Sorry Wally fans

Sorry Wally fans
>He snaps and kills everyone in sanctuary, no mind control involved
>He goes back in time right before he does it to frame Booster and Harley(this is also when he revives Ivy)
>He confesses this all to Lois Lane in a recording, saying he will kill himself by the time she sees this

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If this is true, I hope all the staff who is involved in putting togeher this story and go forwar with it to step in a lego piece every and each day from now own.

Fuck you, King. Fuck you, Didio.

>Do so well with Rebirth at the beginning
>Fuck it up this hard

First of all, fuck Didio and King for dragging Wally through the shit to prop up Barry, and second, fuck them once again for not even staying consistent with Flash books. Speedsters can't time travel right now!
It's just a fuck you to Johns and everyone who didn't like New 52

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Holy fuck does king realize not only did he create the shittiest modern dc event since cry for justice but the hornets nest of autism he kicked with wallyfags?

These people took as sacrilege when he bench sat when John’s brought back Barry. Imagine the butthurt when this comes out

How the fuck did DC manage to fuck up harder than Marvel?

What's even worse is the oncoming "Year of Villains" which is Dan phoning it in AGAIN with this villain wank nonsense. I like it when bad guys actually win from time to time, but Christ we don't need an event for it every couple years.
Even though I liked Flash: Rebirth, it really was editorial mandate bullshit to bring back Barry after Wally's solid run. You know what would be nice? Both Barry and Wally being benched for a bit so Jay can get some spotlight.

They got nervous when the movie universe was failing to MCU hard and relieved themselves by altering the route comics had taken, not realizing it was the healthy part of their property.

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>Fucked Wallyfans
>Fucked Harleyfans
>Fucked Boosterfans
>Fucked HarleyIvy shippers

Heroes in Crisis really has fucked everyone at this point.

>you know what would be nice? Wally and Barry being benched so jay can get some spotlight

You and I would be good friends irl user. Jay deserves a good solo outing. The last non rebirth book I can remember where he was given his due was JSA

Don't forget Superman and Lois selling their friends for clickbaits.

They didn't like the reasons they were doing well.

Don’t forget continued to ruin superman and Lois Lane’s characters. I know bendis has the masters cap in that regard but this book has taken scissors and slashed an already opened wound

Tom King has always been a shitty writer

Oh yeah, that too. The whole "look mommy I did a Watchman reference!" Tom King has been merciless with this book

>If this is tru
I wish I was bullshitting, I read the issue a few times to make sure I didn't miss something but nah, just a bunch of bad writing.

Didio gonna Didio.

Royfags too, however as few they may be.

Not my Wally. This was the bs compromise that the shat out. F this bs book

Then, they deserve hell in plastic.

His Mister Miracle is overrated crap

I hope a giant squid kills Tom King

Fuck King
Fuck Didio

Fuck DC for ruining so many characters.

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Didio hates happiness, love and every time Johns bests him.

Why does Didio hate legacy characters so much?

Is that really true when Barry himself is a legacy character?

Because he's a bitch ass cunt who's butthurt people didn't like fucking new52

Because he’s didio. Didio hates everything

everybody who'd be nostalgic for the Golden Age heroes is dead or in a nursing home

seriously what the fuck is dc thinking?

johns JUST brought wally back less than 3 years

does he no longer have ANY pull at DC?

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Wallyfag here, any good Barry stories out there?

Please, I'm trying so hard to like Barry.

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I suspect the delay in Doomsday Clock is actually about this

Johns literally got fired as President of the film stuff and Chief Creative Officer after Justice League bombed. And the woman who ushered in the New 52 (Nelson) took a leave of absence and was then replaced.
He still does some of the TV production, but as a regular producer and writer

>tfw you like Jay.
Well, at least out in limbo he can't be destroyed.

It's not even just Wallyfags. Aside from being a terrible books this is just outright character assassination. Wally West will never recover from this

>Johns literally got fired as President of the film stuff and Chief Creative Officer after Justice League bombed
That was such a bullshit call. He was obvioulsy used as the fall guy

film stuff isn't comic stuff. fucking shazam just used his modern run for pete's sake

this is comics, he's a fucking made man, wtf is didio doing, do they really hate each other's guts now?

i have to repeat. they JUST brought wally back less than 3 years ago. who the fuck does this

Barry's pretty cool in The Flash: Year One, which you can find in the first Waid trade paperback.

Almost no one is coming out of heroes in crisis looking good. Unless it’s later retconned that every character involved with HIC was mind controlled by some extra dimensional god of bad writing then they just just forget this piece of crap was ever published

People literally refused to have any of King's writing touched.

Every time someone rightly criticized him for mischaracterizing or injecting nonsensical edge his loyal sycophants would just throw Visions and Omega Men out as some holy scripture that could not be questioned and proved his divine right and infallibility, or throw out that fallacy of "Oh, Yea Forums's turning on a writer again" as if decades of correctly calling shenanigans before the party balloons and confetti inevitably come down somehow dismisses anything, all coupled with the usual group of carebears who insist in some warped solidarity pact that we all keep silent for the sake of harmony and just give it a chance to before the stench of raw shit warns us what's under the lid.

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Yeah it would explain why Flash books are meandering around and the sudden drop in importance Wally has had. Titans was implying Wally was going to be important with Manhattan given that he's a survivor of the old timeline. You can partly blame a piss slow artist delaying the book
Shouldn't the success of Aquaman and Shazam give Johns some pull again?
Is Wally the new Roy Harper?

I don't suppose any Pre-Crisis or post-Wally/new52 stuff is any good?

>Shouldn't the success of Aquaman and Shazam give Johns some pull again?
Geoff Johns was fired before Justice League was even released, they just kept the firing under wraps. The problem was that he sided with Snyder against Hamada about rushing the JL movie in and not doing solo movies for the other characters beforehand, and Hamada was having none of it, specially because he and Snyder were delaying the JL movie too much.

Hopefully with Hamada being #MeToo'd Johns can come back,

Not since he came back from the dead, really.
Manabooch was okay, but carried by the art.

>Kill off Wally
>Flash book starts Year One with Barry

This shit better be a coincidence but I doubt it.

Not even once.

Everybody likes Jay.
Hell, him being likeable as hell was the core of hus character post Crisis.

I figured as much--thanks anyway. Time to go toss those Vol. 2 Flash trades higher on the pedestal.


>I wish I was bullshitting
I think you are.

>only three good books from Rebirth
>one was Lobdell's
>one was Yang and it's cancelled forever
big yikes

Fuck off Didio sales are plummeting

At least Identity Crisis can step down as worst DC event.

Hey guys OP didn't actually read the comic.

Oh no but it’s just 10x worse with such a rabidnous fanbase. This would be like if superman came out as a pedophile, the level of fiery anger would be enough to rival the suns heat

Pre Crisis is alright, but the Silver Age is super Silver Age, and the later Bronze Age stuff is eventually dominated by Trial of the Flash,which was decisive, but I enjoyed.

Holy hell you fuckers are delusional.

Wally hasn't recovered from the speedforce being created

Wait what's his motivation to frame Harley and Booster if he plans to confess and kill himself?

King being fucking insane.

And why resurrect poison ivy?

Or maybe OP is just lying?

I'm more offended by HOW Ivy is resurrected. She doesn't work like that, even with Speed Force bullshit

>tfw I could go on a mass-shooting, kill everyone at DC comics, and use the very comic they wrote as justification, proving that since even superheroes could do this, how could they expect a normal guy to not crack under the pressure

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Remember when DC tricked a bunch of people into returning because they finally brought Wally back? Yeah fuck you DC, I don’t know why I ever trusted you...

Who are these fuckers you speak of may I ask? Are you implying Wally fans aren’t overly defensive?

Even if he's lying, have you read HiC? This sounds like the kind of bullshit that King would pull.

You guys have been told everyone that Wally wasn't the killer from issue 1 in a weak attempt to defend King, despite every issue getting even more retarded with the way it shits on Wally and Rebirth.

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Wouldn't matter if OP pulled all that shit out of his ass, King is still a fucking idiot.

I refuse to accept this and wait for the reveal it’s Zoom and he stole a face.

I defended you King!

Wait, wait, what did he do now?

That's exactly how the speed force works, it's a plot device.

He completely BTFO Scarecrow was the last straw for me. Fuck that faggot.

Shall we count the ways?
>Batman is some beta wuss now
>HiC needs no introduction
>Mister Miracle was trash even if it started alright
>Batman #50


>Wouldn't matter if OP pulled all that shit out of his ass,
Yeah it does.

I'd normally be pissed, but Yea Forums botched the context of Batman 69, so I'll wait for actual pages to confirm.

>have you read HiC?
Have you or do you just get all your information about comics from liars?

