what is Yea Forums‘s opinion on el tigre
What is Yea Forums‘s opinion on el tigre
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I loved it
Not without its flaws but full of promise and died way too soon.
Pretty good. I haven't rewatched it to see if it still holds, but I can say that I have only good memories from watching it.
I liked it
I remember liking it. Not sure if i would like it now
I've said it before and I'll say it again: its premise was fantastic, but its premise was a lie. His family was torn between a tradition of heroism and a tradition of villainy, and the premise was that he was torn by this and was unsure what he wanted to be when he grew up, but the show pushed heroism 100% of the time. Even in the choose-your-ending finale, if he chose to become a villain, he still ended up becoming a hero way down the line.
If Nickelodeon had balls and let the premise be true to itself, and had episodes where he actual did villainous things, I think it would have been a top-tier cartoon.
Criminally underrated and underutilized. The disrespect that El Tigre got during its second season from Nickelodeon is inexcusable.
Pretty much this, I was annoyed by how the character constantly state he don't know his path when he was shown as the average superhero at all time.
Just make him an damn anti hero show him doing the right thing for the wrong reasons and the wrong thing for the right reasons.
White Pantera had an awesome character design.
>If Nickelodeon had balls
Honestly, I mainly blame the promos for this. Which is funny, because it would've been years later when I watched some of the promos for the first time, since I was first watching it in Spanish.
Childhood memories woke up every day during Ramadhan just to watch Puma Loco and White Pantera fight for Manny.
The Dutch dub of it is superior to the English one which made me enjoy it more when it aired on local television.
"Una vez comí costillas y me limpié las manos en un perro"
Died way too soon is right.
Sad Fact: it wasn't cancelled because it had done poorly but because the recession made Nick cut back and they put their eggs into the Spongebob basket.
Actually being created by Mexicans really kept the "Look! Hispanics! We're so diverse!" stink off of it.
one of the biggest plebfilters in Yea Forums, El Tigre is great as fuck
Quite good-looking for a relatively early digital animation show.
Wow peeps around know of el tigre.
Pat yerselves on the back you have great taste
El Tigre is one of my favorite classic cartoons and had a really good Flash game or you could upgrade the f*** out of your speed and strength and Agility of your character
>El Tigre is one of my favorite classic cartoons
Well it really was at the end of the early 2000s cartoons
Love it. I was in elementary when it aired and I rewatched it in middle school
Very nice
I love that show.
Easily the best character.
Who here likes Frida?
Adorable troublemaker
She's very pretty
I remember its 1 main flaw: Manny is never actively picking between good or evil, he's always picking to be good. The so called "evil" is just typical 8-12 year old shenanigans. He never fraternizes with the evil side.
I remember it had 2 - 20 minute episodes and they were far better structured and adventure-feeling than the usual 10 minute ones.
I LOVED its stereo sound. I loved his spunky DeeDee-tier friend. I wish Manny's English VA was as thick as his Spanish VA to make him more masculine and evil-sounding. I hate kids' voices.
Great villains. HUGE amount of visual activity and fun. A lot of details on the costumes and objects, just like how Flash should be used.
I think I might watch it again, but this time I'd love to watch it in Spanish.
Really didn't like his father. He was the literal definition of a square, literal definition of a pony-loving goody two shoes. Also he looked horrible with the mask on, he would have looked far better with it off like Manny's grandfather.
Easily the shittiest character.
The Lich lady, the zombie general, the biology scientist and the kid with the super robot were great.
Also couldn't care for the Raven-themed villains, those bitches needed to be thrown under the bus.
Well it was a 2008 show, people here can't the that young to not remember it...right?
Dude the show came and went and no one gave fuck, to the point where the creator himself spoiled huge plot points for potential following seasons on his twitter cause even he knows this shit aint ever comin back
Pobre perro.
The 2nd only thing I'd allow across the border.
>he would have looked far better with it off like Manny's grandfather.
I mean come on powersuit hats are fucking rad
Good stuff.
Liked it and wouldn't mind seeing more. Props to the creator for being a bro and having a folder with web-dls of the show pinned to his twitter.
That being said, Black Cuervo didn't get enough screentime. 1-2 more episodes with her would've been good. And Frida confirming Frida x Manny at the last possible second felt stupidly forced.
That was more hit than miss, though. Only a sexy-style revamp could save, and hopefully it does not look like that dog-shit fanart you posted.
