Who has the more obnoxious fan base? Marvel or DC?

Who has the more obnoxious fan base? Marvel or DC?

Spoiler alert it's a tie

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If X-Men fans are the worst, most entitled Marvel fans, who are the worst DC fans?



Legion of Superheroes fans, because they inevitably end up writing the comic and retconning everything that came before.

This entirely depends on your definition of indie. Image-tier readers tend to be really chill. It’s zinefags and Disney Duck readers you have to watch out for.

Also, there’s nothing that can compare to X-fags, a cancer on the LCS.

That's a fair assessment
>Why didn't you read these Italian duck comics that had no English translation ten years ago
starts to grate.

>Spoiler alert it's a tie
Pretty much. The real war is between actual comic readers vs. casual movie only fans

Attached: oogaboogaaa.jpg (800x450, 41K)

tie between the teen titans and young justice cartoon fans.

i thought it was Yea Forums

Obviously the fan base with the most people is Marvel but the thing that makes DC tie with Marvel is Snyderfags.

It’s not a matter of company, but character. Who are some of the worst characterfags around? Some that come to mind are

Tie between Supefags and Batfags


Marvelfags. Bunch of annoying pricks

For marvel, it’s X-fags, they bitch and complain about how Marvel was trying to kill off X-Men while completely ignoring how X-Men has more ongoing on the shelf at the same time than any other comic franchise, which included Avengers. This was happening deep into the whole Fox vs Disney crap, you’d think that Marvel would put out more Avengers titles because of the movies, but no, X-Men doubles their amount of ongoing at that time, but X-fags screamed at the top of their lungs that Marvel was holding X-Men down and killing them off.
For DC, it’s Batfags, Batman has carried DC on his back and because of this a number of far better more interesting characters have been completely held down, and this won’t change any time soon because of Batman’s rabid fanbase.

MCU fags. Most movies are average but they make it seem like they’re masterpieces. Especially those faggot MCU stans. Same thing with Snyderfags. They deny most DCEU movies are shit. So yeah I can say both fan bases are obnoxious

Batman at least still sells, they can point to that and justify pushing him. X-fags blindly act like it's still the 1980s or 1990s and their books are still the best selling franchise in comics.

DC won in JLA Avengers and that shot was great

My Hero Academia is better than X-Men

MHA's better than nothing. It's cookie cutter battle shonen with a thin capeshit veneer.

Yes, but every X-men story is the same.

This is incorrect. Stick to Yea Forums and don't embarrass yourself

Between the two I would say Marvel because they tend to be the people who regurgitate the most stale Liefeld memes and have the biggest chip on their shoulder about 90s Image.

The most obnoxious fans in the industry are your Gary Groth types who think the kind of stuff Fantagraphics and Top Shelf put out is the be all end all of comics and everything else is garbage.

Also MHA fans are up there too, see this thread for more information.

It's a joke dude.
It's from that one black page, I think Wolverine said it.

He’s right though

Isn't that basically only Mark Waid, Paul Levitz and Geoff Johns?

Marvel fans are louder
DC fans are more whiny

I don't know elsewhere but in this board is pretty clear to everyone that the most autistic fag here is a MCU fag or a group of MCU fags that start company war faggotry on every single non MCU thread.

This, I'm 90% sure that they're not actually fans of hers but shitposters posting about her to rile people up, they act like parodies of obnoxious fans

And MHA Illigals:Vigilante is a million times better than the original, being better than modern X-men is a pretty low bar, especially after they admitted that "All X-men stories are the same"