I fucking hated Omega Man because that character simple wasn't Kyle Rayner. He was a crying pussy that seemed to have never been in an intergalatic war, despite surviving the Blackest Night, who spoke Spanish and was Catholic for some reason.

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Does King pay you to suck his cock or do you do it for free?

I have, it's shit and I wouldn't put it past Tom King to come up with this shit.

I'm not, don't have the issue on me rn but here are more spoilers you will see on Wednesday.

>Wally explaining why he wrote "the puddlers are dead" at the murder scene(pic related) because it's a phrase Barry use to tell him
>He used he speed force to hack the Sanctuary AI and show him the confession tapes we kept seeing throughout the series

If yall want more proof, I can describe the first few pages of the issue which is probably what will be the preview tomorrow just to show Im right

Man the second I really start liking DC after being fucked over by Marvel for so long they start pullin' this shit, Ain't that a bitch......

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as a Kylefag I hate Tom King and hope he has recurring nightmares and other PTSD symptoms from his time killing poor brown kids in foreign countries for corporate interests

forgot the pic

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Please, do.

post a pic of the last page you coward

>I can describe the first few pages of the issue which is probably what will be the preview tomorrow just to show Im right
But that wouldn't prove anything. You could just be describing the preview pages.

If the previews are indeed that retarded, does that make any difference?


There is no way king is that stupid

>Barry used to say the phrase
>Barry investigated but never brought it up
what a dick

If that phrase was something Barry should know, then why didn't Barry figure this out from the get go?

I'm not a Kylefag and even I can see the character rape here.
King is totally just ruining characters for in the name of PTSD "therapy". If I wanted to be fucking depressed, I'd go turn on the TV and watch the news.

The only poignant thing HiC managed to say was that putting the idea of hope and change on the shoulders of a single character was retarded; just because Wally was back didn't mean that shit would get automatically better, the DCU as it currently stands is fucked regardless because a lot of the things that made the New 52 shitty still stand

first few pages are Wally having a inner monologue while we see flashes of the people he murdered at Sanctuary relaxing before the incident occurs.
Believe more or don't. I was just pissed about the issue and wanted others to know also

He hasn't described the previews at all so we can't even say the preview scenes is retarded

Does anyone even like HiC? It seems to be riding off of shock value and that alone. It got stale after like three or four issues

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He loves "iconism" and he hates characters that age the big three. So, any legacy character who doesn't age the big 3 are HATED and cast out like a dead cat.

This shit better become noncanon real fast.

>Bats is stuck in a nightmare because he had been exposed to Crane's fear toxins
>Finds out the only way to wake is to find out what his greatest fear to overpower the toxins
>Selena is his greatest fear because he doesn't love her because he can't love her due to the VOW
King needs to hang

>I was just pissed about the issue and wanted others to know also
But you didn't even read it?

Any Harley/Ivy bits?

>The only poignant thing HiC managed to say was that putting the idea of hope and change on the shoulders of a single character was retarded
That's such a Marvel lesson. DC has always had the paragon of hope. Superman is the epitome of it. Hell, fucking Barry was one.

i want to die

>>Selena is his greatest fear because he doesn't love her because he can't love her due to the VOW
Wasn't it because he can't love anyone?

>first few pages are Wally having a inner monologue while we see flashes of the people he murdered at Sanctuary relaxing before the incident occurs.
If you actually read it then you should have a little more detail than that.

I hated it after Wally "died" in the first issue. Why bring him back if he's either gonna die or become an axe murderer?

This "Batman can't be Batman if he's happy" bullshit needs to stop.

entire issue was Wally pov and explaining why he did it

Don't forget Kyle being an apathetic mess that is manipulated and used by everyone. Also a fucking cuck.

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Is Wally the new Superboy Prime?

>I'm not a Kylefag and even I can see the character rape here.
Without mentioning him being an artist, what is his character.

Me too user.

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>Don't forget Kyle being an apathetic mess
Pic unrelated?

starting to get you are just in denial about this, so I'm going to stop responding

>to step in a lego piece every and each day from now own.

hurrr durrrrr lstepping on a lego piece is soooo painful!!!!

Hmmm which website have I seen this "insult" on before.

>- Man moments before encountering King's stupidity

Peter Parker who flies and with a green costume

I's even worse than Bruce not being allowed to be happy, apparently he doesn't love Alfred, any of the Robins, his own fucking son or any other member of the bat-family or his friends.

So OP confirmed for a coward.

Yeah but after everyone dies multiple times and King keeps trying to be poetic I just became numb to it. No hate or anger just bored and confused that someone thinks he's a good writer.

He has a great love of fridges and being nondescript.

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Which is fucking bullshit because he loves Alfred. King is the biggest hack.

>implying I had any hope in the idiots running DC Comics these days

> Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
Ha! Good thing I got plenty of evil Didio pics.

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That was impotent rage. The female characte even made fun of it. Then she pussy-wiped him hard.

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>hey guys I read the last issue
>definitely not shitposting
>just take my lack of any evidence as proof.

Wally is literally the last good character the JL has. With him gone I don't give a shit about DC any more.

I need to delete my positive Didio pics. All one of them.

I thought his greatest fear was him not loving Selena, not Selena herself, as in "he's scared he might not actually love her because how messed up he is"
At least that's how I took it but I may be giving them too much credit.

Man, what's up with King and his protags being a bunch of beta fucks that let women walk all over them?

I think he's projecting real fucking hard.

Not just Wallyfags, pretty much anyone who likes The Flash or legacy characters can agree that Barry coming back was a huge mistake.

Not, she said that his biggest fear is that he might be unable to love anyone or anything more than his vow of committing suicide by cape and cowl.

No I don't think she did.

It's days like this that I'm happy I can still read The Wonder Twins

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I'll hang on to Shazam for the time being but with Wally gone I've lost pretty much all motivation keep following anything DC.

Post the page.

I don't have it.

>Believing that DC will reform when Didio and Lee are still in charge

Don't call it a grave. It's the future you chose.

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I'm kinda morbidly curious what it is.

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How does it feel to know Rebirth exists for the sole purpose of turning Wally to shit and creating Doomsday Slock?

Into the trash it goes.

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How is denial if you didnt show any evidence at all so far?

>cat bat cat bat cat bat
Why can't they talk like human beings?

Remember when Batman was about stopping wacky villains with gadgets?

Proof? because I still think Sanctuary went Brother Eye on everyone.

From the solicit
>Sanctuary has become something they never imagined...and it's still potentially carrying on without them!

Now I don't have much trust or good will towards DC at this point. They've thrown away/damaged/destroyed some of the best things to come out of rebirth already including the Superman family dynamic, Jon Kent, Supersons, the Dark Trinity Outlaws, Titans, an opportunity to fix Donna Troy's origin, killed Roy Harper, and have at least damaged Wally with Flash War and this crap so far. That being said I'd still like proof. Innocent until proven guilty.

There you go.
>You can't love anyone, anything. BUT the vow. But the Bat.
Fuck you, King.

You're forgetting that when Doomsday Cock is over, we're likely going to get New 52 2: reboot boogaloo.

So he doesn't love his Robins?

Didio and DC hate Wally because he represents change. Change is bad, how can you make retards buy the same thing day after day year after year if you are expected to advance the plot and the characters? NO, reprint the same shitty story with the same shitty characters until the end of time.

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fuck off OP or post pics


What does that have to do with the Venom post I replied to? I see it got deleted

Kyle was a huge PUSSY in Omega Men. Like all of Tom King's protags thus far.

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I'm not OP but considering the last 2 HIC were leaked early I am inclined to believe him.

Serious question, why are you not posting the pages?

When's the last time you read a batman comic grandpa?

It's more what Rebirth stood for and its sales.

No. Before this he said to Holly, Catwoman's protegee, that Catwoman was the only one to truly understand and accept him. That she's the only thing that makes his life bearable.

The jury may still be out but the prognosis isn't good.
Even if HiC somehow does a 180 and Zolomon or somebody else is the big bad (which I doubt), it's still a trainwreck that becomes another nail in the coffin of modern DC to add along with the other points you mentioned.

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There is no logical reason for not posting it unless this is all fake.

Ok but do you have any actual proof?

Nope, he doesn't love any of his children.

Not since the mid 20s in King's run to cement Batman as a dickless faggot.

You say that but last month someone spoiled the plot without posting pages.

Just post one single page OP.

That's fo fucking retarded. He went through so much shit to bring Damien back to life

Or maybe it's all just a fear based hallucination.

Is it literally
>The only way these heroes and villains can get the peace they want is IF THEY DIE

>Fucked Harleyfans
>Fucked HarleyIvy shippers
That's actually not a bad thing.

Apparently not. And he doesn't love Alfred either. FUCK KING

>Kingshills in maximum damage-control
Oh, this is wonderful.