The show would push moral lessons to the kids watching it, episodes pushed heroism because evil has costs which don't make up for their benefits. It would be retarded to angle a kids cartoon around being edgy and subverted instead of wholesome fun and shenanigans.
If this had a different audience I would completely agree, but you shouldn't expect or even want all content to be geared towards an adult demographic.
>was shown as the average superhero at all time
>Just make him an damn anti hero show him doing the right thing for the wrong reasons and the wrong thing for the right reasons
I feel like you didn't watch the show.
He would consistently lie and steal to help himself and his friends/family, there was an episode dedicated to lying to zoe (a villain who liked him) just so he could catch her family in criminal acts.
This isn't heroic and he wasn't a one-note hero, but he was (pretty much) always made to recognize the steep cost of dishonest behavior.
>Female comic relief who gets her shit kicked in
Don't really see that anymore. Such a shame.
Well put user.
I remember getting that edition of Nick Mag. It came just before my 13th birthday, I think.
I liked that black Pantera was a good villain design
>there was an episode dedicated to lying to zoe (a villain who liked him) just so he could catch her family in criminal acts.
Oh do not fucking remind me of that episode. Crap you just reminded me of the soccer episode too.
You know how those endings go? It ends with Manny and his father being brutally beaten up and the screen fading to black. Great ending faggots.
I do however remember that episode where he indeed works for some evil grandpas and they kick them out of their club because they're "goody two shoes now for helping us". Rita asks Manny if they're really that good and Manny pulls something from their evil grandpas' building/club which makes it crash to pieces and THEN it fades to black.
That's the kind of endings I want to see more, but with Manny being the one who uses people AND STILL gets to proverbially slap their shit for even daring to complain that they've been double crossed.
Like I said before, typical 8-12 year old shenanigans, nothing evil or ballsy.
There's even an episode where he tries to impress 3 evil girls, they see through his shit and beat him up. Again; typical submissive crap.
nah shit was one of the only cash things compared to the other shows
even when it went to nicktoons it was one of the best cartoons out there
>episodes pushed heroism because evil has costs which don't make up for their benefits.
>want all content to be geared towards an adult demographic.
And this is why I will read/watch realistic amoral stories about noble thieves who do the wrong things for the right reasons.
Yeah, Frida got on the receiving end of the slapstick as often as Manny did if not more. They were made of iron and could take it. I loved that.
Also; the very very ending of the ship with the ought of nowhere kiss is indeed shoehorned as hell, but I loved that one ending where she openly and shamelessly flirts with a confused Manny.
why did she have yellow skin and blue hair
She dies her hair.
okay but the yellow skin still makes her look diseased
she also has those goggles that I bet she never actually wore over her eyes
She did when she needed to protect her eyes on a couple of occasions.
What do you mean? Flash wise or digital wise? Because digitally animated shows (or at least digitally colored) go back to the late 90's. Hell, Kablam used flash animation for Henry and June, as well as Blues Clues. If you meant flash, then yeah, when the flash boom of the 2000's came out, a lot of shows didn't age very well visually, like Mucha Lucha, the first show to be 100% animated in Flash I believe.
Some Mexicans do have vaguely yellow skin. She's exaggerated because she's a cartoon.
How come nobody has poster pics of the women of this show yet?
Manny's mother pissed me off. Overall the show was decent
Maybe its the angle?
If it wasnt for my big ass aztec nose people would think im asian. When Iived in the south as a kid people thought I was chinese because theyre retarded. My sister also has very prominent epicanthel folds with a mongoloid nose. The region our lineage comes from isnt even known for taking in asians either. Id imagine its worse in a city like mexico city which is where Manny is supposed to be from where they even have a chinatown.
O solo mio? Someone post the video.
can we get some crossover art of Black Cuervo and Vulture?
what ever happened to the artist?
I love how el Jefe Suárez really imposed respect between criminals.
Guess where the indigenous people of the Americas came from, dude? They may not be the same exact people as their Asian Siberian cousins, but they're related nonetheless.
What about thicc?
The show would've been better if it was a family torn between law enforcement and vigilantism. That way they'd always be focused on doing the right thing, but whether they did the right thing within the confines of the law would be the question. The main character could've been an aspiring police officer who acts as a hall monitor or some other child-level rule-enforcing position, but has the power to take the law into his own hands.
Where can I find all episodes?
Why isn't there a season 2?
