All these years of building up, for this

all these years of building up, for this

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I actually liked globgor.

I wish Globgor was evil but is trying to be a good guy after meeting Eclipsa. That would be sweet.

Yep. Hate it

but that would be Tom all over again

what the fuck did you expect?

is the season over yet? I know they were pushing that shit out super quick, I just don't like watching shit I can't binge.

Cannot get over how he is just Star Vs Don Carnage now

anything but a 'M'lady' neckbeard niceguy, he's such a fucking faggot holy fucking shit, this episode was so fucking cringy

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They also managed to bring a worse villain than Heinous, fucking impressive.

You should have seen it coming since the book of spells was published.

This show is one of the worst bait and switch in decades.

plot and tensions. not "evil doesn't exist it's just immigrants being misunderstood" garbage that contradict itself for the sake of an embarassing "dawwww" moment only a castrated californian barista would stomach.

this show kept surprising me with twists and turns i didn't see coming
i thought this time around it would be the same

why is this show glorifying adultery ?

Empowering for women.

>yes he was a tyrant that murdered countless people and fucking ate them, but he's totally good now.
This bitch is fucking retarded for believing that.
>turns out to be true
Nefcy is fucking retarded for writing that.

Why are people pretending we didn’t know this already, the book of spells tell us Globgor reads poetry, was a vegetarian and pacifist he only used violence to reach the king position by fighting the strongest monster and apparently some kind of charisma events

Kinda wish they went for a whole Harley Quinn and Joker where after he's release we find out he was playing her.

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Adultery is empowering for women? Does that means that raping a woman is empowering for men?

A lot of people did.
Personally I blame us. Specifically shippers. You scream about 'cute and perfect' long enough and eventually the show's writers will decide that's all people care about.

Unironically yes. I say that as in that is a point made by modern feminists. They also believe that male empowerment is an inherent evil.

lorefags BTFO, the series was great without you retards. Toffee was a mistake.

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How was he anything like you said? give me examples.

>Unironically yes. I say that as in that is a point made by modern feminists.
Well, that's fucked. But doesn't answer the question.

Is rape male empowerment? Because hey! If they are gonna hurt us, we should hurt them too.

Listen gang, this show is not made for you. Acquiescing to your demands would turn off their real target demo, the one that buys merch. So stop sperging about how the plot doesn't meet your expectations, because nobody actually gives a fuck.

for incels it is.
Real man doesnt lust women so rape is kinda bellow them.

uhm no sweetie, it's their time to shine now

Well, what are you waiting for? An invitation letter? Go for it. The FBI already see this board as a terrorist recruitment center

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This is the reason why Glossaryc went full retarded for an entire season, in-universe I mean.

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A lot of conquerors and great men were rapists. Maybe we should normalize rape if its part of male nature, just like feminisms abdocate that adultery is natural for females.

Most so-called 'progressive' positions argue from the assumption of moral superiority. There is no explanation because to them the morality of their position is self evident. If a woman says "it's ok to hurt them" because she is morally in the right. If a man says it it's wrong because men have no moral high ground.
As to the original question, I take the sihk position that rape or physical domination aren't empowering because ultimately they erode your soul and make it harder to become the male ideal. If men are supposed to protect and provide, then becoming a parasitic entity serving only your own gratification makes you a weaker.

anybody else want to fuck globgor

the series stopped being good when Star stopped wearing that outfit

You can still rape, join the army or something. The problem is you have to get fit, endure the training and you'll be surrounded by Mexicans looking for the citizenship. It's more comfortable to whine about women and Mexicans on a Taiwanese cartoon board

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>. If men are supposed to protect and provide, then becoming a parasitic entity serving only your own gratification makes you a weaker.
Genghis Khan was always provided for his nation and he raped a shitload of women. His position as a protector of his people and provider for his family was never placed in doubt. But he raped women.