If it was any other writer I might give them the benefit of the doubt, but this is Tom King we're talking about.

Dont dodge the question, why woulnd't he post a page?

Okay, but isn't this still just his fear? That he can't love? Like, that's what he fears, he fears the idea that he can't love, which kinda makes sense considering how paranoid he is, sure, we as the readers know he loves Alfred and the rest of his Bat-Family, but for someone like Bruce to doubt his love isn't actually real, if what he feels for the woman he thinks he loves, might not be real, makes sense.
That works as an actual fear, it doesn't have to true, but Bruce living with the doubt deep down that he really can't love actually kinda makes sense.

God I wish I was OP. I'd be posting the torn up remains.

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Is not damage control OP, I'm just not a guillible idiot who believe in anything without evidence. Post the page already.

This is Tom King. He's literally incapable of writing something as introspective or understanding of a character as what you just wrote.

So was The Vision just a fluke, or did something happen to King in the past 2 or 3 years? This is ridiculous

He can't be writing these and think "Yeah, this is good, this makes sense, people will like this!" He just can't.

>Blue Beetle, Orphan, Kyle Rayner, Red Robin, Spoiler, Superboy (both), and Wonder Girl are killed in the next issue by Wally in the process of killing himself.

What is your reaction?

Not OP, and fuck you. When the comic actually comes out, I'm going to be laughing at your ass-pain and desperate attempts to shift the goalposts.

But isn't that literally what's happening.

Well then why doesn't OP just a single page of the comic he said he read?

Batman has been ignoring or downplaying his family throughout the entire run. Only Catwoman is of any importance because le suicide or whatever dumb emo shit.

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People who still defend King are truly battered housewives even more beta than King himself. They're drowning in denial.

I would be happy because I would literally have no reason to read DC. If you are going to go retard you might as well go full retard.

Fuck no, just based on the fact that it's a good idea and something that makes sense for the character to be afraid of means that King is not doing that. Shit, Batman was being written this way before this """revelation""".


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Literally space Catwoman. King's such a hack.

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Eh, he'll be fine

Pic related

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Whatever, I stopped caring about DC a year ago when it became clear that Rebirth was being systematically erased for more New52.
Give me a shout when Didio's gone because I won't be fooled by his lies again.

Why does Barry like hugging Wally so much?
I've seen them do that for a while now.

>Be huge Wally Fan
>Final Crisis happens, Barry returns. No big deal, there can be two Flashes, that'd be an interesting dynamic
>All Flash focus shifts to Barry with Flash Rebirth
>That's okay, Barry hasn't really had the chance to be in the limelight since Crisis, this upcoming story arc called "Flashpoint" will probably end his current arc and bring the focus back to Wally
>Flashpoint happens, fucks the entire universe
>That's okay, It'll go back to normal when It's over
>nu52, Wally is nowhere to be seen
>What the fuck
>Wait no here he is, he's a powerless teen black teen filled with angst and he hates Barry and the Flash
>Oh cool what's "Rebirth"
>OG Wally comes back, gets put on a teambook, nuWally is explained as being a cousin, we now have two Flashes operating
>All is well
>Hear a distant sound
>It sounds like... Someone slowly repeating... Sounds like.. Repeating. Like someone saying something, avoiding the point. Repeating.
>King launches HIC
>Kills Wally
>Actually no he's the killer LMAO


>shift the goalposts

I'm not even defending King or like Flash, I just hate fake spoiler threads, if is fake OP will make a thread about how "Yea Forums believes anything"

Just post a single page so we can be sure that the shitshow is real.

I just don't see why I should believe OP when he refuses to post any evidence to his claim.


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>Actually no he's the killer LMAO
OP is just shitposting user.

That's what I'm wondering too, there's no page posted yet.

Even then, all signs point to Wally being the killer. For some reason or another

Reminder that according to Tom King Batman only cares about Catwoman, because she's the only who understand and cares for him.

Attached: Batman 015 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr-Batman (2016-) 015-013.jpg (1988x3056, 1.47M)

Rebirth stands for King's autism, Tynion being a bad writer, Tomasi writing about Jon, Jurgens being boring as always, ruining Supergirl, Hitch's JL not having an editor or being connected to other series, not having LoSH, JSA, pushing Johns' dumb brown Green Lantern OCs and...? what's good

Also, Holly can totally take Batman down because she was trained by Catwoman and Catwoman is the best ever. And Batman is a little bitch.

Attached: Batman 015 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr-Batman (2016-) 015-015.jpg (1988x3056, 1.15M)

Vision was character assassination boring ptsd melodrama
everything is the same

What's the deal with King's obsession with this panel layout?

fuck you Kyle is safe

The first few arcs of Tynion's Tec was great
Jurgen's Action Comics was he most exciting thing he's ever written, which is good
And Green Lanterns was literally the best GL series is years. Until Seeley took over.

>all signs point to Wally being the killer.
Not really, there's a lot of details that simply doesn't make sense.
Like why would Wally frame Booster and Harley?
Or whu

Certainly isn't looking good for him.
I am so fucking sick of King's 9 panel bullshit.

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Well yeah, Batman is a self-trained nobody who learned all his fighting moves from tv.

Well that's true, dont get me wrong this sounds just like King Vision comic and I think is probably real.But I honestly can't understand why he didnt posted anything. Seriously why?It would make it eaier to people to find out who you are or something? At least give us a reason.

wtf is this shit?

he read Watchmen once in high school before signing up to serve the government's war efforts

This panel layout, It's sophisticated, you know? You can do a lot with it, the panel layout. It's Something you can do a lot with, repeating things, to get something new. That's it, yeah.

Barry and Wally are too similar as charctaers. You don't need both of them

What annoyed me in Vision is that he had Vision dump Wanda and then throw out all his emotions for her just so King could have a blank canvas to write the character whoever he wanted.

BUT HEY! Casual readers fucking loved, so who am i to say anything?



I don't have the issue on me right now but I provided enough proof in this thread to when DC finally posts a preview on their site or whatever, it should be obvious my spoilers are correct. See I get the skepticism and I know some of you will be in denial till you see pics but I'm done defending myself

as for that's either misdirecition or they changed the story, because nothing like that happened in the issue

Remember when Hitch had Wonder Woman being raped by tentacles made of evil and impregnated by their nefarious seed, then giving her abomination of a son to Clark and Lois to raise before turning into some corrupted evil woman who killed the entire DCU? I remember.

What bothers me the most is that he doesn't do anything with it and just uses it on fucking everything, it's like a crutch for him because he can't think of anything else.

Are you talking about the role they fill or their personalities?

I don't remember anything from that run besides the kids had nice designs, Superman did something in the earth's core and some singing rocks

Same with his dialogue. I'm convinced he's literally forgotten how to differentiate how characters talk without giving them retarded quirks to their speech

>I don't have the issue on me right now
Because you're lying.

Can we talk about this? King literally rebooted Vision character so he could write his edgy trauma fetish.

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There's no reason you can't have both. Just let Wally be the Titans super speed character the way Jay is the JSA's. Barry can have the Flash solo all to his damn self. There's no reason everyone shouldn't be able coexist

Oh wait you hate JSA also don't you?

Why the fuck do you wan't a stripped down empty, lifeless DC universe didio?

Did casual readers even know who Vision was before King's bullshit?

Yeah. That happened. Wonder Woman was raped by evil, got pregnant, then became evil herself.

>Slower and methodical
>Milder personality and only quirk was his constant lateness.
>Hidden identity
>Comedy relief in JL animated series
>More blunt and hotheaded in comics
>Had public identity so Barry would be remembered for CoIE sacrifice, which eventually backfired on him

Then DC brought Barry back and he became Wally v0.5

post pages, sounds hot

just remember to apologize tomorrow/wednesday alright

Rebirth+ gave them distinct personalities, at least because Barry got shafted hard
>Barry in every arc is him fucking shitting up the situation as he fucks up hard and everyone around him calls him out
>Wally is just there


Its not worthy and i don't have the comic in my hard drive. But its not worthy.

>He was a crying pussy
That’s every character Tom King writes.

The ONLY defense I'll give to Barry is that at least fucking up means something is happening and not just Wally playing paddle ball in the background as an invisible human prop.

That was Waid though

The Cat-Force is a hellavah thing.

Attached: Catforce 03.jpg (1988x3056, 2.83M)

Ok then, but even if you are telling the truth please post some evidence next time, you are making it easier for fake new fags to make fanfiction threads and god this board is filled with them making up fake scenes about MCU movies.

This sounds like a plot for a porn comic.

it's almost like they want escapism and a bit of optimism in their lives

He did it for King, and King ran with it.

