Would Thundercats be more popular if they turned the main cast into cute girls?
Would Thundercats be more popular if they turned the main cast into cute girls?
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It would, but nobody has the balls to greenlight something like that. Women aren't allowed to be sexy anymore
There's a Jossie and the Pussycats joke here but it's not coming to me.
Who knew feminists would transform the left into prudes like the stereotypical 90s conservatives were
>Panthro is not a burly, amazonian , chick with abs/ thighs like Darli Dagger
Japan don't care
I knew this thread would inevitably devolve into an "anime is better because it makes my peepee hard", but that was disconcertingly fast
Projecting a bit hard, eh user?
I think he meant less "anime is better because it makes my peepee hard", and more that Japan doesn't have to deal with feminazi SJWs or puritanical morality like the U.S. does.
And turn them into lesbians by season 2? hard pass.
You just made me picture Lion-a as Josie, Tigra as Melody and Panthra as Valerie.
Wait, why isn't Panthra bald?
Weebs have no taste
She's shaved.
I mean...I'd watched it and not even unironically.
So ironically?
So rule 63 thread?
>Doesn't get to go on any adventures because Gazorpazorp episode
thunders would be more popular if it was actually good.
The 2011 Thundercats had the potential to be good from the pilot, but then completely different writers handled the rest of the show and in addition to lower quality writing the showrunners failed to actually run the show and instead let each ep's writers do their own thing regardless of whether it fit the larger story and regardless of whether the characterization had any consistency. Thus what could've been a strong reboot instead was as shitshow before being mercifully cancelled.
Sauce on the image
It really is kind of funny how detached Yea Forums is from reality. Step outside of the hyperbolic circlejerk chamber once in a while, why don't you?
>This Mumm-ra
I imagine a lot of hair pulling and ripped clothes goes on in their fighting.
It would have the MLP problem of drawing a ton of the wrong kind of audience.
That has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with cartoon network moving away from action and warner wanting to renew the rights to thundercats
Not everyone's out to get you
This. It's actually kind of amazing how disconnected you fags are from reality. A show like this wouldn't get rejected because muh feminists, it would get rejected because most people in the western world think it's fucking stupid
>Would Thundercats be more popular if they turned the main cast into cute girls?
If they turned them all into "body positive" girls, they could get the nu She-Ra audience.
mumm-ra's mega milkers
how does moving away from action equate with drawing women like 12 year old boys
Honestly I think it's a bit simpler that they just want another teen titans go ready and geared up before the current run of teen titans begins to dip in ratings.
Not only that, but gumball is ending soon. It's no coincidence this show looks like a cheaper version of gumball
Considering the reason the 2011 Thundercats was cancelled was to make room for a cheaper show, cost might be the common denominator here.
Cable ratings and subscriptions are down across the board. It's no wonder cable companies have to dial back their budget a bit. In the history of cable tv, this might be the first time that they've ever seen subscription numbers go DOWN.
As long as you ignore the Dragon Prince, Equestria Girls.
Nice samefag landwhale, no one believes you>
>nu she ra audience
So no one then?
Howdy dykrafag
> Implying there's a Nu-Shera audience
Explain MK11 then. That game's NOT for kids, yet they have made the outfits for females super conservative (yet the men remain shirtless as they were designed)
Which is hilarious that MK fans are going on this hyper prudish mentality that Japanese fighting games are shit because they don't cover up their women, but even MCU female superheroes dress less conservatively than the MK11 cast. (Not even mentioning that they made far sluttier outfits that anything else at the time during MK9)
Make Lion-O stay a shota and you'll get my attention.
Where's Snarf?
So what's the word on ThunderCats Roar? Has it been canceled? Ever since its announcement I haven't heard a thing about it.
Don't need to; this Yea Forums, not Yea Forums.
sounds like you need too fuck off back to Yea Forums
sr still has twitter private he wisely chose not too get involved, it was part of the 19 highlight reel for cn, staff still say that's there current project, it'll air at some point, even if it ends up getting low ratings,now yo dabba dabba the Flintstones reboot, that's dead as fuck.
Is there nude versions?
I figure they've either gone radio silent so that it gets minimal negative feedback before they release it under the radar, or they took the feedback to heart and quietly binned the thing.
They canned it and expect people to never mention it again or it was all an april fools joke published on the wrong day
yeah i'm gonna need a source on that, because the directors still have it listed.
I think anyone would be more popular if they were turned into cute girls.
I only brought it up because that mentality seeped from Yea Forums related media.
I really don't expect them to cancel it, but I can't remember the last time something disappeared from the public eye like that.
It’s still happening but decided to not talk about it anymore until it happens. Similar to the Sonic movie trailer. They know is infected shit so they only shown it to a select audience
Imagine that you are hearing huge belly-laughs. That's me. You're ridiculous. Trends come and go, stop acting as if the fucking world is ending. Chrissakes.
Take Ryo-Oki and recolor her as Snarf. Easey-peasey.
