Next spring, i.e. 5 years
Dumbing of Age
I swear Willis does this story entirely to annoy people who don't like Becky.
>getting paid in tuition
that's not how that works but okay
Shut up stop being homophobic
Dorothy is still adorable!
Dorothy, just say you won't help unless you're hired on for a staff position.
Considering IU's tuition rates, and the fact that Robin doesn't have to pay her until next year, paying Becky in tuition is a goddamn steal compared to paying an actual campaign manager.
You could get a day laborer fresh from Mexico to be a better campaign manager.
>I'm already enrolled!
That's the unlikeliest thing out of anything in this strip.
>paying an actual campaign manager.
Becky not a campaign manager. Putting her in charge of social media is a stretch. This sounds more like political suicide, which might actually be what Robin wants so she can go back to the lesbian teacher.
That's too clever.
Becky will become the literal campaign manager, DeSanto will accidentally become progressive, Mindy/Anna will hook back up and leave the comic forever, and Leslie will spend the rest of her nights eating out a congresswoman.
I like Dorothy reaction, with her working hard to become a politician, while Becky pretty much just got lucky.
>Hey, Becky! Pack up your desk, you're fired. This here is Juan, found him this morning in the Home Depot parking lot, he's replacing you. Gonna save myself $3 an hour over you and I won't have to pretend not to be creeped out by your dinosaur weirdo girlfriend.
Weird thing is, I could see this sorta working if he went full cartoonish and did it as a parody of AOC or Beto O'Rourke.
The real world logic is just too fucking hard for me to ignore.
Is Becky really going to create signs, be in charge of people twice her age, including paying them, set up debates, tour stops, get a tour bus?
Dorothy really isn't working hard to be a politician. If anything her attitude and behavior would gear her more towards staffer or policy wonk than elected official.
No, that'd be Dorothy, Becky just takes the credit. If Willis were smart, he'd end the arc with Robin winning and taking credit for the campaign turnaround by herself.
You dont study your way into politics, no one has done that before.
why? she's working for a politician now, surely it took a couple phone calls at most.
Lots of people have. They also network heavily and are directly involved with their professors and extracurriculars.
The dean hates Robin.
>the universe is once again bending over backwards for Becky
>however, Dorothy is mad as hell
I don't know how to feel right now.
Dorothy is going to hatefuck Becky.
Fuck off
This is a general we don't need.
What? Is that a thing in America? Call the dean and get enrolled?
Have you morons ever actually read these threads? All we do is complain about how Willis fucks up all the damn time.