Obnoxious and easily the worst thing about the series

>Obnoxious and easily the worst thing about the series
>gets several episodes
>does nothing to become tolerable at any point and entire character is meant for being annoying
>still has several episodes dedicated to "AHAHA LISTEN TO MY NASAL VOOIICE"

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She is a Nigga.

Comes off more as an outdated Jersey Shore reference.

I'm a pretty big apologist for the show, but even I have to agree that she's the worst. Janna pulls off the likable asshole personality a million times better. There is really no reason for her character to exist other than to give Star a best friend who's not from earth.

OH that makes much more sense. For the longest tjme I thought she was some hood girl or a Latin stereotype

People making the show think she is fucking hilarious and do not understand anyone not liking her.

Yea Forums not liking her means she is fucking perfect and should be used much much more. Since clearly they are racist nazi incels that hate all female characters, and all minority characters, so do the total opposite of what they say.

I bet she gives great blowjobs though.

Is this horse supposed to be literally that Cardi B girl?

Also she has no thicc tail swishing ass.
So theres literally nothing redeeming.

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Even Ferguson the fat friend of Marco have his moments. This shit character is just funny in Nefcy's retarded head.

She is the proof the Nefcy is literally autistic, she tried to rip off Lumpy space princess but didn't understand the appeal of the character.

No I think she got that right seeing as lumpy had 0 appeal too.


>lol what if the mc bff was a unicorn
>horses are hard to draw tho
>lol what if it was only a head wouldnt that be so random

Calling an annoying character annoying seems like a reasonable complaint to me.

Plots involving her at least make sense. There's no in-universe reason why Meteora was not crystallised.

I know, I just want to be contrarian.

The original concept for Pony Head was that she was a decapitated horse with insides leaking out who is Star's imaginary friend.

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Sure. I get that sometimes too actually.

>Yea Forums not liking her
No one fucking likes her

Nefcy likes her.

I always thought she was meant to have a sassy black girl voice too.

Like why are they even best friends? they have nothing in common and she dosnet care about star atall

Plot Twist: Pony Head isn't real

Plus the fact Ponyhead constantly abuse Star for her own gains through the series without any regret or consequences at all makes the later a passive bitch.

No, it's a representatin of the only friend she had in high-school after all the other girls stopped talking to her. (She was accused of cucking a classmate)

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It's supposed to represent one of Nefcy's friend that she remembers as cool and sassy.

I really want to believe that's true.
She is sassy but no way in hell she is cool or funny.

She said so in an interview.

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>everyone believe that you cucked your boyfriend
>makes an interview denying it and portray yourself as the victim
>makes a show about the protagonist(self insert) and other characters constantly cheating and portray it as a good thing

What the fuck is wrong with her?

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She cucked her classmate, it's obvious.
The show is proof enough.

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