"Oh my God, Rhombulus! I can't believe you'd accuse Eclipsa of releasing Globgor! Eclipsa would NEVER do such a thing!"

"Oh my God, Rhombulus! I can't believe you'd accuse Eclipsa of releasing Globgor! Eclipsa would NEVER do such a thing!"

>Eclipsa was literally going to release Globgor in the previous episode, and it was only Globgor himself that stopped her.

What the fuck is wrong with this show's morality scale?

Attached: Rhombulus.png (1920x1080, 1.21M)

Other urls found in this thread:


except Eclipsa didn't release him, she agreed to wait till the kingdom was ready.

it was all on Rhombulus. his character was given the short end of the stick, they couldn't follow through with the MHC as a group being "evil" because it'd be too much of a shakeup so they threw Rhombulus under the bus as a means to get Globgor out without making Eclipsa look bad.

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>except Eclipsa didn't release him, she agreed to wait till the kingdom was ready.
>Eclipsa didn't release him, she agreed to wait
>she agreed to wait
>she agreed to

You see what is wrong with your logic? She spent days, months plotting how to secretly release Globgor. Infiltrated people's closets, literally infiltrates people's minds to make it all happen.

The ONLY thing that stopped her was Globgor himself being like "Wait a second bitch".
Thus showing that Rhombulus was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in his assessment of Eclipsa.

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this was all Star's fault for dragging Globgor to the coronation


>What the fuck is wrong with this show's morality scale?
I feel like it's a mass of twitter posts in animated form that only make sense if you follow their twitters. Like Neo Yokio, but not fun.

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What the fuck is up with this shows morals and definition of “monster”? Fucking Rhombulus is a crystal headed snake armed abomination, Hekapoo is a demon, and Omnitraxis is a skull headed embodiment of time/space.

monsters are the creatures that lived in mewni before the humans arrived which then became mewman
the MHC are Glossaryck's children
then there's also demons and ponyheads but I guess since they're royality they don't count as monsters either, it's confusing shit

What Eclipsa did with Star was really shitty and I wish the show would have portrayed her as more in the wrong there, but at the end of the day she DID NOT release Globgor. And her motives are more "sympathetic" than Rhombulus. It should go without saying she'd want to free the father of her child. Rhombulus' perceptions of Eclipsa/Globgor are wrong, they obviously won't be causing any problems with the kingdom from here on.

It should have been the MHC organization as a whole plotting to dethrone Eclipsa and I'm fairly confident that's what we would have gotten if the audience didn't get so keen on Hekapoo. Rhombulus just looks like a shitty loser idiot now.

Just like in reality there are arbitrary and confusing lines of racism.
Also the MHC are the sons of literally God so they're ok

the show literally talks about this

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Monsters like the demons and ponyheads have the magic and/or strength to assert themselves in various ways, and throughout history the Butterfly family has intermingled with them in one way or another, through alliances or marriage or everything in between.

>What the fuck is wrong with this show's morality scale?
No one is allowed to disagree with
the title character Eclipsa on Eclipsa vs. The Forces of Bigotry

>if the audience didn't get so keen on Hekapoo
If you actually think the writers actually care or considered waifufags feelings, you're crazy.

Pointing out that something is stupid doesn’t magically make it okay or any less stupid for the plot

I don't get why they didn't at least involve Omnitraxis with the Rhombulus stuff so it wouldn't look quite so one-sided. I'm pretty sure he's everyone's least favorite MHC member anyway because he doesn't do much.

But then maybe that'd make Hekapoo being singled out as the "good" one even more blatant/fan-servicey. They might as well have all been in on the coup.

Yes it fucking dumb you absolute pinhead of a person. In the context of the show it validates stars call for unification by pointing out the hypocrisies and stupidity of the status quo.

I mean they already where part of a succesful coup, so there's that

Since Meteora's still alive to assault our eyes now, it was a pretty shitty coup.

Do you write for the show?
Rhombulus's motives are WAY more sympathetic.
Globgor literally was eating humans before he was frozen into an iceblock, and the argument "Ehh it was 300 years back then tho!!" is also dumb because THAT'S ALSO HOW LONG HE WAS IMPRISONED IN ICE

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Because it's easier if it's just Rhombulus. They care about Omni very little but he does have some characterization, it'd be bizarre if he conspired with Rhombulus and not Hekapoo. It's easier just to say it was all Rhombulus.

No he went vegetarian after he met Eclipso.

300 years in a block seems like a sufficient punishment as it was effectively solitary confinement. The same type of punishment that has driven humans crazy in a year or less.

Rhombulus ha frequently proven himself to be rash and guillible, all he does is either a stupid choice he didn't think through or him getting tricked into doing something. Since we never saw Eclipsa and Rhombulus when Globgor was freed, I'm willing to bet they met up before and Eclipsa tricked him (or just worded a statement poorly) to make him free Globgor thinking it was his own idea. She could easily say something like "I bet people could really be more afraid of him if he was free" to him and technically be blameless.

Globgor is good because he's nice to his 300 years old baby and that's also the reason why he won't eat mewmans anymore, obviously

>No he went vegetarian after he met Eclipso.
Didn't he eat Shastacan afterwards?

Yet another random Yea Forums autist creates a way more compelling plot point than the 'professional' writers for this show.

he basically was asleep for 300 years
also fuck this, getting frozen during war and then getting freed after racism is almost over sounds like a great deal

>Do you write for the show?
is that in response to
>they obviously won't be causing any problems with the kingdom from here on.
because, I mean, read the writing on the wall. Eclipsa and Globgor are probably going to make a democratic utopia without racism. The show has very much established them as DINDUS. Glogbor isn't going to eat anyone else and if they touch on how he ate people in the past they'll still paint him as sympathetic: i.e. "he was a victim of Solarian brutality, Shastacan stole his daughter" that line of thinking.

Even the MHC are turning over to Eclipsa's side, you'd have to be blind not to realize what Hekapoo's
meant while watching Glogvore hug Meteora. Rhombulus is alone. The best we can hope for his character is some sort of redemption, or perhaps even teaming up with Mina so maybe he could at least get a non-jobbing fight before the end.

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Starfari spelled it out fairly well. If you're rich and powerful enough and willing to ally yourself with the Butterfly Kingdom, you can literally buy your way into a designation of "not monsters". The ponyheads and demons are longtime allies, and it's implied that the killer pigeons only achieved "not monster" status very recently since their being rich is the ONLY thing Moon mentions to justify it (as opposed to the Lucitor Kingdom being the Butterfly Kingdom's ally for generations).

One would presume that the reason Globgor and his tribe of size-shifters couldn't get similar status granted is that they weren't willing to sell out all the other monster species like the demons and ponyheads did. While the kappas of the Avarius kingdom simply didn't have enough to offer as allies and were more useful as puppet rules of the other monster tribes (and then they blew even that by being idiots and getting deposed).

It is a great deal. Same with Eclipsa.

She got her daughter back at the same age she was when she was crystallized, and her daughter has no memory of any time without her either.

Globgor and Eclipsa are both getting away with way too much, but are somehow painted as the most tragic victims ever.

Even in the show they point out that there are some blatant "uncle Tom" monsters that the people of Mewnie don't consider monsters because they've got status.

>The show has very much established them as DINDUS
Okay you don't write for this show.
No, it was in response to
>And her motives are more "sympathetic" than Rhombulus
I thought you were saying this unironically.

...So we agree this show is shit. I thought liberals were supposed to be the superior artists. Turns out they're incapable of writing a world in which any of the politics have reasonable consequences.

yep. might makes right in this feudal shithole. Unless the 'monsters' could defend themselves, and pose a resistance to the inbred pilgrims, they were trampled underfoot. Some powerful monsters were safe and became socially acceptable, most were/did not. The monsters were literally native americans, which the government as either the '5 civilized tribes' or 'savages.'

The show might go into this better if that monster-cleaver xena queen gets screen time. Shit's gonna be educationally horrific.

cute character, sauce?

yeah but it was totally justified because shasta gave away his daughter like the MHC wanted to and shit
also who cares it was 300 years ago!

Globgor was eating humans before eclipsa, and during a war that the inbred pilgrims tried to genocide them in. It was the acceptable escilation of violence at the time.

Except you know, all of his family and friends area dead. His native homeland has probably been ravaged due to the mewni crusaders and his daughter was tortured in his absence.

I'm not seeing where he got off lightly.

He hasn't mentioned anyone he gives a shit about besides Eclipsa/Meteora, and everyone is treating what happened to Heinous as "out of sight, out of mind" because she's not even the same person anymore. Might have a point with the homeland, but he and Eclipsa seemed pretty content in their bitchin' temple.

Weirdly enough, they actually do the "friends/family are all dead" thing more powerfully with MINA as the last Solarian whose queen/effective creator and comrades were all killed in war. And you're not even supposed to like Mina, and yet because of that I do.

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>"Oh my God, Rhombulus! I can't believe you'd accuse Eclipsa of releasing Globgor! Eclipsa would NEVER do such a thing!"
Literally no one said that. Even star suspected Eclipsa was responsible and was just interested in stopping him from rampaging.

Just turn your brain off

Agreed, fren. It's Beleth from Floraverse.

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>all of his family and friends area dead.
except for his wife and daughter?

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We don't see any other size-shifters around, and even the spellbook doesn't make mention of them in later chapters. Quite possibly the Solarian Warriors exterminated his entire race while he was frozen.

if he cared about his race so much why didn't he breed some size shifter babies instead of impregnating mewman pussy

We can see in the last episode that Eclipsa mentally communicated with the frozen Globgor. This shows that someone is still aware and awake while frozen for centuries. It's basically solitary confinment, but for centries instead of days/weeks/months - while itself is torture and highly illegal everywhere but the US. How the fuck is this light?

He's not good nor evil, his actions were approriate at the time [a fucking gencidal war] and he stopped the only known evil thing he did which was not mirrored on the pilgrim side [eating pilgrims] after Eclipsa got him to stop.

the moral scale is a blend of time based logic and generational contrast. also;
>eclipsa didn't frame anyone and attempt to start a genocidal war out of self righteous bigotry
>jewel nips didn't explain shit to globgor about the reforms under Eclipsa, and endangered the lives of everyone by having an uninformed Globor rub loose.
>Eclipsa stole the book segment, but stopped under her own accord and by her own -slipping- moral compass.

