Gunnerkrigg Court

Chapter 71: Page 4

Time to wake up.

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Robot gets cucked out of a body.

How is that thing even being cooled? What a shit design.

Hey, yo, you can't just casually drop that you're creating a brand new life form.

Those are some TIGHT shorts Kat is wearing.
Yeah, yeah, whatever, no big deal.

So the "new contract" is actually about the robots somehow?
I bet we'll see more of the death cult

I applaud Tom for making Juliette. Giving femcel representation is very important. And she's black!
Diversity for the win, Tommy!

This won't cause any problems at all. I'm sure everything will go swimmingly

probably magic. it's a working fucking AI, I'd think they have figured out cooling.

The robot thing in this comic is a bit silly.
On one hand I understad what Tom is trying to do, of course, but the canon isn't really on his side here:
Robot has clearly expressed emotions before, so what is Kat's brain tech even good for?
Right now Robot has human level intelligence on an interfaceable, small, robust cpu. Kat's going through all this work to make him a brain that has no superior functionality, consumes much more space and is much more vulnerable than the cpu he has right now. Same goes for the body, of course.
Tom kinda fucked up, because he made all the robots way too human for this plot to really work.
All we really have to differentiate between bio-bot and ro-bot is this very vague 'robots can't enter the ether' thing. Everything is fine, none of this really breaks canon, but it also does not make me care about the whole robot plot very much, apart from Kat's role in it.

What can go wrong?

Also, is Kat making those holo-display things in the air for real? Isn't that alone a bit crazy?

I want to kiss Annie!


we'll witness the first ever robot morning wood

>holo-display things
We've already seen her father using the gesture based interface of her mother's computer.

Attached: 00001016.jpg (600x849, 442K)

The question is weather she's just using their shit, if she upgraded it, or if she's just managed to fully surpass them with her own

Drew a Kat. (Based on a reference picture)

Attached: kat ass.jpg (992x1403, 208K)

I'll paint it later.
Also found this picture of Kat.

Attached: Kat.jpg (1200x900, 1.01M)

Why not combine the two?

cool image

Shit as always, Imaa

>Based on a reference picture
Worried laughter.jpg
don't get vanned imaa


>third panel

Attached: sb.png (478x523, 12K)

The skull is filled with circulating ethylenglycol.

>Isn't that alone a bit crazy?
She has made an anti-grav device just to grow some cells in zero-g for the science fair. There was also that teacher that runs holodeck adventures.

People keep forgetting that the court runs on mad scientists, irresponsible wizards, assorted murderhobos and tamed monsters.

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>Mind "transfer"

Kat, we already have a pair of Anns. Do you really want Julie dealing with the 'real' Arthur when his old body reactivates?

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>wake up

Do you think the cross-section is just a image she's overlaying with Robot or an actual live view inside him?

The latter has porn potential. Like Kat using them as 'xray glasses' on girls or using it on herself to flash Paz. Like wise using it for cros-section shots of rey dick inside the Annies or a dildo inside her.

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>fucking around with transfering AI minds into new bodies and shit, when they could be copied and produce endless clones of themselves if they ever got pissed off

>put robot mind into fancy new body, but copy of AI mind still exists in the old body and gets mad he cant have the new body

unironically this
they will wake arthur up, transfer his new body and then go for a picnic. end of chapter

I just can't stand Kat anymore, she was a great character at first, but now she's so... perfect and shallow.

Yeah I have a pretty low tolerance for child genius characters myself

>child genius
You say that as if it were random natural talent. Not some entity created by the court playing a long game.

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The first thing I'm thinking is: what if transferring Arthur disrupts the barrier?
The second: does it even matter, really? We've seen Loup intrude on the court already.

Loup claims he can break the barrier anyway. At best it keep out other forest creatures.

>does it even matter, really?
Well, I think the shield is more of a last line for the court.
If Loup breaks it down, the court will probably stop giving a shit and start to wage a full on war with Loup.
I'd say the court is bound to lose, but who knows what kind of backup plans they have.

you can have fun geniuses, but now she's not that, she's just a plot device. the other black woman is even worse, as she was never sympathetic to begin with, and was just introduced in the story to be another super special genius.

Does Kat even have a personality other than playing videogames and being an awkward (lesbian) nerd?

she used to. People used to hate her and she was pretending to not see it. She used to have crushes on pretty boys and do girl stuff.She even used to have conflict of opinions with Annie and other people. Now.. she's a lesbian I guess. She's not part of a pair with Annie anymore, so the plot is just going away from her.

