>literally sold his soul to protect Gotham
Best Batman
>literally sold his soul to protect Gotham
Best Batman
Dealing with demons is like painting with your own blood; the grander the work the greater the cost
If John Constantine can beat numerous variations of Ultimate Evil, all without anything more than his wits, then so can Damian Wayne. I do not believe that Hurt and Darkseid could best Damian, regardless of what Morrison says.
>Becomes an atheist because Catwoman left him for bane
>In spite of being friends with John Constantine and Wonder Woman for years now Batman no different from being a in universe flat earther
>Becomes a mouth piece for Democrats >Voting and campaigning for the same liberal policies that turned Gotham into a crime ridden hellhole
>Refuse to kill the joker became all life is Sacred
>Won’t kill the joker but is pro-choice
Honestly. Damian Wayne really is a better Batman.
Please leave your politics out of comic books.
Did he really sell his soul? I just thought he was such a shit Batman Gotham went fucking crazy.
If you honestly think Damian is anywhere near as clever as Constantine, you're probably the biggest Damianfag here.
memes aside. Why is dc trying to turn Batman into the liberal green arrow? I get the x-men always being left learning. I can even get marvel turning Spider-mans into a man child who said adulting is hard ironically. But what the hell is up with them pushing Batman as a far left character? At most Batman a libertarian. Nothing about a rich white guy who beats up poor people that screams liberal. The whole becoming an atheist for a stupid reason is questionable as it is considering Batman both been to the afterlife and Temporarily became a god himself.
Not now, but in twenty years? He probably has the con-man on speed dial for quick cheats.
Nothing he said is out of line from how Batman being written now.
Yeah, it has been pretty hilarious how badly DC has wanted to shift him to the Democrat camp, when by all rights he should lean conservative.
It’s off-topic and has already derailed the thread. Take your politics and go where they’re welcome so we can talk about comics and cartoons. Which is the purpose of this board.
The atheist thing is stupid and was done purely for clickbait. Bruce has shown multiple times that he believes in higher powers and he literally hangs around god tier beings on a regular basis.
I can understand him leaning more liberal business wise as Waynetech has gone well out of its way in the past to make sure it's employees are looked after.
The pro-choice is a new one to me. Source on that?
>so we can talk about comics
Which he did? He is talking about the current state of Batman comics.
Please stop defending yourself and go back to /pol/
>Yeah, it has been pretty hilarious how badly DC has wanted to shift him to the Democrat camp, when by all rights he should lean conservative.
This. Or even Libertarian.
The character of Bruce Wayne just dosesn't mix with the current Democratic establishment platform.
It's a sad reflection of our society when even being considered leaning Republican is seen as a scarlet letter.
Agnostic is in regards to knowledge, atheist is in regards to worship. It’s impossible for anyone to be agnostic in comics, since there are gods all over the place, but as Batman does not worship any of them, he’s an atheist.
>>Refuse to kill the joker became all life is Sacred
>>Won’t kill the joker but is pro-choice
Fuck off redneck.
>The pro-choice is a new one to me. Source on that?
I think that a was joke making fun CW arrow for hypocrisy. After season 2 green arrow was anti-killing criminals yet a pro abortion activist. CW lover queen has more in common with Bruce Wayne than the green arrow of the comics.
That’s not how atheism works.
That's she shittiest joke saw on Yea Forums this year if that's the case.
You ok? The IP count being raised after I posted should have been enough proof to you that I'm not your /pol/ bogeyman.
>Fuck off redneck
Okay with the black population of the United States and Canada being genocide though abortion? How liberal of you. Also Still waiting for someone on /pol/ to justify abortion when white women in the west still have the most abortions. Blacks and Hispanics have high abortions for their demographics. But pro abortion people on /pol/ always ignore majority whites still have more abortions.
That’s literally how atheism works. A-theos, without god, implies that you are without a personal deity. Which describes Batman.
>I can understand him leaning more liberal business wise as Waynetech has gone well out of its way in the past to make sure it's employees are looked after.
This was actually a great story point in the immediate aftermath of the Catacylsm earthquake. Bruce had Wayne Enterprises fund, along with his own personal fortune, much of the Gotham industrial system to prevent it from total collapse in the immediate aftermath. All in the face of every other corporation pulling out of Gotham.
It payed off royally when Gotham was rebuilt and reintegrated into the US though. I remember something like Bruce doubled his personal net worth and Wayne Enterprises has years of massive profit.
>Bruce has shown multiple times that he believes in higher powers and he literally hangs around god tier beings on a regular basis.
As dumb as becoming an atheist over your girlfriend leaving you is. At least they gave Batman a reason. Literally zero reason why spider-man became an atheist out of no where. Peter Parker was still Christian even when Dan sloth and and JMS was writing him.
>Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people (usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group) in whole or in part.
Not genoide dipshit
>Sellout your soul for a Cursed City that is eternally fated to be Sodom and Gomorrah but without the divine retribution part, hence the reason why people deemed it cursed
Why though?
Spencer is a fucking hack, not news.
He's even worse for Spider-Man than Slott.
Atheist means you have no belief in religion. Nothing more. this is like the time Kevin Smith said he a atheist because you don’t need be religious to have faith and be spiritual.
When was Yea Forums taken over by /pol/? This place is getting to be worse than Yea Forums, every thread is either some reactionary dipshit complaining about how the world is changing, or rapidly devolves into such because they’d rather whine about their political grievances than talk about something they enjoy.
To be fair, Yea Forums has gone quite tumblr the last few years.
A more conservative push back has been due for years. Both in this board and in the general comic industry.
Hopefully the decade of blacklist for Republican/Conservative writers & artists is almost over.
Yes. Exactly. Batman has no religion, which means he is an atheist. Thank you for re-stating what I said.
>literally starts the apocalypse
>All of that spirituality people want to focus on in the afterlife,Being having faith and being spiritual isn't necessarily being religious.:Kevin Smith
>you need to be faith and being spiritual to be a atheist.
Kevin Smith quote dumber when you realize he somehow more clueless about atheism than Catholicism. How he got writing jobs at marvel and dc is beyond me.
That’s agnostic theism. Not atheism.
>going to hell when he dies
why didn't he just become the Spectres new host?
No matter what your political or religious beliefs are. I like to think we can all come together to hate Kevin Smith as one.
>means you have no belief
that's agnosticism, atheism is believing there is no god.
Batman has always been an Athiest for some reason, same with Reed Richards. Both are athiest even though God is real and is openly said to be real in universe
Source on the quote.
Also you can be atheist and spiritual, Budhists don't believe in gods but they are very spiritual.
I think Kevin Smith equally hated by both the right and the left. He already getting shit on by the vegan community once he made a big deal out of becoming one.
Buddhists believe in ghosts and Reincarnation. Actual Asian Buddhists also some of the most pro life people in the world. The whole Buddhism isn’t a religion argument dumb.
But they are atheists, they reject the concept of deity. That's what atheism means.
Come on man, they're smarter then that.
Reed Richard being an atheist was never a focalf point of his character until recently. Someone decided he had to be Richard Dawkins.
>donates to charity
>heavily supports rehabilitation (and has so for a long, long time)
>pays good wages
>distrustful of power and authority
>hates guns
For the same reason even Stark has been turned into a liberal man child. Comic “Writers” just can’t write any character without their convictions. See how even villains don’t have any defining personalities these days. “Icky” and non-PC stuff aren’t allowed anywhere. To them not being their exact brand of Leftism is like being literally GigaHitler.
John is already damned, so he just doesn’t give a shit anymore