Remember when the Illuminati invaded Prime-Earth, killed the JLA, and then destroyed their planet? Why weren't the Illuminati punished for that after being caught?
Remember when the Illuminati invaded Prime-Earth, killed the JLA, and then destroyed their planet...
You know what my favorite part was? The way it only highlighted how shit the 'modern' take on heroism is.
I remember the Justice League of the Multiverse best up the Avengers
They were tho, later on the Squadron Supreme reformed on 616, and Doctor Spectrum decided that the only real one to blame was Namor since the rest of the group didn’t want to blow up the world that the Great Society came from, but he blew up that reality with a smile. The Squadron lifted Atlantis up from the sea and crushed it, then removed Namor’s head on live television.
WTF is that Namor pose?
sassy namor is best namor. Also i loved that story and particularly that arc.
>Why weren't the Illuminati punished for that after being caught?
1 - They were doing it out of necessity. They only destroyed dead planets, until the DC one happened and they couldn't bring themselves to pull the trigger; Namor did. They quit, Namor and Thanos' crew picked up the slack.
2 - They had to go underground after the rest of the heroes found out. Cap was hunting them down for much of the rest of the story.
3 - These events didn't happen in the version of the universe that came back after Doomworld. Namor did get killed tho, don't know what happened after.
Not even once.
iirc the jla had already prevented an incursion without blowing anyone up, but used something they didn't have 2 of, the illuminati showed up with a giant bomb as their only plan
the jla was also kicking their ass until strange pulled a cthulhu out of his magical asshole
in the end cthulhu killed them all save for notSuperman, who was instead sucked dry like a plum and decided to sit there and watch his world go boom when the illuminati offered to take him to earth616.
also doctor spectrum (no idea who she was supposed to be) was left on e616 by black bolt, she went on to join a team of other dimensional heroes, that team beheaded namor in revenge.
honestly the illuminati didnt have much choice, it was either blow up their universe or sit and watch as both of the two universes blew up, namor is a giant asshole but he was kinda right.
Because Marvel is the cool ass zoomer and DC is the boring cranky boomer
im going laugh as you are beaten killed and no one cares because carolfags have no human rights
Marvel shit is faggotry, fuck off with your poorly written garbage Disney
>Were doing it out of necessity
>Imagine being so shit your only option to stopping an incursion is to nuke the other planet
>Defending Marvel's Failures
They could have worked in the last few hours the worlds had left to evactuate one of the Earths and then nuke it. They have several FTL people, super geniuses, and a magician.
Instead the Marvel guys chimped out during negotations and started a fight that ended in the TOTAL GENOCIDE 0 SURVIVIORS of one of the worlds.
They couldn't have made a worse outcome if they tried.
they DID that, at least once.
It then stopped working.
Basically, the nature of the incursions was such that more time passed, less methods worked.
>Hackmen Avengers murderfuck DC and blow up their planet
>Morrison Justice Incarnate save 616 from dimension monsters invited into their world by their own edge and failure
What did comic writers mean by this?
They used the gauntlet and when it jobbed they defaulted to nuke because that's apparently the extent of their super genius imagination.
Then they literally just gave up and waited for the end until Reed's plot device daughter suggested they make a lifeboat because Hickman blows as a writer.
>Superman solves Incursions years before Hickman started writing and did it in a single page by shaking
This is the Hypecrisis speaking and it says MARVEL A SHIT.
>The way it only highlighted how shit the 'modern' take on heroism is.
You're surely talking about the edgy MArvel take on it right?
The point of the story was that the not-DC universe were better heroes than the Illuminati
they actually tried many other methods, but off-screen
>People complain that the Illumanati didn't try hard enough
>Hackman has a single panel of Pym saying "lol bro we tried everything honest nothing works at all no we cant' evac the planet because REASONS"
>Hackman fags are satisfied with this
There was literally no reason they couldn't have teleported Earth's population to another planet. NO REASON.
It's just Disneyfags being Disneyfags, they're still mad that Superman fucked up Thor
>Hickman and Busiek both depict Marvel heroes as woefully immoral and underpowered compared to DC
Everyone that reads comics long enough comes to the same conclusion. "DC is gods trying to be men, Marvel is men trying to be gods" is surface level memery.
The truth is that DC is about policemen and first responders and Marvel is about bipolar cases that should be in jail.
sauce on this my man?
>tfw Supes BTFO Disney yet again
You do realize that this wouldn’t have solved the problem, right? You’re just moving people away from the impact point so they can die later from the shockwave. Just admit you didn’t read the damn comic and move on bro.
>DC heroes show up and try to help, Marvel heroes chimp out and attack them
>DC heroes show up and try to help, Marvel heroes chimp out and attack them.
Marvel heroes what the fuck is wrong with you?
>Moving people from the impact zone
They can then have one of their many, many planet busters blow up the Earth ez pz.
There wouldn't have been a problem if it an asteroid somewhere out in space colliding with another asteroid from another universe. The problem was that it was EARTH and EARTH is inhabited by these things called people you're supposed to protect.
One of the Joe Casey Superman stories.
Adventures of Superman 617.
It's included in a montage of Superman feats that Mxy goes over and even he has to admit it impressed him.
at the end of the day reed and stark Always get away with their fuck ups.
same shit with world war hulk or civil war.
they cause all kinds of problems, they take a made up moral high ground and then when shit hits the fan, they just pretend nothing happened and go back to the status quo
Yes it would because the problem was never "can the Avengers blow up a planet" but "can the Avengers blow up the Earth." They can literally just have Hulk punch the planet or have Binary Carol fart on it in a second after evacing everyone.
>Justice League delete the memories of supervillains to protect people
>They have a crisis of faith over this and it rocks them to their moral core
>Avengers commit several warcrime worthy offenses
>They feel nothing, get away with everything
Youre forgetting that marvel are people first, heroes second.
The only hero’s that give a shit about heroing are Cap and Spidey.
>this is your brain on Marvel
>Marvel heroes what the fuck is wrong with you?
chimping out and attacking another hero is basically a greeting in the MU
Have any more edits?
now i understand why devil hulk wants to wipe all of humanity out.
humanity never bothers to learn from their mistake
So I didn't read much of Hickman's Avengers, and I need to ask what was the goal: To destroy the Earth to save the main Earth, or to destroy the Earth AND its people to save the main Earth?
Hyperion tried the method during his incursion but it didn't work. Was left with nothing but regret and survivor's guilt.
That's because he tried pushing the universes apart, not countering their own vibrations.
Yes, they're people first.
Horrible people. It's DC's folk people side, their humanity, that keeps them from doing shitty stuff.
>Avengers literally could not believe that people built the Flash a museum and concluded that DC heroes must have enslaved their world
Whois the artist? Anka? He only goes from gay to flaming.
Superman and Wonder Woman, ironically, are constantly doing shitty stuffs. It's Batman usually saying "no" to these type of things.
Wonder woman did one. The Max Lord thing. What bad thing did supes do?
He let the Justice League mind-wipe the villains (and Batman), and did nothing because he was afraid of the villains attacking his family or the Justice League fracturing. He took the coward way out.
We're talking about the Tower of Babel, Brother Eye building Batman, right?
They were good decisions and things that certain villains stole and took it apart.
Superman wasn't aware of this.
He was.
Because they, well mainly T'Challa, Reed and Strange, then went on with the help of Doctor Doom to save the Multiverse like 8 months later and as a bonus Black Panther remade reality and reset time to before the incursions so their alleged crimes technically never happened.
Reed and Molecule Man did that. Black Panther jumped ship with the Infinity Gauntlet the moment things didn't look favorable.
Do you people even read comics? Marvel has always pushed the anti hero angle and dysfunctional and depressed thing especially in recent years.
Look at Wolverine, Xavier, Cyclops, Stark, Hulk,etc
Let's not forget how Marvel civilians are always wanting to tell heroes to fuck off.
I never got what their problem with muties was in the first place.
And lying to Ted Kord about what he was going up against, resulting in Ted's death?
>childhood is thinking marvel civilians are shit for badmouthing the heroes
>adulthood is realizing marvel civilians are right, because the "heroes" are assholes
Pretty sure, there hasn't been a Marvel Event comic in 10 years that didn't involve heroes fighting each other.
Thanos Imperative, if that counts.
>Let's not forget how Marvel civilians are always wanting to tell heroes to fuck off.
So Marvel is now WILDSTORM?
