Serenity Easter Storytime


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

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Other urls found in this thread:

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We're just gonna gloss right over that, are we?

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What did the sitter do to him?

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I read that as sister at first.

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soooo are they not going to adress the fact that he got molested?

Celestial cockblocking.

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Out of context, this looks like lesbian bully porn.

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That would have been hotter.

>bringing a lesbian to a female-only slumber party
only good things can happen here

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Movie goes here

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Final book!

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Oh shit here we go

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>Congratulations, Shinji!

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It's an improvement, fagtron.

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She went full normie!

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Where is my Amish porn?

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Where do you live that modestly dressed, wholesome Christian girls are normal? I want to live there.

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They're all over here in the South

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The Stockholm syndrome has finally taken hold.

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>Lori will never bake cookies for you dressed as a lesbian house wife.

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I live in Georgia and that's absolutely false. The only girls you'll find like that are in their 30s at the youngest.

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Southwest, then

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Well, that was a cop out.

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If this was a lesbian porn, by now they would have gotten closer to each other by taking their outfits.

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are you going to post the letters from the creator and everything once the storytime is over?

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I think they were posted in the first thread

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I still wanna know why they changed the artist after 6 volumes.

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Aww. It's always better at the end once everything is over..

I don't think they were. I can post them.

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Would be appreciated

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Please do. They make every Easter storytime of Serenity complete.

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Is the girls dressing modestly thing still a thing with US Christians? It feels like they threw that idea out so they wouldn't look like hypocrites when they criticised Muslims.

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I don't think it's really a Christian thing anymore, though people are happy to dress nice and conservatively for church.

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why can't Lori x Serenity be the true ending?

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Is cussing that bad? We swear an awful lot around my house.

Because yurifags deserve to suffer.

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Only taking the Lord's name in vain, I don't think there's any prescription against saying SHITFUCKPISS in Christianity.

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And that's that. Thanks for reading this with me once again.

I still remember Bart Simpson's list of swears that were OK because they were in the Bible.

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US Christians don't care about looking like hypocrites. Other Christians might but evangelicals in particular are a special breed. They are the least Christian Christians I've ever known.

A very interesting discussion with the author

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Girls that dye hair blue look better without, just like Chloe Price, and chick from Blue is the Warmest Color.

Thanks for the dump!

Thanks for storytiming it. Always a fun time.

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I've always wondered what would happen if Serenity went down a particular road in Christianity, converted to Catholicism, and became a nun. I can just picture the look on the youth group's faces.

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>the other kids weren't there to save Serenity, Serenity was there to save the other kids.

and this is why Serenity is a masterpiece that I'll never forget and will continue to look forward to reading every Easter.

That is it? Did they run out of money? None of the other threads are resolved. Does Kimberly keep trying to dress like Serenity? Does Lori finally get her gay feelings in order? Does Tim make a porn with the slumber party? Does Eddie talk about the sitter that molested him?

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I always miss the storytimes during Christmas, and last year's was a mess because Easter fell on April Fools day.

>Penthouse Comix
>(2 suicides resulted from it)
hello excuse me?

Brunette Serenity > Blue-haired Serenity
FUCK you if you disagree.

Where the FUCK is Magi

We don't really have any information but I'd guess the sales were bad and production wasn't fast enough, which would be why the last three volumes each devote half of their pages to those movies done by other artists.
And it appears the publisher went out of business. So the series likely had to wrap up.

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>broke every commandment except the one against murder
When did Serenity make graven images and commit adultery? I must have missed those chapters. Interesting read though, I can appreciate his stance on "brittle Christians", it's an apt description for something I've definitely noticed - Christians who are incredibly defensive because they're insecure in their own faith, who seemingly don't want to think about it too much in case it just falls apart. That's not particularly strong faith.

Thanks OP for the story time. Re-reading Serenity with Yea Forums is genuinely a treat.

thanks op

Nuns have to be celibate, Serenity's way too thirsty to be a nun.

Christian Serenity a cute.

