What if He-Man took a page from Shazam?

What if He-Man took a page from Shazam?

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Well, that would be pretty funny wouldn't it?


They already did. In 2002.

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Not much would be different.

Adam basically pretended to be a manchild anyway.

I like how in the show Prince Adam is ripped and he transforms into He-Man who looks exactly the same but no one recognizes him.

He was just a different kind of manchild when he wasn't pretending

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>teela still the love interest and still an older teen
>"don't worry adam, i'll wait until you get older"
>"stand behind me prince, i'll protect you with my body"
>"don't compare yourself to he-man, he may be hot but you're still cuter"
>"damn, do i have a thing for younger guys now?"

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Would almost make sense why he has a secret identity.
As is, he's the prince, with superhuman abilities, who hides his status so that... his family isn't at risk? But his dad and mom are the king and queen and his friends are all either members of the royal court, or the royal guard. So they're already at risk and being targeted constantly. It's not like Adam has a day job, or even a reason he can't be He-Man 24/7. There isn't an inciting incident, or a proper reason for him to be hiding his identity beyond wanting to ape Superman.
Even in the 2000s reboot, he was just a buffer, less clothed version of himself.

I like it, but I need there to be at least one really good fight where He-Man has to wield that giant sword in his young weak form and does surprisingly well with it.

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I'm pretty sure Tim Seeley did that with his He-Man parody Colt Noble (or whatever it was called)

I loved this version.


we actually discussed this sort of idea a while ago, some of the specifics I can recall were;

>since Adam is still rather young(we never settled on a specific age, but I'd assume he'd be around 12 to 13), there isn't as much of a need for the whole "Adam pretends to be a useless wastrel/fop" trope that other incarnations of the franchise have used
>Teela is a couple years older than Adam(so assuming he's 12-13 she'd probably be 15 to 17)
>Teela has known Adam for literally his entire life, indeed the first time she saw him, mere hours after he was born she made a pledge to always be by his side to protect him
>this version of Teela is a full on Amazon in figure and size
>Teela is also notable for being one of the youngest members of the Masters of The Universe
>Adam has some insecurities due to his age and size(particularly since almost every male in his life besides Orko is a mountain of muscles)
>due to this when he's He-Man he tends to act like a bad parody of masculinity(and this carries over somewhat to He-Man's design too)
>because of this Teela is not much of a fan of He-Man
>part of Adam's development over the series is him learning what being a man truly means, as this progresses He-Man himself changes to resemble Prince Adam more and less of the parody of masculinity he starts out as
>Teela is fairly open about the fact that she likes-likes Adam, and Adam in turn is very bad at hiding the fact that he likes Teela that way in turn
>one potential twist that was discussed was having it so Teela is in on the secret about Adam being He-Man from the beginning, possibly with having Man-At-Arms being in the dark about this in exchange

and some additional ideas I've thought up in the time since those threads;

>Teela ends up finding out that the Sorceress is in fact her mother fairly early on
>similarly the fact that Skeletor is Keldor gets revealed early on too, causing all sorts of tension between him and Adam

Well, we already know what happened when He-Man took up the power of Shazam.

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The insanely broken power of Grayskull combined with the insanely broken power of Shazam. Good lord.

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Thundercats already did it.

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I'd like at least one version of Thundercats where Lion-O is around the same age as Wily Kit and Wily Kat, learning to be a warrior king from Tigra, Cheetara, Panthro, and Jaga's force ghost while going on adventures and getting into trouble, with none of the manchild junk.

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When did this happen and how?

He fucking deleted Superman from existence.

Shaz-man is like the strongest DC character ever.

Is was heavily implied that his mother had figured it out, but even that was because of maternal intuition and not just recognizing him.

He-Man is already a page from Shazam.
You want him to take the cover and the table of contents as well??


I like it. Settle on (an especially runty) 12 for Adam and 17 for Teela and doesn't know Adam=He-Man for a good while and it sounds perfect. Assuming Teela can actually hold her own and isn't straight up damsel'd too often.

And please don't let her be too sassy. Better that she be aggressive and proud as a warrior, but otherwise socially dense and a stick in the mud. Overbearing would be fine, but in a loyal retainer sort of way.

Sure! That premise is good, play with it more, don't be afraid to lean into it while building different settings around it.


Adam's identity could be better hidden if He-Man had different hair color.

Sometime ago in that He-Man x Injustice 2 crossover. The latter part was essentially after the Superman ending and Damian (as Batman) asked He-Man to help him fight Supes.

>there are people who pretend to be interested in He-Man and yet clearly haven't watched the 2002 reboot

Who are you guys?

user it's been 17 years

And it's been 36 years for the original, not seeing what does that have to do with anyting.

