There only ONE Captain Marvel

There only ONE Captain Marvel

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Other urls found in this thread:

True and it is Carol

>Billy comes greeting Fungus with calm and respect
>Fungus does a shitty response.
Seems about right.

Accurate depiction of Cpt Fungus Flatass

Is there a reason that we have multiple threads daily dedicated to this wretched cunt?

And it's not the woman who stole the title from men.

Yes. She is living on DCucks's heads RENT FREE since her movie made a billion and Flopzam didn't.

Yes, and it's this one.

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High shit post material, people easily offended by that character, or they just don’t like her from her story.

>3X the budget and climbing

>This is coming from Ladderbro

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Compare their audience scores. It’s like daylight and dark.

To be honest, it's not offensive it's exhausting.
It was fun for a moment, now it's like a broken record.

Pure shilling

But why? Did black panther ever get this much attention when it came out? I know spider-verse didn't and hell Infinity War threads petered out quick after it's release.

>didn't even read the post

user, BP is the movie that killed racism forever. Twitter told me so.


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Someone do an edit with Monica.

But isn't Brie Larson the perfect casting decision for Carol?

>Divisive and disagreeable
>Usually grandstanding to a fault
>Pushed too hard as a female rep in a huge story line
>Often badly written and not seen as the best version of herself she can be

Am I wrong or what

Marvel is finished, now is the time of DC and Sony

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Based Kojima

The Adventures of Captain Marvel "Faster than a the speed of light! More powerful than a black hole! Able to leap galaxies at a single bound!" "Look! Up in the sky!

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Good thing Carol has both

tfw when you liked both movies

>muh Ladder strawman

DCucks really are pathetics, no argouments, no tastes, and soon no movies

based and outerheavenpilled

And he boned Carol six ways to sunday

This, I bet Billy didn't get half as many #1s and soft reboots.

>Compare their audience scores.
>Captain Marvel
>User Ratings: 81,876
>User Ratings: 8,735
>CM has 10 TIMES the reviews of Flopzam

DCucks can't even do math.
To this let's add and never forget the bots they used to give bad reviews and the fact that WB OWNS Rotten Tomatoes.

We all know it's you


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But it's not DC folks making them.

No, he usually doesn't get books at all.
DC doesn't believe in their (stolen) characters

I'm sure that now that you said it everyone will believe you.
After all, everyone loves DC. It must really be just one motivated guy.

Ah, you cucks are so funny.

>Broken inside

you have to start to take it more easily, it is not like it is going to be the last win for the MCU, just the latest.
You can always hope for the DCEU to stop embarassing themselves though.

Why haven't they banned your pathetic ass?

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>There only ONE Captain Marvel
It's that kind of thread?

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>waaaaah stop invading my safe place

Imagine being such a retard that you can't even handle the truth.

lol, want to check the archive?
Their autism has reached Yea Forums level, and even them are rejecting them.

Do you think this thread is made by a marvelfan or a dcfan?

Is there a comic book character as destructively poorly written as Carol Danvers? Every time she shows up in an event you instantly know the book can't be salvaged.

Wasn't he technically bought?

The truth that you are a pathetic troll? You should've choke on the Aqua Blu-ray

Not that user but nah. DC sued Fawcett, rights lapsed, a second company (MF Publications iirc) used him then got sued by Marvel into giving legal rights to the name.

Ignore him. He is troll


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Keep drinkin that semen

Very true

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Carolfags and there shit taste baka

Billyfags = newfags

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>Imagine thinking this
Shills have really ruined this place

so edgy, at least try to act like you are not butthurt


The really did, have you seen all those Flopzam threads that barely got any replies and yet keep getting spammed?
WB is really trying to not go under their investment on that shitty movie.

Could you be anymore of a revisionist idiot

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nope, google is your friend.
they did some pretty nasty stuff.

You mean the thing you are trying to do right now, dear shiller? Don't you have a thread to do on how Flopzam is the best movie ever and you are so sad no one is watching it? Go go bangladesh friend, there is a good 0.2$ in store for you!