Attached: Catforce 01.jpg (1288x1980, 605K)

Fun? In my comics? Fucking blasphemy.

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cursed image

I think you're talkiing about that what if comic where Sentry turn into a tentacle monster after Thor break his neck and then kills everyone on earth.

Selina and Holly. The most powerful characters in the DC Universe. Retainers of the elusive Cat-Force.

Attached: Catforce 02.jpg (1988x3056, 813K)

There is no source, it is bunch of paranoid nerds screaming at things.

whats the name of the comic?

OP is full of shit, Gerads has posted on Twitter about this issue and described it as a tribute to one of his favorite characters.

If this shit is real, I'll tear up what HiC comics I picked up and post the shreds for you guys.

Isn't linda still around?

Gerads is a shitty artist and sucks King's dick because it's his meal ticket

He can't love anyone or anything but the bat so how can he doubt that he doesn't really love her if he couldn't love her in the first place? King is so fucking terrible.

Nope. Hitch's Justice League. There was an arc where kids from the future come to the past to murder a member of the Justice League. They're all children of the Justice League. Among them there's one that wore a mix of Superman and Wonder Woman's regalia. The SMWW shippers were all happy that DC was going to bring they ship back and do away with Rebirth. Hitch then revealed that this character was the son of Wonder Woman and some entity made of pure evil that raped the shit out of her. She then gave the boy for Clark and Lois to raise, before succumbing to the same evil that raped her. She ended up becoming a villain that killed the entire DCU. So these kids mission was to kill her before any of that could happen.

Attached: file.png (1200x600, 1.08M)

Gerard Jones? The Pedophile?

Technically but she doesn't remember anything or give a rip about Wally.

Why should I take OP's word over his though?

Everything about this is terrible.

Mitch Gerads. Did the art for Mister Miracle too if I recall.

>It's more what Rebirth stood for
reducing variety of titles and shitting out the same boring stuff twice a month?

Reminder that Selina in that arc told Talia, the SWORDMAIDEN, that she never picked a sword in her life before. She still bested Talia with easy in a literal cat-fight to prove who was the better love interest for Batman.

It's like some shit straight out of fanfic.

Can you give any other detail?What is the entity or the kids name? Google is not giving anything.

Just download Hitch's Justice League Rebirth run.

Who's one of his favorite characters? Harley Quinn?

Damage control, and if this issue was supposed to be a tribute, they did a terrible job

Wally being a major villain is better thsan Wally being forgotten.

I fully support Wally being the new Superboy Prime and the "voice of the readers every time he shows up for villainy.

Wally was the most important character in the universe. They erased him. Now he will be the most important person again.

It was already beat by Cry for Justice and Amazons Attack.

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On the one hand it is terrible, on the other
>The SMWW shippers were all happy that DC was going to bring they ship back and do away with Rebirth. Hitch then revealed that this character was the son of Wonder Woman and some entity made of pure evil that raped the shit out of her.
There's nothing like a shipper monkey paw to put a smile on my face.

>Instead of outwitting them with her super villain cunning and ruthlessness, she just physically attacks them

This is not how you write strong female characters you dumb fuck.

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I remember back then the SMWW shippers were all happy about this. It was hilarious seeing how deflated they seemed after the revelation that the character wasn't Superman and Wonder Woman's son.

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This reads like something Zolomon would say

>superman just stands there without saying or doing anything

This is just Wally's "Hal becoming Parallax" moment, isn't it?

Wtf bros. I thought the Flash was OP.

Bane doesn't deserve to be humiliated like this. Fuck you King!

How could he possibly frame Booster and Harley and not have Batman figure it out? Wally isn't some super genius crime master.

Even if Wally wouldn't have died how would his presence fix the shit tsunami of Bendis, King, and Snyder? DC was fucked from the beginning, hence why all of the good will from Rebirth dried up instantaneously, they need to stop passing the blame onto others (Doomsday Clock), and admit that they're just out of touch with their character and they are in desperate need of better management, writers, and editorial.

Easy to deal with make Wally the Everyman family man Flash, Barry the mega science nerd Flash, Bart the comic relief Flash, Jay the elderstatesman flash.

This is the kid's daddy, by the way. This black-mass.

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Is this why Dclock has been delayed constantly? Lex asks Lois if she knows who Wally West is and they have to completely redo it because she actually does because of Heroes in Crisis?

Ivy can regenerate.It seemed like Wally used time manipulation to speed up her regeneration or reversed time to a point where Ivy was still alive.


Mondays are when the real leaks come out.

>the swordmaiden
That's not an actual characteristic for Talia.

The best thing I ever did was stop reading new releases and go back and read a bunch of old runs.

I'm currently half-way through the 70s with DC comics and it's been some good reading.

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Yes, it is. It has been for decades. Ra's trained her in sword and was so fucking hard and evil he'd kill her then bring her back. Just so she'd learn.

Show me panels where she can do this

why would you believe Mitch he's a bitch with bad art

I remember Morrison making the point that Diana is special from Superman and Batman because her parent is alive and she can always visit her by just taking a plane or dialing her up. Fuck me, DC writers now don't understand shit.

No hope. No love.

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Why he didn't stopped himself from killing everyone instead?

So should I read Marvel instead? Is it good now?

Has Tom King just watched Evangelion too much?

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She dumped him off screen. They never interacted on page after the first arc where he rescues her.

You can kind of see why. Their plan with Wally was dick around with him until they can fuck him in the most visible way possible.

I'm looking forward to where it's revealed Wally is the one who really killed Barry's mom.

Nigga, WW was raped by a Shin Megami Tensei and you're worried about her mom?

We already have zolomon and thawne, Wally being a bad guy would be the most redundant shit possible.

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>Is it good now?
I wouldn't call it "good".

Oh, that's not the question you should ask. According to rumors Flashpoint Batman is going to resurrect main universe Thomas and Martha so Batman will stop being Batman. So THAT is what you should be worried about.

Spider-Man is ok so far.

>Thawne has been trying to protect Barry from Wally this entire time
Based Didio and King

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God, this would be so goddamn stupid. You'd literally be killed the franchise.

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I have no clue.I think there might be multiple timelines involved and some evil/crazy/broken Wally carried out the murders.That's why there were two versions of him at the end of the last issue.

Don't worry. This was future Hippolyta. Present day Hipolyta is still stuck on Themyscira which has been locked off in another dimension since rebirth.

And Morrison killed of his own Poly in the second volume of his Earth 1 series.

Why should I believe OP when he refuses to post any proof?

I can't believe he's in the main universe. Ridiculous

Spider-man is alright but the rest is still a mess and probably below DC's standards.

If you already read it and you're spoiling it just post a single screenshot.

>Year of Villains

Christ, not again with this shit.

Immortal Hulk

Support Immortal Hulk and boycott all other Marvel tittles.

Does that means we can hook him up with Artemis Crock or Jinx as a consolation prize?

Batman will get one moment of happiness to see his parents, then Joker kills them both in front of his eyes. This will literally happen.

But you see, before it was only a month, right? But this time is a whole year. An entire year of comics showing nothing but villains winning. Full year.

>Superboy Prime
>The Batman Who Laughs
>Dark Flash

If they were smart they could work toward forming Injustice Incarnate, but they won't.

Artemis doesn't exist and Jinx is like a bald Indian chick on the evil version of the Titans so that doesn't really work here.

He got better. Fucking DC doesn't know what the hell they're doing. Just blame Manhattan.

Anyone hoping that if Doomsday Clock ever ends there's just a hardass reboot along with an apology from Didio (assuming he doesn't quit from mass fan protest) for everything from new52 and Rebirth.

just when you think Dido couldn't be any more of a hack, he copies off a fucking transformers comic

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Then Bruce will be only Bruce and finally get back together with Selena and successfully marry her in the end. THIS IS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN FOLKS! BRAVO KING!

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Rebirth was already Geoff Johns trying to apologize for New 52. We all know how that turned out, right?

Didn't he write a letter telling Bruce he was proud of him?

>Dick is now "Ric"
>Wally is dead or a nutcase, possibly both
>Roy legit dead
>Titans totally obliterated

They can't even be subtle about it.

Yeah it started strong until Didio retroactively tried to undo everything that was there like Jon, Jason's new Outlaws, Super-Man

Yeah, King doesn't care.

>Anyone hoping that if Doomsday Clock ever ends there's just a hardass reboot
That would mean losing Jon and numerous other characters that fans grew to enjoy. I doubt DC could survive another hard reboot in that fashion. Certainly not in its current state.

>Artemis Crock or Jinx
Dumb toonfag, Wally is for Magenta! Magenta!

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Yeah. Thawne tore it up though.

Continuity? What's that?

Man way to spell out the entire meaning of Rebirth King. Christ what a cuck.

