Well Yea Forums, have you done your part and saved Astrid from fetish artists yet?

Well Yea Forums, have you done your part and saved Astrid from fetish artists yet?

Attached: 1555934008710.webm (1920x816, 2.96M)

Why is this viking couple having a Christan wedding

I bet he believes in equality too. Sick fuck.

>tfw no hiccup husbando

Because Christianity is correct.

There where hundreds of other religions before and after.

Because when Christianity was introduced to the region Vikings hedged their bets and adopted it while keeping some of the old ways.

Hooker amputee Astrid and her loli daughters being raped by pigs is best Astrid, user. Why would I stop that?

Yeah but that is way after this time period

They all had one disadvantage in that they were wrong.

Jesus came by on his Speed Stinger and gave them the 411.

as wrong as Christianity

That's actually a pagan wedding. Just another thing Christians stole.

It looks like Berk did the opposite. There's reference to multjple gods, but they have christian influence in their culture.

Episcopalians got it right

Delete this

Attached: 1479835521516.jpg (1200x807, 96K)

It's handfasting, retard.


Sorry it looks a lot like early Christian wedding

The smut of these two is so comfy, and there needs to he more


So just like Christmas

When did Hicup became taller that Astrid?

since the second movie


Why did they ugly her up so much?

There is nothing Christian about this wedding or Berg in general, the fuck are you all on ?

Attached: 1551999060144.png (669x469, 200K)

They think weddings are unique to Christian culture, and two people standing in front of an obviously pagan idol of an ancestor and having a wisewoman tie their destinies together must be Christian

I want to save her from that by giving that date to Hiccup.

I want to save her from fetish artists by giving her fetish porn to Hiccup

What about saving both of them from fetish artists instead?

Because fuck Pagan subhumans

We spurn your Tortured God, Christian. We will not abandon Odin, Freyr and Thor lightly.

Hiccup is a lucky bastard

Attached: D4mDxtRUwAEn7tk.jpg (1041x1041, 122K)

Go have some more meth Bjor. Norse myths are property of Disney now.


Too late! 500 years too late.

And Easter

What about giving her to Amazonian Muscle Girl fetish artists instead?

t.Amerimutt larper

Just once I'd like to see the childhood romance partners break up before this point. It's boring to see a stable couple get married.

Be ashamed if someone were to white wash one of your gods to basically be Jesus

Attached: 160f3337f1caa138a05f50d8ce84f32a.jpg (619x720, 117K)

You got some links?

I'm at work, so no.

Just go to Paheal do Astrid Hofferson and Hiccup

>Just go to Paheal do Astrid Hofferson and Hiccup
This but for your own safety use both and I repeat both of their names as tags.

Yea Forums doesn't know what they're talking about, what a surprise.

And Everything.

Early Christian weddings looked like regular Pagan weddings?

Astrid is SHIT tho

Attached: 1553765107045.gif (444x250, 1.72M)

no need, she got less and less interesting with each movie


Any more webms of them?

Not yet, but here's a cute family screencap

Attached: 1554272636924.jpg (1366x580, 186K)

I hope there's going to be some kind of series starring their children in the future

Judaism , islam, buddhism and hinduism is still a thing you know.

Attached: D4L2MRiUcAAP5o7.jpg (2048x1024, 114K)

Attached: Astrid Hiccup fight.webm (1920x816, 2.56M)


Attached: Astrid and Hiccup start a fire.webm (1920x816, 2.94M)

Attached: Astrid ship crash.webm (1920x816, 2.65M)

Attached: 1555161511261.gif (300x241, 1.77M)

I love Astrid.

Attached: Astrid juggle.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Attached: Astrid's Yak Nog.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

I love both of them

Attached: D4a4VxQXkAAdQz2.jpg (854x1199, 150K)

You want to be sandwiched between them?

Attached: Hiccup Yak Nog.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

Sure, why not

Attached: HiccupAstrid.jpg (999x372, 90K)

Attached: D4X4kDGVUAEeHGI.png (700x700, 760K)

Attached: D3ielk8U4AAUcDz.png (800x800, 1.26M)

Attached: D3c54QCUEAIMa8U.jpg (650x956, 76K)

They're so cute together

>actually understanding genetics and not just making the kids copies of the parents


It was a very nice touch of them

Attached: HiccupAstridFamily.png (540x540, 411K)

I want Astrid to get knocked up and then cucked as she watches Hiccup knock up all the other women and then Hiccup knocks up all his daughters.