Eclipsa did some messed up things, and owned up. Nips willfully framed, endangered, lied, and was pretty much just a loud mouthed peice of shit from day one. He was an ignorant priviledged authoritarian - a cigar store Indian.

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Unless you're a tool, cuck, or shitty family, you don't cut off your parents, brothers, etc when you get married. Thats going to hit you. Or at least it would in a better show.

Mina at least had the benefit of being there for her family to grow old/die assuming natural causes and she was still sane.

Really outside of the death penalty, what more should be done to him? From what we know he never ate humans out of malicious and he tried to bring peace.

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You don't see size shifting anywhere else because Globgor's size shifting is yet another convenient plot device.

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Eclipsa was using magic to communicate with him, so the details of how all the crystallization affects the mind are still kind of fuzzy. With Star in Crystal Clear it seemed like the mind gets frozen too.

And if they really wanted to get across that it doesn't and they've both been conscious the entire time, they could've had some actual lines expressing how hard it's been to be stuck inside for hundreds of years etc., but it's never really happened. Hell, maybe everyone accepting Globgor in Cornonation could've felt a bit more convincing if he's like "I've had 300 years to think about what I've done in the past and I regret it and..." etc.

Death penalty. Or being imprisoned again but NOT in the cryogenic sleep crystal. Same with Eclipsa.

Bruh he didn't even know his mind funland wasn't real until Eclipsa came in and told him otherwise.
He was probably, as Tad would say, "crushing mad pizza" in his mind-dimension.

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It's pretty clear that they are in a "comatose" state in the crystal based on Glogbor's behaviour.
>Wait... Are we in my mind?

They seem fuzzy as fuck on the crystal thing. When Eclipsa got unfrozen she seemed to imply she was staring at the candy machine for centuries.

Well at least you're consistent Mina.

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I've been looking at Rhombulus for a while in this episode, and I've come to the conclusion that this has to be a cop out. Rhombulus couldn't do something like this because he's too much of an idiot and too emotional to pull it off. There's that shade of pink over his head the entire episode when it had never been there previously. It sounds stupid, they literally called him out and he confirmed that he did it. But I keep getting the feeling that he was brainwashed into doing it. Maybe it was the MHC looking for a scapegoat, maybe it was glossaryck to stir things up.

But we see Mina's crow at the end of the episode, and the chicken that would've completed Solaria's nuke spell is nowhere to be seen. It had to be Mina. I'm sure of it.

Noone said that you literal mouthbreather
In the end even star only gave a dry "No, I dont think she did", DYEWTS

On a more factual note.
on the one hand we have
>everyone suspects eclipsa
>the chicken is left ON SCREEN for the viewer to infer that it was not her
>eclipsa does not make that point for her case
on the other hand we have
>rombulus is literally too retarded to grasp an evidence-based argument
>the meager rest of the high comission would not trust in evidence they have not faked themselves.

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Daron Nefcy started out life as just a toilet, her father was a grill and her mother was a Beavis from Beavis and Butthead after being turned female due to an indecent with a 19th dimension alien over a bottle of cheese-water. As time pasted Daron grew from a toilet to a calculator to a guy to a hermaphrodite and finally into a 10 year old girl. She was very shy and loved animals, at least until a bunny rabbit robbed her for her sandwich and traumatized her, but until then animals were her only friends.

When she turned 16 she decided to stop being such an introvert and boldy went out into the world with a napkin in her shoe and love in her liver, and then a huge frozen ball of poo poo was dropped from a plane crushed her and then she died. She got better though, and woke up in her bed wondering if this was the afterlife, or it was a dream, or something else, but then she stopped caring and boldly went back out into the world with caution in her liver rather than love.

She made her way to the record store after being handed a razor given to her by a very stoned Steve Harwell and she picked up Death's album Scream Bloody Gore.

She took the record back home and listened to it and the album inspired her to take up a career in art! Going back out into the world, she bought a pencil, got to drawing like there was no tomorrow.

That is the true story of everyone's favorite cartoonist, Daron Nefcy...

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we actually saw the chicken and there was still a knot around his beak

>they threw Rhombulus under the bus as a means to get Globgor out without making Eclipsa look bad.
There's too much truth in this

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What's the difference between Star Vs., and Star Vs.: Brotherhood?

it would either have to be that or a retarded temper tantrum which he retroactively justified to himself.
When did the chicken disappear?
I think it would make little sense to portray the MHC as evil. They are corrupt and self-serving, but to an extent, that's politics for you. And especially not in such an authoritarian era.
Rhombulus was a fith wheel from the get-go, however. A useful idiot, a tool.

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Waifufags like Hekappo and probably there are some fags in the staff that see her as a "strong female character" so that mean she can't do wrong.

You are all fucking pedos. How could anyone get off to the idea of removing Star's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples? Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow.
The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke.
I am disgusted at how you'd get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on your face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours.
It is truly nasty how you'd run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against your tongue as you lick her chest and her neck, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax, hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her, pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, she sighs breathlessly and her fingers dig into your back as she feels your cock hardening inside her again.

>maybe it was glossaryck to stir things up.
Didn't the book confirm Glossaryck wants out with the MHC?
Maybe his end goal this entire time has been to liberate magic from the council of his own making in the most dickish way possible?

Heck, maybe it was him who pulled
He might not interfere directly but he knows his kids enough to poke them in the right/wrong direction.

Why the fuck is /co still seething about a few imperfect Samurai Jack episodes, but you people still give this shitshow the time of day?

We're seething here too

Maybe Rhombulus will get a light sentence in lieu of how things turned out?

Cute drawing of Marco, Artist name?

>I think it would make little sense to portray the MHC as evil
That's why I said "evil" with quotation marks, to them it's not evil. Eclipsa is just a taint on the world and a blemish on magic itself. They decontaminate Star just for being around her. It should have been the group working to kick her out, it would have been an interesting place to take the characters instead of Time-Out Guy going back into timeout.

Him planning on releasing Globor in itself is pretty weird since his character's bio is
>I find the source of evil, and I encase it in crystal forever.
and last time he said
>He's never getting out of there.
and then he just releases Globgor into the world? By his own volition?

>Yea Forums is just the same 5 people

Conspiracy hat on, Eclipsa's up to something. That chicken is still around.

Star only points to superficial characteristics in the classification of monsters, you can be harmless looking and still be a ruthless killing machine.

It breaks Rhomb’s crystals, expect it to wander onto screen and someone who was crystallized and thought dead to be freed, likely by Eclipsa so we can all marvel at how awesome she is.

Remember the magician gnome/dwarf episode where Star warns him to stop feeding off people's emotions and the idiot just sighs and ignores her then she kicks his shit, the audience says they didn't care they were being fed on as long as they were being entertained and the episode just ends there?

This is the 2010s. 8 levels of irony with idiocy in between. Enjoy your shit sandwich.

I rest my case.

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Voiced by Weird Al. Also the least watched episode of the entire show.

Really? They really wasted his marketable voice. I didn't recognize him because they made his voice all rough and gruff and shit. That and he didn't parody any songs.

SV:Brotherhood has worse animation but better art than SV.

I really liked him as Cheese Sandwich
that episode aired 5 years ago how is this my life

got no idea, sorry. saved that pic too long ago
I know what you mean, it reeks of him having been played like a fiddle. but is sailor racewar really that subtle?

What ep is THAT screencap from?

men will literally go against their natural primal urges and stop being carnivores for some good pussy change my mind

Eating one meat instead of another I suppose.

Just means he's eating tuna now.

so he's eating the waterfolk now?

What is the Brotherhood reference all about?

Well I can get used to veggie meat with write incentive.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

Who needs meat when you can lick those huge milk factories Eclipsa has every night?

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Kinda like mewmans?

That was a good one, user.

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you think Globgor ever bit Eclipsa by accident?

>Thus showing that Rhombulus was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in his assessment of Eclipsa.

Rhombulus assessment of Eclispa was that she was an awful baby eating monster that would stop at NOTHING to reunite with her awful monster husband of supreme evil.

In the end we see that Globgor was not an evil lord of darkness thus removing any legitimate fear of the consequences of freeing him and Eclispa herself didn't stop at nothing to free him. Sure she did really dumb shit behind people's backs but the idea that she would do literally anything vile and harmful to others to free him was proven wrong.

Grant you it feels like the clear endgame here is that Eclispa and her family are going to fuck off and give the reins to Star.

Thing is that was actually a fairly good message.
>Something that you think is amoral but that doesn't hurt anyone and both parties benefit from, isn't amoral
>You're not the moral arbiter of all of existence
Pretty reasonable really.

Does Star even want to be a princess on Mewni anymore? Moon doesn't want to be queen of mewmans, that's for sure.
And Eclipsa is also only kinda halfheartedly doing it, and would probably also prefer to fuck off and live on her own with Globgor and Meteora without all the responsibilities of dealing with eternally angry subjects (although being rich does have its benefits).

The world is winding down.

Considering he is into dark humor (love this guy, seriously), I'm pretty sure this has happened too many times.

>"Ouch! Careful, your teeth are sharp"
>"Mother used to tell me I had to chew my food properly while eating"
>"Ha! That was a joke."
>"Not a good moment, dear"
>"Sorry, I'l just lick..."
>"Thank you"
>"... as if you were ice cream"
>"Stop with the food jokes!"

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>we should arrest someone due to thought crime

I'd say feeding on someone's emotions without their expressed consent might qualify as being wrong.

Someone plotting sedition is considered a crime as well. In both instances, they're not just thinking about doing it, but actively planning and getting necessary supplies/weapons, either unlawfully or lawfully to do it.

The legitimate absolute monarch of Mewni can however decide to free her own husband. She was just persuaded not to do so because it might make some people angry, but legally, she actually can do whatever she wants.