Johns is basically saying fuck it to the comic universe and bringing his JSA to the tv. Fuck, he's even bringing Wally to Stargirl apparently.

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>Hmmm which website have I seen this "insult" on before.
Yea Forums

we already effectively lost jon

>Jason's new Outlaws
What the fuck was his problem with this?

We could use the reboot to undo Bendis's changes and de-age Jon...

Didio hates fun characters.

Let it go user. Jon is already dead and gone for good.

Man, just what the fuck happened?

Attached: Make DC Great Again.png (650x350, 25K)

Then make it a soft reboot then

Tom King is running a psy op for the CIA to make DC superheroes into pussies so young men will feel the need to sign up for the military to really feel like a man.

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is there any hope left
is there even anyone with half a brain at DC?

>What the fuck was his problem with this?
It was Geoff Johns idea. Johns told Lobdell to bring back Jason's old origin and use Bizarro and Artemis as a Dark Trinity. The minute Johns lost power Didio told Lobdell to forget everything he was told and just carry on as if New 52 had never ended. Lobdell was all too happy to oblige.

johns stopped overseeing everything
king got more power and people refused to tell him no
bendis came

I don't want to believe it, and I still vainly cling to hope. I know it probably won't happen, but I want Jon to get fixed.

literally NO ONE likes old Jon, so there's still a bit of hope
>is there any hope left
no, everything's fucked

Morrisson and Mark only

Don't forget that Bendis will ruin Jason and Damian in his Leviathan event. He already told readers to be prepared.

DC's current formula is to take characters that are fan favorites and totally shit all over them.

Then they wonder why comic sales are down.

A White Wally is an evil Wally

There's Morrison, but he seems relatively content to let the dice roll as they will, whilst subtly supporting Doomsday Clock. Probably for the best. Knowing Didio and his sycophants, they'd try to fuck him over at every turn.

Not that user but no worries, I needed a reason to drop Red Hood anyway.

I doubt he will get fixed. What's most likely to happen is that DC higher ups will use the fans' hate for teen Jon as an excuse to wipe his entire character and his presence out of DC continuity existence as "proof" that legacy characters don't sell.

Fuck you for reminding me about that, holy shit

I wonder who are they exactly trying to appeal to? With their novela line and the middle grade comics they are trying to appeal to the YA audience but what about the main comic line? Who even likes these new botched versions of these superheroes?

They want an excuse to bring SMWW back. This has been pretty obvious.

Can't wait for RANDOM BLACK GIRL who came from out of the blue to save the day.

This might actually be it. Didio wanted Black Sidekick Wally, after all. The second he got power back absolutely ruining Wally was his first line of business because he wants his preferred version of Wally -- marketably black -- in the forefront with the name.

This pisses me off. They FINALLY had a good thing going with Jason, Bruce and him were on good terms, and the team dynamic was great. But fucking no, we have to toss all that out the window, and now Artemis and Bizarro are returning as DAMAGED assholes like Jon did in a half assed timeskip.

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Not only Jon. They've been subtlety implying that the Clark and Lois marriage is going to go away.

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Trinity shipping will always be cancer. When you pair either of them up with Wonder Woman, the odd man out always feels like a weird third wheel

Does Jay exist?

The Polarshield Project or whatever it was called might boost Jon's popularity some more, along with his appearance in YJ. At this point, even if they wanted to get rid of Jon, he's too entrenched in the public view yo get rid of without causing a snowstorm of cosmic proportions.

Which is exactly why they'll do it. Goddammit.

>Reboot universe
>Make Wally Younger and Black
>Wally fans get mad cause reasons
>Have orginal Wally come back after being trapped in limbo
>Now there are inexplicably two Kid Flashes named Wally but okay whatever, not the wierdest thing in comics
>Kill off old Wally in the edgelordiest way possible
It would have been less cruel just to not bring him back in the first place.

>It was Geoff Johns idea. Johns told Lobdell to bring back Jason's old origin and use Bizarro and Artemis as a Dark Trinity. The minute Johns lost power Didio told Lobdell to forget everything he was told and just carry on as if New 52 had never ended. Lobdell was all too happy to oblige.
Did he have to shit on the characters by having them sucked into bad alternate reality for a year to bring them back who knows how fucked up? Couldn't he just killed Bizarro and let the Wonder Woman office have Artemis back after she and Jason break up?

It's like OP has read through HiC 8 really fast and gotten everything slightly wrong.

Attack of the word bubbles. That's the Bendis I know.

Jay was last seen in The Button, which was a prelude to Doomsday Clock. He briefly appeared to save Barry and Bruce, but faded back to the old timeline unable to fully cross over like Wally did. He and the rest of the JSA are in limbo until Doomsday Clock gets resolved, much like the Legion of Superheroes

Attached: Jay Garrick.jpg (1988x3056, 1.15M)

>Did he have to shit on
It's Didio, so yes.

“Intellectuals” aka edgyfags. Despite all the damage control and shitting on Zack Snyder, DC’s writers/editors/suits want ALL their superheroes and stories to be grim and gritty (even more so than Zack Snyder ever was). They legit believe that DC should be full of blood and emo brooding and death because that think it is mature. They all are like 13-year old boys.

And fuck you too for reminding me about Bendis' black girl OC, which made me remember Bendis' OTHER black girl OC that's called fucking Teen Lantern.

Not really, even Bart came back before him

Sorta but not really. He's stuck behind the time sink that is Doomsday Clock.

is calling Selina "Selena" the new calling Damian "Damien" ?

>and let the Wonder Woman office have Artemis back after she and Jason break up?
Oh., user. I feel so sorry for you. This annual will reveal that Bizarro and Artemis became a couple during their stay in the dark dimension. Why do you think Lobdell brought back Jason old love interest from his New 52 run just a few issues ago?

Not to mention you rob two of them of romantic plotlines in their comics unless you want to make all of their comics crossover comics. It was super fucking weird in Wonder Woman AND Superman how Lois was always showing up as totally not the love interest and Wonder Woman had nothing going on.

They want their own Dark Reign for some reason but they always fail

Then DC gets to deal with nuclear Wallyfags. Not to mention fans of the other characters that were dragged through the mud.

>Make Wally Younger and Black
He was also an edgy unlikable asshole.

Although Wallace has improved significantly since then and was great in TT and Deathstroke.

>and Wonder Woman had nothing going on.
Dude, Wonder Woman actual cheated on Superbro twice in the New 52. That was literally a toxic as fuck romance. Don't know why DC editors pushed so much for that drama.

Sorry about that user. I assure you it pisses me the fuck off too.

Serious question; are the social media circles like Twitter vocal about the shit DC has been doing, or is there praise? Because I would think Bendis alone would be enough to piss off readers.

lol DC already dealt with HEAT fags. Wally fans are nowhere near that level of shit. Not until they start doing coordinated death threats at Tom King and buying out ads.

>Bart's return was so fucking sudden it had none of the hype of Wally's return or Jay's appearance

Artemis SPECIFICALLY rejected Bizarro when he was smart, if this is actually gonna happen I might as well take a break from comics in general until DC decides to unfuck itself

Dear god no. Please just kill Bizarro and send Artemis back to Themyscira.

DC follows the Marvel logic of "Angry fans are better than apathetic fans, and just as good as happy fans." It's much, much easier to make fans angry than to make them satisfied. It's also easy to make them apathetic. So they choose the easy "good" option of mad.

I can't speak because i'm a dirty WonderBats fag due to getting into comics thanks to the JL/JLU cartoons. So i can't see them with anyone else. But i agree with you that SMWW suck balls. Not even because of the concept, but the writing. It's always the edgiest shit imaginable.

Twitter crowd loves this shit strangely enough

Eh. Jay showed up first, Johns just has dibs on him and some weird shit is going on behind the scenes to delay Doomsday Clock. I assume it's got to do with HiC and Leviathan making DClock have to address/change shit for it.

Twitter is immensely vocal about it. Maybe not as much as we are, but there's still a major outcry.

... why?

Bunch of lobotomized normies who probably only know the CW shit.

BMWW is actually worse because Batman way, way overshadows anyone outside of his book. It just makes Wonder Woman a supporting character to Batman. Which you might be into since JL/U was all up on that Batgod Batcock shit but it's really, really fucking awful for Wonder Woman.

A few of them, from what I've seen, but there's seemingly a bunch more calling Bendis out for being a massive fucking hack alongside Didio. The entire situation with Jon is probably the biggest wound.

Read Gideon Falls and Criminal, those are some of the best comics out right now and are criminally (heh) underrated.

I can second Gideon Falls. Haven't read Criminal.

I think Trinity shipping sucks, but this isn't time to discuss that.

New York Irish Weeb Peter Parker who gets super clingy in relationships, and has some low self esteem which he hides under being a smartass.