You're not quite right emotionally or mentally, are you

Listen to your heart, you know you want it too.

Someone hurt you very early on, huh

Attached: Astrid and Hiccup kiss gotnf.webm (1920x1080, 1.08M)

I want more of this cute family


Wouldn't she be Hoffersdöttir or something?

You expect these assholes to understand old nordic naming conventions? You give them to much credit.

Damn, hot wife and kids. Hiccup scored pretty great.

All these Pagan larper tears

I prefer this over vanilla Astrid

God bless those pagans

That's not a very Christlike sentiment.

We need Raiden to kill the how to train your Dragon universe right now. And dance to can't touch this after he killed every last one.

Why don't you just leave them in peace instead

Not even christian

Is the tv show any good? I've only watched the first movie, and it was fun. I have vacations this week and was thinking of checking the rest of this series.

It's genuinely enjoyable, but the animation quality is obviously subpar compared to the movies, especially the third one.

They just swapped the genders/hair colors. Second laziest option

Attached: end of story.webm (1280x720, 1.98M)

Attached: wxbucoenh1t21.jpg (1280x905, 215K)

>As a leader, I'm putting my foot down.

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Fuck you people!

I'm off to the gym.

Fuck you too, my friend.

Attached: tumblr_inline_o8c19sGDAh1s8f7ks_540.png (540x648, 257K)

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Attached: Astrid and Hiccup kiss.webm (1920x816, 914K)

Attached: Astrid and Hiccup kiss2.webm (1920x816, 2.6M)

Attached: 1551311665313.jpg (704x1000, 121K)

Attached: Astrid and Hiccup kiss3.webm (1280x720, 889K)

>it took them three fucking years to confess their love
I'm still mad.

Attached: 1449955016200.jpg (1280x905, 339K)

Attached: Astrid and Hiccup kiss4.webm (1280x720, 655K)

Attached: Astrid Hiccup kiss.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

Attached: Astrid kisses Hiccup.webm (1280x720, 767K)

Attached: 1552852297835.jpg (1080x762, 66K)

Attached: 1551447721548.jpg (902x886, 153K)

Destiny is All

How does it feel to kiss somebody who loves you?

Attached: ashic_by_socij_d7xs5w2-pre.jpg (826x968, 66K)

It's nice. Overwhelming, at first, but after a while, even if the big impact kinda flies off, as anything would, it becomes comforting, reassuring.

Attached: 1551122937128.jpg (1280x1001, 227K)

do it for 'er

Attached: 1428264787392.jpg (596x960, 92K)

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Attached: first_hiccstrid_with_colors_by_auro0109_d7ju1zo-fullview.jpg (1024x773, 123K)

Hes gonna get cucked by a somalian nigger.

Attached: 1.jpg (2082x1527, 368K)

Attached: 2.jpg (1024x717, 120K)

Attached: 3.jpg (1233x648, 153K)

Attached: 4.jpg (2194x1612, 713K)

So the pig thing, was that all from one really rich dude who just went around throwing money at online artists or a bunch of guys?

Attached: 5.jpg (1021x782, 199K)

I was told it was only one dude, but I don't know if it's true.

Attached: 6.jpg (1024x744, 177K)

Attached: 78_-_1J9Xejz.jpg (389x1024, 93K)

This was cute, thanks for posting.

Yes. Their name is Monki, I think, and from what I remember they put $3000 in Polyle's pockets alone.

Which reminds me, if he shows up again I need to ask how those ten-hour things work, specifically if you're allowed more than one character if every image is a different character. I have an idea I want to fund.

I want to post more but recaptcha is sabotaging my efforts

Attached: A1.png (1280x1280, 1.08M)

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Attached: A3.png (1280x752, 573K)

Send the wench to the Stye Hiccup!

Fucking hell google

Attached: A4.png (1280x1280, 991K)

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Any book lovers here?

Attached: tumblr_pevxvuUYtH1r6z8c7_400.png (400x453, 329K)

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Attached: tumblr_nhoz1erN2Y1tjknxgo1_1280.jpg (682x950, 92K)

And with this beautiful image, I'm done.

Attached: gnwhhkxr2ud21.png (1024x716, 1.86M)

Thank you user

these niggas dragon spec ops or somethin

prove it.

Pretty much.

Attached: Armor.jpg (1920x840, 1.21M)