>What if He-Man took a page from Shazam?
The things you don't know you want until you know you want them
Things with Teela just got more intredasting

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>Who are you guys?
Someone born in the 80s

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So, these people in their 30s have a deep interest in He-Man, enough to ask "hey, what if there was a version of the show where He-Man and Adam were of different ages", and somehow ignore that there is a show that does just that?

Deep interest might be overselling it a bit. I remember watching the original, doesn't mean I've been jonesing for anything and everything He-Man related every year since 1992. And then I happen to see fan art that sparks an interest. Simple, no?

Well, now you know that there is indeed a show where Adam is a teen and He-Man is his adult version, so you can watch. It's actually a pretty good cartoon.

If he was being constantly belittled for being a little shrimp, that would justify why he would want to keep that buff hero separate from the tiny boy.
If he could act like He-Man was just a really beefy chunkmaster separate from Adam, he would be not treated as the fearful little boy at all.
It doesn’t have to be very rational because he's insecure enough to try and disavow his true identity for the power fantasy.
And then you have his mom see through him but keeping the secret because she doesn’t want to upset him needlessly.

Pretty sure that Adam wasn't a shota. That's the main thing about this thread given that OP has a clearly younger Adam than even the one in the 2002 series. Another obvious indication is the term "shota" in the image and the OP mentioning Shazam in which Billy Batson was originally a child.

If it was good, that's great to hear. I hope any further reimaginings of the series work with that idea as well, because it's neat and it fits. Thanks for the additional heads up.

Right, exactly. It's like people who pretend to like Voltron but haven't watched Voltron Force and Voltron: The Third Dimension. I mean, come on! Don't pretend you're interested at all if you haven't even done that.

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I would like her to be afraid of her feelings and pushing Adam away because she feels like she is betraying her duty, and generally hiding behind her warrior status because she is socially insecure and envious of pretty girls for very childish reasons.

Younger heroes are sort of rare in 80s action cartoons outside of things like Rainbow Brite maybe, and several movies I guess. Even now it's usually teenagers if it doesn't have a significant comedy element to it.

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So an episode where he can't transform, but he remembers how he fought as He-Man so he retains some skill?

And then, in the end, he realizes that he doesn't need to transform at all, because the power was inside him all along?

A lot of action shows on television are being phased out for comedy shows. Cheaper and easier to animate and can pass for lower quality since it's aimed at kids. So any show with a kid lead would be aimed at kids but why bother with an action show when you can have a comedy one that likes having musicals and Fortnite dances. And any actual action show will be aimed at teens and will have a teen lead. So it's extremely unlikely to happen.

Ben 10 is probably the best option at this point. It would be nice if they brought back Mighty Max.

enough with the shota.

Go away trollhunterfag. Literally nobody cares about mighty max but you

Just as long as she doesn't get some 80s teen movie makeover where wearing a dress and putting on lipstick is supposed to be some amazing upgrade. I hate that cliche. I only find it tolerable when they ultimately learn it was never necessary to begin with.

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>And then, in the end, he realizes that he doesn't need to transform at all, because the power was inside him all along?
Transformation should definitely help. He just learns he needs it less than he thinks, and doesn't have to solely rely on it maybe. Part of the whole growing up and learning what it really means to be manly like that other user said, perhaps.

Not him, but Mighty Max was a good show. No need to knock it for your petty namefag boogeyman feud.

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>hating on mighty max
Nice bait or shit taste.

That's what Kyle is for

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Christ, no!
But maybe we can have a parody of that where it just doesn't work for her and in the end she's fine the way she is?
It'd be fun to see her try and fail with heels and makeup. Especially if the heels make her tower over Adam even more.

There's plenty of action cartoons on Disney (the marvel cartoons) and Netflix (carmen sandiego, castlvania, stretch armstrong). The only networks phasing them out are cartoon network and nick, who've traditionally had more success with their comedies anyway. If anything, those two are just going back to how they were in the 90s.

I think the only big difference is that the action cartoons aren't merchandised as much because toys don't sell as well these days. When you don't have merch to remind you a show exists you tend to forget about it

What I was saying was that action shows are usually aimed at teens and feature teen leads. The shows that do have kids for the leads are in comedy shows aimed at kids. Also the Marvel cartoons haven't been good in a while.

It doesn't matter if they star teen leads or even if they're good, what matters is that there's still plenty of them, and anyone who act like the genre is dying are overreacting

The discussion was about kid leads in action shows. Just look at

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Yes. With an elaborate, over the top, sailor moon style transformation sequence he uses once, maybe twice in the entire run.

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>There isn't an inciting incident, or a proper reason for him to be hiding his identity

Doesn't he get explicitly forbidden by Sorceress to reveal his identity in both the original and 2002 shows?

It's not like blonde is an unnatural hair color.