I want him to vore me

And you faggots tell me NuDCSHG is the new Horse Show

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>join the army
So male centric institutions are providers of rape? If its part of our nature and empower men, then why cry about it?

Uh...that's literally what he is though.

Incels literally don't rape women, otherwise they wouldn't be celibate.

Have you heard the words of Allah and His prophet Muhammad? I think Islam is the religion for you

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all faggots that got bullied when they were kids. Napoleon was a fucking manlet, thats far from a real man.

i dont think you know what incel means.

>involuntarily celibate
Literally polar opposites

They are angry and willing to act in ways that no westerner would. The west is becoming too submissive due to their abusive and ungrateful women.

Times change, bruh. The standards of what constitutes survival of the fittest in a largely civilized society aren't the same as an era of literal warlords. Take how the 'born in the wrong era' trope plays out in real life. The vast majority of people with violent and antisocial tendencies don't become conquerors, they become isolated bums that simply can't function in society.

But he changed the face of Europe and created a world where things like the US of A could exists.

Rapists and a definer of civilazation.

A grey monster warlord that hasn't gone through time and struggles to adapt to a Mewni without the war.

But women are allowed to grow and flourish despite being antisocial. So why not men? Why shun that which made them stronger in the past?

how many people of you are just mad because he reminds you of your boomer relatives?
You know, the people that actually still had children

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Can you please take your epic feminist ownage elsewhere? Perhaps a feminist cringe compilation? Seriously like 90% of "politically woke" westerners think some SJW idiots are actual societal problems. Why not focus on a real issue? Dork.

Really disappointed in it. I feel like he could have been really cool and still intimidating while being a nice guy. But he's just...nice dad guy. It's really lame. He's so unremarkable. Kinda wanted him to be like a cool guy aku or something. I don't know. I'm more disappointed in that random breakup between kelly and marco.

>he reminds you of your boomer relatives?
The only person he reminds me was my gay ass music teacher.

nice projection ironic weeb.

>They are angry and willing to act in ways that no westerner would
All the terrorist acts in Europe from the recent years have been committed by second generation muslims so they're technically westerners, they were born and raised in Europe as well as their parents. Considering the alt-right has committed so many terrorist acts that the FBI has classified Yea Forums as a terrorist recruitment site, it looks more like a problem of late capitalism and its promotion of a gray world without ideologies, passions, imagination, etc. in favor of trademarks

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antisocial men can flourish, but in different ways. Many antisocials become artists or writers, for example. Flourishing isn't just having friends or getting laid, it's about improving oneself in general.
Typically men who are simply antisocial aren't really put down. It's just the ones who are antisocial and awkward/autistic, and people like that are often shunned, regardless of gender.

I thought he was funny in the date episode when he was pretending to catch a miner, the coronation episode was just really rushed

Oh, C,mon. He is awesome, a badass fighter, a great dad and husband and Pic related was very sweet.

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I wish a sniper from the assassins' guild in that crowd had a gun and took that moment to shoot Meteora in her ugly bald head from behind and paint Globgor's face with her brains

Its really unbelievable to me that a dude who was out eating mewmans could make such an insane 180. He's supposed to be a misunderstood nice guy, and I just can't buy that. I feel like they should have downplayed his crimes and made them more redeemable, like he was just a troublemaker who got in gang violence, but him murdering mewmans is a bit much. I don't think I could forgive a murderer, even as a nice dad guy. Especially not enough to let him be king.
I think the miner thing was funny too.

her massive chin would've deflected the bullet, even if it came from behind

dude there literally was a war back then

Maybe he should've just been said to kill Shastacan, like in a situation akin to him fighting the MHC, instead of literally fucking eating him.

