Yea Forumssplay

post cosplay

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>Bats with a beard
Sort of lookslike Ra's

>That Wonder Woman
Fuck, that's better than the movie version

Where all the batterd mens blood on her fists?

nice trident prop

Holy Moley

Attached: Candlejack.jpg (259x194, 7K)

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That material looks uncomfortably stuffy.

Attached: 44444092_256177058408108_256128694490415085_n.jpg (983x983, 106K)

I normally don't like white women that much but she is stunning

This looks uncomfortably stuffy.

She is pretty great yeah

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So many hot chicks

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>be woman
>wear tights
>call it cosplay
jesus and apparently fake nerds is a goober term

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Reminder to masturbate before considering starting these threads

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Mai favorite

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She should show off dem feeats

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Im excited for more Wonder Girl in Titans season 2. Her leaked costume looks pretty good.

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Who is this Semon Demon ?

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You have my attention...

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Yeah, confirmed
Even with a hot girl
the suit looks like shit

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She'd look better as Supergirl or something else, that costume CM obscures her ass

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Post the comic.

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More fitting.

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Anyone ever been in this part of AZ?

Remember.. post the comic..

Attached: IMG_20181226_123529354_HDR.jpg (1456x2592, 668K)

If the shopped version is this bad, how bad is the unshopped?

Isn't he a little short to be a stormtrooper?

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T`Challa's King-Man.

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I recognize this, but I can't quite place it. Is he from Hey Arnold?

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Eric's Kill Mongering haunt that wishes death to holy blessed children,

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oh yes

Carol ( of the Grey Panthers Teachings), My Mom and Nana of 11/11/11

What is the eleventh letter?

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And knows.

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Goes to show what a shittily designed outfit it is in the first place.


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who is this

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enchantress from suicide squad movie

Way to conform to basement dweller stereotypes, guys.

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Is he powered by oranje drank?

Playboy Bunny Moofy is best Moofy.

Why is Mera standing by a small pond in the woods instead of the ocean?

Stylized masks and makeup are awesome. I love this Hellboy.

Reminds me a bit of this. RIP Kazuo Koike

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Attached: anzu zootopia cosplay 1477719709280.jpg (899x1200, 191K)

Way to out yourself as a newfag, there.

This is exactly the kind of girl you wanna stay far away from, no matter what your dick tells you

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what a goddess

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I also enjoy that song.

minimal effort

well-made, intricate, accurate yet realistic


Some of the men you quoted just bought an expensive costume.

This is autism.

They're fucking you know

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I was about to call you a faggot but you're actually right.

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The thing about going faster than the speed of light... is that you are always cloaked in darkness...

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yeah more Yea Forums but fuck it, I fapped to this character a lot as a kid

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airbrushed to hell and back, but still hot

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people kept telling me there would be glorious ass in that movie but there wasn't

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good LORD what is happening in there

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I was about ready to joke about a vodka bottle or a fistful of Depp hair.

Attached: 1530985512018.jpg (1080x1080, 80K)

They are a couple btw

Girl that's a lake

How the fuck do people even make this shit? Like I admire the dedication to the craft.

I'm not black but I'd rock the fuck out of this at a convention.

Foam (sometimes fiberglass) and sweat.

Attached: loki2.jpg (600x899, 138K)

Who are your all-time favorite cosplayers?

Foam (sometimes fiberglass) and intensive labor.

Attached: SPM_6881.jpg (1367x2048, 548K)

Movie costume is crap no matter what material you make it out of. Too busy and no sash.

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How are your knees holding up? Are they still soggy?

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Best cosplay of the past six months.

Attached: Shirogane-sama-Spider-Gwen-1.jpg (1000x1250, 57K)

Another Russian girl lost to cosplay/instagram thotting instead of becoming a model.

Attached: Shirogane-sama-Spider-Gwen-2.jpg (2627x3936, 1.04M)

Not sure how they'd do it, but compressed cloth and fiberglass turns out looking cool as shit. I was making a knife handle out of jean scraps, but yeah. There's various "mycarta" resin recipes that make shit that looks rough, textured, or glass for knife shapes so I imagine it would work great for armor; and people throw away clothes.

Attached: Shirogane-sama-Spider-Gwen-3.jpg (4016x6016, 3.75M)

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Attached: 07_Zatanna_vandych07.jpg (1669x2500, 2.08M)

/hr/ has a thread dedicated to her:

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Attached: ironman cosplay.webm (1270x720, 2.72M)

they're insufferable. I just want them to do full nude at this point.