>Responsible for Babel, OMAC, the Dark Multiverse invasion, and nearly causing a war when he formed the Outsiders
>Superman being okay with stealing the memories of psycho rapists and Wonder Woman snapping the neck of a complete monster with psychic powers
They literally did nothing wrong with Dr. Light.
except he didnt know, when he created the satellite thats all it was a satellite, Then the satellite was given super powers to turn everyone else into robots. Its him not knowing that got blue beetle killed.
Ted Kord is a costumed vigilante. He was ready to die when he put on the costume. Everything he does is dangerous. Why should Batman be blamed for his death?
Just wait until a drunk Dr. Light mistaken you for a woman and decides to rape you.
Realizing that Marvel civilians are right is one of the big red pills of comics.
Naw man, the average WIldstorm guy is scared shitless of superheros. Marvel guys aren't so much scared as disgusted and hateful.
Wildstorm citizens are Marvel citizens that don't have sentinels.
Tower of Babel wasn't his fault, it was Ra's.
OMAC wasn't his fault, it was Maxwell's.
METAL wasn't... okay, that was his fault.
Outsiders wasn't his fault. The Justice League should have done something. They were pussies (like always).
They're not as gritty but it's not like the brand hasnt always tried to be counter culture and go in a different direction than DC has
>he was a good boy!
I love how Diana's every decision is just to "KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER!".
Considering Secret Wars ended with everything and everyone alive again, doesn't this mean that Sun God was 100% right?
Babel is fine is if someone body swapped superman everyone would be in a world of hurt.
He wasn't responsible for omac just a giant satellite that monitored metahumans
I don't know the last two.
No, they remade the rest of the multiverse.. T'challa remade the 616, that's why the reality stone is smoking in his palm at the end.
>Captain Atom is seen as a militaristic thug by DC
>Goes to Wildstorm
>pic related
1. Hickman has a bizarre preoccupation with seeing great men grovel
2. Jesus Christ guys. You invite him to come with you but you can't teleport a single city from his Earth to somewhere else? What the actual fuck?
She's quite literally 100% right here. The only reason her methods don't work are meta reasons.
Shut up, neck-snapper.
Just like how a bunch of mass murders are still running around in the comics. In the real world, they would be executed the moment of capture.
This is how Marvel citizens would be depicted if the writers didn't take the side of the "heroes" and create a hokey victim complex.
Because in this particular case he went to Batman because Batman fucked up, and Batman didn't listen (like everyone else) because oh Ted you're so whacky.
>You could come with us
Holy fuck T'Challa you could have offered this to him and like everyone else on his planet an hour ago you stupid bastard. Didn't Tony terraform Mars or something in Avengers?
You offer it to him NOW that you've doomed his world and killed his friends?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
No, the best is Batman's bitchy-face when Diana asks him if he knew about what the League did to Dr. Light. He so wants to tell her he got mind-raped together with Dr. Light, but is holding his tongue. Look at his face! Hahaha. It's like he tasted shit.
Batman didn't listen because he was paranoid and butthurt as fuck. It has nothing to do with who Ted was, because he always respected the JLI characters. It's just after remembering the mind-wipe incident he doesn't trust ANYONE ELSE anymore.
Wouldn't you make the same face if your friends fucked with your mind all the while pretending that everything was fine.
He saved him and his whole reality in the long run in Secret Wars anyway. Cut him some slack.
Scared Civs who see powered individuals fuck things up:NO MORE MUTANTS! NO MORE MUTANTS!
Wolverine: Can I go hurt them, Prof?
Rest:We're just victims of chance *Blows up half of New York*
Hey wasn't there a story in Millar's Fantastic Four where the super-rich got scientists to create a second Earth?
Destroy every other multiverses Earth to prevent their Earth from being destroyed.
Probably, but it's still funny.
So it's just the Earth right? Couldn't they just transport people out of there or do they have to die so that their own Earth lives?
Its honestly hilarious, except this page. This page is just sad.
And yet Hickman was the last time mainline Marvel/Avengers was remotely interesting. I miss charts.
The page itself had Ted thinking "they don't respect us"
Was there an actual story where the mind wipe happened? Or is it just in Identity Crisis?
Is this Superman vs Thor?
No the entire multiverse dies, I forgot the plot because i hated it but the earths of multiverses are lodestones when that earth dies that universe collapses on itself.
>Couldn't they just transport people
They gave some excuse about not having the time to do that to every earth.
Yes, but that's Ted because he wasn't aware of Bruce's headspace. He wouldn't trust even Superman with the investigation if Superman had come to help.
Identity Crisis, through flashbacks.
If I'm remembering right, Swan actually says that it's just the Earth, and that a way to protect your universe is to make a new planet, teleport or transport the population to it, and then destroy the Earth.
All of which could be easily done with a cosmic cube or the Infinity Gauntlet, to the point where the population wouldn't even realize that it happened. But instead they used the gauntlet to stop an incursion once, never scrounged up a cube, and then made a bunch of other dumb bullshit instead.
>People will still push "Marvel is men trying to be gods" after this
It all began in Mark Waid's JLA: Silver Age mini, Then later several other comics ran with the ramifications.
That would be a boring and bland way to absolve them.
>Not having the time to do that
>All the big brains on 616 can't think of a way to move the population of a small planet
>Even when they have super speed, pym particles, and magic to help them
>But they CAN figure out how to build a planet killing bomb and a multiverse collapse surviving lifeboat
Fuck you Hickman.
>Meanwhile, Green Lantern can literally move the population of Earth in a second
Is destruction and killing all Marvel heroes can do?
Yeah i thought the same thing, especially when later on you find out that Mr. Fantastic built a space ship which i think involved pym particles to save his family.
Compare to what? Using a magic stone to absolve them of their sins through retcon (except Namor because SCAPEGOAT)
Don't act like a story about the population of Earth being scattered across the Marvel universe wouldn't be kino as fuck.
Iirc Cap had to bail because he felt bad. Everyone else couldn't go through with it, until Namor ghr antihero did
You know, with Hickman's Avengers, the more I learn about that story, the more I don't care for it.
New Avengers was interesting, and even then it overstayed it's welcome with the constant re-iteration that "everything dies". The main Avengers book was both trash and pointless. By the time we got to the main event of Secret Wars none of the main Avengers books cast members were relevant to the story and nothing they did mattered. The Builders, AIM, Hyperion, Thor, The Smasher, The White Event, Captain America and Iron Man's rivalry all pointless. By the time Secret Wars came around, if you weren't Doom, Black Panther, Namor, the Fantastic Four, the Cabal, Black Swan or Manifold, you were cannon fodder at best and a waste of space at worst.
If I were to personally recommend his run to anyone I would recommend, New Avengers: Everything Dies, New Avengers: A Perfect World and Secret Wars. The rest is puffery.
>Other peoples lives are in the balance
>My family's lives are in the balance
I think we see where Reed's priorities lie.
What was her reaction to finding out he was mindraped too? Didn't this Diana have a girlboner for this Bruce?
Here we are arguing over the heavy moral ramifications of Identity Crisis and Marvel's """""""""""""heroes""""""""""""" did it and it was one of the least awful things they did *in that story*.
Fuck me sideways.
Hickman's Avengers was writer fiat covered up with enough pomp and pageantry and EVERYTHING DIES hype to get those with low standards interested.
He's like an even worse Scott Snyder and he's got this weird obsession with breaking heroes and great men (like that time he made Stephen Hawkings grovel at Zeus' feet in that one indy comic).
>DC Heroes
>Mindwipe Batman because he was going to chimp out that they mindwiped Dr. Raperape
>Marvel Heroes
>Mindwipe Cap because they didnt' want him meddling in their genocide adventures
Holy fuck this is like beyond parody at this point.
Mindwiping a rapist that knows the secret identities of our friends and family.
Plotting genocide with super bombs.
Batman never told her, actually, out of some homolust for Superman. She was already pissed off at Superman as it already was. Even after everything he still loved Superman.
Reminder that the whole thing went south because Namor hurled a trident at not-Batman during negotiations.
The Illuminati SOMEHOW thought it was a good idea to bring Namor to the negotiation table.
Mr. "I've lost count of how many times I've invaded the surface." Mr. "I'm literally bipolar due to my weird merman physiology."
For the fate of two worlds they brought HIM to negotiate.
What the fuck?
user come on you know neither side of statement describes Marvel or DC. It's on trolls and casuals that think Spidey, tony, and Cap are the only marvel heroes.
They brought Hulk AND Namor to negotiate with the Justice League.
Think about that for a minute. They're not only evil but they're really, really stupid.
They didn't want to bring him, but he kept screaming Imperius Rex at them until they gave in.
It's so fucking weird how Cap and Bats keep having almost the same adventures out of pure coincidence.
Why the FUCK is Namor on the illuminati in the first place?