>tfw you remember the first time it was storytimed
not much of a believer but this book is always a ride

Thank you OP. This was my first time reading this and I enjoyed it. It's like I was transported back to the early 2000s, in a good way. I'm not particularly religious but this was a fun ride.

Any first-time readers here? If so, what was your opinion of Serenity before and after reading it?

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Before: Pretty Sappy

After: Pretty Sappy

>everything went better than expected


what the hell is this?

At work, I am following the thread though.

really, can someone explain this comic and why it is being posted?

I'm just following these threads hoping that magi drops new fanart.

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So who made this? Why is it posted every easter

George Caragonne is one of those guys that shouldn't actually have success, because the only reason he didn't take things to excess before was that he couldn't afford to. When Penthouse comix took off, he got money. Which he converted into gifts for friends...and a shitload of cocaine. He went over budget, either embellezed or just spent poorly, lost some of the talent that made it a success in the first place, and the whole thing fell apart.

Dude put on a soundtrack from james bond movies and jumped off the Marriot in times fucking square and ruined some shingdig or another landing on the buffet table, extra irony that a 400+ pound man died jumping into the food.

I can see how that shit makes you rethink your life and go to jesus.

>Christian comic
>Christian holiday

oh, what could the connection possibly be, I wonder.

Ughhh when do they fuck?

Here you go.

>Serenity gets a free pass to heaven despite the fact that she had premarital sex and did drugs
>Incel gets sent to hell despite being a virgin and never using drugs

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remember that Yea Forums wrote their own fan-take on Serenity, named Calamity.

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Loni is cute and she is straight and meant for taking cocks!

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there's one final piece to the set but I can't post it here.

I miss G.F.D.

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This is about what I expected

honestly if I saw Serenity's huge change I would think shes planning to kill herself

What if you believe the Old Testament is a retelling of the stories of the ancient aliens who founded the Sumerian civilisation (so it’s kinda true) and that Jesus was a philosopher and church reformer whose buddies hyped him up way too much after he died?

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I member, but it was so long ago you can't fault me for not remembering all the details.

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the plus4chan thread is archived.

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Why does Yea Forums even like this? It makes me fell bad that there were no impressionable teen girls at my school I could get to pay attention to me...

Yea Forums loves everything with a waifu.

It's unironically good.

What's this?

Conrad and Colette finding Serenity.

>better throw these away so when I do fuck someone in two weeks I get her pregnant

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>"christian" acts like a sanctimonious jackass
>assaults fellow teacher
>pretends he wasn't being a smug prick just because his tone was friendly
>character has to immediately kick a puppy to get reader on his side

Did we read the same comic?

Yeah, the difference is you agree with the author's weirdo beliefs and I don't

It's like when someone posts alt-hero and it's fucking strange as shit because in order to actually be on the side of the protagonists you have to already agree with their stance

but I'm not a christian

cool story, bro


>magi did not post new Serenity art this year

First time in so long this has happened. Well, I guess he is too busy, so it's fine.

thanks for reminding me this is a thing Yea Forums

it's time

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Go on

Gonna need sauce on this.

We need more lewds for this comic

I made some drawings, but I wasn't very happy with it.

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That's pretty good, friend

Honestly I keep coming in and out because it just bored me to death and I've seen a million of these 'Christian good with no self awareness' stories before.

oh I am

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Her breasts look a bit too odd for a teenager, but other than that, this is a fine job.

Thanks for still being around.

Doing gods work,


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>Doing gods work,

"whoever told you you can't have everything needs to dream bigger"

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gonna need the rest of this, famalam.

tradition for like 10 years at least

but why
>sexually impure
no it isn't. It makes me feel things I wish I didn't.

because people have a tendency to get pretty attached to serenity considering her plight to just be liked and happy despite the bad writing and art

>but why
Well originally, it was to laugh at the simplistic Christfag morality and the poor OEL manga artwork. Things have changed a bit since then. In fact the reception of Serenity going from ridicule to unironic appreciation is kinda symptomatic of the cultural changes that have taken place on Yea Forums.

I know what you mean....