I respect /cgl/ at the very least for also being thot hating, they just like to do lolita shit



c'mon buddy they're russians

Attached: doug dalesmidome.jpg (960x1280, 177K)

More Russian cosplayers: Ryoko Demon

Attached: captain_amelia_by_ryoko_demon-d7bh4yq.jpg (667x1000, 513K)

What's up Danger?
Answer: My dick

Holy shiiiiiiiit

and her partner in cosplay crime: Rei Doll

Been watching a few russian con videos recently and the one striking thing is the lack of landwhales: both cosplaying and in the background in general. The russkies must be hiding all their fat people or something...

Attached: pixie_power_by_rei_doll-d9enp3e.jpg (669x1004, 467K)

Because thats litterally how they design the vast majority of female comic book and female characters in general when someone tries to change it you fags scream SJW

This actually could work

Attached: moment_of_love_by_ryoko_demon-d9bbryb.jpg (669x1004, 634K)

too poor to get fat

true, most female superheroes just wear spandex of some sort

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Fucking based.

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And at least the Hungarian cosplayers have hips.

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>Tattoo on the thigh

Attached: absolutely-disgusting-40-2007766.png (500x584, 140K)

I have never before been personally offended by a cosplay thot before.
I guess there's a first time to sperg out for everyone.

I love the Japs for making Cindy

Attached: 1517716631548.jpg (801x1200, 147K)

That's actually pretty damn cool. I wish more people shared tips like that.

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That Punisher cosplay is Joanie Brosias. She's more of a soft-core porn model than a genuine cosplayer.

Attached: joanie brosas - vampirella 1.jpg (676x1013, 72K)

I really wish there was more actual cosplay porn of Vampi, I love her

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there are so many fucking spider-gwens without the hood and mask which is what makes the whole fucking costume and even the meeras can't get a fucking belt down

Look at which is basically just a latex bodysuit but it still has plenty to add on

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Who dis?

Unqisora still waiting for here kaybear Swimsuitsuccubus and Bunnyayumi to have a interracial Lesbian 4way

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Some half black half asian Cosplayer named Jasmine

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You're referring to the source material, yes?


I may be one for using my man-jelly to make Spinelli's belly smelly, but that Photoshop is unforgivable.

Only a fool would think I wouldn't.


Probably Belle Chere. I shouldn't need to explain why.

Attached: 8819237544_525b0462c8_o.jpg (720x960, 111K)

She's certainly got the face for Gwen

Attached: siri_powergirl02.jpg (768x1024, 229K)

Now that's some real dedication right there.
God I love big hair.

I'd beep that sheep

That's clearly just a 3D model user.

Hahaha you are a garbage human being.

>Harley/Ivy smooch


I like this one

Attached: u wot.png (112x454, 104K)

>Now that's some real dedication right there.
He entered the cosplay contest at that con. And lost to some thot doing a PC cosplay because all her pals were on the judging panel. There was much rejoicing.


Attached: 5vh3x2nuext21.jpg (1812x1609, 765K)

You'll understand when you're older, son,

Attached: 1363044067579.png (628x941, 1.07M)

Iron Man watch out there's a creeper behind you oh no he has airpods in oh god oh fuck

Me on the right.
Were airpods even a thing seven years ago?

Attached: ariane st amour mad moxxi cosplay.jpg (790x1057, 245K)

Attached: power_girl_on_the_lattice_by_lanane_d6c263x.jpg (600x894, 116K)

STFU, literal faggot, most of the girl cosplays are accurate. Have sex.

Russian cosplayers are the best

Attached: 604313919934169088_35s_d.jpg (680x453, 170K)

tattoos need photoshopped out


Nice wig, retard

>but user, we are basement dwellers in this community

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Love that joker, fuckin photoshop face.

Photoshop'd ass. I've seen enough real butt to call out this fake.

Porn Palin

Attached: A0eNO-HS.jpg (1024x768, 154K)

Attached: 06.jpg (440x660, 39K)

>there's something wrong with women owning their sexuality and men enjoying it too

Are you a fucking puritan or something? You do realize these cons are mostly an excuse to hook up with other nerds, right?

Attached: c1.jpg (619x960, 102K)

Makeup ran, she got fucked in cosplay. You can tell by the HA near her tits.

When I run out of toilet paper and I gotta go get napkins from the kitchen

Yo, not that user. Nice to see someone saved my Plas. Enjoy!

What a douche. I bet he left early after all the nasty looks.

Fucking instafags eat shit.

Yiff in hell, furfags

I want this Wanda to sit on me.

I'm not a piece of shit, but even I'm thinking about rape looking at this.

Damn, bitch got muscle legs. Cap would be proud.

Isn't that just one of those stretchy outfits camgirls buy for their x rated cam shows?

Oh wow. Clever way to do the arm.

Fuck off fagddit

He bought that suit, retard.

Doug dubs dibba dome.


Not Yea Forums, Yea Forums.

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Gross, I can tell your dad is a douche bag.

Attached: 1552083963990.jpg (1080x1080, 101K)


I don't think it's a coincidence that you hate all the women costumes and love all the men ones.