He IS the ruler of 75% of the planet
Who came up with the Marvel Illuminati in the first place, Bendis probably?
When did Marvel heroes stop being heroic?
He rules Atlantis and commands an army with dominion over the entire ocean. So mainly because they don’t want to make him an enemy
Hah. Thanks user. God I miss Post-Crisis, for all its faults.
Yeah Bendis, during the original New Avengers run.
It wasn't a negotiation. It was a we are here to destroy your planet and we need to do it quickly, that's the plan.
there was a scene where batman explains brother eye to some new guy because they need it to do something and he replies with "wowie, what kind of fucked up villain could make something like that?" but i forgot where it was from
Its not even about powers, like the other user said here , its painfully obvious there were other solutions available but everyone one in that book went full retard, but the fucking icing on this steaming pile of shit was that Reed Richards did have a solution but he didnt say jack shit until the end.
Yeah then when Doom saves the universe using molecule man as a power battery Reed and Co try to screw him over because
A) he didnt give up the godlike powers he gained
b) Doom was playing king of shit mountain with the only things that still lived.
Because no one should play god with human lives, even thought the Illuminati went around the multiverse blowing up planets.
Arguably, 2000's
Fuck off Tommy. Read a comic
No but this is, Superman beats Thor
I love that autistic fuck like you can't garsp the fact that Hickman homaged the JL in that battle and at the time everyone was saying he wrote the JL better than the team DC had at the time but since now everyone is a revisionist idiot threads like this gets hundreds of replies.
Of course he did.
>that face when the avengers realize they are fucked, because JL's big gun can take down their big gun
This is why everyone hates this bullshit
That sounds like an easy out for the writers.
"And then Green Lantern, saved everyone with a flash of his magic ring"
Shut up Grant
It was from blue beetle iirc
Why you stopped talking to yourself? Keep going, it is amusing to see shit attempts at baiting.
>implying /co read comics
The story came to an end, the characters faced consequences and then the status quo returned.
I think marvel does a decent job holding heroes accountable for their shit sometimes.
Respecting the lore of the universe you decided to work on isn't an easy out, it's an obligation.
No. How they handled MAI NIGGGA Doctor Fate was never okay. Never.
>well, it's a mix between fate and that harry potter knock off, so-
Fate decrees you go fuck yourself
no one ever punished Lobo, don't see why anyone should punish the Illumiti who at least acted in order to save two universes, not for fun.
>no argument
>makes shit up about samefagging after getting owned
>immediately gets put down
Wait, were the OMACs Bruce's idea too? The fuck was he trying to do by creating nanon-bots that give normal people superpowers?
you can basically hear both arrow guys going "the enemy team has an arrow guy too, IM NOT USELESS FUCK YEAH!"
Lobo stalemated the Devil, and neither Heaven or Hell wants him, Lobo got pardoned by that Brainiac from L.E.G.I.O.N anyway
The outcome still speaks in Clark's favor. He takes down thor, barely, then is exhausted and gets taken down by all the others together.
>needs half a dozen people dogpiling Superman after he’s already weakened
>Thor wasnt weakened
She eventually found out, and she was NOT happy about it. She wouldn't allow any of the members involved in the JLA again.
Yeah I'm saying that the universe is hardcoded with lame easy outs. Doesn't matter who put them there, autismo
It was literally Timothy Hunter though.
Also it is not like Strange didn't had to get fucked by the many angled ones in order to win.
But more importantly:
No man, you go fuck yourself. Morrison killed an entire Multiverse, the wins goes to who owns the book, always.
Who said they should kill him?
>The JL is suddently Brainiac's bitch
Ok then.
Any idea where I could find that?
You misunderstand what the stories of said universe are about, if you think characters doing what they are supposed to do is an easy out.
>literally spammed the same thing with himself over and over hoping someone would take the bait
You should thank me for the attention i gave you, slave.
Technically Superman had no role in this affair. He admits that he discovered it when all was already done . At that point what should he have done? Disband the JLA?
>Disband the JLA
Take down the villain "heroes", make new JL with more decent folk.
They fucking mind-wiped one of his closest friends in the team. He never said anything to Bruce.
>saved both universes single-handedly
>restore their world anyways afterwards
You are welcome DC-analogue.
The problem is that those are and remain the best Earth defenders and long time friends.
Heroism, rising beyond the conflict etc...
Themes are cool, but if you write a traditional, linear story then so too is the events of the story.
I don't mind Clark believing in redemption and giving them a second chance, if he found out, AFTER it was done and finished. But actively letting it happen would be a different story.
>He never said anything to Bruce.
It was a retcon, this is the real explanation. In comic, well, let's just say Superman wasn't in his best moment.
Oh yeah, this happened.
based trip tell the truth
it was ultimately Namor that save the day
You misunderstood.
They're escapist powerfantasies that achieve said premise by showcasing how these surreal individuals with supreme powers make life better for everyone. That's their point, for the most part, with the occasional isolated story being something different, but that's the undisputed core.
>But actively letting it happen would be a different story.
He found out later.
>Avengers try to jump Superman after Superman beats Thor in a fair fight
>Aquaman immediately fucks up the Avengers instead
That's correct
Fucking hell, I LOVE these scenes. Just look at absolute despair on Bruce's face. He can't move and yet he is suffering so hard that he made a painful expression.
I love Bruce's arc about mind-wipe and everything that goes after. His paranoia, friends feeling guilty about it, victims of this etc.
Identity crisis may have flaws, but it lead to a great events.
Wait a minute, is that Why created his own JLA with blackjack and hookers where they decided to take out villains before they could act?
>edgy writer want's to prove that actual heroes are outdated and morals are not working
>have to weaken every "leaguer" to a useless twink to prove a point
Absolute state of marvel writers. Fucking hell.
Is there examples of DC writers shitting on marvel heroes that hard?
>Namor and Thanos' crew picked up the slack.
I swear the fact Cap hunted down the Illuminati for blowing up DEAD EARTHS instead of dealing with Namor is probably the biggest bullshhit news ive ever heard. Like you're telling me not even Blue Marvel tried? Fuck that.
No, DC writers don't need to shit on marvel heroes.
That's marvel writers' job.
They showed multiple panels of their attempts. Shame it wasnt expanded upon but it happened/
DC's writers ultimate fetish (other than cucking and raping) is being part of the Marvel Universe.
>Green Arrow
It was like they just wanted to make sure they had a way out of being called on their shit, without actually exploring said routes.
>DC writers fetish is cucking
>marvel writers fetish is being cucked
Is there any correlation?
no, the biggest bullshit was cap and tony having a bitch fight WHILE THE EARTH WAS BEING DESTROYED.
Yes, you mother is always the center of it.
Trying to find.
That's their MO at this point though. Hickman was just being consistent.
It's specially fucked up because it's Zatanna doing the mind-wiping. She and Bruce are childhood friends. They're basically family. You can see that her heart is breaking as much as his.
Wait a minute... Did this crossover actually happen?
If this thread teaches anything, it's that marvel lucked out that they got Feige, when going by the comics Marvel should have been Snyderverse and DC should have been joke-y adventureverse.
Oh yeah, I remember this, Captain Atom ended up blowing Jenny Quantum up.
Imagine being this mad about being cucked, kek.
Because it's true. None of that pure "heroism" would work in any practical sense.
this is a stupid circlejerk you're having with yourself
>and DC should have been joke-y adventureverse.
Not after the 2000 when Dan Didio took the reign of the publisher. Ever since that happened DC has been jumping from one edgy phase after another.
All stories like that are garbage isekai shit
Yeah people should learn from you and be happy about it.
Now even Batman help the League cover up their crimes.
it's an edit, but they are practically the JLA.
More examples of this?
Bucky and Jason coming back to life as quasi-villains around the same time, Cap and Batman "dying" around the same time, Cap and Batman not dying but actually travelling in time around the same time, and so many more. It's just fucking bizarre.
>We're really sad. Forgive us.
>You are really sad. Get out.
Bruced, and Batpilled.
They were winning until Strange pulled out the tentacles
Yep, meanwhile i still haven't seen DC doing jackshit for the damage the Empty Hand has done.
Why WW even carry a sword to normal rescue missions? God, this is so fucking stupid. Of course someone is going to end up being stabbed.
I miss the old DC, guys. At least back then WW just neck-snapped villains like a proper hero.
Yeah. I mean, imagine your childhood friend and love at some point doing that shit. Taking one of the most precious things away from you. I would be fucking pissed.
Thank you
Batman is a guy who keeps doing the same mistake of building the same homicidial satellite over and over.
