Forget Hulk or Green Lantern. This is the best big two book on the stands. Prove me wrong.
Russell's Wonder Twins
Prove yourself right with a cohesive argument comparing and contrasting the comics.
it's the most positive one. russel is writing a book that just wants to be hopeful and positive, and it's' entirely different than the two other books you suggested. but yeah, it's one of the best big 2 books on the stands
>Forget Hulk or Green Lantern.
I'm going to choose to remember them along with Wonder Twins and Deathstroke thank you very much
DC has very few books worth reading, but Wonder Twins, The Dream and Lucifer are all great.
I read the first issue remind me too much of 3below.
Immortal Hulk is objectively the best ongoing right now tho.
I like Murder Falcon way more.
You’re allowed to like both, user. That said, yes, WT has been a fun read
How long has it been out for?