Funny how a Carolfag like you says that. Go and praise your mediocre shit flick with your other mouseshills

What he say about Venom?

Looks like not much actually


Anons, do you think most current carlofags are tearfarmers or sjws?

"ironic" shitposters

subhuman and cringepilled

He's phoneposting. With good reason, since one day he even sent a death threat to a mod.

Tearfarmers, then.

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>won't even make it past JUST

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you lost leave kid no one liked that non film or you

>made by the same autist

I think they're on the wrong fucking board. Shilling for either belongs on Yea Forums, since neither relate to comics or cartoons; the medium is fucking important, otherwise we could talk about Redwall, or the Argentinian perspective of the Falklands conflict, or the methods of Palestinian suicide bombers. If somebody from /mlp/ traipsed in and started this shit, the threads would be deleted on sight, despite being even MORE RELEVANT to the subject of this board.

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This is Yea Forums, user. Carol has been Yea Forums's favorite character for years.

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Can we finally just ban Carol Danvers from this board, just tacitly agree to never post about her again and pretend she doesn't exist like we do with the horse show, if only just to get rid of her shitposting "fans"


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When they accept applications again, you should apply to do it for free.
Until then, you don't gatekeep Yea Forums, nor determine what's content.
Thanks for your concern. And bump.

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no one likes you not even your family find a rope and end yourself

Lol, why do you lie?

nah kill yourself fag


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Yea Forums now stands for Carols and Comic Movies starring Carol.

Femanons and fags like you are cancer

You're full of shit. She was only blips on the radar since Civil War (and I mean the comic you newfaggot cunt monger.) It's only once Disney shat out their announcement a while back that anyone's been talking about Danvers.
I would wholeheartedly support this, along with any discussion of comic book movies that aren't animated. Let Yea Forums be the cesspool for that diarrhea.
Gladly, and go fuck yourself.

Hell yeah it does.

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All non animated movie-related talk should be bannable here.

>Billy tries to politely greet Carol
>Carol slaps him for no legitimate reason
Makes sense. Enjoy your multiple reboots, bro.

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At this point you can't even pretend it's not shitposting.

y this make my pp feel funny?

"Male Tears"jerkers, rather.

Disneyfags are too dumb and obvious



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>Not phoneposter master race

Seething because Yea Forums is flooded with faggots who should be on Yea Forums. If you want to Manface McFlatass and her experiment in micromycology, I wouldn't have given a piss if there wasn't a thread EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. You behave worse than MLP because you're huffing your own farts the entire time, and they literally post about wanting to huff pony farts.
Ryona is a fetish.

>stretch goals

spot on

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And yet it made money more faster than Shazam

Based and Carolpilled

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no it did not

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All of the toe sucking that Marvelfags are doing caused the fungus to spread to their brain

>being this contrarian
Carol Danvers has been shat on for decades. All comic books fans agree to say she's a massive bitch with no interesting stories, and she was almost an antagonist by how dumb she was in Civil War II - more than anybody else.
But for some reason, a small circle of faggots here say the complete opposite. Go back to tumblr seriously.

2 or 3 faggots friends of some jannie hot free pass to spam this shit 24/7

Endgame comes out in a couple days.

>using CWII as an example

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You can't do math. All this means is that Captain Marvel's user score is more accurate. 8000+ user reviews is still high enough for the margin of error to be fairly low.

>User Ratings: 81,876
>deleted 50k "negative" reviews
>score pretty low
>add another 50k positive ones

>make money
>take it from one pocket and place it in the other

Fuck Carol and fuck her fans

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Hell no

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Child abuse

>having 70k bot reviews means its good

>Cute short hair
>big titties


I think Bumblebee is cute, user!

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Well yeah, I meant the Transformers, but she's very cute too.

Theres only captain and its captain atom

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Is he as shit in the comics as he was in the JLU cartoon?


What kind of asshole slaps someone for having the same name as them?

Brie Larsen and carol danvers

Come to think of it, she doesn't even let him finish. He could be Captain Marvin for all she knows, but nope.