He is pretty hypocritical
And I thought he was referring to the Illuminati. At their best, Reed, Tony, Strange would have found a solution to save the universe. But they have been mentally weakened, to make them powerless in the face of disaster.
>poor's man Dr.Fate can solo league due literally pulling shit out of his pants
Yeah right. Not stupid at all.
There are no bad premises. Just premises that aren't for you.
I'm only one of those.
Fuck the illuminati, and fuck World War Hulk for being such a dissapointment. I wanted to see Hulk teach those assholes a lesson for what they'd done, but they learned nothing from it.
Avengers disassembled
Hercules is a bro.
It would, if your heroes' powers allowed it to. The problem is, both DC's and Marvel's heroes can act like that, their powers allow them to be that generous with the world.
But Marvel folk are assholes.
Because they were 100% right. One Earth had to go or both UNIVERSES would die. Their only mistake was not having the moral fiber necessary to push the final button - luckily Namor was around to do that for them.
The fake JLA Earth guys were not willing to compromise, and their Batman expy was actually the one that goaded both teams into fighting. If they had their way, both groups would have just watched powerlessly while two universes winked out of existence.
>they learned nothing from it.
The Illuminati don't exist anymore.
>DC heroes are the ones you can look up to and feel hope
>marvel "heroes' are the ones you can look down to and feel disgust
What did they mean by this?
That your samefagging is pretty blatant, Tommy.
Work harder.
Well I mean, this all gets reversed when we find out Devil Hulk wants to end the world.
>poor's man Dr.Fate
Fate and Strange are not exactly the same thing. Fate is apparently more powerful, but Strange is more esoteric.
>Illuminati gone
But wasn't that effectively what happened in infinity wars countdown? It was the same idea but with different heroes holding the gems.
Except they teamed up together to kill planets in OP's pic.
Eh. Bruce was being a little bitch. He had no fucking idea what to do. He was just "No, you can't lobotomize villains!", but you didn't see him coming up with any plan. He was just being a fucking baby.
And yet Strange somehow defeated "Dr.Fate" and the whole league.
minus superman
Shut the fuck up, Ollie.
lol silly superheroes having hope, we have "realism", gottem
They fucking turned Dr. Light literally retarded. As a joke.
So this was the Squadron Supreme? I was gonna say.
>"No, you can't lobotomize villains!"
Yeah, because they unironically can't, look how easy they decided to brainwash FUCKING BATMAN of all people. There is literally no justification to do such thing. It's a fucking timebomb. They could try to explain him things while he was immobilized and ask him for a solution, but they just decided to mindrape him instead. Very heroic, lads.
>But wasn't that effectively what happened in infinity wars countdown
What happened in the Countdown was the formation of a new Infinity Watch, the Illuminati holding the gems wasn't something new.
Bless them, they saved multiple universes that way (and only one of them had people in it).
Namor was killed for this
>explain things
>to Batman
Really? It's always his way or the highway, and he's the biggest moralfaggot there is. Even Superman is more malleable and flexible. Batman's a overgrown children. A manchildren.
>Oliver Queen aka "the voice of reason"
Considering he said "Absolute state of marvel writers. Fucking hell. ", he was clearly talking about TGS being a nerf league.
How long until they'll be up to their usual bullshit now that Reed's back?
>they saved multiple universes that way
That was all doom and he didnt even have to kill universes and planets to save em.
That's because those characters are not geniune, they're rip-offs made by Marvel/owned by Disney
I compared the two characters, I wasn't referring to that fight in particular. I also think that the tentacle was an asspull and Strange never paid the price fpr that magic, which instead "should have been terrible" ... his words.
They put a whammy on J'onn too, and he didn't go sulk in a cave
Is there some analogic event where Superman seeing not-marvel "heroes" start killing innocent people left and right because some terrorist told them he'll blow up a planet if they don't do so and then Superman finds the terrorist and neutralize him in a second?
>That was all doom and he didnt even have to kill universes and planets to save em
>Doom destroyed more universes than anyone with the molecule man bomb
Superman sucks
They immediately proved his personal slippery slope theory. Dr.Light is a very bad man, so they lobotomise him. Batman objects to them lobotomsiing someone, so they mess with his mind too. They proved every fear he had of a rogue JL in a matter of hours. If they would do it to their friend, a member of the team, who WOULDN'T they do it to?
Mmm, no, I don’t think so, there’s What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way? That’s kind of like that?
No, it was a new team created by Hickman called The Great Society. It had analogues to Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Dr. Fate:
What I gotta know is what's the story with Archetypes of J.U.S.T.I.C.E.?
Batman is the most rational and logical person around, what the hell are you talking about? He only gets mad when people with power (aka JL members) start to acts like a fucking Justice Lords.
The fuck? They went all hog mind-wiping everyone, didn't they?
They were all fucked because of the Illuminati anyway he made the best of the fuck up the Illuminati left behind
What's wrong with mind-wipes? Seriously. I don't get. It's better than killing villains. You can even change a villain's personality to being good. There's nothing bad about it.
Supes once took Bruce's pain of all deaths he had during the Emperor Joker arc because it was dribf Bruce insane. Once Supes told him of that Bruce' reaction was firing a couple of missiles at Clark. Bat jerk era Batman was a jerk.
It's really weird how Marvel vs DC was probably the worst timed event due to how both sides got nerfed super hard to the point Storm could beat Wonder Woman and others were just "Fan votes". Now if it were made today Dr.Strange would use his dumb spell that turns off people's items, and Superman would sing the Avengers to death, and you'd have the Pheonix and Maestro just fucking double team Apocolypse and win, and Kingpin would do fakedeeps on Lex Luthor to destroy his chance to become US president, it would be a cluster fuck
Doom barely patched up what was left.
The Illuminati they destroyed empty planets in order for two universes to survive and if it wasn't for not-Batman they would have done for the not-DC what they did for the Ultimate universe, embrace the end.
>Let me just mind wipe you into a retard because you don't agree with everything i say.
Because there has to be a line in the sand.
>Batman is the most rational and logical person around
>Transformation: When enraged, David Dibble transforms into the indestructible, virtually unstoppable, blue man-baby Behemoth.
>Size Alteration
>Superhuman Durability
>Superhuman Strength
>Diminished Intellect: While transformed, Behemoth has a decreased intellect.
Hulk is trash
fan votes was the only way to make it work.
it was all pure fan-service after all, might as well go all the way in.
Well, pretty much this.
>You can even change a villain's personality to being good.
That's what Zatanna did to Catwoman as a sort of makeup for mind-wiping Batman. She turned Catwoman from an angry cunt into someone much nicer. Because she knew Batman had been trying to redeem Catwoman for years without many successes.
Okay yeah, I need to read this already. I've been putting off Hickman's Avengers for a long while, waiting to get money for the omnibus... But that ain't happening soon, folks.
who said anything about the Hulk, you Supercuck.
Changing someone's personality in any way, especially with no intention of changing them back, IS killing them. We are only the people we are as a result of our experiences and how we reacted to them. You're basically creating a new person and setting them loose in the corpse of the person you just killed. A real death would be kinder than that.
And mind wiping your own team members is straight up evil, you're admitting that, actually, you don't agree on even the most basic things but that you want to keep them around for when they are useful. At that point, that person isn't a team member, they're a tool, to be used and put away as needed, just alter their mind to suit your purposes.
>starts mindwipe people who stole pancakes in the shop at some point
Well, he is. You can't argue with that. I don't remember him acting irrational aside times when he was, surpirse, mindraped.
>better him than me
I understood that reference.
Does this look like a rational man?
Dipshit, you type like a woman, Hulk is trash
>Do thing to Bruce that he absolutely hates you for
>Do exact same thing to someone he actually likes as an "Apology"
Who hit Zatanna with the retard stick?
>You can't argue with that
>with Batman not being rational
If he was rational, he'd let Superman clean-up Gotham and get him a drink afterwards.
But she changed Selina's personality for the better, though.
Zatanna did this before the whole batman fiasco, its another reason of why Batman is so mistrustful of them.
Because once he started the romance, he started to suspect they did the same thing to catwoman.
Not him, just curious. How many women called you a cuck user?
Just... just how many people the JL mind-wipe back in the day? Honestly. The number seems to be growing. I didn't know they mindwipe fucking Martian Manhunter.
>seeing and getting agnry over your friends and colleagues with great powers and responsibility abusing that powers and trashing image of JL, and more importantly, their moral valuges and everything they stands for
Nothing irrational here, mate
I suspect more than a dozen, friends not included.
Only new fags and femanons use that shitty word, fuck off
with or without retcon?
How exactly Superman should clean up Gotham?
