What's a show that you exclusively like because of girls in it?
What's a show that you exclusively like because of girls in it?
Other urls found in this thread:
all of them
Loud House , back then it was sailor moon
AND NO NOT FOR Fuckinging reasons.
Jeepers Men on the Internet these days
>a show where every male character can just heck off
None? Is this really I thing for people?
Not any. If a show's good and has good girls that's obviously a bonus, but I'm not going to start sucking shit because there's a girl at the bottom of the glass.
is this an Alzheimer's post
You mean as characters or as fap material? Cause for characters it's impossible cause I like the show for all the characters. Now fap bait, none cause fanart does the job. Hell if I really like a show I try to stay away from lewd art of it
It's a shame that this shit is actually vital to the community or for shows to be talked about constantly. Shows actually suffer for a lack of waifus.
Yeah, I remember all the shows I talked about like FoP and Gumball needed the waifu wars to keep the thread bumped.
Pearl is the only reason I keep up with SU anymore. Not for the waifu factor though, I just enjoy her as a character.
I checked out Kim Possible because I had seen so much porn of it. It turned out to be a pretty decent show on its own merits.
I tried watching My Hero Academia for Toga. I cannot honestly believe anyone finds fictional women worth watching garbage.
ok ko and only for the shannon episodes
I really don't care about the story, but I managed two seasons.
This. Honestly the people who perpetuate crap because they want to fuck the characters should be gased.
Just let me enjoy the cartoon girls man, I have little else to look forward to.
hey, nobody's shaming you
just admit it
>It turned out to be a pretty decent show on its own merits.
Eh. "decent" is right.
The show has nothing all that great to offer - shego and drakken are the only interesting villains, others are boring and forgettable, and the adventures feel really repetitive most of the time.
I was't able to watch the full show - dropped it about 2/3 through
The third is the worst.
Loud house, steven universe
>show has a bunch of girls in it
>Yea Forums talks non stop about it
>all the girls are literal children
>threads become a felony to browse
If I like the waifus in a show it's almost inevitably a shit show. At this point I think waifus and quality are mutually exclusive
I sat through both seasons of the chilling adventures of Sabrina because I thought the lead actress was hot
>watching that feminist shit because you thought the actress was cute
I pity you
>when I see little cartoon girls
Christ man, if you want kids of your own just start dating and get a good job. Don't use cartoons to fantasizes about being a parent.
This one.
It's actually hard to become a parent this day and age. Not for the dating but for the amount taking care of a kid costs, even if you take the adoption/single parent route.
[spoilers]plus i don't think you want this type of guy around children
At least it's better then living out your parental dreams through cartoons written by alcoholics and Jewish midgets. It will make a man out of him, or broke with no will to live. Either way a win-win.
Is this your first day on Yea Forums or something? Half the board does this shit. It's not as bad as Yea Forums, but its still pretty prevalent.
I originally decided to watch W.I.T.C.H. because someone on Yea Forums posted a bunch of pics from the cartoon in a comics thread, filled with the most attractive girls I've seen to date in Western animation.
Little did I know that I was about to discover the greatest cartoon of all time.
I don't get what's the problem with Jews many of our favorite writers were Jews, Superman was Moses originally
You know that idol shows are a thing because they sell, this also aply to the west, just because they dont put it in your face you dont get away with acting like is not a thing
Based truth poster
>What's a show that you exclusively like because of girls in it?
LoliRock, though "like" may be a bit strong. More like "tolerate", especially compared to that ML shit
>I was't able to watch the full show - dropped it about 2/3 through
Many of the best episodes were later on. Season 1 especially was a bit rough.
Though you have to remember it's a comedy first and foremost, don't expect dramatic villains or whatever (though they come up very occasionally).
To Love-ru Darkness
Is W.I.T.C.H actually good or is that just a meme?
Yea Forums disagrees with me to put it mildly, but...
I truly, genuinely believe it to be the best cartoon ever made, as it excels in just about every area of importance for a cartoon.
It's just rather unconventional in some ways, which means if you have certain expectations of what a "good" show is or does you might not like it or at least the earlier episodes as much. If you keep an open mind you should love it right from the start, like I did.
If you watch it, don't fall for the potato quality on all the streaming sites. Use these torrents, or I can post a MEGA if you need it:
>I'm going to make a decent multilanguage DVDrip. If you're a W.I.T.C.H. fan and accidentally found this page AND you have any DVD, DVDrips or TVrips in any language, please contact me over email: [email protected]
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
The show actually does get a lot better in the last half
Weekenders is better
Not sure what your point is, that message is from ages ago. The torrents are literally right there.
You're not fooling anyone Winxfag
Little girls in cartoons are the best. There's nothing wrong with being a pedo.
>posting this on a site with hiroshimoot in charge, who is more than happy to sell your data to the highest bidder
RIP in piece user's asshole
Now, I've watched shows because the porn was great and I wanted to know the character better for meat beating purposes. But that doesn't mean I like the show.
>I wanted to know the character better for meat beating purposes
Are you an actual female, by any chance? Just curious.
The amount of shit I've done for meat beating purposes is insane. If I could rewire my brain to be sexually attracted to complex equations I'd have like 10 PhDs by now.
I'm not a faggot, I only like shows for the cute boys
>If I could rewire my brain to be sexually attracted to complex equations I'd have like 10 PhDs by now.
Pretty sure that's autism in a nutshell
it's being a horney teenager that unironically needs to realize sex isn't anything
I have gained the ability of drawing really nice asses
They literally never implied that such things don't happen in their post, just that they themselves don't engage in such behavior.
Prove it.
Sailor Moon
Powerpuff Girls