>Glossaryck spends a whole season saying Globgor to warn everyone about him
>Glossaryck has reason for most everything he does since he is capable of time travel to guide events
>Glossaryck goes into Stars Secrets closet to indirectly tell her that Eclipsia had stolen the book fragment.
Exactly what are they trying to do with Glossaryck here? It can be argued that he wanted to teach Star something about placing too much trust into someone; but that effectively was throwing Eclipsia under the bus for no reason other than to betray her and teach star a lesson. Him still teaching star would only be important if he still had reason to train her as a queen. However he's also training Meteora how to use magic as she is the next in line after Eclipsia. So either he's trying to train Meteora to not be evil when she grows up, or he's training Star to be able to beat her if she does get out of control. As well Omnitraxus can see and interact with the multiverse, which would mean that there is a Globgor in them as well with different events as well, yet he seems to have little to no scope for possible outcomes like Rhombulus releasing globgor etc. It's like the writers forget how time travel or multiverses work when they keep insisting on using them in the plot.

>Eating one meat instead of another I suppose.
He just gave up eating Mewmans, he can still eat meat that isn't Mewman.

Does it matter if Omnitraxus can see what the Globgors of the multiverse are doing or not?
What matters is what that one specific Globgor is doing.

Well we're walking back to the point where Rhombulus was right about her. He thought she was going to free Globglor. She wasn't just thinking about it, she planned to do it and even stole from Star to make that happen. So in that respect, Rhombulus wasn't wrong that she was willing to do something wrong to get what she wanted. Though I suppose you might say that the book wasn't Star's to keep, it rightfully belongs to the legitimate heirs to the throne, which wouldn't be her or Moon anymore, but Eclipsa's.
Nevertheless, Rhombulus wasn't terribly wrong. He accused her of not caring about the mewmans and only caring about her family. Which wasn't really wrong. She kind of ignored her kingdom and spent much of her time pining for globgor. That's not to say her priorities were wrong.

It's just that Rhombulus wasn't terribly wrong. On top of that, the result of him freeing globgor was a net positive. Really, it's up to eclipsa if she wanted to commute his sentence and I think all things considered despite his ill intent, the result was still something positive for her family, so I think they may be a bit harsh on rhombulus at the moment.
But that's just my smelly opinion.

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The message the show is making for Eclipsa is still fucked up when you think about it. It would be like someone defending Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy. This isn't like someone stole a car or used to be in a gang when they were younger. He ate people, if Jeffrey Dahmer said he wasn't going to eat people anymore, I doubt his sentence would have been any different.

Isn't this the equivalent of a man falling in love with a chicken? And then giving up eating all chicken because your chicken gf gets offended?

Well yeah, love conquers all. That's romantic storytelling 101.
A monster that ate humans during wartime can fall in love with the daughter of the enemy leader who tried to kill you and your people and then reform out of love.

eating people is just a bad habit

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Well no one universe would be anymore important to him than another. Still he should know at this point how these things would play out, unless this universes Globgor is the anomaly. There would be enough universes similar to that one that he could make educated decisions. There would be a few trillion or more universes the exact same with a minor difference. That difference could be something as simple as wearing black shirt instead of a white shirt, or which shoe you put on first. As well he is omnipresent in every universe at the same time, while others each have their own versions of themselves exclusive to each universe.

He still has a taste for Mewman, but he's selective now. Eclipsa doesn't mind.

Glossaryk doesn't give a fuck. Maybe the Keith David Glossaryk isn't the real Glossaryk.

Keith David Glossaryk lacks so much character. I'd expect Keith David to be voicing Globgor. Instead they got him to voice someone who he cant sync with at all, so they had to tone down his personality which works against the character they had already established.

>The evil chapter is that what they're calling my chapter now
>Powers of darkness, forces of evil, yada yada, it's not my thing
>but marco on the other hand
So Eclipsia claimed that her chapter isn't evil when she clearly wrote about things that Star said were evil and powers of darkness, and had corrupted Marco and Ludo upon reading. How is Eclipsia not supposed to be evil? Did the writers write one thing, then the stage play Wicked came into down and they said fuck it we're going with that.

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They're big fans of SU and were inspired to flip the villain into a not-villain.

>Glossaryck spends a whole season saying Globgor to warn everyone about him
>Globgor was a dindu nuffin
I'll never stop being mad. I don't care about their backstage problems, the staff is full of hacks.

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Think about how quickly the writer's opinions about Globgor would change if he hit his spouse instead of eating people.

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are you trying to point out some sort of hypocrisy with your imaginary scenario? You'd have to try harder than that.

The only problem I knew of was that Glossaryck's VA was into somekind of sexual allegations with a tranny or something. Though writers, artists, and voice actors tend to never interact with each other.

I think the point he's trying to illustrate here is that they're a little cavalier with the fact that Globgor unequivocally is a murderer.

>Well we're walking back to the point where Rhombulus was right about her. He thought she was going to free Globglor. She wasn't just thinking about it, she planned to do it and even stole from Star to make that happen. So in that respect, Rhombulus wasn't wrong that she was willing to do something wrong to get what she wanted. Though I suppose you might say that the book wasn't Star's to keep, it rightfully belongs to the legitimate heirs to the throne, which wouldn't be her or Moon anymore, but Eclipsa's.
>Nevertheless, Rhombulus wasn't terribly wrong. He accused her of not caring about the mewmans and only caring about her family. Which wasn't really wrong. She kind of ignored her kingdom and spent much of her time pining for globgor. That's not to say her priorities were wrong.
>It's just that Rhombulus wasn't terribly wrong.
OP here. Thanks, you understand.

>the result of him freeing globgor was a net positive.
I mean yeah if Globgor is magically a good guy now which I guess the showwriters decided.



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It's a net positive for Eclipsa at least.
Mewni seems ok with it.
Personally I'm conflicted. I mean, yeah. He killed people. A lot of them. Realistically, we don't just let bygones by bygones with people who commit murder. It wasn't even a case of him killing people during war or anything of that nature. No. It was cold blooded premeditated murder.

Eclipsa has bad taste in monsters and just likes Globgor because he can give her the gigantic D.
Frogman are probably the best kind of partner you can have.

>absolute monarch
if the magic high commission can arrest the monarch for doing certain things, then it's not an "absolute" monarchy

You say this while Mewni has a legal fucking assassination guild and doesn't care about human eating fairies.

All mewmans are just descendants from 5 humans and a lot of inbreeding

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And of course marco has no issue with this, despite being from earth.

So pretty much Star and Eclipsa are related

Can Steven redeem him?

Fairies run their magical mirror data network plans. I don't see Globgor hooking up mewmans with an affordable 5g network plan that covers in universe and out.

Look at this
Also Solaria was basically Hitler who wanted to genocide ALL monster (civilians, families even children who never even did anything, literally all of them) with a spell, she was just not able to finish it before she died.
You guys forget that Mewni is a place with fucked up morals, rules and laws and Mewman are some kind of redneck like idiots who are way too dependent to someone with high authority and can't do anything by their own.
Most monsters aren't innocent and the writing of this show is pretty shit but mewman are as shit as the monsters.
BUT I actually liked it when it looked like monsters actually didn't trust Eclipsa or Globgor.
Now it's all messed up.

All Rhombulus wanted was his goat daddy back, is that so wrong?

Well he is made out of crystals, so there is a good chance.

and they said they didn't come from royalty

Anyone have the mega with mp4s?

But they have cute monstergirls and that's all what matters.
There was this no name lizard lady in the audience last episode.
We need more monstergirl cutes in SVTFOE.

>redneck like idiots
seems to fit
I think they could go deeper with mewdipendance day than just mewmans are bad and stole the monsters land. Mewmans clearly introduced corn to mewni. That small handful of humans in no way could have forcefully taken land. They'd have either been given land to grow corn, or been enslaved to grow corn, and later rebel.

Would've been better when it actually was just some guy who did by accident (I mean the chicken with the tied up beak was still there) and instead that all people accepting a redeemed Globgor it should have been just a part of the non monster Mewni population and the other part should join Mina with her Endlösung and some volunteers for the revived Solaria project.

I think those 5 where the first but not the only Mewman settlers.

Neat, he can be a Crystal Gem

This still doesn't explain the Lucitors, the Sea Folk Kingdom, the Spiderbites, etc. The early Mewmans most likely bred with these people as well.

Lucian Sanchez?

>"You and Tom were....buddies, weren't you?"

Spiderbites are just mewmans living in a forest full of spiders. They're not monsterous looking at all. Just look like people who have been bitten by spiders a lot.

Sea folk could be entirely native to mewni as well; just a coincidence that they look humanish.
Whereas the lucitors have an far more recent inter-breeding thing going on with tom's parents.

How many episodes left until the finale?

The lucitors are literal demons from literal hell. Tom can even use necromancy to bring back the dead. I don't even think they're part of mewni as you need to go through a dimensional portal to reach their realm.

7 episodes, 13 segments (very last one is a full half-hour)

End date is May 19th

Of course there must be a nigger and other shitskins

also it seemed off that the crystal was blown to bits/shattered rather than melted like Rombulus has show to do when unfreezing eclipsa in moons memory and then Eclipsa posessed him and when he met star and released Marco.

Never have we seen him melt a crystal leaving peaces lying around like that. And then was the show drawing all that attention on the fact that Eclipsa likes to enter peoples minds and shit...

Then again seems like almost every episode is a chopout/course correction.

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they're still from Mewni, they live underground (nevermind how they were at a beach last time). if you'll recall in Conquest Tom opened a crack in the ground to the underworld where he and Star would have taken refuge from Meteora.

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Only white one is a girl, queen cum dump.

Pretty sure that's a portal not just a crack in the ground. If anyone else dug a hole I doubt they'd end up in Tom's world. It's just hell for all universes.

Either way you think that Tom's family would have some sort of input of Eclipsa and Globgor seeing as Tom's parents are similar.

>Tom's parents are similar
Since Nefcy is known for "subversion", I don't think so. Tom's grandfather used the severing stone to get rid of his feelings for Tom's grandmother after she died, right? Since Lucitors and demons live for hundreds of years, then perhaps Tom's grandmother was not a demon, but Mewman, and Dave just takes after his mother.
The book does say that Tom is the son of "the big man downstairs" rather than the "big woman downstairs." I think Tom's mom is just a high ranking demon, and Dave is the kind by right.