Killing can seem like an accident or believable self-defense, I mean even Star played a part in killing Toffee. Eating feels too deliberate and implies he's getting some pleasure out of it sexual or otherwise

I wish we had persons after revenge for the people that he ate

>without ideologies, passions, imagination, etc. in favor of trademarks
Would you consider modern ideologies trademarks?

stop falling for this cheap ass bait, you niggerfaggot

it also makes him look like a shitty guy because he promised eclipsa to never eat a mewman again and she was preaching in the future too that he's a vegetarian now
since he's a size shifter he could have easily just stomped him but like this it really seemed like he gave in to his drug addiction one last time

No, I agree with him.
Feminism, capitalism, marxism, socialism and all the isms. They feel more like stickers that you put on your ban than actual philosophy.

I don't think that his war monster personality is developed well enough. Even in self defence it would hard to kill someone, especially if you're as nice a guy as Globgor was portrayed to be. He literally ate shastacan, even if it was self defence, he was clearly pretty proud of it, and felt it was the correct thing to do, since he owned a ton of art pieces of it. I just can't buy that a dude who was out eating people because they fuck with him is just a really nice dad guy.
I agree that eating feels a bit too much. Honestly if he was out there just killing shastacan, fine, but the dude went the extra mile to eat him. That's all i'm saying. He should have been a bit more war torn if he was such a nice dude

The only modern ideology actively promoted by every media is all races, creeds, genders and sexual orientations join together to buy Disney shit and if you don't want to buy, that mean you're a racist/sexist/homophobic/whatever.

Not enough of an excuse. His crimes are still crimes.

There is more jihadist attacks on Nigeria and Middle east than in Europe so your logic is bullshit

In the way they're used by corporations, they're pretty much slogans. Catchy phrases used to sell products

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this isn't /pol/ you omega brainlets, you clearly belong there considering you're both too retarded to figure out which board you're posting on


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are you sure you wanted to reply to me?
because I literally just wrote that Globgor can't control himself and Eclipsa is a fucking liar

Any Mewmans who actually knew the people Globgor ate would've died hundreds of years ago.

So unless Tom's granddad Relicor knew some of Globgor's victims it's probably not going to happen.

Totally agree, but I don't think the writers of star are aware enough of the way they presented eclipsa and globgor.
Something that bothers me a lot is that they want mewmans to be coded as the bad racist whites and the monsters to be the unfortunate immigrants (or however you see it) but they don't make the monsters very sympathetic. From what the show presents, the monsters have committed worse crimes than the mewmans. Obviously they are a threat to mewmans, since they hold the dude who ate mewmans up as a hero and make art for him. The mewmans are justified in their dislike of monsters.

You are dumb as a rock and probably a christfag lol.

>Speaks from a Sikh perspective
>Gets called christfag

>user can't argue against your point and attempts to make a personal attack instead
that's a win in my book friend

fucking this, couldn't have said it better
but I really think that they won't bring this shit up again, globgor's just accepted as a big dindu nufin now
and Mina will be a fucking disappointing final villain

Everything about the Mewman prejudice over monsters is awfully portrayed,

>Mewmans are only a majority in few cities, the monsters are a majority everywhere
>there was always several non mewmans working in the kingdom while Mewmans were not welcome on monster lands
>the high council didn't had a single Mewman member and they were pretty much in charge over everything.
>Monsters kings had diplomatic ties with Moon but cut them all right after Eclipsa took over

>literally half the thread is /pol/faggots sucking each other off

The ad hominem is the laziest rgetorical device and Progressives keep using it. It's like there's dozens of combos in the game and they just keep spamming the A button.

The staggering irony

Technically the current reigning queen of Mewni is also counted as a member of the MHC, but yeah, either way she's still working alongside a bunch of non-Mewmans.

A hobo paid with sandwiches and booze could have written a better script.

And a human eating monster that needs to get a ton of napalm on his head.

Because monogamy is for birds.

The Magic High Commission aren't monsters, though. Even though they look exactly like monsters, they're basically gods.


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So are the monsters supposed to be some sort of allegory for blacks?
If so, why is Star beating one up that did nothing wrong in the opening of the show?
If so, why do they only ever really do bad things?