2019... I am forgotten

2019... I am forgotten.

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I actually liked Spencer’s run on Cap. Fight me.

I can't believe this ever managed to generate even a little media buzz. I remember all the big-wig comic dudes kept swearing up and down this was a real thing and not just a stupid phase that would be reversed or ignored later.

The lack of wings on the cowl kills the design.

just a reminder that the original captain America is still a Nazi while the one running around is a copy made by lolicube

This probably isn't anything like what I hope it is.

I have a strict policy against beating retards.


This article is gold. I've had it saved for years because the writer is so retarded.

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This touches all the wrong points about why it's a stupid move, fuck if i care quicksilver is a jew.

Sure. Do you meet the state of Nevada's conditions for fighting?

Let's do it!

>Taking a hero whose sole purpose was to give Joe Simon and Jack Kirby a way to speak out against Nazism and making him a Nazi is not just insulting, it’s antisemitism

It was okay up until the Secret Empire mini itself. That one shit the bed hard.

SE the event was shit but the lead up to it was fucking good no lie. The storytimes were filled with half haters for Spencer's tweets and half folks who actually enjoyed the nazi cap take.

Too bad Secret Empire was Star Wars Sequel trilogy level bad.

This is a site my friend runs or use to run and when that article went up, I told him it was a piece of shit, but he just told me to shut up and not talk shit about his writers.

So did they ever resolve the whole twin dilemma at the end of SE?

Real Cap is still in a SHIELD prison somewhere, as far as I know.


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Brainwashed by Hydra and forgotten by his friends, what did Cap do to deserve this fate.

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Don't worry, it probably wasn't the real Cap to begin with, he didn't come back to life after Civil War/Death of Cap yet.

Don't fucking remind me
>Captain America isn't actually Captain America but an 'Uncle Sam' style mini-deity formed from the extra-dimensional thought construct of humanities zietgeist on what 'Captain America' should be
>which is fine because Supreme Commander Rogers isn't Captain America either but an alternate timeline Cap pulled from a possible dimension created solely for the purpose of producing Supreme Commander Rogers based on the Red Skull's concept of what 'Captain America' should be
>the real Captain America was killed by Crossbones
Fuck you Spencer. I don't care how based Supreme Commander Rogers is, he isn't worth running that retard marathon to get there.

Your friend sounds like a cunt

>forgotten by his friends
Not to worry, Sharon and her elite sisterhood of all female heroes is already on it.
I have no idea why it's an all female squad but if this is how Steve gets his harem I'm okay with it

>hydracap before secret empire
>keikaku master
>fooling everyone and killing people without getting caught
>slowly surrounding self with allies that truly believe in him
>at the same time take over the world and deal with almost all the heroes before they know what's going on

>hydracap during secret empire
>always at odds with those that work under him
>trying to win over people and nobody cares
>getting betrayed by everyone
>decides to fight everyone in a big dumb power armor with a cube as the power source
>loses to his double that doesn't even have that
It's Siege all over again. Villains win too easily and then go full retard so they can lose.

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Yeah it makes him look like a monkey.
I never got why Siege happened.
Loke told Osborn to attack Asgard and he was like "lol k".

Wow this one has layers.

This was the first time Cap was interesting in decades. A shame they didn't do anything with it.

>Loki told Osborn to attack Asgard and he was like "lol k"
Typical Faustian deal. Loki backed Osborne with his magic because Osborne swore to use the authority he gained against Asgard.

>Loke told Osborn to attack Asgard and he was like "lol k".
Osborne's mind was unraveling the entire time and while he was going crazy, Loki was telling him to attack Asgard while pretending to be his inner voice. Then Loki proceeded to help the heroes win and it was his way of dying a heroic death and wiping the slate clean because he felt was being too predictable as a trickster god. Thanks to the user that storytimed the Journey Into Mystery series.

It's a loli with the powers of the cosmic cube.

Maybe so but....Remember at the time they'd hit peak sjw bullshit. Do you think the plan was ultimately to replace Steve Rogers?

As it should be, Jfc the entire run was retarded to begin with

>fight me
Back to tumblr faggot

>Do you think the plan was ultimately to replace Steve Rogers
That's already been confirmed. Spencer had another twenty issues of his Fal-Cap run planned out and the delay on SE was to re-write the ending and have Cap come back. It's why the end fight is such bullshit, Fal-cap was supposed to lead an all legacy Avengers lineup in victory over Commander Rogers. Spencer's attempt at being meta.

I think it's a bit like Zero and Omega: Hydra!Cap is the original Cap's body, brainwashed to be evil, and Kobik!Cap is the original Cap's mind in a Kobik-constructed body. What I think is going to happen is that Kpbik!Cap's body is going to start breaking down because (insert technobabble here) and he's going to merge with Hydra!Cap, do one of those whole mental battle things and take back control of his original body.

see Hydra Cap was pulled whole from another dimension/alternate timeline and current Cap was likewise fully formed by Kobik. I hear what your saying and as much as I would like current Cap to be 616 steve rogers I've read the last issue of SE repeatedly and seen the panel of Crossbones killing Cap a bunch of times, it's not him.

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I'm glad it failed sjwism eternally blow the fuck out.

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