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pretty sure it's on Mewni, which is why Tom was invited to that Mewni prince/princess dance thing in Club Snubbed. but that's just how I read it.

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also this

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The two aren't comparable. Even though Eclipsa planned it she
A. Didn't go through with it even after having the chance to do it multiple times.
B. Was ultimately in the right because Globgor wasn't an actual threat to Mewni.
Compare that to Rhombulus who actually released him and framed someone else for it and tried to use it as an excuse to imprison both of them.
Then add on the fact that Meteora would have been left without parents or worse given the St. Olga's treatment again and it's obvious that Rhombulus is way worse.

Rhombulus CAN smash his own crystals though. He did it by accident in Crystal Clear and freed the pizza delivery guy.

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I thought that was because his crystals were weakened due to magic being drained from the universe or something.

are there any videos of Globgor eating people haha

Why didn't moon and river go live with the Johansen's?

You just reminded me that the Spiderbites said that the Johannsens won't accept Eclipsa so easily which means we are due for an episode where Star talks shit to her father's family for not being open minded about monsters

Requesting pic related with Rhombulus instead of Hitler.

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>nevermind how they were at a beach last time
Wasn't it a beach with an "sea" made of lava? I was still underground, the underworld is just really roomy.

"Monster" means shitholer.

And Rhombulus didn't get his snake arms until Glossaryck cast a spell on him.

Also, a reminder that Rhombulus was the only one on the MHC that didn't agree with lying about Meteora and Festivia.

I'll be a husbandofag anf simply use this thread as the official one.
Damn, why do we keep splitting up this bad?
Book explained the sea folk already, they were normal mewmans who were stupid enough to keep building their houses in places where they always kept fallling into the water over and over and over, so they learned to live on the sea.

Kinda fucked up that a rape Victim is being arrested for trying to get back at there rapist who got off scottfree.

If they were all white, people would be wondering where the brown Mewmen came from.

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user...we werent talking about anything closely to that

It was because magic was weakening that the crystal broke, and it's because of this episode (Crystal Clear) that the recent episode, while it entertained me, still left a bad taste in my mouth.

Solaria was fucking based.

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I want Solaria and Mina to kill everyone

The monsters had thousands of years before the mewmans even showed up, and what did they accomplish? Nothing, apparently.

They had a castle, Toffee blew it up.

Because reasons.

They still have the Pie-Folk Moth Heritage thing to pick up.
Gloss' saying Globgor has to be important, he has never done anything without reason we just need to wait and see wat 5th dimensional chess he is playing.
Also, Omnitraxis being some multiversal time and space guy, him fighting by just pummelling Glob' into submission and using the occasional portal trick was dope.

Mewmans evolving from moths would have been a better backstory than pilgrims through a wormhole

Is it ever established when the castle was built? In the book of spells, it says the Queen Crescenta basically instilled a puppet government for the monsters, but I don't remember reading anything about their castle. I felt it implied that the castle would be built for the monster king.

probably decedent from gypsies. Moon's transformation does look like a gypsy moth afterall.

Ludo's parents are still treated as royalty of sorts. Moon even addresses them as Lord and Lady.

She had the charisma of a fucking squash and somehow managed to lose to some random fodder despite having incredible magical power at her fingers

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The monster temple was described by Moon as being ancient, so it probably was made before Mewmen showed up.

Which episode was that quote from?

Starcrushed. She asks Ludo why he's here "in this ancient monster temple" during the interrogation

Well there was the monster temple and castle Avarius. Then there were all the non mewman civs like the mermen, pony heads, lucitors, pixies. Then there were a whole bunch of monster princesses at St. Olga's.

>The fucking minstrel not only escaped death after his performance of stars song, but is also married to the delicious thick brown blonde.
What a fookin legend.

>where the brown Mewmen came from.
Pie folk came from a far off land, so they most likely arrived separate from the pilgrim mewmans.


>Moon: And I suppose it's just a coincidence that you've taken up shelter here in this ancient monster temple.

>There's that shade of pink over his head the entire episode when it had never been there previously.

I think maybe his character model just got upgraded. You notice he has the same glow in Junkin' Janna. I wouldn't be surprised if he was tricked into doing it by Hekapoo and/or Omni though. Just a "I wish there was some way for the Mewmen to see what a bad guy Globgor was. Oh well, see you later Rhomby" would probably be enough to put the idea in his head.

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Actually, it turns out he had the head glow in season 3 too. It's kind of subtle, so it's kind of hard to notice.

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OK, there it is. Still vague, though.

This is the only reference I can find for the amount of time passed, but the dates are clearly fucked up, claiming Eclipsa was imprisoned after 1987. Unless there's some time dilation fuckery between Mewni and Earth, none of that makes sense.

We've seen many buildings and castles that belonged to ancient monsters through the series. They even had their own democratic system.

Then mewmans refugees/inmigrants showed up with their magic and everything was ruined.
Moral of the story? Ilegal inmigration is bad.

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>They even had their own democratic system.
Where does it say that? Earliest reference I saw was Crescenta's rigged election.

the whole show has ever been stupid but they are reaching new levels of stupidity,this new season is a mess

Yeah, just ignore that page completely.

It's all just one wiki autist who reads too much into things in the background, books, and obvious jokes and tries to fit all of it together. Ex. there's a minor Echo Creek character in S2 with a joke where he always claims it's his birthday. This guy takes that literally and believes over a year passes within S2 alone.

Or at least that page said that once. I don't feel like looking at that bullshit again but I presume it's still a fuckin' mess that shouldn't be on a wiki because it's speculation more than anything.


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Did they set Rhombro up?

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If they did say something like that, it might have just been idle chatter, and not something they intended Rhombulous to do. Ultimately, it was his decision to make and he's always been shown to make rash decisions.

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He was pigeonholed into being the antagonist.

It sure lampshades it for a brief moment. But we never a proper answer. It's just "Shut the fuck up bitch, the commission are not monsters because they're not monsters."

Moon and Star are descendants of Festivia, a Pie-Folk villager.
Comet and Moon both made pies in the traditional moonfolk way.
The traditional moonfolk pies include a moth on top.
Moon, Stars, and Comets are celestial objects and thus related to the night.
They are literally butterflies of the night, Moths, and their transformed forms seem to represent this as there are closer resemblances to moths than butterflies.

Geez, this feels like something George Lucas would do.

How sure are we that Festivia was pie folk? I mean, it was pie folk trying to use it as leverage. It could have just been a scam.

*ahem* esteemed members of the high commission, I just want to say

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fucking based

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Based and crystalpilled.

It's also mentioned vaguely in Eclipsa's, when Globgor as one of the princes had to earn popularity to be chosen King of the Dark Monster Nations or King of Monsters.

That's the reason Crescenda had to go through an election to put Lady Avarius in charge.

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Every. Single. Fucking. Thread.

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Hm, that sounds possible I guess.


You're not a pie-folk trying to hustle me are you?

Would you look at that. Another deformed member of his species. What are the odds?

This is and always was a shit theory because everyone who's ever held the wand was a rando at first. The wand turns everyone who's around it enough into a butterfly and it's how the first line got the name.

Also the names don't even count as evidence because eclipses are also associated with night, or at least darkness, and meteors are associated with the night as much as comets. We also haven't even seen any other Butterfly forms in canon to compare Moon and Star against, except for a few images in the Book of Spells that really look no different.

I wish all the little hints they dropped thoughout the series actually meant something

i still feel bad for Rhombulus, i want to hug him. He really got the short end of the stick.

yeah their writing is about as subtle as a sledge hammer and their morality is both simplistic and confused

It was a pretty bad episode, I hope they have more tricks up their sleeve than the final battle against the crazy old racist soldier

It didn't strike me that Globgor's clout through his general popularity was anything close to a formal democracy. It made it sound like a loose coalition of monster factions tenuously united against the mewmans, but otherwise not having much in common.

Of course not! Don't be ridiculous, fellow human!

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if you're willing to stretch the definition of democracy its really not hard to call anything a democracy,

A modern democracy has voting rights for all adults generally but traditionally this wasn't the case at all, so really a democracy seems to just be a system in which the leader was chosen either collectively or by a voting system, in which certain people are given a voice.

In which case the HRE, the Kingdom of Poland and the Catholic Church all qualify as democracies

>Only i know how this all turns out
So basically, he said this because he knew Meteora was going to reunite with her mother, turn into a baby and attack him in the past... right?
So he wasn't talking about his future move but instead his motive in a misleading way?
Rasticore knew this when he was working for her or was a causality?
I have so many questions that the show don't care to answer.

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It was just a death rattle, user. Let him go. It's better off this way.

I miss him. Also
user who wants monsters?

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>So basically, he said this because he knew Meteora was going to reunite with her mother, turn into a baby and attack him in the past... right?
>So he wasn't talking about his future move but instead his motive in a misleading way?
I don't think that line had anything to do with this scene (there's no sign that Toffee knows anything about Heinous/Meteora, and Rasticore obviously hasn't worked for Toffee for years). I don't think it had to do with anything, really. Toffee has this persona of making the plans and being ten steps ahead and he was just pretty much losing his shit when he realized Star had defeated him.

>Rasticore knew this when he was working for her or was a causality?
I'm not sure Rasticore made the connection between Heinous and Meteora appearing in the past, even after he learned Heinous was Meteora in the present day. It's unclear exactly when that scene with Toffee is, and so it could've been hundreds of years since Rasticore heard Glossaryck call her "Meteora" and by then he could've forgotten. And if he did make that connection, then he probably also just left her like he did because he knew some weird shit was going on with her.

Really, though, Meteora is garbage and anything related to her isn't worth wasting time on or thinking about. It doesn't matter.

It was good for the show's standards.

The fact they brought up a topic from Season 2 regarding how mewmans believe monsters kill babies and have no paternal instinct, due to propaganda, was a good closure to the topic.

Even Heekapoo thought Globgor was going to kill Meteora because of what she heard about him (being that most likely the reason behind the kidnaping).