You do know Light promised to rape all their loved ones? Even man and children? He was going to buttfuck someone's grandpa.
>Batman starts dating a women he's been trying to rehabilitate for several years
>Begins to suspect her turning good was unnatural
>Catch your childhood friends mindwiping a villain
>Suddenly everything clicks they've been mind wiping villains
>The feel they've made you into a pseudo rapist for taking advantage of a mindwiped woman
You know id be pretty pissed too.
Dr Fate could easily solo the Justice League too though. It makes sense that Dr Strange going all out could kill the JL too.
Yes, and? Lock him up and so he can't do so, or come up with another solution. You have one of the greatest minds in the room.
Remember the silver age? When all the villains are goofy and never aspired to much other than robbing banks and pulling pranks? Well, the idea is that THAT WHOLE PERIOD happened because the League was mind-wiping/lobotomizing all of the villains to be harmless.
So pretty much they fuck 90% of the DCU villains.
I just wish that whoever did this page would have made more.
>The Illuminati don't exist anymore.
Yeah they got written out in the last restructuring, so they are a more proper fit with the movie lineup.
Phantom Zone would work right?
You don't bring Namor to something like that! That's how you end up with EVERYONE from the other planet dying instead of any other outcome!
It started with Civil War where half the heroes suddenly slurped down government dick and were okay with kidnapping superhuman kids and forcing them into paramilitary programs "for their own good".
>Because they were 100% right. One Earth had to go or both UNIVERSES would die.
No, they weren't, as we later learn there was no force of nature ultimatum.
It was all Beyonders and Molecule Men. It was all very stoppable, Hickman just waited until the heroes had their faces in the mud from action or inaction, and then pointed Doom to the solution, then having dug himself into a morally questionable hole he gave the heroes a get out of consequences free card with the raft and pointed them to Doom so they could save face in a roundabout fashion.
The whole thing was the equivalent of setting up a mouse maze, putting an artificial wall in the way so they have to cannibalize each other as part of some totally real and not artificially created moral analogy test, only to wait for the mouse painted green to approach the wall so you can pop the quandary out of the way before turning to your examiners and saying
>Oh no, this isn't cheating, it was part of the experiment. "What's the point?"...uh, here look at these charts and blank pages, very interesting, right? Hey the surviving mice beat the green mark one! Yay! Let's get lunch.
I'm a Doomfanatic and even I can't stand this rancid pile of forced garbage. Because of all the lengths it goes to deny any solution aside from the most overly simplistic, brain dead destruction or death choice and paint it as some "realistic" tough choice only the smartest guys can deal with, because people ate that shit up. Because when enough issues had been sold it all just gets revealed as pointless and swept under the rug anyway. Because Hickman realized he's caught red handed scrawling trash and makes a gag comic where he half-apologizes to the reader through Doom, since if he can't argue against critics he can draw enough pity to make critics drop their arguments.
Because the only unstoppable incursion will be my foot lodged in his ass.
>Get Clayface to join him
>Ignore the authorities suggesting that he should be hospitalized for a bit
>Batman: "No he is fine now, poor boy dindu nuthing"
>Clayface himself says he should get checked because he feels his mind slipping away
>Batman: "No you are part of the family now, and i'm suddently Toretto and i don't care if there are high chances you'll go rampage on a mission"
>Cut to Clayface going rampage on a mission
Dude, so rational. But somehow, the JL aren't worthy of his trust.
It would be good to see the natural evolution of all his fuck-ups: the JL kicking him out. But this would require the bat-wank to end, and this isn't something DC will ever be able to do.
It doesn't though. Strange is bootleg copy. It would make sense him solo avengers or other weaklings, but not the heroes from superior universe.
Secret Wars literally showed that Sun God was right and the Avengers were so wrong they had to be saved by Dr. Doom.
We may never know.
So i'm guessing a few. Ouch.
>Reed literally waits to the last half hour to bring out the lifeboat
Jesus Reed. Imagine if you brought that out BEFORE the planet nukes weeks ago...
DC vs Marvel was fan votes but JLA vs Avengers was written by legitmate comics writters. JLA vs. Avengers was done perfectly because it happened before Disney bought Marvel and before power creep infected Disney characters because muh Disney, so we see JLA vs Avengers done accurately at the base forms of these characters
You now remember that the marvel heroes were so outclassed in the crossover that they had to make the marvel magic users more powerful in the DC universe than they were in their own. They also had to nerf the Flash when he went to the marvel universe.
There's a moment in the comic where Iron Man realizes there's a huge power gap between their teams and that they're going to get shitstomped and then Metron shows up and gives him a Mother Box to even the odds.
And they STILL lost the game. And the JLA were STILL the first to figure out what was going on.
DC outmuscled Marvel so much DC's god of knowledge had to give them some help.
They mind-wiped pretty much every villain they encountered for years. Some of their friends too whenever they felt they could be caught.
It's more that the dials go up to 11 in DC.
In Marvel, "2 planets are about to collide wat do" is an event level problem.
In DC, it's something that gets handled in a single issue.
Dials user. Dials.
Clayface got worse only because of Tynion OC villains. He helped a lot before that. It's pretty rational decision to turn harmful person into helpful one while saving him as a human simultaneously. He just "underestimated" shitty OCs.
>You ruined it...
Is Wally talking to Green Arrow here or Brad Meltzer?
>Hickman's arc literally ends with the Avengers using magic stones as get-out-of-consequences-free cards.
>Faced consequences
>By which we mean absolutely no consequences at all
Namor was the only one. The ONLY one and even he got brought back from the dead.
>few hospitals and buildings full of people were blow up triggered by Joker's death
Nice one, Boobgirl.
Yeah, explain how would he do that.
Having Superman get dropped by Avengers gang-bang (including Herc breaking his magic mace on him and a mother box powered Iron Man) after dropping Thor in a fair fight
This was Busiek throwing Marvel fans a salve because he knew Superman kicking Thor's ass would sting.
Like when Superman went to Wildstorm, save all the oppression that the heroes of Wildstorm did to its civilians? But instead of calling them out for it, he because friends with oppressive Superman?
>. It's pretty rational decision to turn harmful person into helpful one while saving him as a human simultaneously.
Oh my god, are you the same Lobofag who keeps saying Batman did the right thing to join him in the JLA?
Also please, take a moment to think about what you just said.
Batman didn't turned him into an helpful person, he doomed him to go back to his older self since working with him only made his condition worse.
Helping him would have been sending him to a facility where he didn't had to fight and literally destroy a whole city block.
>Caused untold amounts of suffering and death
>"Lol its okay we used a plot device to fix things"
Marvel "kindness"
""""dials""""" don't exist anymore. Current Avengers are so much more powerful than their 90's incarnations it's fucking laughable.
>Batman is the most rational and logical person around
Batman is the most paranoid and least rational person around. Not someone you would want to be friends with. Your entire internet history and whatever fetish that you have would eventually be known to Batman after he does a little digging.
that reminds me. does flash even have super speed without the whole speed force bullshit?
I don't care about JLA much since it turn out to be generic boring shit. Lobo shouldn't be a hero btw.
>Batman didn't turned him into an helpful person
He did, Clayface saved people and Gotham.
>Helping him would have been sending him to a facility where he didn't had to fight and literally destroy a whole city block.
And what Clayface should do there? Sit and read books? Basil wanted to be a hero and he was one for a while. Who could know about OCs with shitty keikaku?
>Yeah, explain how would he do that.
Oh, you are one of those who thinks taking care of the joker would just make things worse?
What's the biggest threat Gotham has to offer? Solomon Grundy? You think Superman wouldn't be able to deal with most of Gotham's bullshittery rather quickly?
>muh criminal uprising
Yeah because Superman doesn't deal with bank robbing, gun fights and stuff like that, no, those are impossible for him to stop.
There's nothing paranoid about fucking batman, fucking casuals and retards that don't know what paranoid means may think optherwise
It's no different than killing them, it's a lobotomy
Dials definitely do still exist, DC has gotten significantly more powerful also since the early zeroes which is when JLA vs. Avengers happened not the 90's
Being paranoid after your so-called wiped your fucking mind is pretty rational thing to do, user.
>Your entire internet history and whatever fetish that you have would eventually be known to Batman after he does a little digging.
I don't have degenerate ones, so I don't really care.
Batman's a good guy. He's paranoid, yes, but he ultimately has his heart in the right place. Like when he bought the entire block of apartments in the area Clark and Lois lived in, as well their apartment building, and replaced all the area residents with a security staff that acted as actors so that they could keep an eye and protect Clark and Lois. Sure, that was a tad creepy, but he was only looking out for his friend.
