So if they're going to do a last minute gay hookup, Tomco is the one that makes the most sense, right?
Marco is literally only important as a character provided he keeps wearing that dresses and takes turns dicking and getting dicked by SheZow
Can someone post the sucubus Trap Marco art with Tom I need it.
Kelly and Janna. Marco is the designated loser.
I wouldn't even be mad. I don't expect a Male last minute hookup in mainstream animation for several years. Lesbians will get their time but good luck seeing gents getting it on.
they already showed males kissing in star vs, also a male monster kid was screaming he loved some other male monster kid
Is this the last good ship left?
>Two male characters interact for more than 0.5 seconds
>Well they must be gay
I hate Yea Forumsmblr.
You're talking about a show where characters just arbitrarily get together then break up a few episodes later, user, it’s to be expected.
Do you even watch the show?
Where are the seething tomco hating fags?
>hating tomco
Tomco is the only one that hasn't been ruined by drawn out drama.
He's a prince, he can have both. Apparently, Star is bi now anyway.
>Star is bi now
She was always a thirsty slut
Yeah, but now she also drinks straight from the cup instead of just through straws.
>last minutee gay hookup
it never ends well
Eh, you dorklosers just wanna artificially build up this ship, so that when it of course won't happen, you can then pretend to be angry at having been "betrayed" later for the sake of generating discussion and keeping the show present in people's mindscape.
It's so transparent.
Pure background noise. Make it with actual main characters and I'll be impressed.
It's the perfect move for those that want progressive kudos without any of the risks of actually being progressive in a meaningful way. The only better move is going back to a finished work and saying, "That character? Totally gay. Never came up in the story, but trust me, they were."
This sadly
incels: A gay character should be gay without it being a trait you could actually see
also incels: if you never see a gay character be gay in the story he wasnt really gay and only exists for SJW brownie points
user if you watched this show you’ll know it’s more then just “they are gay the last 5 seconds”. Both make a really strong case that they are bi
It is, Star became obnoxious and Kelly got the shaft one episode after they hooked up.
But Tom and Marco actually have chemistry and genuinely respect for each other.
Absolutely user
God I fucking despise fujos.
Thirsty for the d, she's the most cock hungry character in animation in decades.