So they’re basically the best versions of Penguin and Riddler, right?
So they’re basically the best versions of Penguin and Riddler, right?
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how does pengii's momocle stay on his face?
Fuck no. GOTHAM is trash.
Riddler maybe, but how dare you insult Danny Devito like that?
Jim Carrey was a good Riddler in a so good it's bad movie.
look closer
Live-Action wise? Yeah.
Though I still liked DeVito as Penguin.
Not even close
They're the adorablest
If you discount the comics, the 66 show, TAS, and Danny DeVito and Robert Englund's versions (the design was trash but everything else was great), then yeah.
They are pretty much the only consistently good thing about Gotham, and I'm actually happy that Gotham sailed the Penguin x Riddler ship. These two always had great chemistry together.
Nothing tops Burgess Meredith and Frank Gorshin even in the live-action department.
These two made the characters into household names for a reason.
lol, no. There are these guys Danny DeVito and Jim Carrey, check them out some time. And as bad as some of the Batman movies have been, not a one of them is half as bad as Gotham.
So were they actually gay? Or were they just really close bros?
Penguin's gay, or bi. His actor said that he'd probably fall for anyone who showed him kindness. Riddler's straight, but he regards Penguin as his best friend.
Oswald was, or still is, totally gay for Edward. But they're just tangle between being a bromance and totally gay
that's what happened with sofia falcone until the backstabbing happened.
The '66 show and TAS are still better, but otherwise they are really great.
BTAS is still best Riddler. It's definitely best Penguin though.
*refuses to shave his mustache
>just paint over it
Jim Carrey was Jim Carrey in a Jim Carrey movie.
>ywn take an ice bath with the Penguin
Why even live?
DeVito is overrated Burton trash, Gotham's Penguin is sweet and great, Riddler is the best character in the show, BASED AS FUCK
>GOTHAM is trash.
That's an insult to good trash, sir.
I don't think BTAS used the Riddler all that much.
Still infinitely better than CGI'ing it.
I dunno. Gotham is awful in its own way like Schumacher's films were in theirs. Neither did good versions of these characters.
the absolute madman
Weird thing is, Riddler was frequently extremely creepy in "Batman Forever".
"Why hasn't anybody.....put you in your place?!"
>Riddler was frequently extremely creepy in "Batman Forever".
I thought that was actually one of the better things he had going for him.
It's pretty faithful to how Frank Gorshin was in the show
Makes you wonder how Jim Carrey would have been if he'd been directed in a more serious manner.
Low-key malevolent (basically the scene with him leering into the black and white camera, but his default mode in the entire film).
Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones were both godly casting choices for their characters, as was Arnold Schwarzenegger in the sequel. The problem was how they were directed.
>Esteemed actor absolutely nails the role.
>People complain about superficial details
Have they fugged yet.
Jim Carrey could have gotten to be legit terrifying. The glimpses of a MUCH darker performance and film were there.
When he got murderous, it was with psychotic glee.
Ed probably considers Oswald like a brother at this point but Oswald literally fell for Ed during the series, to the point where he killed a chick he was seeing just to get rid of the competition.
I've heard mixed opinions about Sofia, but god damn if she didn't know how to dress. One scene I like is when she officially shows up in Gotham right in the GCPD and as she talks Gordon down the camera angle makes it look as if she's taller than he is.
Right. When the laughs stopped, he had a voice about him that was terrifying to watch.
Even as a kid, that last scene of him all malformed still made him something of a thread because of the way he spoke that line with such intent.
>"...Why...why can't I kiiilll yoooooOOOoou...?"
so, what happened to penguin eye?
>So were they actually gay?
Penguin is bi, or doesn't really know how to process actual emotions given that his mother is the only one who ever loved him up until Ed.
LOOK at this face Carrey makes here, guys. He's smiling but it's not a happy smile, at all. This is the Riddler we should have had throughout "Batman Forever".
4:35 to end:
(Seriously, even in the Youtube comments on the video, people miss how creepy Ridler got in the last few seconds)
The guy who plays bruce wayne isn't manly enough, are there any pics with him in the suit?
Fuck You.
Fuck You Again.
Penguin is canon gay in Gotham. In the comics, he's straight.
Even with his over-the-top acting, he still was a legit thread for Batman tho.