It's alright if you're gay, user. You can talk to us.

Die replyfag


Are you shocked that the co/splay thread derailed into softcore porn pictures like it does literally every time?

Because it always ends this way.

Nope. That's not the thread I'm criticizing

Why would I care about real women otherwise?


Just because she looks good it doesn't mean she could be a model because you said so.

bumpin his own pics
showing off his homoerotic fantasy yet no one but himself thinks they are cool
You will die young and alone kid.
fucking faggot.


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More Clef.

Attached: BlackWidow02.jpg (960x883, 134K)


Attached: Screenshot_20190423-031846_YouTube.jpg (457x1079, 185K)

Take a look at her lingerie pics in /hr and tell me she couldn't model.

That's just sad.

Just chilling???

how tragic

Attached: dis-dressing.jpg (1200x840, 263K)

Jeeze, why are they getting so worked up about some trap crosplayer?

> trap meme
That must be one seriously tiny and tight dancer's belt there, bud.

Attached: 1.jpg (1000x1500, 372K)

Noooooooo I need my Switch!

Attached: 1536992225864.jpg (1280x853, 264K)

>CGI trident

damn, grant morrison looking rough

Attached: frank miller cosplay.jpg (220x292, 19K)

Hey there fatty

"Son, go give her a poke to see if she has a dingle"

Ah yes, the Ladybug cosplay that made CGL blow up.

Captain Jimmy Kimmel

>buy a costume on amazon
>call it cosplay
>gets thouands of dollars on patreon

Back then whores would get paid for sex, today they simply get paid buckets for showing up. They are not to blame, it's those who enables it.


>he says this while posting a cosplay of a character who’s costume is literally circus tights
>the cosplayer made the suit out of leather because it looks cooler

>I know want to bang a Titan

Attached: the shit i put up with.jpg (160x151, 10K)

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that's fucking amazing!


ah i remember the interview with the nipslip

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now that is awesome

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looks good. wonder how heavy the 'armor' is

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Russians raise their daughters to be whores and their sons to be drug dealers

It's a struggle to find actual cosplay and not just models posing sometimes.

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the rare occasion where "that looks shopped" is a compliment

Why is Grant Morrison cosplaying as Lex Luthor?

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is that latex? looks tight as hell

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But user, that's terrible.

Goddammit, I'm so lonely.

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I found black Superman's parents

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>Shani-Qua and Samu-El

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Someone hotter than the actress who actually played enchanctress

that's why I asked

>Grant Morrison

does that guy look like a 60-year-old Scottish nobody to you

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Too bad that DC Infinite Crisis MOBA was trash and barely lasted a year. Had some fun designs.

Do Star Trek cosplays count? There were Star Trek comics.

Attached: silvestri and lee spocks cosplay 1446422614060.jpg (640x640, 72K)

Yes. There was also a Star Trek cartoon.

Attached: bw.png (830x634, 796K)

>atomic wonder woman
Wife material

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Cute AF but I don't think the kid likes it.

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Stop that. They're not even cute.

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I hate SM PS4 suit, it looks like he has cheap tracksuit pants. The top looks cool top at certain angles, tho, like in Spider-verse.


Would eat BB's ass/10

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Alright, I laughed at that. How many times do you think he does the while Dug Dimmadome bit with people?

This guy went the extra mile going with all 40.

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cute feet

she should have just gone with Robyn Hood

he’s even the right ethnicity to pull it off

40 CAKES?! That's terrible.

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Im horny now thanks Yea Forums

>that tranny in the background.

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Does this count?

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stay mad lanklets

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/fit/ here. I want to cosplay pic related. What material can I get that would show off my muscles?

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I mean, it DOES look better than the movies.

that's an amazing Ed cosplay

pick one


Lmao dude on the right doesn't look anything like Sulu

I mean, even thin spandex isn't going to give you the exhibition of anatomy you get in comic books. Get the cowl, chest emblem, belt, and a red swim bottom, do the rest in body paint.

Lycra with muscle shading. At least having defined muscles underneath will give a better effect.

Attached: 6929680712_b7fba18671_h.jpg (1067x1600, 678K)

More Black Canary please


I don't have that much, but okay.

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Attached: cat_and_canary_by_badluckkitty-d4g8fab.jpg (900x771, 196K)

thanks, she is such an under rated character and way sexier than most cosplayers are doing justice

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>spotted the angry pussy filled with cob web infested roasties

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Even an autistic clock is right twice a day.

I hate fishnets but on Black Canary it looks right.

Sulu wore command gold not science blue you fucking star wars zoomer. hes cosplaying bones (note the alcohole) not sulu you racist trash

At least she has an ass

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I would watch this on the CW every fucking day. Even with the SJW girl power writing. Just for her.


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Based thot slayer

drive them cum dumsper attention seeking whores back

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