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>In fact the reception of Serenity going from ridicule to unironic appreciation is kinda symptomatic of the cultural changes that have taken place on Yea Forums.
Could you explain this? The first time I read it I enjoyed it despite being tricked into reading it.

>In fact the reception of Serenity going from ridicule to unironic appreciation is kinda symptomatic of the cultural changes that have taken place on Yea Forums.

It's not. It's just that over the years, it has been looked as a joke for so long, that people tried to read it to check out what the joke is about. And found a story that has a meaning to it.

If anything, we have this comics reception turn from unironic appreciation back to ridicule / apathy, and that's what is truly symptomatic of the cultural changes that since happened on Yea Forums.

the problem with your request user is that there is no 'rest' to present when it's not finished, but this is about as much we could present on 4channel

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Can you present the rest on plus4chan /pco/, then?

Is this honey select?

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I dunno what a plus4chan is bc never heard of it before but I can try to post at least uncensored stuff there when I get back since I don't have anymore time today for it

if this thread is still around by the time I'm back I might just remember to, whatever plus4 is


Plus4 has been the backup site for Yea Forums since 2007, and it also has our own porn comics board:

It doesn't have all the good content banned unlike /aco/, so it still sees some use.

People get older and less edgy as the years go by.
Atheist teenagers from back then will loom st this now and go "you know, I wish I lived in a world as pure as this"

the big question.

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Didn't the author say there would be a continuation? Whatever happened to that?

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that was just classic "I'll never get the funds so I'll try to tell the 10 odd guys to email me that I definitely want to do something with the series"

This was made in 2018 and he says he still intends to continue it. He also says Serenity has a step-mother we've already seen

I can't Imagine anybody here feeling bad for her considering she only changed for god.

it's still the same, user

it's like the guy who did the music for guyver: dark hero featuring the voice of solid snake as the main actor: he gets emailed by people constantly, and once every 5 years or something, he says "oh yeah, I'm not done with this. I found some tapes, I'll clean things up. We'll do a proper release"

And it never comes.

Makes you wonder how long this will last. Will the tradition survive the death of Yea Forums? 50 years from now will people still read this every Easter?

these types of girls never actually fix themselves. Purity cannot be regained. To get where she did, she would have to be fundamentally broken.

>Purity cannot be regained.
That is where you are wrong. You'd know this if only you'd except Gods love.

christian intelligence at work

my emotions have been so conflicted. But I realize now, that I love Serenity.
why can't she be real bros

holy shit, everyone in this comic is miserable and are terrible human beings

>those dead eyes
how was this not intentional?

Whew, lads.

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why weren't there any self conscious weeb girls in my highschool? it's not fair!

I distinctly remember anons years ago getting angry at Serenity's friends for brainwashing her at least.

How do I get a girlfriend like this?

Beautiful job!

Attached: thumbs up.jpg (610x802, 156K)

Not serenity, she's just miserable and kind of a bitch but not terrible.

Whew indeed.

Convert to Christianity.

Oh shit, she got raptured!

One year I posted them in the third thread and got rightfully shat on by all of Yea Forums. The twist shouldn't be spoiled for new readers


Every girl I have ever known, Christian or otherwise, was nothing like this. They were all so absolutely confident that everything they have done was justified. Any part of their past that they disliked was always them being victimized.

But that's the point/beauty of Serenity. The Christians are sheltered judgemental arseholes who think they are being so gracious by tolerating Serenity, but really they have to come to terms with the fact that being a Chritian is not an excuse to be a dickhead

I've had to miss Serenity the past few years, do we not post the GL fanart any more?

>those deletions

That's not the point of Serenity at all. Reread

Everyone is Horrified by Brown Haired Serenity. Even her friends. Even God.

It still gets posted sometimes.

I'm more concerned that no one posted the Yea Forums edit this time.

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It bothers me to the point where I feel compelled to post it.

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>the other kids weren't there to save Serenity, Serenity was there to save the other kids
This is an interesting thought, but I don't really see any sign of that actually happening in the comic. All the Christian kids are still the same naive fucks they were at the beginning. None of them seem to learn or change at all.