>Figured out his identity in one night.
>He could've killed Alfred if he wanted.
>He destroyed the Batcave.
>He tried to kill both Robin and Chase Meridian and he would've succeded if Batman didn't cheat.
Even The Joker in that universe gone that far, and he killed his parents. The only one close to this was The Penguin, but he just hacked his Batmobile.
Lol I dont know what I was expecting but fuck it, it's the series finale
The fuck happened to firefly and freeze anyways?
110% with this
that ed is good, but devito pengi made more sense (gotham pengi is still good, but devito's is great to god tier)
Still the best Penguin in acting and design.
I'm sure Gotham's Penguin is good in acting, but he is far from the right visual.
He looks like he weighs 140lbs when wet.
Probably not even the same guy, either. I hope they don't cockblock us by not showing aged up Bruce, because they already are showing us a new Selina.
They're using Bruce's regular actor and a bigger body double for the far away Batman shots.
Which was NEVER explained. How did they get the blueprints to the Batmobile?
>"We're going to steal the script from Tim Burton, and slip a plot convenience into it!"
That's actually going to suck a bit and is abit of a slap in the face to Carmen, but everyone else hardly looks any different so I suppose Bruce shouldn't either.
He lost it protecting Eddie from a grenade. Looks like in the finale he has a new one a la Fish Mooney.
>abit of a slap in the face to Carmen,
Yeah, well, maybe she shouldn't have ballooned up the way she did. David can't help that he only grew up to be 5'8, but gaining that weight was her choice.
Looks like they were kind of inspired by the monocle origin from the arkham series
You'd be surprised how tricky it is to maintain weight when your income dramatically increases.
Especially if you're asked to "bulk up" for a role, because to gain muscle, you need enough calories. It's easy to overdo it.
You condition yourself to eat a lot to gain muscle, and it can be hard to re-train yourself to cut back when you're done pumping iron.
Fitting for Penguin to finally have a monocle.
Shame they'll never make a style comeback (knock on wood). I've always been fascinated by them.
Makes more real world sense. Get recognize less with make up off
I like the whole Jigsaw angle but like most of Arkham falls apart in the final act. Arkham Joker turns into a coward the minute you catch him, he talks way to much shit to not back up. Maybe if they made riddler more quite and serious it wouldn't matter as much.
I can see where he's coming from though. It makes you wonder what happened? She was a pretty active girl, surely she could have hired a personal trainer.
Still, for them to just get rid of her for the series finale is kind of moot. Unless there was some really bad falling out between companies I dont see the point of changing her now when no one else really looks different after ten years.
In Aslyum we got a kind of catharsis out of hearing him talk all that shit only to hear the satisfaction of police busting down his door.
We also got something similar in City I where in the end he got hoist around by his own petard as his ending.
If you wanted anything more the best way to go about it was to have that big giant robot fight in Knight.
I don't think we have ever gotten to fight Joker at his basest unless you count the climax of Knight, which I don't since it's all mental but honestly it's probably about the same as an actual fight would go in that universe. He's got a couple of gadgets on him to distract but he only delays the inevitable. Depending on who's writing him he more often than not can't take Bats on his worst day in fisicuffs
so Camren is finally out thicc Selina Kyle's role?
The lean muscle route has less risk.
I suspect she was told to go for "big muscles", so she crammed in calories to fuel them.
It's called dirty-bulking.
Hooray, the person I've spent the entire show with has been replaced at the last minute with someone I've never met.
Come on, it's not implausible Catwoman would go through a thick phase. She's selfish and she commits robberies.
She shed the weight when she realized it was diminishing her ability to commit crime.
And in the spirit of fairness, there's no question Batman's actor has lost his looks (at least for now) as he aged.
what a joke!
Like I said before I would be cool with it if this was something Bruce had to go through as well. It makes sense because in ten years it should look much different for them as kids.
But, no one is changing looks. Just Selina and as it is, she looks way older than she's supposed to in comparison. Only way this works is if they never intend on showing Bruce Wayne's face. Judging from the trailer they may not.
On an unrelated note, Thicc Catwoman is culturally inevitable based on current trends in a number of years.
She will be most likely look like Helen Parr.
Nothing tops Burgess Meredith.
Honestly I don't think there's ever been a bad live-action Penguin.