trial memberships or requesting mission help-

Holy fuck Mick is providing romantic advice on his typewriter!

No, it's just his pet project that had nothing to do with Neron's plan.

>killer vagoo

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Papa Biff was the Hero we didn’t deserve

Ikea as purgatory is a nice concept.

>Mick's erotic Ann Landers

Biff lived long enough to be a hero.
Nay, a legend.

>Barbie Avas
That's hot

Wow, this episode is taking the piss out of Sara. Good, she needed a bit of that.

There's nothing wrong with not wanting to be struck in a life you don't find interesting.

I hope Sara doesn't accidentally open the slutty Ava by mistake!

I still kinda miss Rip. Or at least, the idea of Rip the show really failed to live up to.

Not really. The only reason Ava's so heavy into the idea of a mundane, normal life is because she knows she's a clone.

I hate that Riverdale is doing a D&D episode before Legends.

I'd one.

You'll never find love user.


Riverdale is doing another D&D episode? Hasn't the whole season been a D&D episode?

>I hate that Riverdale is doing a D&D episode before Legends.

The entire third season has been D&D.

Who the fuck is Tabitha

I like sinister Gary.

No screencap user tonight, right? Could use some shots of the Ava catalogue,

Is this really Ava's purgatory or Sara's?

Haven’t they been Satanic Panic D&D? With the whole Gargoyle plot?

Demonic Ava.

Sinister Gary DMing the Legends D&D episode when?

>"as is"
That's nice

>I don't want other women

Good, Time Slut Sara was intolerable.


For a second I was like "Who the fuck is Asis?"

That girl can't stop getting fucked by demons.

Neron is dumb.

Ray got his own waifu killed ;_;

>Trading Mick for Black Siren


Life really needs to stop shitting on Ray.

That's Zari's super name, or it would have been, had not Islamic State.

Constantine plays a Barbarian just to play against type.

“Fuck man, I’m already a Wizard and a Thief and this is supposed to be an escape, in’it?”

Why didn't they just tell Ray the plan
They know he's a buffoon who would barge in at a sign of trouble

Fuck you, slut Sara was fun.

Honestly it isn't like they're doing anything else with Mick. They only give him a couple of lines an episode now, and he doesn't even get to fight or participate in any of the plans. He's getting flanderized as a smut writer.

Honestly, I'd prefer like Earth 9 Black Cran-raspberry over more Black Siren.

>Can't set things on fire anymore
>Ignites the flames of lust instead

At least he gets to be Superman next season.

...really, waste budget on using powers on this?

Course he crushed his phone

Mikey wasn't even lined up to hit anything. Is this the kind of "help" we can expect from union labor?

His gun hasn't set things on fire since he was on The Flash.

Zari you chicken

Zari and Nate have no chemistry, she's wasted on him.

Nate has powers?!

Do you really think Hank would use union labour?

He tried frying puppet Stein right?

OOOF that's gonna sting
>Nora is a veggie again

John needs to send Ray into her purgatory to save her!



>Ray's possessed

>italian as fuck
>not in a union

Ray being evil is NOT okay

No, not Superman!

Ray possessed. Shades of Eclipso I tell ya

Oh fuck! Nerayon!
And Idle Hands shenanigans!

>Evil demon possessed Ray


>Neron possesses Ray
>Doesn't instantly die from the purity
I call bullshit.

Time for Arrow. Weeeeeeeee.

You know if he’s going around without the hood he might as well wear the damn hat.

Ray fails the Shazam test

His lust for Nora is corrupting him!



>General Stewart


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It's his dad, Jon really is Green Lantern! They're finally doing it!

So his name really is Jon Stewart?!

Wasn't that teased in the Elseworlds crossover?

kek 90s Flash was right after all

Yep. We'll probably see it in Crisis.

Almost regretting dropping Rico Diaz now,





Oh shit Metal Men soon?
Also does every smart person in DCW own their own lab?

Well that happened earlier than I was expected

What the fuck was that Trolli commercial?

I'm digging them, there's two so far

I'm happy for the Metal Men, but they're probably going to look like Brainy on Supergirl.