Didn't Quesada say that before he bailed?

Shut your whore mouth. Wonder Woman is able to remain herself and actually shine as a character with BMWW because Batman doesn't need any wanking. It's Batman that is used as a vehicle to showcase her.
How the fuck can BMWW be worse than SMWW when Wonder Woman is always shown as a murderous cunt that doesn't understand compassion?
Sorry. You're right. My bad.

All 3 Jokers will run a train on Batmans mom

There's an unusually large number of King stans who suck his pecker for everything he does. They do not care about the characters or anything, they just regurgitate that King is the best writer ever. I'm guessing because that's just what they were told.

I-I liked Dark Reign

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Wally is getting the Jason Todd treatment.

Look, there is no room for Wally in a Barry universe. He can't go back to "kid flash" but he can't be the main Flash anymore either.

So, make him the Flash equivalent of Red Hood. Make him the tortured villain for a while. And when that is played out, you shift him into the tortured anti-hero.

It wont be long before we have a full League equivalent of fallen heroes.

I think some people woke up to King's faggotry after the whole wedding debacle but I'm genuinely surprised by the number of people who still defend that hack.

It's not that Batman doesn't need any wanking, it's that Batman wank happens in any situation he is in unless that situation is custom designed to knock him down a peg (usually the likes of Johns will do this).

When you stick Batman and Wonder Woman together what you get is a Batman comic featuring Wonder Woman. Even in the shitty SMWW comics Wonder Woman gets to shine some, even if the writing is awful. They would be treated as equals in the bad idea. No one gets to shine more than Batman

Wonder Woman is the biggest female character in comics. She doesn't need a vehicle to fucking showcase her. This is exactly what I mean. To you, she's Batman's trophy. Anyone who likes Wonder Woman hates the idea of BMWW.

Yep, lots of them were super angry at me on twitter because I said King doesnt get Booster Gold a year ago after "The Gift" ended.


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Will Todd and Wally's team be called the Injustice League or the Dark Titans?

>So, make him the Flash equivalent of Red Hood

go away with this shit reddit

stop asking for a "Flash" red hood

He's the guy writing Batman. He can do no wrong to the biggest majority of DC's audience. It's why there's a large chunk of Snyder stans. Whoever's writing Batman is going to have 50k people supporting them because every normie and non normie comic buyer and stealer alike reads Batman.

Explain Hikiketeia.
>Even in the shitty SMWW comics
As a villain? As a baby factory for superbabies? Yeah. no. And they're all shitty.
>Anyone who likes Wonder Woman hates the idea of BMWW.
Tell that to Greg Rucka, Phill Jimenez, Nicola Scott, and several other writers and artists that all worked on Wonder Woman, loved the character, and are a fan of the pairing.

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>Does anyone even like HiC?
I'm finding more joy in War of The Realms if that's any indicator.

>They would be treated as equals in the bad idea
You're talking about a comic where Superman easily defeated Wonder Woman's entire cast of villains while one character of her supporting cast orgasm'd about how strong and perfect he is, and that every arc had Superman teaching Wonder Woman about humanity and how to be a better hero.

Attached: Superman-Wonder Woman 013 (2015) (2 covers - weird order) (Digital) (1988px) (CompetentRipper-Empire (1988x3056, 2.03M)

Written by Greg Rucka.

If Greg Rucka was writing a comic it wouldn't involve BMWW romance.

I think you're missing the point. You're listing a bunch of creators who would put Wonder Woman first. DC's MO is the opposite. If Batman is in the comic, he is the star. You can list 4 or 5 who might think of that and there's about 100 more writers who would do the opposite.

Wonder Woman also beat up Zod and Co when Superman couldn't handle them. It was a bunch of dumb bullshit writing but it was reciprocal.

The current state of DC is making me consider going to Marvel for my capeshit fix. How many events do you need to read before War of the Realms?

Why do they keep dragging Wally through the mud? What does this prove?

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I listed a bunch of writers and artists that have come to record and admitted they ship Batman and Wonder Woman. Greg Rucka is one of them. Every chance he has he write a mini or a one shot featuring a team-up between them. Like Gene Yang.

So we can have a handful of human Green Lanterns, an entire Bat family, a Superfamily including a dog, but not two Flashes?

Got it.

This is so on par with how terrible Heroes in Crisis is I believe it

They don't want to prove anything. The people in charge hate him, but know he has a following that will read comics with him in it. So they're free to absolutely ruin the shit out of him because they don't care.

>kill the reason people read said comics.

Wally isn't a new minority character like Jessica. Wally's an old white character who makes Barry, the important white character, look old and boring.

It's not about "too many" Flashes. It's always been about DC picking a favorite. It's why they TRIED to turn him into a minority once already -- they want their formula to be white hero from the satellite/iconic era of the JL and a bunch of minorites around them.

>He completely BTFO Scarecrow was the last straw for me
Was that a pun?

Okay no, but seriously, what did King do to Scarecrow?
Is there a single Batman villain he has yet to ruin?

They don't care about those fans. Didio has outright expressed it. He wants Barry Allen because Barry Allen is a simpler, more marketable IP and how good a "character" he is doesn't matter. Wally could be the best character ever and it wouldn't matter because he's not something simple you can pitch to WB execs looking to mine an IP.

It's pretty straightforward. Didio is in charge. Look at what is a lowest common denominator IP. That's what he will support. Harley Quin's rise to popularity and his immediate support of her shows that.

Just don't deal with it.

It might be the lesser of two evils, but it's still just as much of a mess as most events. Also it has had over 5 years of build up.

>a Superfamily including a dog
It's worth mentioning the Superfamily has two Superboys right now

I don't think he's touched Azrael yet, though not really a villain

>they want their formula to be white hero from the satellite/iconic era of the JL and a bunch of minorites around them.

Gotta love that racist liberal mindset where minorities can't stand on their own without whitey.

She tackled one of them and was then easily taken down. Come on, user.

What's so sad about this is people are going to look up Wally West once that Stargirl show comes up and the first thing they're going to see is "Mass Murderer lunatic" because Tom King thinks losing your children turns you into a mass murderer.

Save your money and read anything you have on the backlog.

Why do they keep bouncing back and forth with Wonder Woman's personality?

Sometimes she is compassionate and friendly
Other times she is some superwarrior from a super warrior culture that thinks all humans are weak and pathetic
Sometimes she is a hard core feminist caricature bitch that hates all things men no matter what
Other times she is basically another Superman, friendly neighborly good-natured superhero that liked helping people
And then sometimes she fucking hates helping anyone and cannot stand any other country than her own

Nothing to do with liberals or conservatives. The Satellite era was the first one that stuck. It has the most public awareness when it comes to designs in the costumes and shit -- the most basic things, the lowest common denominator. They can't risk having to expand from that ingrained image, so they can't ever move on from the all white core JL members. So they try to make up for it by throwing minorities around them. Not because it's impossible for minorities to stand on their own, but because DC is risk averse but needs to put forth a token example of progression when they can't progress for fear of bad sales.

Maybe I'll just go back and read some Avengers and shit from the Silver/Bronze ages.

I'm gonna go read my Vol. 2 Flash books... and punch a wall like Mark Waid.

post-Rebirth sucks worse but that doesn't mean Rebirth was substantially better. It had very little of substance other than nostalgia.

Don't shit on Jessica you fucking faggot

I remember this getting posted a lot more often but I can't even recall the last time I saw it.
Jesus DC is going downhill. It's like DC/Marvel quality is this zero sum deal, ones got to get worse for the other to make any headway

her character simply isn't as well established as batman's or superman's, she's full of reimaginings and reinventions, i don't even think her origin story has remained the same all these years

Fuck off Didio.

Kek but according to King, Scarecrow can easily be defeated if you can overpower his fear toxins...with more fear. And so far he hasn't ruined Bane or Thomas Wayne.

It used to pop up when the comic sales/market share percentage threads came along and DC was in the lead with something.

I think I'll finish DC for good after Flash Year One arc stops.

Thanks, King.
Thanks, Didio.

Solo Book Wonder Woman is a friendly nice person that genuinely likes helping people and wants to make the world a better place.

Team book/Crossover Wonder Woman is a man hating muscle bitch that just came off the boat from the 5th century BC yesterday, and thinks anyone who is not a superstrong superdurable warrior is a complete piece of shit that needs dead right now.

Sort of how Solo book Batman is fallible and can lose fights to random thugs while team book Batman can handle Darkseid and Doomsday in hand to hand.

>it's another anti DC circlejerk

Is no one gonna mention that OP is lying?

Nobody likes your event King

I honestly find it hilarious when people claim King's Omega Men was good and not totally overrated trash.

Not gonna lie to you ma, I'd love to be "pro DC" right now but they're making it real hard

Fuck off DiDIO!

