What the fuck was his problem? Autism?
What the fuck was his problem? Autism?
>Be cripple kid who loves superheroes
>Best friend/foster brother who don't care about superheroes becomes a superhero
>Helps him master his powers but he becomes ungrateful
Part jealousy, part sadness
Yea Forums's ultimate explanation for everything...
Whats his hero name anyway?
Captain Brokenlegs
Autism is actually pretty common among the crippled/handicapped. They can't socialize due to their disability so they have to invest themselves in hobbies and/or withdraw into their imaginary world, which is how autism happens in the first place.
He's a Snyderfag judging from this pic, so I would say that's his main problem
Being socially inept and having autism aren't the same you moron.
>uses Shazam for Jackass youtube stunt videos
>bitches and cries about 'muh using powers responsibly'
>"Being socially inept and having autism aren't the same you moron."
>He says as he watches another rerun of Thomas the Tank Engine for the hundredth time while jacking off to Sonic the Hedgehog fanart and counting all the sunflower seeds in the bad before he can eat them.
Nahhhh, it's not autism. It's just "missing social cues!"
autism is a genetic condition you fuckface.
Forcing your kids to socialize so that they develop people skills and become comfortable and proficient at interacting with other human beings will cure anything but low-functioning-bordering-on-retarded autism.
Posting on Yea Forums is autism
It's another "channer fashion themselves as psychiatrist, parrot shit that was debunked hundred of times, add an obligatory Sonic" episode
You're a god damn retard.
Billy Jr
Why not just say Shazam thread instead of crappy bait for starting it?
Honestly dont bother, discussing of disease and mental conditions on Yea Forums is the equivalent of browsing WebMD forums.Full of self-crowned "experts" who think they know anything about medecine/psychiarty because they browsed a Wikipedia page once a day when they were drunk
"I repeated something someone said during a conversation, do i have autism ?"
"Sometimes i get unconfortable around people i dont know,do i have autism"
"I know a line from a movie by heart,is it autism ?"
"I was born in 1990,i had a Megadrive and i played Sonic because the game was included with the console ,do i have autism ?"
"I listed things i have to do for the day,is it autism ?"
good god user
>Forcing your kids to socialize so that they develop people skills and become comfortable and proficient at interacting with other human beings will cure anything but low-functioning-bordering-on-retarded autism.
This is true, but it's easier to just let your kid stay at home and play video games then slap a "BE PATIENT WITH ME I HAVE AUTISM" sticker on them when you take them out. That way they have no agency and can't be held accountable for how they treat people, no matter how abusive.
Seriously, fuck "autistic" people. Most of them are just asshole who use it as an excuse to get away with being shitheads. Or as they like to call it: "Asperger's".
I have actual autism yet I've decided to ignore the ramblings that go on Yea Forums involving autism. It almost has no meaning like cuck, incel, S O I boi. Why? Because it's assumptive garbage
user you’re half right, it’s possible to be stuck in the self imposed trap of “I can’t do anything I have autism” but it’s possible to move past 5at and become a contributing member of society. It’s not autism itself, but the retarded attitude you takes about that comes with it.
>This is true, but it's easier to just let your kid stay at home and play video games then slap a "BE PATIENT WITH ME I HAVE AUTISM" sticker on them when you take them out. That way they have no agency and can't be held accountable for how they treat people, no matter how abusive.
This is basically how the Christian Chandlers of the world come into existence. It's possible to have autism, but if your parents force you at a young age to BE NORMAL and don't make excuses for you, you can grow up to essentially BE NORMAL. But if your parents just give up on you the second the doctor says "autism, he's fucked" then yeah, you're gonna be a Chris-chan. But since it's SO MUCH EASIER to raise a Chris-chan than a normal kid, we're ending up with so many, many more Chris-chans in this world.
Honestly, Of Mice and Men had the right attitude about autistic people. They "don't know any better" even when it comes to killing people. Better to just shoot them in the back of the head before they can do any more damage to the world.
>Honestly, Of Mice and Men had the right attitude about autistic people. They "don't know any better" even when it comes to killing people. Better to just shoot them in the back of the head before they can do any more damage to the world.
Here's a pity (you)
Freddy was the only likeable character in that movie and he's still obnoxious as fuck. DC just can't win.
>Most of them are just asshole who use it as an excuse to get away with being shitheads
And other shitpost on Yea Forums
The terms get tossed about so much they've lost their meaning.
>Because it's assumptive garbage
That's a funny way to describe the DSM
In the comics way back when, Freddy was crippled by an attack from a villain that also killed his parents.
Is there a modern take on his being crippled?
>But if your parents just give up on you the second the doctor says "autism, he's fucked" then yeah
The problem is the parents are equally autistic/retarded, like Chris-Chan's parents were actual retards so it doesn't even matter if CWC was born 'normal' or not. He was always fucked from the start being born into that family because being raised by low IQ Neanderthals guarantees you'll never get the parenting or education you need or even be taught how to think ever. So your spiel should be extended to the parents who fucked up Chris, and are actually responsible. These people are a danger to the world and their parent status just makes them immune from any criticism of their own retardation.
No it won't, it will just teach them to deal with the symptoms.
I don't think so.
Maybe we'll see CN again after this whole Magiclands story ends?
I can't see them bringing CN back, especially these days given how touchy everyone is.
One can hope but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Well, I mean in the comics, they got away with Slavery in the new book.
Movie wise? Maybe we'll get a reference to when Mister Mind worked for the Nazis and get a photo posing in front of CN (With no Nazi swastika of course).
No, it was polio.
Anyone who say Chris is a danger to the world is a fucking retard that spent too much time stroking their ego on the KiwiFarms.Who the hell is threatened by Chandler existence ? The malls workers ? Last time i checked Chris didnt shoot a mosque or SEGA headquarters
Better than not teaching them to deal with it at all.
>Most of them are just asshole who use it as an excuse to get away with being shitheads
So basically, everyone on Yea Forums...
There go the anti-vaxxers.
Captain Nazi mangled his leg and killed his grandpa.
Jack was also clearly angry in how disability makes people in general ignore them, particularly when he was being bullied but in general