It caused an untold amount of suffering for you and that only makes them more based.
>It's better than killing villains.
Except no.
As Diana plainly said, , if you're so fed up with the eternal fight or so big you can supposedly cross the moral event horizon for the greater good and endure the stain, just end it.
If you stubbornly refuse it just paints a disturbing image that you subconsciously want to feel like or be seen as a hero but don't want to get your hands dirty at any cost, so you want to shift consequence onto others.
And as another user said, when you then turn it on your own team mates it immediately proves their point and shows your mask is slipping. There is now nothing, not one word or act that can prove you are in fact not as dangerous as people fear.
Nah, I think it started happening before that. Probably Disassembled as said because that was where Magneto comes, takes Wanda away and the Avengers don't really do much.
Jay Garrick did at one point because he was a metahuman who was fast, who later learned how to tap into the Speed Force. Barry and Wally are just speed-force.
lobo is a bounty hunter that sticks to a contract.
if he signs a contract saying don't kill during the duration, he won't kill (although he will find it annoying)
No, but there's this issue where the fisrt thing Superman does when arriving to not-earth-616 is to save Gwen Stacy from being thrown off Brooklyn bridge
No speed force in Marvel U but the trade off is that the Infinity Gauntlet is useless outside Marvel U too
>Superman wipes out Joker
>buildings covered with lead starts to blow up here and there
nice one.
>Superman fall into Ivy/Scarecrow trasp
>starts rampage on Gotham police
even better
He did what?
Thor later says "I have his measure now." which I always took as a sign he was ready to go FULL thunder god on Superman with all his canonical asspulls & non physical attacks now that he knows Clark can take it.
Kill yourself
marry me
It's doubly funny when Morrison had Justice Incarnate team up with the Avengers to save 616.
It was an unsatisfying handwave on the same tier of a angry GM telling you "no fuck you you have to blow up the planet there's no other way AND NO THAT WAY WON'T WORK DON'T EVEN BRING IT UP"
If we're being honest here, Stephen's lovecraft shit wouldn't have worked on the league. Especially not a League with Dr. Fate on it.
There were hundreds of better ways to handle the problem than "total genocide of one earth"
They couldn't save a SINGLE person from the other Earth. That's absolutely pathetic. Tony terraformed fucking Mars in that comic. He couldn't have taken a single city from the other planet to it? A village? A family?
Not him but you do realize Superman at base form is not in all places at once?
>Basil wanted to be a hero
All Basil wanted was go back into the society, even when he worked with Batman all he was hoping for was a way for him to not be a monster anymore.
Guy only wanted to go back to acting. So yeah, reading books, maybe some psychology sessions too since the guy was full of guilty from literally eating people.
>and he was for a while
Until he levelled a good chunk of gotham
kill a few to save the many
you seriously think the joker has half of gotham wired with explosive with no one knowing about it?
if supes or powergirl simply speed blitzed into gotham, grabbed joker and trew him into the sun. there is nothing the clown could do
How can murder be better than a mindwipe? And lobotomy is the wrong word. They changed the villains' personalities here and there so they'd be harmless. If anything, they're helping the villains. Catwoman became a hero because of it.
Superman would just use super hearing to find where in the apartment the people are located.
Ivy and Scarecrow are non-factors. Only way they would ever pose a threat to Superman is via massive asspulls.
There really should be. JLA vs Retaliators who believe the only way to save their Earth is to kill Earth-Prime.
Supergirl cosplaying as Death is hot
>Stephen's lovecraft shit wouldn't have worked on the league
How would it not?
>"Oh, this building is covered with lead, i wonder what they are trying to cover, better check it out"
Not that the Joker would need that kind of counter-measures, with Batman covering his ass.
>Superman fall into Ivy/Scarecrow trasp
because this never happened before and ended ok. But since we are playing this game he could stop them before they'd even know he is coming.
Do you have any idea how Selina took the news that she had her personality changed? She pretty much broke down with existence crisis and almost when right back into villainy.
Let's be honest. It was all so Hickman could jerk himself to watching heroes compromise their morals and fail. He probably beat his old man dick hundreds of time to that panel of shriveled Superman begging.
Because lovecraftian shit was literally the JL first antagonist.
Fun fact: Julius Schwartz, Dc's editor at the time and herald of the Silver Age, was also Lovecraft's agent.
Knowing joker every building will have his hideous laughter to fuck with superman
>Ivy and Scarecrow are non-factors
This, unless they have kryptonite on hand when superman comes their little gimmicks aint gonna do squat.
>Stephen's lovecraft shit wouldn't have worked on the league. Especially not a League with Dr. Fate on it.
Take the Helmet of Fate off Doctor Fate. He is now useless and cant contribute to the fight. Superman immediately goes down the moment rape tentacles touches him. The rest of the League dies as they are helplessly raped by rape tentacles.
>kill a few to save the many
Nice marvel logic here, mate.
>implying superhearing will help while Joker implanted fake crying for help in every building
>Joker is blowing up non-lead buildings while Superman checking out the ones wth lead
That's just because Zatanna was stupid to reveal the truth.
half of it is Sublime, the other half is a vicious cycle of muties and non-muties being dicks to each other.
>Current Avengers are powerful
>Saying this when we have Jason Aaron Thor
>Saying this when the Avengers got their shit pushed in by Devil Hulk and needed to cheat with a sunlight laser
Because it leads to someone building an even worse thing to counter your bullshit.
>Flash goes to Earth-616
>Instantly attacked by an angry mob for no reason
still no counter for supeman, super girl or power girl simply speed blitzing into gotham, grabbing joker and trowing him into space before he even realises what happens.
or hell have flash do that freezing in time shit he did to enigma
or are they all too worried to hurt batman's feeling for losing the love of his life?
He does if he's Barry because Barry generates the speed force.
It's how Burried Alien was able to happen.
The moment Joker's heart stops, someone dies. Superman just killed an innocent. Good for you.
It's just Marvel citizens being Marvel citizens.
>Joker is blowing up non-lead buildings
He would notice the explosive in those. And you need plenty to blow up a building the size of those in Gotham.
only because he tried to stop that mob from attacking a monster looking mutant.
>The moment Joker's heart stops
you don't need to kill him: Phantom Zone.
>All the others use their powers or fists
>Hercules just uses the nearest blunt object
Signal cut off, BOOM.
No he didn't. Joker killed an innocent. Shooting through human shields doesn't make you a monster, it just makes you practical.
>Hal is pure willpower and recently shut down a universe killing bomb
>Jay used the speedforce to BTFO the King of Tears which is a Specter level lovecraft foe
There was a lot of little Lovecraft references in early JLA.. Dr. Fate summons Dagon. Felix Faust uses the Necronomicon. The Demons Three were imprisoned by an "elder race" in a time before man. Several JLA enemies like "I" and the Tornado Tyrant are like crosses between Lovecraft deities and Star Trek energy aliens.
so? only joker dies. power girl would have the spine to do it.
or do you seriously think joker has his heart connected to random people?
Every year that goes by makes JLA/Avengers all that more of a hot take.
Can you believe it was written before Civil War? Busiek was fucking prescient on the direction Marvel was going relative to DC.
>the Necronomicon
To be an accurate Stephen fight he has to unleash the tentacles and then lose control of them as they take out friend and foe alike. I can't think of Fate fucking up as often as Strange
Castrate him
The rape tentacles never targeted the Illuminati.
Debates about ethics aside, this art is atrocious.
I love how personally fucking offended Quicksilver was by this.
It says a lot that even when Nabu is written as nearly pure alien evil Dr. Fate has done LESS evil than Strange.
Kent is like half a man in Fate mode and he's STILL more of a man than Stephen.
>Stephen channels incredible cosmic powers
>Get's KO'ed by Tony jury rigging a repulsor which stops the tentacles
Remind me again why Hickman is considered a good writer?
Remove the thing, mimic his heartbeat, nothing will ever happen, also Superman would just do what said.
You are reaching hard dude, there is no reason for Batman to not let other heroes handle Gotham, and that reason is him being a massive autistic faggot.
Nabu is more likely to betray the Justice League and help the Avengers defeat them. Can never trust Doctor Fate whenever a world ending crisis arrives. Never know which side he is truly on.
What's wrong Batman? Zat got your tongue?
Wait, I just thought of something now. The team that preceded The Great Society in their world was a team that had Namor on it. How is it that none of the Great Society remarked about Namor being alive on the Marvel side?
And the evil Strange did would be...?
bats Always gets super butthurt when other heroes show up in gotham (and basicly do a better job then he does)
but he has no problems showing up himself in other heroes cities, or even sending his badguys to other cities
>that one comic, where on batmans urging joker goes to metropolis to mess with superman.