Not OP, but I haven't found any.
...so far...
Girl Snarf, dancing with Snarf-Osbert.
They need only one cute girl. What would have saved the reboot was better, more consistent writing.
Not gonna lie, Anons, I had an erotic dream about that chubby Glimmer.
Now see, this would be fine
NOt that however, that needs to die in a hole
They had one cute girl but she didn't save the reboot because the writing was largely shit.
The horror.
Why the fuck did anyone think making this canon was a good idea
because every other possibility was either trashed or poisoned beyond belief by the show's writting
i want more mumm-rana to be completely honest.
more like Momm-ra, am I right?
The japanese already have that market firmly in their grasp, no point in yanks trying to compete against the best.
Yes they are. Less than 1% of the total sum of humanity are butthurt radicalized anti-fun SJWs. They just consume Hollywood and social media so much they seem like a larger group. They're nothing and if the rest of the human race wants to get beyond these cunts, they need to start their own entertainment brands and their own delivery system that these cunts don't own or control.
They are already losing the culture war with their puritan hatred of all things fun. One big push will knock them off the proverbial cliff.
Stop supporting IPs owned by billion dollar mega corporations and create your own mythologies for the masses.
Would she be an old crone who becomes young when powering up or a normal girl who hulks out when transform?
Because Pumyra was gonna turn into a giant bug monster
Because Wilykity a qt3.14, and they probably had some time-travel shenanigans in mind.
Spoken like a true weeb.
>any true positive statement about Japan must be the work of a weeb
Spoken like a true reverse weeb.
>Reverse Weeb
They make up 98% of the population of all social media, streaming comments, email campaigns, and convention attendees. So overwhelming majority of all the feedback any studio ever gets in person or in any aspect of social media will be the "Everything is politics, there is no such thing as fun!" crowd.
Here's how it actually is; the majority of Americans living in urban suburban areas are left leaning centrists, and since an industry like film or animation simply could not happen in a rural environment most media from America is produced by and caters to the center-left
What is up with that utter look of disdain on Lion-O's face. Is Season incapable of drawing something happy?
They were going to age Wilykit up before shipping her with LionO
No because then you would get a bunch of Rape fiction of Fem Lion-o getting her virginity claimed by Mumm-ra which in itself is also necrophilia.
I would truly feel sorry for the generation that grows up to fetishisize THAT
No, they would look like shit and people would bitch about it.
People bitch about everything, no matter what back in 2010 people bitched about how anime the reboot was looking.
where's Chadtarra?
>Would (thing) be more popular on the internet if all characters were hot chicks.
Take a guess.
NO! The current trend is 'inclusion' and 'body acceptance'. We'd have a fat Lion-A, a disabled Tygress on wheelchair and a Panthra that need a helmet on P.E. class. Atleast 2 of them are lesbians.
I forgot image
>not making her LionX with a mexican accent
Even if there had been another season, her character probably would have been ruined after the timeskip anyway.
Well great, you've broken the seal, someone's writing it as we speak now.
female joker to beat her
>Starts out as frail old crone
>Powers up to beautiful young musclegirl
Arya x Gendry is the closest we are gonna get to this.
This. People online's opinion's don't matter and showrunners don't care about them because they all change completely three or four years later anyway
Yeah, it would be more popular online.
Japan does have better waifus and more prevalent, but many recent and current western cartoons airing in the US still have feminine and conventionally attractive character designs.
More prevalent fanservice
>Implying Mumm-Ra wouldn't also be a girl in this scenario
>Implying there wouldn't still be tons of fics about MILF-Ra raping Fem Lion-o though
>Implying Yea Forums wouldn't ship it a la Shego and Kim despite the necrophillia
I still can't believe Joe is in his 30s.
Of course it's not world ending. That doesn't mean one can't gripe about it. It's a thing that sucks. Especially in MK11's case where the bigger issue lies with the shit story and the way they handled micro transactions.
Yep, it's a bit hard to gain power when that 1% hold all the keys to the power, and everyone else needs to play by their rules or get nothing.
One percent plus, as mentioned, another 49% because of the high population density of cities like NYC and LA.
The real issue isn't the power balance, it's the ffact that the US has two different cultures trying and failing to coexist; the one on the coasts and in the north, and the one in the south and midwest. I really wish the south won the civil war, because then we wouldn't have this stupid culture war bullshit
Might as well wish that Germany won WW1, then there wouldn't be a Hitler.
The grass is greener on the other side. Don't wish for things that could have happened. We don't know what the future would hold for those realities. Who knows, something worse could have come out.
>Mumm-Ra the Ever-dicking
Probably already been written -- I was part of a Thundercats fandom in the late 90s-early Oughts that had ...special... minds writing a lot of the fanfic.
Rick or Fem Rick would probably be able to make something to accelerate pregnancies with zero issues
Will you faggots fuck off back to /pol/ so we can talk about comics and cartoons?