Then yeah, Eclipsa tried to release Globgor but the thing is she asked him first. If Globgor was the slightest of a threat he would have accepted the offer and proved the MHC right, but by declining and later on asking for his own crystalization, he passed.

At the end of the day, this was never a test for Eclipsa, but for Globgor. Which is the reson the events of The Monster and the Queen had to take place.

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>implying any of this even happened
>implying it wasn't all an elaborate simulation created by Glossaryck in order to get Meteora to dip down

If you thought the end of Cornonation was shit, then now we know who to blame!


I would've grudgingly praised her if she'd worked on the first half because that was surprisingly decent for this season, but she was directly responsible for writing the line OH NO BABY GET AWAY FROM THERE or whatever the fuck.

Good to know.

The action was well boarded and used a size shifter to pretty good effect. The resolution was awful and the writers should be ashamed.


Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I liked the fight scene. It's just most else during those last ~5 minutes that she was responsible for was honestly just so bad, and even the ending of the actually good fight was interrupted with BABY IN PERIL shit.

I mean, I know I should be blaming the writers as well since she did this based on their outline, and okay, I'll blame them too, but I can't believe it was one person who did what I think was like all the worst parts. For some reason I'd honestly suspected she did the opening scene, because that was pretty funny and she's been funny at times. The other boarders for this one aren't as getting as much credit because it really did feel like it could be leading up to something good.

I think the MHC changed the public opinion on Eclipsa

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>t-the wand belongs to Eclipsa!
Remember how the Butterfly family wand was destroyed in Battle for Mewni then Star created a new one from nothing? I don't!

Oh yeah... Fucking oops.
Especially since Meteora's Lesson established the only part of that want that truly matters is the unicorn.
New unicorn, new wand.
In fact, what's stopping them from making more wands? Just go to the realm of magic, grab some baby unicorns and presto.

How did Toffee go from a biker to a barbarian, to a lawyer?

Eclipsa has the most boring wand design ever, it's just a fucking umbrella

Real of magic is hard to get to apparently. That said if you’re a super genius like Star and Meteora you don’t even need a wand. It’s funny how they never really elaborate on the distinction between someone like Eclipsa who is extremely capable with magic but still needs a wand and Star who just says the first thing on her mind and causes it to materialize.

Some people are BIG fans of Merry Poppins.

In the first episode of season 2 it was stated that one has to learn the art of dipping down before one can use magic without the aid of a wand. It is true that Eclipsa is a very talented magic wielder, she just never bothered learning the art of dipping down. The wand is a training tool, comparable to a pair of extra wheels on a bike. It enables aspiring magic users to skim the surface of their magic potential, but unlocking one’s full potential requires dipping down. This would also imply Eclipsa hasn’t reached her full potential yet, which is a disconcerting thought, since she managed to job Meteora quite decisively without having access to her super saiyan butterfly mode.

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>Didn't go through with it even after having the chance to do it multiple times.
Again, not her idea. Also crimes are crimes regardless of how right you think your crime is.

>How did Toffee go from a jobber to a jobber, to a jobber?


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>Was ultimately in the right because Globgor wasn't an actual threat to Mewni
wow he didn't commit a crime in the first 10 minutes after his release? impressive

>Rhombulus and Mina are the end game villains

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Yet she is capable of doing wandless spells, like the mind reader or the memory eraser.

If she knew how to reach Butterfly mode she would be unstoppable.

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From my own experience and some sketchy studies on the internet I can confirm that 75% of vegetarians are female, and the other 25% are betas trying to get their attention, or soys crying because muh poor animuls :(

Just imagine an army of Solarian warriors against an alliance of monsters and mewmans.

It could be great.

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Ikr? At this point people have accepted murderers, thieves and cannibals as relatable or agreeable characters. But imagine if they were rapists, pedophiles or wife beaters

Suddenly the audience would have zero sympathy for them, and the show would have to get rid of them as quickly as possible

Septarians are practically immortal. They have quite literally all the time in the world to learn new skills and pursue different careers. In one life they are obnoxious bikers and in the next one they could aspire something else entirely. A change of pace would keep someone from getting bored, I guess, especially when you are doomed to live for an eternity.

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Good point, desu though, we have never explicitly seen Eclipsa using the spells you mentioned in your post with or without her wand. In the book of spells, Eclipsa wrote she used a mind reading spell on Shastakang or whatever the fuck his name is during a formal dance. She must have done this surreptitiously; waving around a staff during a dance wouldn’t be very sneaky if you ask me. Perhaps some spells don’t require the use of the wand, I wouldn’t know. All I know is that the show doesn’t have consistent rules regarding magic, which would explain why we’re having this little discussion in the first place.

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Lived war times in which he tried to achieve peace at all costs. He had to do whatever necessary to protect his people.
Now we hate soldiers?
Mewmans have been killing monsters for sport until not so recently.

The only thing he stole is the Queen's heart.
Mewmans steal land from others on a daily basis.

He is a vegetarian, unlike other species mewmans make deals with. Fairies eat mewmans during weddings and nobody gives a fuck

The point of Mewni is that everybody is fucked up, so those who actually try to improve and move on are the good ones.
Meanwhile those stuck in their pasts (Toffee, Heinous, Mina) are evil.

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I mean, think about how much media sends the message that killing is sometimes justified and acceptable, even necessary.

I love how they took essential backstory, like Globgor being the leader of the peace faction of monster, and didn't actually include it in the show. It really makes the story satisfying.

Can't make six figures as a biker or barbarian?

That's one of the most disturbing messages being pushed by the modern Left. Violence is okay as long as you are "in the right" when you perpetrate said violence. Classical Libs and hippies would have abhorred violence in any scenario but Progressives seem totally okay with assaulting people over political differences.

So you would rather let those you love being murdered during a war rather than fight back?
Holy shit, this generation is full of cowards and betas.

Even Star has killed many.

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tom’s dad is cute

whT Rhumbulus did was dumb, but not really out of character, remenber when Rhumbulus forzen star and Marco over stupid bias back on season 2?

Rhunbulus was always the most paranoic of the group, he is like this cruzader inquisitor that see SIN and evel on everything , everything need to be purged, anything he do even if terrible is for the great good.

ok so, what is the difference with eating mewmans and animals? like, globgor at least stopped eating them, tom has an undead speaking horse, how is it any different if people eat horse meat or whatever why is globgor deemed evil by you guys?

>all knowledge is good knowledge
Eclipsa isn't evil, she's just not concerned by the nature of the knowledge and doesn't have any bounds on what she'll investigate. What other people do with that knowledge isn't her issue - Star states (as you said) it's not really her thing, which her spells reflect; Ludo wanted power from the very beginning and Marco's an end-gag that I really hope they do something with.

Sapience, I guess. And people wanna defend the stupid mewmans because mewmans look and are heavily implied to be dimension-traveling humans, so it's an US vs. THEM.

It could be something you cast that lasts for a while afterwards, like the all-seeing-eye.

Fuck you buddy, I never said the message was wrong, just pointing out it's prevalence in modern media.

yeah, that seems like pretty much it, kinda ironic tbqh

Something I've been wondering lately, where are the other members of Globgor's race? Did they all get wiped out, go into hiding or leave for another dimension?

A key distinction is that those people don't really believe in the cause, they just want an excuse to hurt other people.

my guess would be the lucitors and their kingdom

except the jester isn't a mewman, she is piefolk
but yeah there are brown mewmen

he wuz da king n' shiet befo globgor popped the nigga

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He literally tried to run as far away as he could from the situation to avoid getting his family in any trouble. That's about as far from a threat as someone can get.
How much of a crime is it when you are the queen of your own kingdom. If anyone had the authority to do such a thing it was her. If anything you can consider the MHC's actions to be a straight up illegal coup d'etat. It was mostly about her trying to avoid looking bad.

>Eating your sentient enemy
>Acceptable escalation
Yeah no

Were the pie-folk originally mewmans who split off? Or also inter-dimensional humans?

i think they are probably mewmans who left mewni to settle in new lands
the same as spiderbites

I wonder what he would have done after running away?

As for the crime, seeing as the Mewni kingdom seems to be an absolute monarchy she'd only have to answer to the MHC. The citizens might be able to express an informed opinion about the negative effects of releasing a shape shifting monster who ate a former monarch, but they've been written to be retarded, so they don't really factor into anything.

There is no vs. when mewmans give no fucks about other species doing it.

The guy can change size so everything can be prey, his kind just pick theirs among the enemy (mewmans were at war with them so...).
As Globgor doesn't consider anybody his enemy, he chooses a vegetarian diet instead... the end.

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I was thinking, he doesn't eat any other kind of meat? Maybe beed, chicken, other kind of meat no-mewman?

him eating mewmans had nothing to do with the war

Haven’t thought of that one. Good thinking, user. Nefcy, that worthless hack, still has a lot of explaining to do when it comes to worldbuilding, though. It is not the viewers’ job to fill in the gaps whenever the writers fail to properly explain the inner workings of the goddamn world that they have created in the first place.

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Nefcy should've stuck to lewd artwork.

Rhombulus, stop posting from your cell.

This is the only one I’ve got regarding Negroid affairs. I don’t like having exotic things on my computer. They remind me a bit too much of the fact I live in a multicultural hellscape in which brown has become the new white.

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Just corn going by the series' logic.

They were probably exiled for being thieves and liars. They're portrayed kind of like the way gypsies are portrayed in most media.

>"this was the first board and hardest I boarded for Star!"
>giving the keys to the Benz to go practice driving for the first time.

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>Globgor X Eclipsa is the best ship
This kind is nonsense is why the show is in the state it's in.

a ship is a couple fans would like to see together
eclipsa and globgor are fuckimg married and have a child togethet, they're NOT a ship

i live in a country that's more or less entirely homogeneous so i can't relate for shit to this show tackling racism the way it does.

He probably would have hidden in a cave or something away from anyone else.

Thoughts about the final episodes?

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Sounds like they're going to leave us hanging.

Wow, no mention of Marco.

