The Flash and Supergirl are only keeping afloat because they brought in Thawne and Luthor for the endgame.
Is it me or are this season's CW villains all shit?
Oh, I don't know. I think Arrow and boring people in business suits go together like shit and flies.
Agent Liberty is actually a pretty cool villain, he's even sympathethic at times, which is weird considering he's an ultra xenophobe in the superprogressive show.
Supergirl's villains are always shit.
That show cares more about politics than making a good villain.
Isn't Emiko technically the main villain of Arrow S7?
she's a dindu, big bad alighieri is probably the one who killed her mum to manipulate her
This is why Black Lightning was smart and kept around Tobias for at least another season.
Third one is fucking trypophobia inducing
Would you an Emiko? I would.
This reminds me of the time Gotham and Arrow had a pissing match because Arrow hinted at Solomon Grundy the same time Gotham was turning Butch into him.
Gotham's grundy was the better one, then they unpowered him, then they killed him, then they killed his gf.
Fuck the Penguin.
It's like one of my hentai mangas
The Morrowind reject bottom-right is more amusing.
Not just the villians.
The one with the girl who couldn't find enough objects to shove into her holes?
I stopped watching the shows. Who are these guys supposed to be?
What is Bashar al-Assad doing there
Neron hasn't really done much yet but I'm thinking that's about to change. Agent Liberty is kind of the opposite, he was active and actually interesting early on but he's gotten pushed to the side now that Luthor is around.
God I hate Cicada
He should've been a villain that lasted maybe half the season, or 5 episodes. Not the whole fucking season
This "Cicada 2: Electric Boogaloo" is terrible
Cicada, Dante, Neron and Agent Liberty.
How do you even make a simple concept of "catch a serial killer" so boring? Police procedurals always tend to make that fairly entertaining.
But nope, Cicada's just a Power Rangers villain who gets beat up and escapes in the last moment.
Supergirl hasn't had a good villain since they decided to do OOC Mon-El and Dexamites
I don't bother with Arrow.
Flash hasn't figured out how to do a non-speedster villain well.
No clue what the other shit is.
Neron? As in the "Underworld Unleashed" Neron?
>Flash hasn't figured out how to do a non-speedster villain well.
the only villain they did absolutely well without flaw is Eobard Thawne. Zoom started off really menacing but after the twist to his identity/kidnapping Caitlin he became kind of stale.
the show would do better without one singular threat for the whole season and instead make it more about smaller threats to resolve, culminating in something much larger toward the end of the season. Season 1 worked exactly like this, Reverse Flash only becoming the main threat in the last few episodes, and it was the tightest narrative because of it.
The only decent villains in the entire history of the CWverse are Reverse Flash and Deathstroke. Everyone else either lacked charisma or were dragged out for too long. Or both.
Darhk and Barrowman were cool too
Only in Legends.
hard to believe he's the same character.
Where the fuck is the live thread?
Good question.
>my dad teamed up with a demon to open a theme park
>I'm Steel, you're the Atom, there is nothing we can't handle
His is some good shit.
They ruined this motherfucker. In the first season he was super compelling because he always had people gunning for him and he suffered even more than Jefferson. But in season 2 he's practically unopposed and only keeps losing because he's so dumb and cocky. The worst thing they did to him was have him casually let it slip that HE was the one who shot Khalil. How stupid do you have to be to go through all the effort of brainwashing a kid into being your minion by telling him that Black Lightning is the reason he was put in a wheelchair, but then throw it all away in a second by telling him that YOU were the one who put the bullet in his spine? It's not even like he was tricked or coerced into revealing this. He just casually spits it out as if it wasn't going to destroy the entire foundation of their relationship.
Who's the guy on Arrow? I stopped watching because I hated Ricardo Diaz so fucking much.
Dante. Some OC terrorist-for-hire who fights with knives. They hyped him up as the biggest and baddest of the bunch, so clever he outsmarted ARGUS at everyone and so ruthless that even Diaz was terrified of him, but he has mostly jobbed so far.
Is he at least more interesting and less one note than Diaz?
Definitely better than Dante. Adrian Paul is appropriately hammy in the role and sells it better than Kirk Acevedo did.
Plus they at least introduced a semi-interesting relationship in Dante mentoring Oliver's long-lost sister Emiko and actually promoting her to leader of his organization while he operates as her second-in-command.
Luther is an insane villain
Anyone change their minds about Neron thanks to this week's episode?