I'm calling it Erine Hudson is a Green Lantern.

...so, I’m actually really feeling the proposed Infinity Inc now. Especially if they include guest stars, the Super Sons at some point.

I actually am interested in the future plot now. KatMac's character needs to chill the fuck out, but I'm digging the Digglets and even William

I imagine Nora would be a mitigating influence on Mia.

Oh no, he's possessed by Neron too!

Ernie is a good actor. I hope he has a large role in GB3

Bullshit, shoelaces snap like nothing.

I'm just tuning in to Arrow now, what's been going on? Why'd they kidnap Diggle and his old commander?

I've barely watched half of last week's Arrow. It gets harder and harder to get it done.

Isn't fission a process?

Kacey Rohl can get all 8 inches of my BBC.


anyone know when this will be on netflix?

I hear ya. Flash is the only DC CW show I can give me undivided attention to anymore. When did shit get so bad?

He’s not Diggle’s former commander. Its his dad’s former commander and his Stepdad.

He knew codes doe weapons

Everyones Blacked in the future.

At this point I'm only sticking with it because the finish line is in sight.

It's like Person of Interest, but shitty.

But why did you have to bang my mom before my dads corpse was even cold?

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same but with legends

you missed a fun bollywood musical

West coast time.

she didn't say anything about men

still refuses to ever play the cleric, would rather have a party wipe

I would do her.

Black Siren should have been redeemed back in season 5.

Wonder if Ollie and John will bond over stepdads.


I love the idea of Braniac joining

Charlie makes my pp big so I can't possibly hate her.

Odds on Sara leaving so she can live a life with Ava?

>Step-dad's a ghostbuster, Oliver.
>Step-dad's Zod, John.

Eclipso should be next season's villain.

Fun fact: Ernie Hudson was almost Joe West.


Why has Mick been reduced to being less than a side character? He’s the best character and the best actor on the show.

I would definitely watch a show with Ernie Hudson and Thomas Wilson. Too bad they killed off Biff.

I don’t get at all what they did with Connor Hawke. Wasn’t he supposed to be JJ in that episode from a few years ago?

I thought that was the reason why JJ happened in Flashpoint in the first place. Weird and pointless otherwise, though I can understand if they wanted to explain how Connor’s actor is too dark to be half white.

The Vlatava namedrop made me sad that we never got the real Vertigo. Do him right and you have a season villain.

so the new inside episode flash thing seems to be implying that thawne and nora fuckin'. i know they're probably gonna go the "he manipulated her and he's still evil!" angle but...what if they don't...what if they're like, a real couple, and he's chilled out

and they have a son

and it's bart

I take it Adrian Paul was expensive.

He wanted to go back to Broadway so it's not like it was a matter of choice

Getting rid of Damien Darhk was the biggest mistake.
This show really needs a villain it's easy to give a shit about unlike Neron.

whatever happened to Arrow now? Is not even mentioned?

Mercy guy got his wish

do you really he could give up magic even on a fantasy setting? He would try to go Barbarian, but would multiclass 2 levels in to Rogue, and then inevitably to Wizard or Sorcerer.

Hell, he would just go Wizard to try everything and then Sorcerer to cast whatever he liked the most a million times.

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With all honesty, Alena is pretty much Patty tier of beauty bros. She is GORGEOUS; like, she even dwarf Emily on their scenes together, and hate how they write her character as much as you want, but she is a cutie, and seeing her so eclipsed by Ale... BROS, she should be on Legends, I don't care. She is too precious to waste.

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Connor is Bronze Tiger's son

Everyone is too busy stress eating out of concern that Spider Twink won't come back to give Manlet Man handsys any longer to be concerned with other cape shit

so how much does one Ava cost?

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>ages 7+
>super durable
oh boy, sounds like a lot of fun

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>sleepless nights

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>implying everyone cares about your overhyped blockbuster
I am amused and confused.

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You can probably plug that Ava into an outlet and has her ride you all night long

>assertive Ava

These are gold and I hope they do a gallery of all of them.