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fucking kill me

I wish Mina gets a happy ending

You’re one lucky bastard, then. Close your borders or adopt a strict migration policy a la Switzerland or Singapore, in case you guys haven’t already. Do not copy Eclipsa’s bullshit integration policies. They will fail in Mewni, just like they have failed in my home country. Your descendants will be in your debt.

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are we getting a third book?

yeah thankfully the fact that the country's shit income and welfare wise compared to the rest of western europe i don't need to worry about extra policies

Where'd you get these?

She's going to realize racism is wrong and will commit to diversity.


This sucks dick.

No mention of Tom either. It could be that they are implicitly included in the synopsis of the final episode i.e. Star finally putting poor Tom out of his misery and starts sucking spic dick for breakfast, lunch and supper.

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It's a children's cartoon. On a board for cartoons. Are we supposed to just shit on it because some other people did? Are you afraid to tell people in real life of your interests because you're afraid they won't like them? Do you pretend that you hate stuff that other people do?

I don't know where we fucking went so wrong as to make absolute fucking cowards like you -who parrot every shitpost they see- welcome on this board. You echo every criticism you notice on this website without any knowledge of its source content so you can feel like you fit in the Yea Forums "le epic pessimist mindset" because you're certainly not going to get the satisfaction of community and friendship out of real life, you worthless fucking nobody.

I hate you. I hate everything you represent in this day and age on this board in which shitposting hiveminds have replaced actual debate. I hate that you are incapable of forming your own opinion. I hate that genuinely good shows and movies now have a bad reputation on this site because of fucking morons like you.

Yes, you do.
All those other western Europe countries' income and welfare rates will plummet. If you don't close those borders, you'll look like the next feast for the locusts.

>posting this without the bookkermit

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Shes going to have a single living armor and thats it

>Toffee is literally irrelevant after S3 Opener
what a waste of my time

so the average SU villain treatment then? she deserves better than that

u mad

who needs Marco if you have Rich Pigeon and Quirky Guy

According to she's going to have an army. And she seems powerful enough that she doesn't need her own armor. I'm curious to see if her soldiers are volunteers like her or Mewmans dissatisfied with the current state of their country.

Why are you expecting different?

I agree. You still have time to prepare yourself. I don’t know how hard it is to obtain fire arms in your home country, but if it is at all possible, I suggest you start stocking up on them ASAP. In my home country fire arms have been demonized and practically banned, so I’ll have to rely on fisticuffs and baseball bats when shit inevitably hits the fan.

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because characters actually die in Star Vs

Who the fuck is Quirky Guy?

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Going by the summaries
>Mina shows up, says she's going to raze everything with her army. Moon stays retired.
>Star and the dorks show up to fight her after Eclipsa gets bodied. Moon comes out of retirement to beat down Mina
I honestly can't predict where Cleaved will take things. Given the direction of this season I'm pessimistic, but still curious enough to watch.

How close are you to Serbia? You can buy Slav Surplus pretty cheap there if you know what you are doing.

>Here's your season finale party member bro!

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Cleaved sounds like a shipping episode to wrap things up after the big evil is defeated

I can only think of Toffee, who else died and stayed dead?

>this guy fucked Hekapoo and you didn't

Lekmet and Gemini

These seem like those fake descriptions we got for S2B where Tara Strong was listed as a guest VA

and that squarrel guy

Also all the people that got vored by dindubor and the bird

Also whoever got levitatad (exluding river)

Will Eclipsa and Ludo get along?

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ludo is for all intents and purposes dead. His arc is finished and theres nothing else they want to do with him, he was just written off from the show so he can build his gay cuck castle with the tall homo.

We will never see him again and thus he wont be interacting with Eclipsa.

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What about Jannanigans?

>It is written, only Marco can impregnate Star

fuck they could have made a funny episode in which Ludo tried to seduce Eclipsa like his lackies wanted him to do.
sounds like a better filler episode than the ones we got like the kelly ep or dragon bike one

it's kinda sad that in its current state, zelda cdi has a better plot than this show

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Having Eclipsa say "ew" in regards to Ludo would be great.

seems fake

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stop it, River's red eyes always make me laugh

Here, have a closeup

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>Star, Ponyhead, Sea Horse, Kelly, Rich Pigeon, Jorby, Talon and Quirky Guy all arrive to bail out Eclipsa
That's a very specific list of characters for what's intended to be a brief synopsis. And isn't Seahorse in jail for abducting Eclipsa?

Sorry, I’m a proud subject of the EUSSR; for American standards Serbia ain’t that far away, but I don’t have the means to stock up on arms that are highly illegal in the nanny state in which I reside atm.

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Agreed. None of the descriptions correlate to the titles and are way too vague.

I bet its Moon's kingdom, they seem itching to go against Eclipsa.

The episode I didn't know I wanted until now.

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Inb4 she did want to fuck Ludo but is too committed to her hubby so she declines Ludo’s advances.

Mewman? More like Jewman.
Solaria died like a looser and she deserved it lmao.

Two of the first 5 Mewman were pretty brown and Moons grandma looked like a typical 1920 negro showgirl.
Mewmans were always mutts.

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She was ambushed at night behind enemy lines. Most of her force was probably sleeping. War is chaotic and brutal.

Everyone keeps saying this. I sincerely hope this is a meme.

>did nothing but draw all day
>wasn't even good at it
holy shit this queen is literally me

For a warlord is extremely stupid not to have soldiers making turns at night.

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>I sincerely hope this is a meme

There are no memes on internet, user.

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Even sentries can be caught off guard. It only takes a small force to slip inside to cause a lot of chaos.

>What the fuck is wrong with this show's morality scale?
This show would've been so much better if Star didn't stop with Toffee and killed some more, including Meteora.
Come to think of it, it probably would've been a less morally ambiguous resolution than what we've got.


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>What the fuck is wrong with this show's morality scale?
There isn't one. The crew just arbitrarily decides who gets to be painted in a flattering light and who gets shit on. Which is ironically how Mewni handles the 'monster or not' question.

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Wasn't this part of a furry porn comic whose author was ostracized from the community after people found out some dirt on him/her? I think I remember finding something with a similar style a few years ago

yeah the artist got accused of pedophilia/bestiality shit
search for purplekecleon for details

>monster or not
It's not totally arbitrary. Monsters are the indigenous people of Mewni who don't have magic. It's arbitrary the same way being French is arbitrary.

I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you can dig up some unexploded ordnance from one of the last times people cared about their countries.

I thought it was pretty explanatory
>Star: What about people who aren't Mewmans but also aren't monsters? Like Rhombulus. He has snakes for hands. Are his hands monsters?
>Moon: Heavens, no! He's on the Magical High Commission!
>Star: And what about the Pony Heads? They're a bunch of floating horse heads!
>Moon: No, dear. We've had ties with the Pony Heads for generations.
>Star: And Rich Pigeon? His kingdom is brand-new! And he's a pigeon with legs, Mother! How is he not a monster?
>Moon: Well, dear, he's rich.
they're not considered monsters because of their relation with Mewni. I don't understand the confusion here.

so normal animals are considered to be monsters on mewni?

if they're intelligent, i.e. normal giraffe wouldn't be a monster it'd be a creature but Ludo's giraffe buddy is a monster

true makes sense
but I guess Hekapoo's biker friends aren't monsters otherwise she wouldn't hang out with them

Why are Septarians a problem again? You can't kill them but you can freeze them, crystallise them, transform them, give them ever growing beards, melt them, send them to other dimensions, etc. Just get some imagination.

Seeing as pilgrims were puritans; he would have been a slave.

Because those all require magic, and there's a limited number of magic users and items.

they might be from a different realm, they've never really touched on this so can't be sure but I'm pretty sure only the ones on Mewni are considered monsters. which is why you see more average "monsters" have decent lives in different dimensions like the sloth guys at Quest Buy

and there's a limited amount of Septarians, in the last war with them we only saw two on-screen and only Toffee was really threatening. and I just got to say she got lucky that Toffee just stood there like a stupid idiot while she charged up her Death Beam.

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They are monsters, but the term is only used for those who live in the same land Mewmans share.

Put Buff Frog in any other dimension or in Water Folks territory and he wouldn't be considered a monster anymore.
Cornonation even had a mewman confusing Katrina with a Water Folk (Fish kid)

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but then why the racism towards monsters in mewni if they know monsters in other dimensions are alright?
why was Globgor supposed to be a baby murderer when monsters in other dimensions can care about their children just fine?
I guess this is what happens if you simply make up shit for new dumb story twists

Oh, then I wasn't just imagining things, thank you friend.

But he did eat childrens, there was no propaganda, it was true, he said it himself

If they wanted to make globglore good why not just prove that the HMC was laying? That would have made more sence, not this bullshit "but i have a family now, im a good guy, i promise, trusth me, just because i ate childrens doesnt make me a bad person, look i am not eating MY own children"

Really, they should have made Toffee the only immortal monster.

>but then why the racism towards monsters in mewni
because of the Mewni-Monster relation, the monsters were territorial and the Mewmans did things like make them genociding them a holiday. people were afraid of Globgor specifically and told stories about him "plucker of limbs" and all that so obviously would be afraid for the baby around him.

Oh because it has nothing to do with the attempted coup, or the timing of his release. All rhombulus did was release globgor. And the show told us eclipsa would've been wrong to release him too, but eclipsa didn't say it out loud so its super hypocritical.

Come on, you guys are just grasping at straws at this point.

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And they should've made 'immortal' actually mean 'immortal', not just regenerative. It made his missing finger much less significant

He never said he ate babies. Stop making up lies.

Even Buff Frog called shit on that rumor when Moon said it Battle for Mewni.

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Yeah. If makes sense that they'd hate Mewman monsters more than monsters from some random dimension, but the show takes it so far its nonsense. It's totally normal to hate people who want your land or to demonise people whose land you want, but the idea that they don't look after their children is so obviously wrong.

>the "immortal" monster is defeated by...a really powerful blast

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monster = shitholer

Literally nothing other than the fact that a) you don't just randomly waltz into the Realm of Magic, b) grabbing the unicorns might be more difficult than intended if they don't want to go and you're unprepared for the Realm's effects and finally c): that benefits noone and introduces a whole bunch of problems. Magic is wave wand and done - dimension gone, gravity deleted, time frozen, mind wiped, ect.