Not if Wally kills one or both of them.

I love DC but that doesn't mean I can't criticize them when they fuck up bigly.

Bullshit, you're just a bandwagoning asshole who at the very most read two titles.

there's a lot of royfags they're just silent and petty

Killing Thawne doesn't really work.

Zolomon is too op to stop. Wally could never beat him in the first place and he's even more powerful now.

>Ivy can regenerate.
Since when? She's not the Floronic Man, Swamp Thing or goddamn Groot.

I'm a huge character stan and DC is shitting on three of them in this event alone, so why wouldn't I be mad?

The DCAU Justice League/Justice League unlimited was imensely popular and had more of a recent impact than the satellite era/Superfriends, yet they refuse to just let John Stewart be the main Green Lantern. Even though I'm sure WB would be perfectly happy with him.

>Since when?
Since Gotham city sires.
>she's not swamp thing
She is half plant and connected to the green.

The easiest way to retcon this entire bullshit event would be having Mister Mind was controlling Wally the entire time.


>It's another dumbass

Have a (you) and fuck off.

Really if they're not going to bother with giving him Lian back he might as well be dead anyway.

Don't support The Flash after this shit. That's like the main book you should be boycotting. It's the reason they're allowed to pull shit like this off.

Mister Mind is the hero we need right now.

>Scarecrow can easily be defeated if you can overpower his fear toxins...with more fear
Oh well that's not really that bad, it's just what happens in every generic Scarecrow story. Batman goes through some hallucinations of his worst fears, then powers through. King has just been dragging it for like 5 issues.

>so far he hasn't ruined Bane or Thomas Wayne.
He's using Thomas Wayne as his spin on the "family member of Bruce becomes a villain and turns his worst secrets against him" cliche that Morrison and Snyder used. He's reducing Thomas to being the next Dr.Hurt/Owlman. I don't even like Thomas Wayne or the Flashpoint story he comes from, but no villain deserves that indignity.

And I guess you can say he hasn't ruined Bane because he's been shilling Bane really hard as the big villain of his run and reduced all the other villains into being goons for him.
But he's also depicted Bane as a monosyllabical caveman who fights naked all the time, got his back broken by Catwoman and whose master plan to break Batman was to ruin his wedding, and is still somehow a Villain Sue 10 somehow steps ahead of everyone else.
It's like he somehow managed to combine the two worst ways to write Bane (him as a dumb grunt who gets beaten by everyone and him as a boring editorial plot device who makes all the other villains into chumps and lacks any sort of actual character) into one.
I really don't think he's doing the character any favors, but hey, his Bane story was the last time his run was universally praised, so no wonder he's using him so much and giving him such a huge role.

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Show proof op is lying

Is this the One More Day all over again?

OP kind of has to show proof of what they're talking about in the first place.

Flash: Rebirth was good

it's like king looked over at his good will he'd acquired and thought
>hmmmmmm, I wonder just how badly I can fuck this up

Show me proof they're not.

No it wasn't. Don't lie to people like that.

Believe me, I know I shouldn't enable it, user. I keep hoping something good will come of the series but that's just the Stockholm syndrome talking.

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There's a two-folds to this and i don't think Superman fans will be happy with my reasoning, but i'm a Superman fan also and this have nothing to do with the character, but DC editorial.

You see, DC feels that Superman is seen as lame by casuals and they think that the biggest reason for that is because of Clark Kent. They think casuals see Clark Kent as pathetic because he's meant a pushover in his secret identity and walked all over by Lois Lane who's more interested in the Superman than her faithful coworker in their little crazy love triangle. And they feel that Superman, despite being depicted as the chad in the triangle, is still seen too much of a square by the casuals because he's all about the duty and whatnot thus not being allowed to pursue Lois Lane as Lois want.

THEY think that the way to sell Superman as cool to the casuals is to do away with Clark Kent and the Clark Kent/Superman/Lois Lane love triangle. Basically a throw the baby out with the bathwater type of tactic. That without the boring and pathetic Clark Kent weighting Superman down they can depict Superman simple being awesome all the time and only that, but showing him dating another super-heroine, one as big as Superman, they can show that Superman can be manly in the sexual sense as well, which will only add to the power fantasy.

But then how to depict the new love interest, this super-heroine who's as big as Superman, in this new relationship for Superman? Well.... they decided to depict Wonder Woman as a wild and strong woman thanks to her "barbarian" background who's all GRRR and MUH BLOODLUST. A woman who only Superman could possibly seduce, conquer and tame. So they always show her being irrational and trying to start shit up before being put in her place and lectured by Superman, which makes her dissolve in pussy juice.

Seriously, every time Superman and Wonder Woman are sharing a page is the same thing.

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I love that fucking cover

Do you not understand that OP is shitposting and that everything he is saying is a lie?

SMWW just gives me Nam flashbacks to Injustice.

Scarecrow is very physically weak and can be beaten up by anyone so nerfing his fear toxin like that seems unfair

>And so far he hasn't ruined Bane
Bane only fights Batman because he is now another suicidal fuck who wants to die fighting Batman.

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I don't believe that WW could even hurt Zod

good tip for Yea Forums: anyone who is moralizing about DC and how they don't understand superman or Batman or wally? Yeah, they don't actually know what they're talking about.

>Scarecrow can easily be defeated if you can overpower his fear toxins...with more fear.

So any Sinestro Corps member?

Oh user, I've got bad news for you.

This is right in line with everything. I know you want to think otherwise, but this is what we're getting.

Isn't that why they invented Maxima?

We need to thank Johns for that at least, this isn't a safe place for the JSA and LoS. I hope he does another JSA run after Doomsday Clock, I really liked his

Maxima was "problematic" so they turned her into a lesbian who's hot for Supergirl instead and is bucking the backwards ways of her people.

>Jay is the only Flash character not ruined in some way yet.
He's is too pure for this world. Please keep him safe, Johns.

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See the problem isn’t The Flash book, Williamson clearly wanted to bring Wally in as a Recurring character same thing with Bart and Jay but it seems like Editorial keeps fucking Williamson over Hard by pulling those characters to other books.

Ngl, that looks sick but I don't trust King

That was pretty much Roger Stern and George Perez saying that it was stupid to throw Wonder Woman under the bus for that when they could come up with an OC for it. so he made Maxima to be not-Wonder Woman. Or at least not-that-version-of-Wonder Woman.

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>This is right in line with everything.
It actually isn't.
>why would Wally frame Booster gold and Harley quinn?
>why would he frame them but later confess?
>why didn't Barry recognize the puddler quote as one of his own?
>why would Wally kill them?
These are not something you can chalk up to tom king being a bad writer. I don't care how bad you think he is, he is objectively not that bad.

Lol they ruined Jay on Earth 2, buddy. I know they gave up on it but Jay was just as ruined as New 52 Bart and New 52 Wally.

>Master Plan
>Crashing the wedding

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Williamson has written a bunch of dumb shit, too. Don't act like he's the saint in this.

He objectively is. Now shove it up your ass, Kingfag.

>I don't care how bad you think he is, he is objectively not that bad
Oh please.

He hasn't really ruined Hugo Strange, although he's barely touched the character. Night of the Monster Men seems more like a Steve Orlando thing and considering he's apparently writing Hugo's story in the upcoming one-shot that deals with Bane's minions, it seems most of it was his call.

The worst thing he's done was make it so that Hugo's main role in current continuity is to be a stoolie for Bane.
And although it should be the other way around since Hugo is nobody's puppet, it's not a terrible development for him. It could be a hell of a lot worse, hell he's had worse in media like Arkham City or Gotham.
So let's just hope it stays that way.

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This, I really hate that Doomsday Clock is being Delayed so much, but it seems like it’s the only way to keep those characters away from the grubby hands of Didio, King and Bendis


Could we live with this rampant character assassination if Wally became the guardian of Limbo with his family?

King's waifu is Catwoman. It all comes together now. Catwoman is physically strong and controlling, a trait he lacks. He makes all his character beta boi inserts that used by different Catwoman archetypes. The girl in Omega Men is literally just Catwoman without pupils. King has a femdom fetish

Fuck, what the fuck, Disneyfags infiltrated DC, fuck this shit

At least Brad Meltzer was an actual writer and some not crybaby paper pusher in the CIA.

Despite his breakdown he didn't want to be implicated.

He recovered from his mental break and holds himself accountable

You're going to have to get over Bruce and Barry not figuring out via detective work. If they did there wouldn't be a story. No matter how the plot goes this is the case.

He had a mental breakdown and King believes in fundamentally undermining everything a character stands for to show them as emotionally compromised. This is the man who wrote Scot Free giving up and staying trapped. Of course he would write Wally "Nobody Dies" West as the most heinous killer in DC history.

