JSA Storytime: Angel Love

Good evening owls,

last issues

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>IRT Uptown

oh man, that's showing its age!

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Hello, Storyteller.

There has to be some reason why slice of life holds an appeal to so many. On paper, it's like, why would you read/watch someone just living their normal life? But in practice, sitcoms, daytime drama, Persona games, etc, it's dirt common because people like it. We need psychologists to run some studies on this.

People are curious about people, I guess. And the most dramatic and plot-foxused things will themselves spawn thousands of what we call 'curtains fic'

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huh, just got a Cloudflare blip

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yeah, this would be something of a scandal. and there's a long tradition of wastrel siblings in politics!

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I don't think it's really different from why people like any genre, I know as many people who can't stand any sort of SOL as I do people who won't read anything else.

I think there are just people who are really interested in characters more than plot or action, and seeing, say, superheroes in their off time is much more humanizing and offers more room for characterization than seeing how they handle Big Pissed Punch Man From Space.

I see. Well, curtains fics do make some logical sense. The desire to see dramatically focused characters in a domestic setting as a fun exercise, and just for the sake of some variety. Hell, certain obnoxious cretins keep bitching about how everything being epic and serious is annoying, so...

>tfw I would read the shit out of an issue where Diana and Steve take a walk in the park or something

Ed Koch went to the Inner Circle show one year in a gold lamé bodysuit with a mechanical pigeon on his head

>interested in characters more than plot or action

that's also very true

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Hey OP.
I caught up on the storytime I missed!

HI user

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how are you owls tonight

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I refuse to believe Heroes in Crisis spoilers even when I read the issue

The only complaint I had about The Power Broker was it wasn’t a book that went into depth of the city in the 70s dying. It ended with Rockefeller

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Comfy shit is for mongoloids with brain damage and emotionally stunted overgrown children

>interested in characters more than plot or action
I am definitely one of those. It's like, the plot and fights are all well and good, but it's all going to fall flat if I don't care about any of these people.

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Earlier today, I made the mistake of getting into an argument with some Star Wars fans! I had the utter audacity to point out that Star Wars has always been dumb as fuck, and that Disney has not done anything to it that wasn't already present to a degree, and that maybe their constant whining is a just a smidge unwarranted. That was "fun".

How was your day?

I just don't know anymore since it breaks so many basic rules of storytelling, and I would be eating crow for giving King the benefit of the doubt.

Hangin' in there


I planted a bunch of plants, which was great

Also, it has always been true that no one hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans

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This might be the most baffling series DC ever published.

I hate how Star Wars finds a way to creep into every Internet argument on Earth. Fuck Star Wars.

Honestly it’s fascinating regardless of quality. The book is so weird

Star Wars, like Game of Thrones or 90% of comics are made for kids and grown ups get really angry over them

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Those books and the TV show with the sex and the murder are for kids?

I mean, I like Star Wars, kinda. The Clone Wars was really good, and the movies are fine. But I just don't understand how or why anyone can't get THIS, um, passionate let's say, about it.

These people get more angry at The Last Jedi than I ever got at Other M. And yes, that is saying a lot. Chill the fuck out, folks.

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Angel's such a kidder

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What's the most baffling thing Marvel's put out? Besides Marville, and the millar stuff


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This comic is fuckin' great.

She looks like something out of a Clowes comic

>Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask

>For Mature Readers

I wish the scans had the letters pages so we'd get all the WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? outrage

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The answer is loneliness, user. People read/watch about what lives would be like if they weren't wholly and deeply alone.

Oh, NOW you put a mature readers label on it. Took you long enough to catch on. Was the cocaine not a big enough clue? The incompetence of DC editorial is truly timeless. Goddamn.

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Was the vertigo published American Splendor any good?

Last panel is another solid exploitable.

This comic is made of exploitable panels above and beyond COCAINE?, and I think that's some of why it works so well--every page has something chock-full of character

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>I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!

Sometimes it was up to the writer if they wanted the label or not. Ostrander and his editor refused it when they started The Spectre in the 1990s because they wanted a wider audience.
Berger probably slammed the hammer down by this point.

Aaaaand we turned the page to this, holy shit

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>gag me with a spoon
Back to soundtracks, then?

yes that's why the sell toys

Still cruddy. Slept poorly, achy all day.

Mary Beth looks like a sex doll.

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Oh fuck, she was her dad's sex doll.

The content of this issue was probably the final straw, and none could blame her for bringing down the hammer, because...

... Holy fucking shit.

This was published as a Special which means it was almost certainly already cancelled and this was the "wrap up the plot with a few extra pages" given to it

Man, if the Sidekick Store were still around I'd go hunting for paper copies, alas it is dead.

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>PL: So, for a couple of years most of your work is doing maintenance work on existing titles. Some fun stuff: we got to work together on Legion of Super-Heroes, during some of the best work that I did. An incredible editor to work with; she would find—

>KB: Right after The Great Darkness Saga. I started on #295.

