ITT: Blessed Yea Forums images

Attached: ForSolaria.png (1622x1712, 580K)

Attached: I HAVE A PLAN.png (1922x1102, 328K)

Attached: FA764E13-41A2-4C49-8D39-5D663728047C.jpg (500x1600, 208K)

Attached: 1454182320865.jpg (900x1170, 226K)


Attached: 1461516495868.jpg (611x599, 139K)

Attached: 1555125023119.png (716x2372, 826K)

What kind of format is this? Ive seen it online for years

These truly are blessed so far

This is good and pure

It was a facebook app. Talentless normeis that couldn't draw for his loved it.

Should add the sister image

Attached: 1554522128761.jpg (1097x1280, 252K)

Attached: grinch.jpg (393x385, 61K)

Attached: 02fb3458-7ef1-419f-a8db-4af4b93526a3.png (720x720, 536K)

Attached: RCO009_1468421285.jpg (428x495, 120K)

The post on Yea Forums uses a profile picture of what appears to be The Grinch in a mask, holding a gun.

bitmoji (originally called bitstrips) you absolute shut-ins

get back your hole fags no one needs you here ot in life

Attached: 1554515320889.jpg (900x1467, 769K)

Attached: tumblr guide.jpg (600x978, 130K)

here, have a truly blessed image.


Attached: we are all fucked.jpg (1001x751, 573K)

Attached: 1551905881006.jpg (720x619, 45K)