You can certainly chalk up what he's doing with Wally with being a bad writer or, at least, a writer who does not care about the pieces he's working with so long as he gets to tell his story.

>Disrespects Bane for his waifu

I’m not saying he is, I’m saying all the actual interesting stuff he writes gets fucked over and we’re left with stupid crap like Still Force

He came up with the strength force and sage force on his own, man. He's just as dumb as Snyder. At least Snyder could always reneg and call the "Still Force" just harnessing entropy.

It's like they turned Bane into a villain from one of those made-for-TV romcom movies that used to be starred by the Olsen twins where some mad evil hag would want to separate their parents from marrying and the Olsen twins would have to team up and stop the hag.

Bane is that hag.

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Jesus, even Hal was killed off with more respect back in the 90s.

I'm a Wallyfag but I never liked his kids. Hell, that was probably the turning point of Wally's run going down the tubes--thusly leading to Barry coming back.

I would've been happy with him just camping in Keystone just trying to regain his bearings after coming back from limbo with occasional appearances in the Flash, Nightwing, and Titans books. So much for that.

Stupid Force infected DC.

What the heck did I miss? What did he say?

That’s what I was saying, all the good ideas he actually has for the book get screwed over by Editorial and all we’re left with is some crappy idea by him

Why didn't you like Flashpoint?
Kek very true

>Despite his breakdown he didn't want to be implicated
Yeah that's bullshit. If he was crazy enough to kill then he wouldn't be sane enough to cover his tracks.
OP is still a motherfucking liar.

What's more likely, editorial didn't notice the glaring plot holes or OP is lying?

Yeah. What the fuck? Bane's a grown ass man made out of muscles and venom. He runs his own country. Why the fuck would he care about ruining someone's wedding? What gay ass shit is this?

I've legit sucked cock for Uber fare and this is too homo even for me.

This thread filled up fast. It's been a pleasure talking with you, fellow Wallyfags. Wish it were under better circumstances.

Guess we'll truly find out what happens soon enough.

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He didn't showed up during the wedding day and shot up everyone bloody wedding style. There's some badassery and class to it.
No, he asked the bride's best friend to make the bride's mind up and ruin the marriage. That's some Mean Girl type of shit.

Editorial has gone to shit, Hell I don’t think anybody is Editing The Super Titles right now

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Not the real Jay Garrick. Kinda like how Wallace West isn't Wally

More like editorial doesn't give a shit.

When writers were mored worried about fucking Maxima being seen as problematic than Wonder Woman. N52 was a weird period.

Didio, King, and Bendis truly are the Dark Trinity.

It sounds insane, but everyone on Yea Forums that still defends King will feel like idiots after reading this. Will post pics tomorrow night if no one leaks by then

What good idea are you talking about? He's never talked about shit he wanted to do but no one let him do. He's just done what he's done and it's been largely mediocre to shit.

Flashpoint is a dumb edgelord book about Batman Who Likes to Shoot Guns. Not a single premise in it is valuable or good. The entire thing hinges on a stupid "My mom is dead" retcon for Barry that has crippled his character since his return. There's just literally nothing good about it unless you're the biggest sucker in the world for dead mom stories.

Didn't they retcon new 52 maxima into being the real Maxima's younger cousin somewhere in rebirth?

It's a superhero murder mystery. There will 100% be tons of plotholes.

I think you're missing the point. Yes, they later retconned every single character they ruined. New 52 Bart ended up not being Bart. New 52 Wally ended up not being Wally. And yes, New 52 Jay ended up not being Jay.

That does not change the fact that that is what they WANTED at the time. That's the versions of the characters DC's showrunners picture when they picture what they want out of the characters.

They ruined every Flash but Barry. Only because Barry is so inherently garbage they didn't have to do anything special to ruin him, just stick to what was there and ruin everything else around him.

Tom Breevort said it on his tumblr, he's the guy C.B. Shogun replaced.

Not Quite. Cebulski replaced the Alonso guy. Tom Brevoort is in a different position and continues to be at marvel. You are right about him saying angry fans mean good sales in his eyes and he's also a marriage hating freak who defends OMD.

she's a slut and has never been in a good story
Johns is a bad writer

She fucked Catwoman, but that doesn't make her a slut.



So he returned to his first comic personality.

Yeah it was fun.

The Kingdom is pretty good

No, it isn't.

I'm dumb. I thought it was one of them. Thanks, user.

Did anybody like Cry for Justice?

No shit. You figured it just now? He did the same with Big Barda.

I got the shipment from diamond today (work at a comic shop in Texas.

and tommorow all you motherfuckers are gonna have to apoligize cause the OP is 100%

When i get to work tommorow I'll post the fucking pics myself... What scenes do you want to see the most and ill post them first thing in the afternoon. RIGHT FUCKING HERE.

IM a WallyFag and King just killed the character.

keep in mind you dumbasses didnt believe the Harley beats the trinity scene when i told you all, so i want you all to apoligize when i show my FUCKING evidence that King is Shit ONCE. AND. FOR. ALL!

again, what scenes do you most disbelieve and i post that shit asap as soon as i go in

So, what, 3 years till they reveal it was thawne and/or zolomon?

Will it be mind control or someone else is the question though?

Best post

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Why are you lying?

thank you proving me right texas user, so many king lovers/wally fags in denial

Legion can be saved if you just fucking give it to Levitz and contain it off to just being it's own book with no connection to the main DC Universe.

Levitz's modern Legion may not be groundbreaking, but at least he cares about the characters and won't rape them like others would. A nostalgia containment book is better than letting hacks like Hickman or Bendis or fucking WAID near it.

Wally better fix the universe and delet Didio then

inb4 spacebug retcon

The Gentry won.

Azrael is currently stuck on a cosmic quest in which Darkseid needs his help so badly to build some sort of cosmic arc to save some life from being destroyed by the Monitor brothers’ mom, that he rewrote Azrael’s destiny to make him a god with a Preacher-style compelling voice. His teammates are Cyborg (last seen disappearing into a portal with Lankyseid), Starfire (who has been guilted into supporting Lankyseid’s plan) and that female green lantern I keep seeing everywhere I only remember for having the shitty evil ring from Darkseid War. This is a thing in his life now.

Azrael is objectively far, far more assfucked than anyone discussed here because he is in the trainwreck that is Justice League Odyssey

Yes it is

>”Ah, you marry like a younger woman, nothing held back! Admirable, but mistaken!”

The New 52 literally killed DC. That's how i feel. The reboot killed DC and ever since it happened the publisher has fought desperately to come back to life, but the doctors are doing PCP and counting and nothing seems to work.

What the fuck was DC thinking?

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None of that sounds even an iota as bad as what OP is describing happens with Wally.

Wally confessing to Lois that he killed everyone would probably be the moneyshot.

Why didn't you post them today so we wouldn't have a reason to doubt you? we don't know who the fuck you are.

Darkseid. Is the fucking lesser of two evils. In a comic. Set after Final Crisis.

Fuck Azrael, this alone gets my goat with how the writers are going GUYS DARKSEID IS NECESSARY EVIL

Also fuck you for making me want to see Hag Bane in a lighter hearted continuity now

Yeah man Yuga Khan was a thing before. It's dumb as shit. It's not as bad as turning Wally West into a mass murderer of his friends and colleagues because he's sad.

That sounds like the worst idea they've managed to spew out so far

You know, as bad as it is right now it will just get worse once they switch around and don't you go deluding yourself that won't happen. It'll. Superman specially will be fucked hard.

I can already see King's Superman revealing to Lois that once he started to develop his powers as a teen he'd cut himself with his pa's heavy machinery, just so he could be certain he could still feel something, but that over time as he got stronger it got progressively more difficult to find things he could cut his skin with and eventually he found himself unable to find anything that could pierce skin at all. This was before he'd learn about kryptonite. So he spent his younger years basically trap within his own body, this body that was different from anyone else's, unable to feel a thing at all. A real fortress of solitude: himself. That is, until he met Lois... and started to feel a thing. So you see Lois is the one able to truly set him free. Because he made him feel a thing. His powers. His ability to fly. None of it ever made him feel. None of it never made him free. Just Lois. And that's why he cut himself. That's why he doesn't cut himself anymore. He doesn't need to. Lois is his kryptonite.

Another master piece by Tom King. Also, King's Lois is able to take Darkseid down with her high-heels or something.

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I work at a store in Florida. Not looking forward to sorting at the books tomorrow.

cause i don't have to unpack the boxes till tuesday, i just filped through the books, i had no reason to assume you idiots whould,t believe that tom king would fuck this up again. Come on, fucking bet...what you wanna bet Were both making this up, cause you loe tommorow shit face.

consider it FUCKING DONE!