>PL: She would find where you went off the rails in the process. Not where she wanted it a different way, but where you weren’t achieving what you set out to do.

>She was clearly a restless creature, and this was a time of experimentation. The direct market was emerging, we didn’t quite know what it would be; the newsstand was disappearing. There was a lot of freedom to invent new titles as the House of Mystery sort of things were disappearing as creatures of the newsstand.

>You did some early experiments that we look back on with great fondness, that are much more viable for today’s diverse audience than they turned out to be at the time. Angel Love with Barbara Slate, which was a sort of modernized Archie, and Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld, which was—

>KB: My favorite.

>I'm gonna commit a felony, who can help me?
>Oh, I know, my Black Friend!

Nice racism, Angel.

100% that page. That subject matter is also in the first issue of Moore's Swamp Thing that Berger ditched the CCA for

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Angel's psychotic smug face is great.


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Again, this last panel.

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No wonder her dad abused her!

Shit, their mom murdered their dad for the bad touching.

>no one wants a congressman with a shady past

Yeah, everyone knows that's for presidents!

That's a very possible reading!

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This guy's character design is so out of place. He looks like he belongs in a '50s MAD comic.

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>tfw that Superman Family cartoon was cancelled in favor of Harley Quinn
Well, shit. It looked legitimately fun too.

I do wonder if the book suffered low sales because of the mature content, since people got really pissy about this "kids comic" having adult themes. Much as capes make everything else irrelevant, it wasn't quite so bad at the time.



50s MAD is amazing

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all MAD magazine is

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that's totally a Michael Jackson suit there

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Disagree. There'd be been fallow periods. And the movie/tv parodies were rarely good.

Wendy is such a Connecticut girl

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Halpern (the Harley showrunner) doesn't even think the show will ever come out


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third panel could make another good reaction image

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Not surprising. That show was announced like what, five-ish years ago? Like, shit or get off the pot.

>and you're a Peppermint Patty!
... So, she's a tomboyish closet bisexual? Yeah, I can see that.

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>just saw play that was an edgy version of Peanuts
>somehow Patty and Marcie ended up as valley girls instead of lesbians
Total missed opportunity

Mom's dead, isn't she?

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Okay, 1) how do you screw that up? It's right there. Come on.

2) The fuck is an edgy version of Peanuts? Nobody wants that.

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It was basically an anti-bullying PSA where Schroeder and Charlie become gay lovers until Schroeder kills himself from being bullied.

It's actually not quite as bad as it sounds though it's often up its own ass and starts out with some edgy shit.
It's a college production, my sister played an institutionalized Lucy

I like Spy vs Spy

Marcy and Patty being gay is a total misread of their mutual love of Charlie Brown.

And Marcy turning retarded is a betrayal of her identity as 're smart one'

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>) The fuck is an edgy version of Peanuts? Nobody wants that.

He says, as Riverdale is The CW's top rated show.

>these letters

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>Schroeder x Charlie
... Sure, why the fuck not.

Oh, I see what you did there. Dramatic irony and whatnot.

There's a joke where Marcy accidentally reveals her power level and has to play it off since smart people get bullied in this school.

I'll miss her

SO: we are on tomorrow and then off until late Saturday at the earliest.

BfB, or Gen13?

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I vote for PAIN.

It'll be spread-out pain, though, since we won't get through it in one go, I don't think

Battle for Blüdhäagendasz

And it ends on a bittersweet note. Wouldn't expect anything else, really.

We love you too, Angel.

At least Archie has precedent for that in the comics. Life with Archie and all. But Peanuts? That's a stretch.

Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.

Angel Love is criminally underrated, and deserves to be more well known.

Battle for Bludhaven is only six issues, and we are due for an SoP. Bring it on.

Everett was an only child, isn't he?

Somebody get /k/ in here.

I need to leave for now.


This should be on the CW with DCs other shows

By the way... the hater isn't the problem. He couldn't care less about it to be honest, he just ignore it (besides the hater suffered a big shock right now, so... he is not angry at all, in fact he understands it). But he has another life, work, etc. So he leaves and he returns when he can do it. It's not that dramatic.


Uhhh, what?

Bravo! Thank you so much for posting this. That was seriously great.

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The Riverdale parody was golden, but only because it was a sequel to the old Starchie comic.

Thanks so much OP

I love you

Thanks, OP.

MAD was okay-ish through like the 70s or so. And it didn't really turn BAD until the 90s.

bumping for others


It didn't really go bad until after it started using actual outside advertising.

one more bump

Good morning.

This looks like it was made in the 90s yet still uses 80s lingo.

HOLY SHIT this went from a 2 to a 10.

That was a fun little storytime. Thanks for that user.

Is there a download link for this series anywhere? Archive hunting didn't work out.

Looks to be readonline here readcomiconline.to/Comic/Angel-Love

No clue if that is whole run.

I said "download". I'm not supporting RCO in any capacity if I can help it.

poke tonight and I'll try to zippy it


Is late 80s-early 90s NYC an aesthetic ready to be rediscovered?