What-a-burger is a real thing

>What-a-burger is a real thing

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holy shit user you're fucking late on this
post slowpokes

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This guy does not Texas

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this is a real thing too

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I'm not sure why you find it surprising people paint their guns different colors or designs.

was this a tie-in or what?

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This is like the 10th time in 9 years we've had a thread like this one. I'm from Texas and I'm tired of the whole
>What-A-Burger Is real

Next you're gonna say that In N Out Burger is a real place as well

Now you can pop your pussy for the Warner Brothers.

>do you want fries with that?

When am I getting my Wawa rep in a toon

>parody of in n out
>it’s a convenience store, not a hamburger place

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This thread is making me want a Patty Melt.

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I got bit by an Amadillo at a What-a-Burger in Texas.

I had no clue that they were such scavenging rats, coming around the tables all around your feet in the evening and you don’t even know they’re there.

I was super freaked out I was going to end up with leprosy. LOL

I could go for some of their chicken strips.

I'll never forget that one /k/ user who decided to hunt armadillos only for it to be really difficult to shoot. Then he got leprosy after eating it.

Did you become a leper?

>Boggle is a real thing

Is that what comes with the kids' meal?

I have a lot of family in Texas and for the longest time I thought it was "Water Burger", because the Texan accent makes them sound like that

and it's really bad!

said no one ever

guns AND burger at the same place? Can you get more American than that?

That was a gunshop/gunsmith paintjob. Not done by or in any connection with whataburger.

Nobody tell OP about White Castle.

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Next Hoagiefest. Coincidentally, I was surprised when I saw the Utz girl on the chip bags in SU, I knew exactly where the show was taking place

Do they really outsource their drive through service? That whole episode where Bill fell in love with the woman in the drive through made no sense to me.

Lived in Texas a couple years. Moved back to Washington after. Made sure to try Whataburger before I left.


Its shit anyway, dont bother.

I will admit, I didn't know Chuck Mangione was a real person. Thought he was just a character in the show.

Utz is all over the East Coast now.

Is that lawnmower trade show a real thing too?

meant to cite

Of course not. Lawnmowers are a myth.


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Are there any comics or cartoons that feature Burgerville?

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Utz is here in the midwest too.

It’s okay, it’s okay, because I know. The Lord, the lord will provide for us all. We might not get a large fry, but we’ll always get a Small!

Texas honestly does feel like a fictional place sometimes.

>Shakey's Pizza is real
>Casa Bonita is real
>Clyde Frog is real
>Scientologists really do believe the whole Xenu story
>The ginger cow prophecy is basically real
I need to stop doubting South Park.

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If you think all this is weird, look into how Texas is connected to the anime industry.

Extremely overrated, along with In-N-Out
Five Guys is superior in every way

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>Scientologists really do believe the whole Xenu story
I'm kinda surprised you didn't know this prior to seeing it on south park, since the whole chanology thing happened before south park, if memory serves.

My first time eating Whataburger was in Tampico, Mexico, about 22 years ago. We didn’t have McDonalds but we got that and Church’s Chicken.

Huh didn't know it was in SU, neat
Remember guys, add a waifu to your brand and you'll get places

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I'm in Arizona, we've got them too. Never knew people thought they weren't real. The spicy ketchup is some good fucking shit.

I hadn't even heard of Scientology until I saw the South Park episode. Keep in mind, that came out 14 years ago. I was 14 at the time.

In-N-Out I agree, but Whataburger is not overrated. Those burgers and that spicy ketchup are the truth.

Do Matt & Trey get paid every time they feature a restaurant or product in their show?

Fair enough.


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>I'll never forget that one /k/ user who decided to hunt armadillos only for it to be really difficult to shoot. Then he got leprosy after eating it.
Yo what

I was never a huge fan of their burgers, but the chicken strips with the gravy and toast. That's good eatin'.

>five guys
>paying all that money for a regular ass burger and fries

>Orders one burger and small fries from Five Guys
That’ll be $700 sir

Real talk, the best burger is always going to be the burger from the local mom and pop burger place that costs $7 and blows your mind every time you eat it. But I think Whataburger is the best fast food chain burger I've ever had.

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There's no such thing as a small fries from Five Guys.

Funny you put it like that...

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>Clyde Frog is real

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>clearly just a joke about making a quick trip to the corner store
>mongoloids think anything with the words in and out are referencing their shitty burger joint

I'm 99% that leprosy takes at least 5 years to incubate and become symptomatic.

>butthurt faggot is upset he doesn't have In-n-Out in his shit state and decides to call it shit trying to mask his obvious SEETHING RAGE

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>didn't know Shakey's is real
I pity you. Their potatoes fucking rule.

Whataburger isn't pleased that their brand was manufactured on a gun without their permission.

I can't believe Bennigans is real.

Boggle? Boggle? Boggle?


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I remember this stupid thing happening a few years ago.

They flashed "this is what scientogists actually believe" all episode, they only did it one other episode (dont remember the subject) and that was also real. They say a lot of bullshit and go far out there to satire sometimes but when they claim something is true they usually arent lying.

Had it last night.
Always a nice place to go when you want an overportioned burger slapped into your face.

You gonna read the whole thing or not?

t. Houstonian now living in Portland
Fuck Burgerville. Fuck this fucking terrible goddamn garbage place to the ground. Dry burgers, garbage shakes, soggy wet fries and half cooked onion rings. I don't care if it's organic or locally farmed, it's trash, and I'm glad In and Out is creeping into its territory. Whataburger will always be the best, and I'd still like to try Culvers some day, but Burgerville deserves to be forgotten. Fuck Burgerville.

Yep, he's real and he's from Mississippi. (Not all famous felt frogs from Mississippi are named Kermit, you know.)

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Did that guy ever report back on his condition?
This is seriously fucked up

Luby's/Luly's is a real thing too

Did you think it was fake or something? Fucking retarded non-texans

>pizza hut is real
non murrica here, I always thought this was some ninja turtles shit.

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