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Questional content in Shazam form

She just slapped him because hes a fucking white Male

Billy will have to settle for the lesser title of Corporal Marvel (or Shazam) that comes with 1/3rd box office money.

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>Hey Billy is your mom also called OH WAIT
What a turbobitch.

Fuck yeah murdercarol. SLAYing kid's feelings

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>Endgame comes out in a couple days.
Then there should be ENDGAME threads not Carol threads. Hell I think right now there are more Carol Threads than Endgame threads, That right there is a bad sign for the appeal of endgame.

What are all these shills like doing here?

Most of the appeal of Endgame IS Carol, user.

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People come here to shit on or fap to these things.
Endgame has been held under wraps almost completely, except for a bit of leaked spoiler.
Also, Endgame didn't insult 4channer's micro E-penis.

People are probably afraid of the Endgame spoilers floating around.

And this.

The best part about Brie is the sheer, radiating hatred you can feel off the rest of the cast whenever she's in an interview with them.
Eventually the Hollywood virtue signallers are going to abandon her for the next big thing and she'll be left with nothing since she didn't network, she just told people what they were going to do for her.

Keep telling yourself that if that makes you feel any better, because this is just really stupid

>he fell for the incel outrage tuber meme

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Thread Theme

Disney interns who have ran out of time to shitpost in twitter. "lmao that doesnt exist", right? Please, we have seen gigantic companies paying people to meme hard and getting fools into brand loyalty without them even noticing it. It makes sense for them to try their luck in this shithole. Even a small thread will do the trick: Lurkers come in, see Carol all over Yea Forums, become convinced they watched some masterpiece same way DCfags convinced themselves Snyder is a revolutionary director.
It all clicks and fits, like gears in an oiled clock.

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What's frustrating is that every other Captain Marvel at Marvel is a much better character than Carol, but she gets backed by the company for being a white woman.

Fuck, gimme the Skrull over Carol.

I never said it wasn't, on the contrary.

The cast hates her

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Do none of you companywarriors feel any embarrassment shilling for faceless corporations?

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Get outta here Doctor Worm.

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>Dosen't even have a sequel announced days after her release

>Dosen't have her own colorful cast of villains aside from a head in a jar and a couple of muties that one upped her

How can Carolfags even compete aside from "Muh Billions"?

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>a couple of muties that one upped her
That's no way to talk about her villains.
They're far, far more famous and popular than she'll ever be.

The problem is billy had the title first and is BY FAR more likable a character even now. I don't think I've ever seen anyone dislike Billy Batson but Carol has been getting shat on for fucking years.

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>Can't even make a proper argument

The state of memvel. And as usual, Carol Fags can't point out what makes Chadzam Bad and the Endgame filler movie gud aside from box office bucks.

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>Formerly Chuck
Every fucking time.

>Muh Sip meme
>Muh Incels

Yawn, come up with something new Carolfags

They should have gone with this version of her for live action

They did. They improved her, even.

So, how much longer until /d/fags hijack this thread into another Amalgam one?

Shit user that's all you had to say.

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no tis cant be happens

>Look! We can stage photos to make it look like people are having a good time!
>Sure the guy in the bottom left still looks like he's having his prostate touched by a syphilitic gnome off camera but look how happy everyone else looks!
>Please ignore the video evidence that shows how people really act around her
>Please for the love of fuck ignore it!

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Wouldnt that be child abuse

I wish live-action was banned just so that mouse shill could be contained on Yea Forums where he belongs

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Why is she shitty to everyone? Billy's the nicest Cape around and Carol still has to act like garbage

She’s a straight white woman, she is literally invencible in the time and age

Sure, user

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thanos is a cutie

I don't understand spic
Someone translate plz

I guess he thought Captain Marvel was alright.

>harder daddy

>captain nazi

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It was the 40s.

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Instead of performing in the street, Billy becomes a cam girl for money. Fails because Billy can't figure out how to take off the uniform.