Does this happen in the same universe where Book of Life happens? I am asking this because Manny and Frida have cameos there
There is no second season, what you have seen is only the other half of season 1
That pic...
Seems familiar...
I only really appreciated her much later on in life, I hated her as a child. Manny was right, "you learn to love her".
Frida was cool
I loved it when I was 5 or 6. Very good show from what I remember and was my FAVORITE at the time! I'm currently 19 by the way.
her natural hair color is blue. her fathers hair color is also blue in a flash back. Her grand mother was also stated to have a blue hair
>that feel when Frida was so hot even the skeleton wanted to bone her
Childhood memories of watching it at 3pm in Malay
Went on to do Book of Life.
God I miss this show
that's a cat you retard
FridaxManny was always the end game according to the creator... But that wouldn't stop Manny of fooling around with La Cuervi in highschool until eventually ending up with Frida (also from the creator) Plus Rodolfo and Maria get back together but until they are pruny old people
Oso Solo Mío actually (Its a Bear themed episode...with a focus on bestiality actually)
I fucking love how they shrink in elderly age for no reason
This was so hilariously shoehorned that it might as well have been a sugar rush kiss with no romantic undertones whatsoever.
O Solo Mío was much more effective ship tease.
Don't worry, most of the porn's pretty shit
You're right. Most didn't watch the show or at most very much of it. Manny was a shit that only ever did the right thing here and there due to wanting to get rid of his guilt. He hurt people, lied, stole, and manipulated every single opportunity he got. It didn't help that Frida constantly egged him on. No person in the show was morally right (not even Rodolfo). That's why I love it. No matter what, if you watch the show all the way through, you can only see manny becoming a dangerous person that sometimes does the right thing for the wrong reasons. It's that weird Yea Forums thing where someone says something like they know what they're talking about and people start parroting to seem like they do too
This show is what diversity in cartoons should look like. No fucking agenda just wacky nonsense with characters taking the piss.
I meant SuperMacho
One of my favorite female co-protagonists in cartoons. They allowed her to be FUN.
Died. Way. Too. Goddamn. Soon.
I don't mind it being endgame, heck I don't care about shipping what so ever. What I do mind is Frida stealing the Mannybowl literally in the last minute of the show. The "kiss me" came out of nowhere and just felt incredicly forced.
Bad call for sure, but I can sympathize with them wanting -something- in the official series when told they were gonna get cut short.
But to be honest it didnt feel that forced, we didnt have Many realize all this time he was in love with Frida and then kiss each other in a cutesy romantic way. Instead we got Frida going "WOHOO WE WON NOW GIVE ME UN PINCHE BESO! “ Which given the constraints couldnt had been any better
I'll take that, yes. It does remove any romantic undertones whatsoever -it comes across as a heat of the moment, hyperactive sorta deal- but that works just about perfectly for Frida. Hell they could have gotten away with in a normal non-finale.
The twenty minutes episodes were the best. Wonder what they could have achieved with a movie.
I'm hearing they appear in Book of Life? In any major capacity or just a cameo?
Just a small cameo.
Oh well, pretty cool all the same. Thanks!
boring reskinned Mucha Lucha
just bee yourself
I wanted to fuck Freda
>Steals books from a library
I fucking died. Great show.
The Virgin Chicano Victor & Valentino vs the Chad Mexican Tigre
it's great.
>Too goody two shoes
Bitch his magic item is goody two shoes
I dont, tell
literally the only episode i still remember is the one where they stole a bunch of people's pets, and gave them back for reward money so they could buck hi-tech scooters
I liked it plenty. More than Mucha Lucha, if we're comparing masked Mexican hero themes.
His mom was the worst character.
It was great and still holds up, I binged it hard out of nowhere
The only thing made by chicANOs that does not oiss me off
Mexicans (mestizos) have skin like that, specially in untanned places. Not hepatitis Yellow, but you can still distinguish a bit of yellowish brown, as soon as it tans it turns a normal brown
*whispers* junior
Jorge Gutiérrez and Sandra Equihua aren't chicanos (actually born in Mexico even though the first one studied in Calarts), so that explains why El Tigre is not cringy.
See also not being afraid of sombreros as if there's something special about them.
Rodolfo! Donde esta mi shampoo de chorizo?
Fuck I love that
>Plastic candy bag
What a fuckin cutie
This character has even appeared?
is there another option? asking for a friend's cousin
Better Latin stuff than the shit we have now.