>superman btfo's joker and then calls batman out on his shit
He shouldn't do something precipatate. He must think what's better for him right now and think carefully about it.
How actual JL would defeat these fags? You should consider the fact that they can't kill them due morals.
>Tentacle Rape the Justice League
>Killed several innocent Asgardians because Loki cucked him and hurt his fee fees
>Released the Sentry
>Sold his soul to an unnamed evil which caused Wong to leave him in disgust
>that non-canon trash comic written by faggot who hates Batman
yeah, nice example.
They can basically play with all of them outside of Strange who can be dropped by a single repulsor blast from behind even in GOD OF EVIL mode.
Hackman gonna Hack.
He spent the entirety of Hickman’s avengers selling pieces of his soul to different demons for more power like a cheap whore.
isn't he basicly keeping sentry locked up in his basement and using him as a soul battery to fuel his magic these days?
If we use their counterparts? Flash, Superman, MMH, Doctor Fate, Batman, well, J’onn aside, I’d say Fate schools Strange and his tentacles
Fucking awesome
No, Sentry merged with the void, BTFO'd the Avengers, and took off into space.
I think so but then happened which fucks with continuity. But then again what doesn't fuck with continuity these days?
>Hulk and Sentry will never team up and punish everyone for their sins
Don't forget fusing with fucking Zom because the Hulk was angry at being shot into space. You know Zom right? Demon, kind of hairy, powerful enough that if he gets loose it typically takes the likes of Living Tribunal personally intervening to simply contain?
Dr Strange literally used a baby as a suicide bomb to take down some black magic cult.
>Tentacle Rape the Justice League
Aww, what a pity.
>Killed several innocent Asgardians
Never happened
>Released the Sentry
To put down a bigger threat.
>Sold his soul to an unnamed evil
To save the Multiverse
>Wong leave in disgust
Wong left because Strange didn't wanted other people to suffer the cost of his magic. Wong didn't wanted to see him die, so he left to do his thing.
Jesus Christ Stephen. Fucking Nabu wasn't this bad and he's not even human.
Imagine how cheap those who got fucked by that whore were.
>Never happened
He mowed down guards on the way to the world tree. And he did it just to get even with Loki because he couldn't accept Loki outdoing him.
You are right. Nabu is worse. Nabu would sell out everyone on earth if it meant that he can hoard the magic and acquire more power.
I mean kinda
i remember one of the what if versions of world war hulk being. What if Thor was on earth when hulk came back.
And this was odin force powered thor we are talking about.
Green scar hulk could barely do anything against him. but they talked it out, and then sentry shows up late and they just laugh at him for being late.
can't remember if miek gets punished or the illuminati gets punished
If Superman could clean up Gotham under minutes, why hasn't he cleaned up Metropolis after decades?
Checkmate, atheists.
If I was on that security staff I would start to wonder why all the hub, bub around this apartment complex. Other security staff would start to gossip, share stories of Clark Kent, and red and blue flashing streaks emanating from his apartment building. Luthor gets wind of this, it becomes a whole big thing. Then we have to mind wipe luthor via Mr. Mxyzptlk.
Thanks a frickin lot, Bruce!
Superman kills the Joker, now not only several bombs went of in several cities, but Joker's heart released a toxin that made Superman into a Joker-Superman hybrid. Now we've to deal with the Man of Who Laughs.
Oh yeah, that was a neat story, it had them teaming up to help those people who got in a subway accident because of the fight
Superman can't even clean up his own, relarively clean city. What makes you think he'd be able tp do anything for Gotham? There's some bullshit supervillain activity going on nearly every fucking day. Lex Luthor is up in his office scheming RIGHT THIS SECOND. Maybe, after Superman fixes his own shit, THEN he can fix other cities.
>The Virgin Strange
Whores out his soul.
Cucked by Loki.
Cucked by Ben Franklin.
Is fine with Clea off doing things in the Dark Dimension (read: taking the dick behind his back)
Cucked again by Loki in Earth X
Needs to become Cthulhu's bitch to defeat a diet Squadron Supreme
>The Chad Fate
Inza is his waifu for laifu.
Has exclusive rights on that red head's booty.
She joins him in his Dr. Fate adventures.
His soul remains whole and pure.
Works with only one interdimensional god, not an army.
Used the spirit of humanity to BTFO two multiverse threats at once.
I wonder what marvel heroes would think about Batman methods. And Tower of Babel, OMAC and other stuff that came out after mindrape.
How many marvel women would be unnable to resist bat-charisma though?
this comic had batman getting supermans powers but also getting increasingly paranoid and the need to be in control as a side effect (supes lost his powers, and became depressed) batman cleaned up the intire world in a single night
you are trying too hard.
nope, Wong (Sentry was ok with it) tried to make it so but Stephen wasn't aware of that.
>happened which fucks with continuity.
I don't think you know what continuity means, Sentry ended up being free thanks to a device Strange made for him, then stuff happened in his mini and this became a thing, only because you haven't read something it doesn't mean it "messes with continuity"
They're all Robins and Batgirls. All of them. Even the little babies.
Strange got cucked by the Founding Father? Makes sense
Yes really. I'm not kidding. He was cucked by Ben Franklin.
Pretty cool comic, it would be fair to add that Batman become paranoid due magic stone, not because of powers. I mean, Batman unironically would end crime on Earth with Superman powers. Clark just doesn't know how to be that effective.
Batman's autistic as fuck and the comic showed that what he was doing was not healthy. He was going throughout the world 24/7 without sleep beating criminals up with extreme prejudice. He was getting out of control.
They're literally fine with Moon Knight who tears the faces off his opponents. They would think Batman was too soft if anything.
Habeeb it baby.
>Stephen is a literal cuck
>Used the spirit of humanity to BTFO two multiverse threats at once.
What issue?
true while bats was going on 24/7 he was damn effective.
only for supes to get butthurt and wanting his powers back
>He mowed down guards on the way to the world tree.
Never happened, he moved past them.
>Cul Borson's guards
This is the better Chad vs Virgin
Miek is the one who gets punished. Also, Hulk and Thor were fighting pretty evenly in the story
The next issue Englehart leaves and Wolfman tries to pick up the pieces by claiming it was just an illusion. But much later...
not really, thor was pushing green scar back constantly.
That wasn't really Ben Franklin though, I think it was some other wizard disguised as him.
>And then Kyle becomes Cosmic Lantern
I fucking loved that page
To be honest, people blow what Batman did way out of proportion.
Take Tower of Babel. Batman's contingency plans were all NON-LETHAL. They were all meant to imobilize and contain the League members. They weren't even supposed to be hurtful. Ra's, being a dick, is who changed them to be fucking lethal. Because Ra's' a cunt.
Batman also came up with plans for himself, might i add.
Same with Brother Eye. Is there any difference between Brother Eye keeping an eye on the League, including Batman, and the Watchtower keeping an eye on the entire world? Fucking no. They're both satellites meant to monitor people so the League can deal with any problems that arise on the go. The League is okay with using the Watchtowe to monitor the Earth, but oh suddenly Brother Eye is a problem. Because God forbid anyone see what they do.
Is that better?
To be fair it was Ben Franklin
Immortal Dr. Fate #3. Steve Gerber wrote it.
Where are you even getting this info? Why does Joker have super cyborg mega heart. Why can he keikaku out any death? Superman kills Joker and stops the bombs within a second because he has fucking super speed. Joker Toxin doesn't even affect Superman, he wouldn't care.
Goddamn it, Zee is always wrecking Bruce's shit. Kinda hilarious when you think about it.
>some balding fat manlet
even worse
INJUSTICE changed the game, user. Joker now is a master keikaku. See what he has been doing with Batman.
Eh, I though they were pretty equal. They both put in blows that did damage.
What I'm getting from this thread is that something went very very wrong with Marvel editorial and writing in the 00's and 10's.
Well, I know all of that but I'd like to see what how people and other heroes actually look at this. Well, at least JL was smart enough to understand and forgive Bruce for everything.
not him but thats from the Batman Metal. Where batman kills joker and a nanovirus he stole from cadmus rewrites his brain into being joker like.
It was fucking stupid
>Joker Toxin doesn't even affect Superman, he wouldn't care.
Joker's toxin affects everyone. Even someone like Sinestro can get caught up on it.
I guess they'll have to deal with it just like Supesfags have to deal with Lois getting Mr Myxlplyx'd.