Keep in mind that what he means by saving them is hardening them to the realities of the world so they can keep their faith.

I think it was posted in one of the previous threads

Do you know where you are?

Where do you live? Everyday of my life I feel like I'm doing something wrong, whether it be not going into work because of a broken car or dragging my dog (who's a puppy) away from eating grass.

This might help

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>Do you know where you are?

on a Christian imageboard?

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So is her stepmom supposed to a cop?

The source user quoted actually says mother-in-law, not step-mother. Meaning Serenity is getting married and having issues with her husband's mother, not that Serenity's mother is getting a gay lover.

So it's the mother of someone we've already seen? So that means she doesn't marry Derek, which leaves Tim and Eddie, unless that woman was Tim's grandmother and not his mom.

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How do we know she marries someone apart of the group? She could've married someone who's the son of one of the female teachers.

Are you still here?
Can you post more?

>Jack Chick tier atheist strawman teacher becomes Serenity's mother-in-law

she changed for a chance to be happy
she just believed god was the answer

yeah thanks for waiting I got some time now

I could post the uncensored version of the webm that got deleted on pco but I don't know what's the right thread

there's a general thread that has your pics on the top.

and when in doubt, make your own thread.

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

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Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

i keep getting this when i try to post

Odd, that appears to me sometimes, but never when making a post - seems to be a server load thing. Can you perhaps try again?

Or maybe try some other site that can host webms, at this point I just want to check if its that file that breaks plus4chan or not.

strange, I could post it fine. must've been one of those temporary errors.

Thanks for sharing.

Wisconsin, at least that's where I went to school. Wasn't a terribly small highschool, but there was no (discovered) pregnancies or drug overdoses or something. witnessed exactly one physical fight, didn't amount to any broken bones or anything.
essentially what I am trying to say is that I never even got the chance to whiteknight even if I wanted to. Everyone seemed just fine with their life.

>It doesn't have all the good content banned
and what exactly would that be

wait... are you a girl?

Everyone is a trap, boy (female), or girl in Yea Forums.

Most of the characters are kids or anthro / furry in Yea Forums media, which /aco/ bans.

/aco/ is not an adult version of Yea Forums, it's a western version of /d/.

Attached: pppaco.png (719x476, 118K)

It was until an adult Yea Forums until /d/ mods threw a bitch fit and sent their rejects there.

>It was until an adult Yea Forums until /d/ mods

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This is a Christian image board!

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That's essentially true. Now it has both western /h/ content and western /d/ content and both have to get along, because once /aco/ was made the /d/ mods forced all western art onto it, despite it never being a problem before.


Who is Honey Select?

This will never not give me a giant boner

So basically, for two entire hours?

>It was until an adult Yea Forums until /d/ mods threw a bitch fit and sent their rejects there.

That's bullshit though, /d/ blanket banned all western content the second /aco/ came online, it was full of diaper shit from day one. The only difference is that in the first few months (year?), we also had a lot of people from Yea Forums there, making it better. But those people all bugged out by now. Janitors rampaging the drawthreads did not help either.

/aco/ is western /d/ and /trash/ is closer to what /aco/ should have been. /pco/ had everything perfect, but they changed the board engine and people got so put off they left and it's now empty.

Wow, they really just skip right over the fact he was molested.

It's mostly that they never wanted validation from someone like me, so I guess they never needed it that bad?

I am a man.

You are a man (female).

oh shit you're right

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Don't forget to bind.

Attached: doodle2018JUN04_9by6_stack_covers_005.jpg (848x1200, 194K)

The crossover Yea Forums needs most.

This is a true post and I love Serenity.

preaching to the choir, man.

Attached: doodle2016NOV28_birch_serenity_doodle_and_random_molly.jpg (777x1100, 196K)

Oban Serenity Racers

If that's a series, I'd like to see it have Serenity's equivalent to this. I wonder what her response would be to the same situation.

Attached: 2019APR07_MLM_pregnant_birch_small_colored.jpg (848x1200, 150K)