Do you really need a translation?
It's pretty obvious what they could be saying just by whats going on.

>tfw the only thing people talk about Captain marvel is the money that the movie made
>tfw no one talks about the movie
are people retards or Yea Forums is filled with Disney investors?

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>Succeeds because he can't take off the uniform

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I loses my shit every time I see Mr. Banjo. Like, holy fuck, everyone else sort of makes sense, has superpowers or something. Mr. Banjo is just a dude with the absolute balls to step to a Demi-God armed with a Banjo and hat that went out of fashion in the Gay 90's.

So they retconned Carol as a Valkyrie too? Lame.


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I mean... they're doing it with Jane Foster now, I wouldn't doubt it

Oh Hello there, it's me, the real Captain Marvel that was killed by literal cancer, and then forgotten years later due to metaphorical cancer

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> Did black panther ever get this much attention when it came out?
Yes, onn nearly every signle board on Yea Forums and 4channel

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>The cast hates her
Don Cheadle debunked that shit last night, or what, are you going to say that's fake too?

>Dosen't even have a sequel announced days after her release
I mean... No other movies have sequels right now, officially. Not exactly an argument here.
>Dosen't have her own colorful cast of villains aside from a head in a jar and a couple of muties that one upped her
Yon-Rogg is still around, and the entire Kree Sentry Armada that was supposed to appear but didn't. And there's that whole business about the Brood...

Fun fact: Captain Nazi crippled Freddy, and that's why he originally had his limp.

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>has gone DECADES without an ongoing
>still has more comics than the Marvel Marvels combined

You mean kamala

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I miss her old costume

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>she shows up in an ev
She saved Civil War 2 from Stark's groundless moralising.

Carol: "We're going to use Ulysses's precog ability to prevent or prepare for upcoming disasters."
Tony: "That's evil, Carol. Preventing huge loss of life because you know what's about to happen is bad!"
Carol: "Aren't you the guy who once went full fascist with Reed Richards and made Dr. Doom look good in comparison? I followed you then but I'm in charge now, and moralistic bleatings aside, preventing disasters is a good thing to do."
Tony: "Doesn't matter Carol. Because I'll just say I'm rebelling against your authoritarian regime and thus the readers will side with me! MUHAHAHAHA!"

Attached: CWII showdown 1.jpg (3000x2306, 2.59M)

>yfw Avengers get the gauntlet as Carol distracts Thanos by getting split down the middle

Look guys, Shazam is a way better name than Captain Marvel. For one thing, it actually has something to do with Billy's character and powers.

Yea Forums is upset that Captain Marvel did well when they said it was going to crash and burn while Shazam would make a billion.

Honestly Dr. Worm, I kinda wish we'd hijack these threads with cool stuff from the respective belligerents comics. Like Carol doing that "counted heartbeats" speech from the Brian Reed run, or Billy pulling a bunch of anchors to get the earth to rotate again. Positive shit like that.

We'd better get this scene in Endgame.

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But Captain Marvel fits the military bib much better than "Shazam".

>All these Fungus shilling
I would normally say go back to Tumblr but ever since december you dont even have that, lmao

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Well, real Captain Marvel did, at any rate. Since he was a military in two different species and "Marvel" was his actual name.

That's all right captain fungus, I have a better name anyway.

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>Tony: *engages in literal torture and comes up with zero real evidence against the precog no matter what, recruits teen heroes to his cause*
>Also Tony: "Wow Carol we can't trust this! You've gone way too far! Side with me or else!"

I can't believe how bothered people are by Captain Marvel. This is hilarious in a kind of sad way.

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It comes to a thing where one has to seek refuge in the coming days in Carol threads to avoid the oncoming onslaught of Avengers Endgame shitting.

Okay retard

You should have filtered those by now. I know I did.
And you keep falling for the easy bait, it's hilarious.


>"There's video evidence guys"
>Doesn't post a link to said video

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lmao, literally the only reason anons pretend to like carol is to annoy everyone else

I actually do like her, but I don't post stuff like that because of what you said.