Choose your starter Pearl

Who would you keep and why?

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The best Pearl is a twisted one, and I knew from the moment I saw her black lingerie and broken eye

I want her to hurt me

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Keep Yearl because she is objectively the best.

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Do pearls (the actual real world gem) really come in all those colors?

Also this would be 100% nice art if not for the stupid unnecessary tumblr noses.

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>parse through your browser and media folders
I think this would probably cause my Pearl PTSD.

From what very, very little I know of the show, no. There are only 4 Pearls. They're each tailor made for their respective Diamonds as their personal butlers/maids/assistants. So Blue, Yellow, Pink and White Pearl, as seen in the OP, are all there are.

At least, that's what I've gleaned from conversations here on Yea Forums. I've watched maybe 4 combined minutes of material from the show so maybe I'm horribly wrong and there are entire dumpsters full of Pearls.

Where's Lonely Pearl?

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You're very wrong. There's a new Pearl from the mobile game, and upperclass gems like Sapphires get their own pearls. You're forgetting about Morganite, who owned half of Rhodonite.
Also, he was talking about real world gems
.Yes they do.

Welp, like I said, I don't really know much.
And yeah I totally misread his post, so I'm a dope.

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CG pearl
>snooty and salty
>would be forced to obey my commands while also begrudging to do them the entire time
>would have to fuck me and submit to all my lewd dark desires, while also snuggling and cuddling with me while i sleep
>slowly break her in to enjoy the depraved acts and make her fall in love with me
It will be worth it to see her disgusted reaction everytime i dona money shot on her.

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>We still haven't gotten Pearl's origin episode
>Amethyst is getting hers either next season or soon thereafter
>Bloople likes to draw, Yearl likes the model and there's a townie who likes to sketch models
>Still haven't seen how the original Pink Pearl got damaged

Lots of good Pearl content in the future lads.

*to model

Believe it or not, yeah. They actually exist in just about every color thanks to coloring

None, because this show fucking sucks, you massive faggot.

Got em.

Blue because she seems like the one who would have the least resistance helping me with an assisted suicide

Go shill your channel some more, Peet

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Some of these like Agency addiction are just stupid. Unless you're a literal cuckhold.

sniff lilac

it makes you more special and the relationship more genuine if you like a challenge

>Not posting the superior one for anons to roll too

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Yellow Pearl: The faces she makes when someones about to get royaly destroyed is great.

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Oh god roll for lilac

Rollin for Yellow

Is our Pearl the only Battle Pearl? by that I mean a combat Pearl, Rolling for Coral Pearl.

Who's living in my closet?

It's that time again folks


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Prayin for TAUPE

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>Frank x Pearl
I ship it

Aight let's do it.

Neat, I like it.

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Actually a Blue is fine too

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Be honest Yea Forums, how much of Steven Universe's appeal is the shiny rocks.

For me it's like 30%

Why even bother opening your mouth?

90% I want gems dammit. MORE.


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I meant more just the rocks themselves not the characters but yeah more gems, can't go wrong with that.

Yellow. I want a pearl that can talk down subordinates when I can't be bothered.

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After all the shit ive been through in my afterlife i better have a fucking pearl to serve me, i deserve at least that

cringe and yikespilled

OG pearl and just to eat her ass whenever I command it

Yellow Pearl, to eat my ass whenever I command it.

I'll take the fun one.

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>Take a good look at all of them
>They're all lovely
>Eventually make your choice
>Know you're going to break the rest's hearts, but say "I'll take Blue Pearl"
>Your rival bursts through the room and shouts "IN THAT CASE, I CHOOSE YELLOW PEARL"
>First thing you do with your Pearl is watch the shit get beaten out of her by another Pearl

>Take a good look at all of them
>They're all lovely
>Eventually make your choice
>Know you're going to break the rest's hearts, but say "I'll take Blue Pearl"
>Your rival bursts through the room and shouts "IN THAT CASE, I CHOOSE YELLOW PEARL!"
>First thing you do with your Pearl is watch the shit get beaten out of her by another Pearl

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I hope I get a good one

>Gunslinger Pearl never because the show's message is "If you kill your enemies, they win"

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>Amethyst origin episode
Why though. We already know her fucking origin, she was supposed to pop out with the other ones on earth, but was lazy and came out too late and that's it.
god the writers are lazy.

holy fuck my dick

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It's supposedly about what she was like after that point and how she met Rose, Garnet and Pearl. That part we've never seen.

I can dig it.

Why desire to fuck a Pearl for short and fleeting carnal pleasure when you can raise a healthy, beautiful, hybrid abomination of nature that will give you unconditionally everlasting love.

>That eventual feeling of pride when she eventually decides to take up arms and shank fuckers with a spear like her mother.

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>Lil' Pearlie defends her dad from monsters.
>Not as elegant and graceful as her mother, but gets a few useful tricks from him.
I'd read it.

do NOT fuck with the Jesus

give me a pearl, I deserve her

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I select... the Green Pearl.

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Eh, why not?

>YWN answer her endless questions about the world
>YWN read her bedtime stories about knights and swashbuckling heroes
>YWN watch her stab a wounded animal while hunting and have her eat its heart as tradition in the south
>YWN walk her home from school and she tells you all she learned that day
It's not fair bros...

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What accent would lil' pearlie have? British or Southern? Either way she seems like a girl that would call her dad "papa"

>British lil' Pearl has that educated and snobbish attitude of her mother. Desire for swords and knights.
>Half human part of her enjoys food, enjoys tea and crackers.
>clean freak and probably watches Doctor Who
>Not familiar with fighting monsters because sheltered Britbongs freak at the sight of a potato peeler
Meanwhile, Southern Pearlie:
>Vindictive, but a hard worker like her mother
>Not educated enough but doesn't she herself above common folk.
>A Mechanic like her mother
>Desire for guns, prefers rifles
>Wouldn't avoid getting dirt on her, probably plays in the mud
>Loudmouth and cusses
>Loves food
>Gets into fights constantly and gets used to fighting monsters real quick

>Both call you Pappa

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Shit pearl get!


classic Pearl.

Gimme double 9s or 0s



What is this?

It's from the new mobile game.

Connie Pearl

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I hope the next season has a lot of flashbacks that will flesh White Pearl out.

Rollin' rollin' rollin'.


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>pearl is the one who posted the rose=satan post
Just wanted you to know I noticed and appreciated your image user.

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Well shit, both are too good to pass up.
Twins is the only option.

>most of them are obviously black

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FUCK you

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>No twin pearls to raise into the perfect monster hunting duo, and a pair of upstanding young ladies

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