>monsters don't eat babi-

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But Mewmans are the ones who enjoy living in shitholes.

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I don’t know the reason why, but this sequence of events always manages to give me a raging boner. There is something about the idea of Star being forced to take ligger dick in front of her best friend that gets to me. If only Nefcy had the balls to incorporate such a traumatic event into the plot. It would have given the cast a reason to take action against a certified force of evil and to contemplate the ramifications of sexual assault on the fragile psyche of a teenage girl. But that would have been to much to ask from dear old Nefcy, right?

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To be fair, that guy was very much a "will do anything if he believes that's what he is supposed to do because others told him that" kinda guy, not really that bright.

>mewmans don't eat bab..

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>Have an entire fucking subplot about needing a special spell to kill them
>even show Rasticore coming back from a pile of ashes
>no just blast harder lmao blast harder

Wait then how did Asians come to be?

>we know they're going back to Earth in one of the episodes
>tfw Marco stays and says goodbye, which is also why they broke up Kellco so fast

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Who would win? An inmortal punk lizard monster or a baby?

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>Star searches for a way to defeat Mina and her Solarian Warriors
wow actual spoilers

I don’t see the problem here: why should eclipsas spell, which required a wand, be more powerful than stars dip-down magic? (Yes Star was holding the wand but she dipped down to create that new form)

it's not that it's more powerful, the darkest spell is not suppose to be a really powerful blast it does something specific that counters Septarians i.e. send whatever is hit into the wand meaning impossible to grow back.

To be fair, she ate human babies, not monster babies. So she wasn't racist or anything.

>Just brought back the entire realm of magic
>In your superpowered mode
>Basically Magic Jesus

>Product of the other horrendously powerful magic-wielder and a shape-shifting monster

Magic is the only thing able to permanently damage Septarians. If it can fuck them up in Eclipsa's spell form, why not other ways?

Have you watched the episode "A Spell with no Name"?
The spell is far more powerful than that. I'd say the most powerful ever created.

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I thought the spell with no name wasn't the darkest spell, the spell with no name is like Solaria's nuke magic she never quite finished or maybe I'm completely wrong.

It's alright, the lore is contradictory in some points. I believe that the Darkest is also the same as the Nameless, despite Solaria claiming to be working on a nuke to eradicate them all at once, on the grounds that she told Eclipsa the spell without writing it down in the Book, and we've seen from Eclipsa's chapter that the Darkest / Nameless Spell isn't there, either. It's deductive reasoning to believe this extremely-long invocation is both the Darkest and Nameless Spell.

The last two half-hours have been pretty lackluster. Next half-hour is the series finale. I hope Mina isn't the final boss, and her shtick gets wrapped up when she like, kidnaps Meteora or whatever.


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The final villain is shipping.

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Got a non-thumbnail of this?

that's good

awesome, I wish this actually happened

This stupid fucking thing always makes me laugh, fucking River and Toffee

From the sick minds who asked for Star to be raped by Toffee...

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I don't care what anyone says, MM is generally on-point with this stuff.

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When a monster eats babies it's evil. When a human eats babies it's based and /ourguy/.

I can't make out that soundcloud link

I think the only point of the end gag with Marco was foreshadowing what would happen with Ludo later in the season when he looked at the chapter.

can someone tell me what the fuck is Glossaryck's relation with the Book of Spells

is he not actually compelled to teach whoever owns it? was he just trolling Star in Rest in Pudding? why did he burn along with the book? why did putting the Book of Spells into the Realm of Magic well resurrect him? did he create the Book of Spells, or did the first queen?

people are treating it as if the Book of Spells meant nothing to him after 3 seasons of that really not being the case and I just don't understand. someone explain.

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I want a filler episode with Ludo trying to seduce Eclipsa.

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globgor sounds fucking retarded

it looks like...

Maybe the last letter is a Q? a D? Not even sure it's real. None of those variations seem to work.


It's about not wasting your audience's time. They spent a whole back story episode establishing that Moon made a deal with the devil to get the darkest spell and that using it blackened her hands. It was that spell that resulted in Eclipsa being freed, setting the plot of season 3 and 4 in motion. Revealing that Moon could have just dipped down and blasted harder undercuts all that set up.

Admittedly, this is a show that loves not paying off the stuff they set up. There are worse examples.


The show itself kind of shits on this though with Tom saying ACTUALLY I'M A MONSTER EVEN THOUGH I'M A LITERAL PRINCE AND NO ONE TREATS ME LIKE ONE

I can only assume that's meant to make Tom come off badly, trying to claim oppression that mostly has nothing to do with him, except from roughly that point onward they've consistently portrayed him as pretty nice and genuine so I'm not sure what they were thinking there

>There are Rhom apologists in here
Shows why Nefcy said fuck y'all and made the show complete shit.

I like the voice. It's sweet yet manly.
No wonder the voice actor is considered a charming man.

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Not as sick as Star having a long-term relationship with the guy who once tried to slip her the magic equivalent of a roofie.

Please, next batch of episodes, have SOMETHING interesting happen. And don't just delete it from existence the next batch of episodes.

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Eh, everybody makes mistakes. That's why they put erasers on pencils.

>marco eating tacos
>mariposa / meteora lesbian episode
pff you wish

an accent is all you need these days for a
'charming' voice these days same reason why people like one trick ponies like jemaine clement

>You know how every parent has a favourite? Well they also have a least favourite :|
Being Rhombulus is suffering

The promising thing about the taco episode is that often the ones with low-key names/synopsises end up being the big ones

true, none of the upcoming episode names hint to Mina's new army

did Glossaryck make Father Time
did Omni make Father Time
or did he come into existence by himself

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It's obvious that a lot of the posts in this thread are outright lies. You don't actually believe that Globgor and Eclipsa are good.
You know perfectly well that Eclipsa is the final bad guy and this is all a set up for a battle for Mewni which will end in a victory for Star who will be the new rightful queen.

Never forget Bon-Bon the Birthday Clown

If you've got a crew, youse gotsa have a fall guy in da crew.

Rhombulus is the fall guy. Hekapoo is the one that wanted war with the monsters in the first place. She almost killed an innocent babby. Her weapon of choice is LITERALLY a backstab dagger. Mina will kill her and the rest of the MHC god willing.

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fuck off racist, interracial families are our future, deal with it

I believe if they can be forgiven, so can Rhombulus

Where would that leave Meteora?

hopefully thrown on the side of the road like the pile of garbage she is to slowly die alone and unloved in a ditch

>t mina larper race war now retard.


Look guy, this isn't Adventure Time. Just ride it out.

Cry a river, pedophile loser.
Glossaryck already made clear she is the future of magic and his fav student. Not to mention she is the very origin of everything that has happened in the show as the wand is rightfuly hers.

The only future for a baby murder apologist like you is prison.

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big balls

Seconding that. I was out of town for a week and now I need my fix.

Lol no. Sorry Yea Forumsmblr. Racial lines are pretty clearly defined and sensible irl.

why the fuck didn't Glossaryck put any effort in saving Meteora 300 years ago

Legit kids of hooping for this. That koombahyah ending for cornonation was utter bull shit.

Frozen in crystal by Rhombulus. Or raised by Hekapoo. I don't care.

It's the writers lazily inserting modern american politics without thinking about it. Modern identity politics says you're oppressed if you're a particular race, so the writers just slapped that in.

Tom was basically pulling it out of his ass in a last-ditch effort to help Star, because he was desperate to be "better than Marco". (Maybe literally out of his ass, because with the clothes Tom wears, where else could he be hiding that tail?) All of the monsters there rejected the idea that Tom is one of them.

From a biological standpoint, he probably "should" be considered (half) monster. Back in the days of the first Mewmans, he probably would've been considered a monster. But the definition of monster was revised centuries ago to arbitrarily exclude any of the non-Mewman kingdoms that are allies of the Butterfly dynasty. Hence the Lucitors and Ponyheads haven't been considered "monsters" for over 300 years, and the Pigeons were more recently elevated to non-monster status.

>these days
Accents have been fetish shit forever. I remember in the 80s that french accents were sexy, then in the early 90s Australian, then late 90s Spanish, Then early 00s British accents, Late 00s Spanish, early 10s Being able to sound like an average guy caught on because Chris Prat, Robert Downey Jr, and Ryan Rynolds got popular, late 10s It's this weird Hispanic Hindi southern california thing going on.

Racism is a tactic invented by a primarily but not entirely jewish criminal organization for the purpose of dividing the nation's they are attempting to conquer.

>it's not fair! My lizard mastermind died like a little bitch to the very thing he tried to corrupt and what he was afraid of in the first place. WAAAAAAAH

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Because that version of Meteora wasn't his favorite student and the original owner of the wand. She needed to die and be reborn first.

I can't wait until 2 years from now one of the writers will just straight up admit in some post somewhere that they had no idea what they were doing with season 4 as their only direction was "make a racewar thing between mewmans and monsters and then they come together", and they just rolled with it for everything else.

Because he needed Eclipsa out first to raise her in a loving family. He already knew Meteora would survive.

That freaking smurf is playing 4D chess here.

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Accents helps hiding shit acting.

The universe most likely made Glossaryck and FT. Glossaryck would have no reason to create Giraffe boat guy if he had made FT.

Or Marco Grows a Beard.

>the wand is rightfuly hers.
The wand is rightfully Star's. She created it after all. She recreated magic as well.

she would have been the owner of the wand, if the MHC, you know his children, wouldn't have refused to give it to her

Star and Marco adopt her and raise her as their daughter.

tfw no vegan gf who loves her mean ugly cat more than you
why live

Except that she needed to be reborn in order to become the ORIGINAL owner of the wand.

That's the issue with time travel and knowing what will happen. It means that you sometimes need to let events unfold for you to get the desired endgame.

what's that even supposed to mean

He knew that Mewmans weren't ready for Meteora 300 years ago, but in the future they would be.

It means that baby Meteora owned the wand before it became the wand, because Glossaryck made it out of her rattle.