>I'd say the court is bound to lose
They have a pump that siphons off the ether itself.
They could airdrop zimmy on him.
The headmaster could walk up to loup and ask him whether he has forgotten that he's already dead in a disaffected manner while idly toying with a wishbone and a vial in his hands.

What is this ultron bs

Is that a thing? Or are you just joking?

Not him but, well, there's the Omega device that Tony was researching, isn't there?

Tony was researching the Omega Device. Kat's dad also knows something about it. It's probably got something to do with the part of the ether Loup can't see into because of the Court's meddling.

Why was this deleted? It's not even lewd.
It's a view of a butt, not even naked. Is that not allowed anymore?

It's obviously a device that has Robot's schematics, so I'd say it's much more likely that it's the former.

She is a literal god of tech and you're saying she's too good at it?

He clearly jumped through a lot of hoops to deliver his message in order to "proove" he can just get in whenever he wants.
Loup REALLY wants everyone to think he can get in, but for some reason he just hasn't had the time to actually show himself in the bubble yet. But he TOTALLY could, if he wanted to.

Why are all of the kids supergeniuses instead of just Kat? What happened?

The Court finds kids who either have special powers or super smarts.

What do you mean?
The Annies are pretty dumb, bless their heart.
Juliette is an adult and we really have no idea what she can do or what 'designed' means in this context.
Kat is a god in the making, she should be pretty good.
Paz got less mature, if anything.
Parley isn't 'all brawns no brains', but she isn't the smartest, either.
Who aare you talking about?

Besides, they go to a school that has courses such as super science and "Double Physics".

I don't remember double physics?

yes. It's a boring gimmic especially when it's all she is in the story now after being "the happy lesbian". She got stripped of all depth and personality.

She's been making slow, steady progress throughout the entire comic with this bio-bot thing, it's not like she came upon it overnight. Plus, she got Tony to help her.

Well, that's like, your opinion, man. :/

I don't know. Kat's computer can 'magic' tools out of thin air. Scanning and displaying things wouldn't be a stretch.

Double physics just means two physics classes in a row.

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Well... :|

Tom's such a goof.

There's nothing slow about her progress. Just because the comics is over a decade old doesn't change the fact they barely passed the 2 years storytime in-universe, and for most of the first year Kat wasn't diego on steroids.

It's probably a common way of saying it in England.

This is a superscience school and she's gifted at it; there's nothing about it more unrealistic than anything else that happens in the comic.
I guess you'd have fun reading about girls going to school with nothing of note happening to them, but in that case this is not the comic for you.

>When we transfer his mind
That's not how digital information works Kat

Also, brains aren't digital, genius.

Are we gonna get SOMA in here?
Well shit we're already SOMA because 2 annies. Will we get 2 robot as well?

Hey, we haven't seen that strange little Zimmy character in awhile.

She died a while ago when a building fell on her

That's not true!
She drowned in sewage when she got stuck in a sewer grate.

That's been on my mind for a while since Robot started getting replacement parts. No matter what they change, his 'brain' is still a chip and if they copy it to an organic(?) brain, he'd be left behind in the chip.

Then again, this is a universe where entities can possess other beings. So maybe Kat thought of this and found a way around it.

When you download something you aren't transferring the file for one place to another you're making a copy of that file on another storage device.
>Also, brains aren't digital, genius.
He's a robot his brain is likely digital and even if it isn't a transfer of information is impossible since the mind is attached to the physical matter you can only copy it not move it.
These people won't be happy until there is two of everyone

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What if she makes a body that decomposes the chip but preserve's Robot's essence?

Willtom actually give us SOMA or will he chicken out. OR will his wife/thrall drain his energy too much and kill him, ending the comic in the next year.

Kinda proving the point. Robot/Arthur would be like Simon in reverse. Instead of a human brain's structure being copied and simulated on a computer, Kat's taking AI coding and making a brain that runs it.

Either way, it's a copy.

Maybe keep the chip as a base for a brain that enhances it.

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Like Robot's main thing is transcending the robot body, so who knows what crazy shit he'd do his chip.

I'm writing a story about Robot!

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is it any good?

Up to a certain point, yes mostly.

After that it's a matter of taste.

Very much looking forward to it ;)

Can it be about Kat instead?

In a way, it is also about Kat

What about the golem
I demand to see the golem

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We've known Kat to be the god of technology for a long time now. Her parents are both supergenius eggheads. Now she has Tony, who is a supergenius egghead with a surgery background helping her as well

There's shit to complain about with Kat being pushed aside in the narrative or this entire shit with Robot being pretty fucking stupid, but being mad at her because she's some kind of god of tech would be like getting mad at Annie because she's learned how to do shit with her fire power.

Bump for Kat butt.

streaming kat butt (nsfw)