God I'm still pissed they fucked this gem over

Boys' action/adventure in the west is most often teenagers or adults. Any younger than that seems to be considered too silly or even too feminine and boring. Don't know why.

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Is thus in the same continuity as the Thundercats/He Man crossover?

Even for fantasy, a child saving the world/day (without having some kind of superhero transform) can't really be taken seriously.
It can work in things like video games but thats because its you the player saving the day.

It would have made for a better cartoon, for sure.
Adjacent question: did they handle it right with Lion-O? He's supposed to have the mind of a kid, right? In my country it never felt like that, but I don't kknow if it's the dub or if the show doesn't approach that well to begin with.

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Because most kids want to be older than they are. It's aspirational.

Bruh why the fuck can't people just say kid instead of this degenerate pedo shit.

Thundercats wasn't a particularly well written cartoon. It was hurt a lot by its toyetic nature, since the plot needed to be written around selling toys and thus was full of filler and had a lot of bits that flat out made no sense

nowadays making a Cartoon about a boy that gets even more masculine is almost a crime, I can already imagine Kotaku doing a shit article on "toxic masculinity" and twitter activists irritating the sponsors and doxx the whole production team, one for boys is inconceivable nowadays, maybe being a He-Man is a girl, or a parody about how masculinity is something dangerous and problematic

>did they handle it right with Lion-O? He's supposed to have the mind of a kid, right? In my country it never felt like that,

It wasn't just your country. Lion-O being immature, having the body of a man but the mind of a child, was something the show kind of forgot about after the first few episodes. After the Anointment Trials arc, Lion-O having to grow up or learn or anything like that kinda disappeared. And it had been pretty haphazard before that, too.

Thundercats was weird in that it started out with some pretty serialized continuity as the Thundercats got situated on Third Earth and their villains were established and the playing field was set up, but once all the pieces were in place, it became episodic save for the occasional multi-parter or game-changer than transitioned each season into a new status quo.

If only the ones who wrote this show wrote Thundercats

Isn't this the exact premise, though? Same with Thundercats and She-ra.

That would be a good season/series finale

Is He-Man and Prince Adam two different people with distinct personalities like Captain Marvel and Billy in The Monster Society of Evil?

>So an episode where he can't transform, but he remembers how he fought as He-Man so he retains some skill?And then, in the end, he realizes that he doesn't need to transform at all, because the power was inside him all along?

The 2002 He-Man show had the exact OPPOSITE moral in "The Power of Adam". Adam gets sick of being shit on for always disappearing during battle, but He-Man showing up and saving the day and getting all the credit. So he tries to fight on his own to prove himself to the Masters, only to get his ass kicked in and kidnapped by Skeletor. The end moral Man-At-Arms gives him is, "As Adam, you are worthless and fucking suck. The only thing special about you is He-Man."

It wasn't a very uplifting episode.

What PS1 game is that cutscene from?

>2002 reboot
The what now?

I liked the 2002 He-man reboot, but it had some pretty bad story editing

>The only reason Skeletor wants to get into Castle Greyskull in the first place is because a giant fish attacked it once and he assumes cool shit must be in there if a fish wants in.

Didn't that happen in the DC comics, where he learned he was relying too much on being He-Man and so had to destroy his power sword to keep from transforming?

You don't watch cartoons. And if you think he-man is the ideal of masculinity you're either a child or autistic

>you don't watch cartoons

What the fuck are you talking about, tranny?

>muh tranny boogeyman

Well, it was the idea.
But Adam being kind of a wuss didn't really register, let alone it being explored.
It was just there, on the sidelines.
The dual identity thing didn't really happen as it would in modern cartoons.
And that is what the thread is about.
How to make Adam/He-Man meaningful as part of the show.

That is fucking horrifying as a moral statement.
Do the thing! - the episode.
Him being nothing without his powers is basically telling children that being "not special" means they have no value.
They should have shown him coming into his own as a fighter, even if he doesn’t unpack super powers.

What the fuck? all Ma-At-Arms says in that ending was that He-Man will always be needed. The episode was all about Adam coming to terms that his normal life was over that he had to man up and accept the burden and responsability of carrying that power.

They were there just to be little shits, get into trouble and be saved and taught a lesson.
It was great.

add Battlecat being Cringer possessed by\awakening his previous life memories as King Greyskull

And a power-up transformation when he gets the second half of the Power Sword and goes Full Armor He-Man


It is, they sort of reference it by having Skeletor looking like Mumm-Ra's weak form at the start.

I remember wishing I could stay the way I was, like the Toys R Us kid commercials. And I still like younger protags in more serious settings so it sucks for me.

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Most cartoons from the 80s aren't that good. Thundercats and He-Man are pretty big examples. Even kids back then called He-Man gay


We still found it a fun cartoon, though.

...are you shitting us?