>not wanting Mama Hek

this makes sense

this doesn't, could have turned the wand into a rattle 300 years ago too

Rhombulus had reason to be upset about eclipsa. It's understandable why he did what he did. The mistake he made was releasing globgor regardless of the mess he could have made, mewmans he could have eaten, just to prove a point. His execution was poorly thought out and could have had dire consequences

She's a pretty shitty mum

He could have. But Glossaryck is omniscient so so he already knows that's not how it actually happens.

Given that Hekapoo already raised Festivia and look how she turned out, I don't think that's the best idea.

She had 0 fucking creativity. Just remember her mother created a spell that flung everyone into space on pure accident. She meanwhile wasted her time on nukes and super soldiers.

Really the wand was a rattle that he got off the first mewmians and put a horse inside of it.

>Also Solaria was basically Hitler who wanted to genocide ALL monster (civilians, families even children who never even did anything, literally all of them) with a spell, she was just not able to finish it before she died.

That spell seemingly would've killed everybody who's not a Mewman. Which given Solaria's lack of competence probably would've included all the plants and animals on Mewni, meaning that the Mewmans would proceed to starve to death.

Wouldn't be surprised if FT and Glossaryck are meant to be "brothers".


She is cool to hang out with but an awful tutor or parental figure.
Having a single party lover as a mother never worked out for anybody. I prefer her as the hardcore aunt.

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The Book of Spells was in the room, turned to Solaria's crystal-shattering spell. Rhombulus is an idiot, but it's not inconceivable that he could've seen the book and thought of making it look like a shattering (or snakes, in hopes of damage limitation).
Probably should've taken the chicken but I bet Globgor jumped out fast.

>it's another "compare Solaria to Hitler" thread
>it's another "Hitler was evil for killing people spreading Communism across the Rhine" thread
>it's another "Solaria shot first" even though all the lore says otherwise thread
>it's another "Solaria was a moron" even though her team united most of Mewni thread
>it's another "Solaria failed Mewni and lost the war" even though she won thread
>it's another "even Glossaryck hated her" even though Glossaryck is genuinely shit thread
>it's another "she's selfish" despite giving more than any other queen to Mewni thread
It's all so tiresome...

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>world wasn't ready for meteora
>only timeline where he sees that mewmans are ready is one where Star exists
>Allow events to unfold
>Start guiding Star to be a monster activist
>Mewmans and Monsters begin to accept eachother due to Star
>Now they can work together to defend Meteora from Mina
>4D chess

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Reminder Solaria is responsible of the Poniheads being in the show.

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Glossaryck hated Jushtin too so fuck him

>implying they won't need Mina's help to fight Eclipsa

>Tom was basically pulling it out of his ass in a last-ditch effort to help Star
that's just your own (wrong) interpretation
>Okay. You're right. I am very rich. Uh, but when I get on an elevator with a stranger, I'm a monster just like all of you. I'm a rich monster, yeah, but I'm a monster.
he could relate to them because he very much is non-human too, we've seen a Mewni confuse him for a monster in the past before

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So exactly how old is Mewni? If its more than 800 years old then it has a more stable than IRL Europe.

>The Book of Spells was in the room, turned to Solaria's crystal-shattering spell.
not in Cornonation
if they intentionally wanted us to think that they would have shown the book

He has a point.

Eclipsa lived 300 years ago so do the math

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Star is the 37th queen. Using just general math with the idea that each generation serves for about 20 years before passing on the throne to the next, Butterfly Kingdom is between 700-750 years old.

If we take the date seen on Eclipsa's decree in Down by the River as the number of years since Mewni was founded, it's been around 1700+ years (can't remember the exact year)

Europe turned into a mess after Rome only being stable sorta in the south East with Byzantine meanwhile the West was a pure mess until the 1800s.Mewni being a single kingdom lasting so long shows the history of Star's world is far more stable than our own.

Stop pushing the meme of Eclipsa being evil. It has already being spoiled the villain is Mina and her second Solarian army.

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Even though Eclipse freed Globgor?

Globgor is just misunderstood

>Racial lines are pretty clearly defined and sensible irl.
Racial definitions are different across cultures though and change over time.

Well Puritans weren't around until 1600s. That was over 400 years ago, so in 100 years they were able to establish a kingdom in mewni and form a royal dynasty ontop of the monster wars from just 5 people. Unless there were some time and space shenanigans I doubt it could have played out that quickly.

Has to be time and space shenanigans, like they went through a magic wormhole that took them not only to Mewni but back in time or something, since Eclipsa's from over 300 years ago and there were 27 other queens before her

Why are you assuming Mewni are humans?

>(love this guy, seriously)
Holy fucking reddit. Gtfo newfag.

Because thats what the book and show say

it wasnt more stable. mewmens are worthless, aimless idiots. wherever that boat of people came from, that mind flushing the magic gave them stuck with their offspring.

and its not just butterfly kingdom. the mewmen split up and made different kingdoms. the only real difference is that somewhere along the line they formed a truce to fight the monsters. though that didnt quite help whoever used to rule over what is now the pigeon kingdom

Jeffery Dahmer is just misunderstood.

And we saw that it made zero actual impression on Tom when that happened, since several episodes later in Monster Bash, Tom had no idea what Star was even bothering with the "monster rights" stuff and wanted her to just come cuddle with him.

jeffrey dahmer doesn't have a baby so fuck him

But what if he said he was really sorry and would become a vegetarian

let's just freeze him for 300 years, and then let the people of the future, who have no idea what he acutally did, decide

Rhombulus did, because he wanted him to kill the people in the audience.
Luckily, it turned out not only Globgor didn't but he turned out to be a pacific guy.

As Heekapoo claimed, the only villain in there was Rhombulus, who was willing to sacrifize the lives of innocent people to prove an unnecesary point.

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Is Another Mystery came after Monster Bash **

>he turned out to be a pacific guy
being a sailor shouldnt erase any of his crimes

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It's odd how versed everyone on Mewnie seems to be with events of 300 years ago. The united states 243 years old and I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who knows jack shit about war criminals from then. The closest big name killer I can think of that people would know of would be jack the ripper, but that was only 130 years ago. Elizabeth Báthory I guess is a good example since that was 430 years ago, but unless you are a history buff you'd have no idea who that is, unlike jack the ripper who everyone knows.

maritime law!

its not illegal to eat people outside international waters

>defending Solaria


Piss off, you inbred. He was entertaining and sympathetic.

Dwarfism is rare, but there are still more than one human midget in the world.

reminder that Jushtin did nothing wrong


>it's another titular main characters get sidelined for boring secondaries thread.

gee wee Yea Forums, how come a show always "goes to shit" when a previously single female character begins a relationship?

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i stand corrected. its not illegal to eat people anywhere

More like it goes to shit when your main characters aren't main characters anymore


I don't like shipping of any kind personally.

Except the main character is the shittiest of the cast right now.
She is super boring in this "mature" phase of hers and only chills out a bit for shitty teenage shipping drama done wrong.

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why does everyone think he's gay?

Maybe she'd be different if 99.8% of her current life wouldn't be "Eclipsa! Eclipsa! Eclipsa!"

i still hate how stars eyes have a yellow tint and everybody else dont
>but i cant see it
i got elf eyes so i can easily tell. you can dropper tool that image to see the difference between star and eclipsas eyes. you could also crop them together to see the difference.

bugs me whenever shes on screen because of her oddly yellow eyes that seem to be a design choice

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Shit now I see it.

i'm pretty sure you're just crazy

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i just dont understand why. WHY is this part of her design. like once or twice did she have normal white eyes like everybody else.

has no one ever asked nefcy why star has jaundice? is it all the corn?

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Could be some kind of filter they use for her model or something.

Because he's cute

Either it's because she's a literal golden girl or is part something not mewni racially speaking.

you can see in the image above mine one of the rare instances she has white eyes. it seems like a conscious decision. i mean the inker ALWAYS has to specifically pick that color for her eyes right? they have to untick white and use whatever that color is on her eyes only and sometimes they forget.

its even weirder since her eyes are normal in stuff like books and comics

So is she just as powerful without the wand? Doesn't that make her a threat to Eclipsa? I don't get why you would keep a powerful rival with a claim to the throne alive.

Oh no, this started before Eclipsa was a thing user.
The new queen been flanderized was a consequence of Nefcy's obsession with making Star the smartest, most mature of a bunch of morons. This not only affected Eclipsa, but Marco, Tom, the MHC and everybody who ever got a role of teaching her something in the past.

Because the oh so perfect Star is no longer allowed to make mistakes or learn from others... EVEN WHEN SHE CLEARLY FUCKS UP; and this makes her look like an hypocrite.

The only characters safe from this turn of events (for now) are Moon, Glossaryck, Katrina, any kid in the kingdom, Globgor and Meteora.

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Well, you need an army led by a loyal general to support you, since Star has so many friends and potential allies.
Oh wait that's Globgor's role.

I'd guess it might have to do with how Star's the main character and probably designed first, maybe they thought pure white eyes could look too bright or something and picked out a different shade. Then they forgot by the time they were picking the colors for other characters or realized the white of the eyes just wasn't a huge deal, but Star's colors were already set in stone by then and so just keep getting grandfathered in.

Maybe. I don't think in-universe she's actually meant to have creepy yellowish eyes, which is why they're drawn normally in books etc.

Because Eclipsa is thankful to Star for all she has done for her family. She is more than a friend to her and the same goes for Moon and Marco.

For Eclipsa, those she treasures are more important than power. She wouldn't mind losing the crown in favor of Star as long as everybody she cares about is ok.

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But, as a new ruler, shouldn't your first priority be to legitimize your claim by removing any potential alternative contenders? Doesn't that invite civil war?

Tom actually having experienced the "being mistaken for a monster" thing happened in Starfari which was before Monster Bash, and it made zero impact on him since in Monster bash he didn't give a shit about racism against monsters.

Probably because any time Tom got mistaken for a monster it was immediately followed by them kissing his feet in apology. So the idea that he suffered from discrimination is laughable.

user, you should stop watching Game of Thrones.

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I don't. I've just studied a lot of ancient history and know how people in civilizations like Mewni actually behave.