>those tired and ass backwards labels
Fags, you're using tublrina terminology
>some balding fat manlet
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I love that you think that, but Benji was a bro and a horndog worthy of respect, I for one wouldn't even get mad, I'd be impressed.
He also had his Black Swans running around ending worlds.
To be honest, Lois was a whore in new52 too. And Supes has tons of other gfs anyway.
Does Strange has anyone besides this whore at the time?
Joker has always been like that when written well. The reason why The Joker is Batman's greatest enemy is because The Joker is using the EXACT SAME METHODS as Batman. He's pretending to be an insane criminal to mask the fact that he's a schemer and master strategist.
When Bruce Wayne first began, he failed miserably as an anonymous crimefighter because he was just a man fighting crime. The same skills, ... but the criminals were always confidant they could take him on: he was just another man. So he created the "Bat-man". Suddenly, criminals were scared of what he could do. Many in Gotham honestly believe Batman isn't HUMAN. Others believe that no matter what you do, Batman has a weapon/strategy to stop you. GODMODE VIA PREPTIME. That's how well Bruce Wayne has pulled off the "Batman" concept. Through theatrics and misdirection, Batman cannot truly be predicted.
The Joker does exactly the same. By *pretending* to be insane and commiting ridiculous acts at any random interval, The Joker is *disguising* the fact that he's just another clever criminal. Every step of his plan has been carefully planned through the ingenuity of a Chess Grand Master, but he covers it with seemingly insane moments of random madness. The clothes, the behaviour, the sheer unpredictability... "You cannot predict what The Joker will do". YES YOU CAN. That's why Batman always beats him.
This is why they are arch enemies. The Joker is aware of Batman's methods and works to outmanuever him. Batman also studies The Joker's actions and recognises which were feints and distractions, and which were clues to his REAL plan. A master strategist hero and master strategist villain, using the same methods of misdirection and theatricality to succeed.
...but no, people are all "Joker is Batman's opposite because he's truly insane, and a force of chaos lol".
No. Just... no.
No, it's Namur fag spamming this thread. Or clueless marvel fans.
That's because you're also a latent cuck, mate. You should reconsider some things in life
So how fucked would everything be if the Gauntlet did work in the DC universe?
>knocks a cup of tea over and doesn't help clean up the mess
He deserved to die.
In Death of Family, Superman inhaled all of it during Joker's attack. Sinestro getting affected is also really dumb
Now you are truly based, user
He didn't sell his soul god damn it.
He tried to and failed. It's implied he no longer has claim to it because of the evil he's done.
Did you guys even read it?
He had a couple of younger girls under his wing over the years.
Meanwhile, Kent is the only one that taps this every night.
Superman was a little butthurt at first, but generally I think he encourages having countermeasures against himself so long as it's not someone like Cadmus being a bunch of extremist fuckheads.
Didn't MM was inside Joker's mind and it was like a chaotic maze n shit?
Strangfags literally shaking.
Are you kidding? After Tower of Babel Batman quit the League because he knew if he stayed on the team nobody would be able to work well due to the immense distrust they felt toward him. I even think that the end vote was for him to resign, but they never showed. And the only reason he came back, but as a reserve member, was because the world was going to shit and they needed all hands on deck. Specially someone who could help plan shit. Even then Batman changed his stance considerably. He become more open and sharing.
Same with Brother Eye. That soured the entire relationship he had with the JLI group of characters - Michael, Guy, Bea, and so on. Only Michael patched things up with him eventually. The only ones willing to really overlook things were Clark and Diana. And later Michael. Everyone else kept him at arms length. That never changed. Even after he died and came back.
>Implied he no longer has claim to it because of the evil he's done
Oh that makes it SO MUCH better...
Remember when one dumb comic where Superman found a magic rock that would permanently give anyone his powers and he immediately decided "I should give this to Bruce".
Infinity Gauntlet ain't shit, Superman would reality warp the Infinity stones with a punch. Even the Dreamstone from Lord Dream of the endless is more powerful than the IG as IG only works in Marvel U it comes from, so there is an IG for each seperate reality.
No he definitely sold his soul. That’s where the tentacle monster that raped the great society came from.
That's amusing. I never knew that. Kind of silly. At least it's... bold.
That was so dickish. Specially because Superman implied that the crystal would make Batman "whole" and be able to fight "like he should fight". Kinda as if Superman was telling that Batman was ineffectual for not having super-powers.
No it's not.
He tries to sell his soul in the Sinner's Market and is told he no longer owns it and therefore can't sell it.
After that he decides to summon the tentacle monster.
I think the line was something more like using this power would damn his soul.
But yeah that wasnt much better.
It's kinda creepy, that's what it is. The Justice League spent fucking YEARS messing with villains' minds making them either more stupid to be harmless or more nicer in hopes they could turn a heel. They were literally rewriting people's brains. Not one or two of them. Like almost all the villains. Every fucking day.
>Tommy Thread with that many replies
Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.
he went into samefag mode a lot, look at the user-counter.
Damn fine job that was.
The wording choice was poor, yeah, and honestly out of character.
Feel like what would really happen is that Superman, after finding the rock, would start to really notice things that he didn't totally notice before. Or rather he did notice them, but since nothing could be done about it, he just had to accept it. Every injury Bruce received, every time he got only managed to narrowly avoid death from some alien claw monster or acid demon. In Clark's possession is a magic rock that would grant one person powers like his, and among his closest friends is a completely mortal man killing himself a little bit more every day in his endless crusade against crime. But he'd also realize that Bruce probably wouldn't take it, and there's a fairly good chance that he might end up harming himself anyway by never sleeping, never eating and devoting every second of his life to fighting crime, a temptation that Clark might have felt a few times himself.
Like, what the fuck, Clark?
I hope Alfred called Martha and had some very displeased words to tell her about Clark's behavior.
subhuman marvel fag samefaging to defend retarded shit
>"C'mon, Bruce. Everyone on our team have super-powers. Don't you want to be cool as us? Just one sniff of this rock and you'll feel great. Don't be a pussy about it. I got it just for you. Trust me, you'll love it.
Pretty much. It's name was Joe Quesada.
You see lad, Marvel fucked up bigtime in the 90s by getting into the speculator market and Bob Harras had run out on them when the bubble burst. Quesada had the great idea of selling off the movie rights to Sony, Fox etc. which saved the company from bankrupcy (interesting sidenote, one guy looking to buy Marvel was none other than Michael Jackson) but he also had...interesting ideas about how to sell comics and what storylines were good (Spider-Man selling his marriage to the devil, anyone?). His heir was even better and thought (You)s meant sales.
>His heir was even better and thought (You)s meant sales.
Sure lord Superman, they where helping the villains, is not like they killed them.
Having a dead-man's switch is something I would reasonably expect Joker to have.
There he is spilling the fucking tea again. You'd better help Alfred clean that shit up this time.
Judging by how Gotham is still a shithole, I'd say no he isn't
>The size of the comics market is collapsing but our profits on this one comic everyone hates are great! We should flood the market with comics everyone hate!
Are cape fans just abuse victims at this point?
Superman sometimes loves to troll the fuck out of Bruce.
all happened you are just autistic and worthless
add becoming an inspiration and turning stuck up eldritch horror nabu into a decent person (yes, this has happened, even if current continuity ignores it)
Clearly whoever wrote the comic in should've read that
>Virgin Strange was a member of the Defenders, the not-a-superhero-team superhero team.
>Chad Fate was a member of the JSA, the first and arguably most powerful superhero team.
Clark'd probably end up giving it to some african kid to save him from super cancer or some shit
>Fate has been a friend of the wrath of god
>fate has held his own against the wrath of god
>fate has faced off multiverse ending threats
>fate is essentially about love, where two different beings have to learn to merge into one, instead of one taking over to reach greater heights of power, the top level is a literal existential threesome
Like, Fate is so much more amazing it's not even funny
Strange has also literally done all of that, besides the last one. Company warring is dumb, if you like Fate you’ll almost with certainty like Strange. You can check out Steve englehart’s and frank brunner’s runs as a start
t.never read classic strange
Like hell even NOW he’s facing a multiverse-ending threat
Fate actually beat Specter once. It was back in the silver age during one of the many JSA/JLA team-up issues. Wotan tricked Specter and Dr. Fate into fighting by using illusions and they had a double KO.
But the thing was Dr. Fate was weakened at the time. So the implication was that Dr. Fate was stronger.
Alright that’s kind of bullshit. Spectre should be stronger than a lord of order, unless god is pissed at him or something
>unless god is pissed at him or something
That reminds me of Injustice. I know, Injustice is really fucking stupid but did the Spectre ever face any sort of divine disciplinary for eating Ragman, who is literally on a divine mission?